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CSM Minutes on Faction Warfare

Damar Rocarion
Nasranite Watch
#81 - 2012-01-18 19:11:33 UTC
Cearain wrote:
Right adapt to your surroundings.

If ccp continues to spam npcs in plexes you will need to adapt your fit for pve.

That is my point.

I really dont get this argument, I really dont. I plex and mission in pvp boats (yes, drakes, caracals and gilas are that good. Shocking!) and I rarely, if ever, have trouble in either. Ok, "Halt the invasion" tends to be a bit hefty job for a drake but gila can manage it. I still prefer not to do it since chewing through the bloody gate takes ages Lol
Andre Vauban
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#82 - 2012-01-18 19:25:44 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
miners can't avoid pvp and just play their "end game".

why should FW people be allowed to play their "end game" and avoid other parts of a game?
Big smile

We shouldn't be. However, it shouldn't be trivial to do so. When Goons where ganking barges, it took considerable effort, planning, and logistics on their part to do so. A lot of what CCP is suggesting would be the equivalent of CCP adding the following buttons for goons to press "Board new fully fit, ready to fly gank boat" and "Teleport me in my ship to 15km off the nearest barge in an ice belt".


Tanaka Sekigahara
United Space Marine Corp
#83 - 2012-01-18 19:30:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanaka Sekigahara
Why is CCP hellbent on taking over the sandbox? Why cant we have one area of the game where we aren't subjected to the control of large alliances?? Why are they dead set on on introducing metagaming ( more than it currently exists ) into FW???
Why is the playerbase being forced to play a playstyle they dont want to? Why cant they just enjoy their subscription money and let us play our game? Do they really think anyone in FW wants these changes?

The next thing that will evolve after this is block standings exceptions, or changes to standing mechanics will be made so alliances joining FW dont have to adhere to current standings standards for joining or staying in FW( after all that would be "unfair" to long time alliance members).Sounds like a nice opportunity for Nex to sell standings.Changes to standing mechanics are coming for sure.I think its BS that they dont make systems conquerable to FW unless and until they admit alliances. We wanted it all along, have been waiting for it but no, they wont implement it until they have the mechanics set up for alliances to co-opt FW.

The change after that will be the dissolution of state pro.You will be forced to join an alliance or if we are lucky, only a corp to get the advantages of being in militia under the new mechanics system. it's nothing but an opportunity to force low sec to be like null sec.

Will members of state pro be able to be taxed for using stations owned by Cal FW alliances?
We can kiss our small gang warfare goodbye and have the snoozefest that is 0,0 warfare forced upon us.Now you will be forced to fly in fleets, instead of having opportunities to fly solo or in small or medium gangs, cause if you attempt it you will be blobbed.

And elections? Alliances will just come in, with their alt buddies as well and take the elections.Has CCP ever even talked to long time FW pilots, and asked them why they are in FW for years and not 0.0??? it was to get away from the politics and metagaming and snoozefest fleets in the first place.I guess the CSM and Hans ( master of theory crafting as opposed to actual combat heavy experience in FW) are dictating the changes.The only reason CCP is paying attention to FW now is they have found a use fo rus.They want FW as nothing more than a testbed for 0.0 I would have thought they would have learned the dangers of trying to use us as their unpaid beta testers after the Incarna Fiasco.

It is clear CCP has not learned it's lessons about the players controlling the sandbox, and are poised to repeat their past mistakes, ready once again to impose their playstyle on us whether we like it or not.

As an aside I find it amusing that as CCP focuses on "War" they increasingly turn this into a political and metagame. Why is CCP so goddamn sure that metagaming ,spying, and manipulation is what the majority of eve players want?? it isnt, but the people who have the ear of CCP are those type of people, the ones who have bothered to manipulate themselves into that political system. They should call this expansion " Politics" not "War".

What amuses me most is that CCP in actuality has no understanding of war.I doubt there are few if any people with a background in anything vaguely related to military science or the military arts employed by CCP.I started to play Eve as a crossover from a hard core group of guys from a Mil sim community ( real mil sims) and what appealed to me and the others was the fact that eve as a game as it existed at that time effectively captured many of the real world elements of warfare, even if it failed miserably as any kind of sim itself. Command and control issues, Friction, Mass, Maneuver ,Tempo, Morale, Supply and logistics ( real logisitcs, not logi ships) intitative, were all part of the game. Now they want to turn the entire game into the trench warfare stagnation of WWI that has afflicted and killed null, that, and the metagaming.

People join FW for solo, small and med fleet size fights, as it's the only place left we can get them. Instead of rewarding those who stuck with FW for years by giving us something to fight for, they now plan to do what they always do, giving yet another piece of the pie to alliances in the vain hope that by literally FORCING people to join allainces ( which is why they want to eventually include high sec) it will solve the problems they have with nullsec and impose their idea of what they think the sandbox we play in should look like.

All they will do is spread their flawed model throughout the game,like a cancer, leaving nowhere for longtime hardcore warriors like me no choice but to move on in the hopes of finding another game, or sim, that captures the real mechanics of warfare as Eve once did long ago.

If you are gonna impose these godawful changes on us, please,

1) DON'T soften the standings requirements, now, or in the future and DON'T sell standings in any size way shape or form.

2) DON'T apply dif rules as far as benifits go as per stations and hubs for guys in state pro or non alliance FW corp that are in FW. We SERVE THE STATE. Make allainces that join FW do the same and make the benifits the same for all, be they state pro, in a lone corp, or in an alliance. If they want to risk their assets to gain control and benifits, extend them the same way militia wide.Otherwise we have no hope of not simply being co-opted by larger alliances.

3) DO NOT hold elections forcing us to wage war along the guideleines of 0.0. We joined to get away from that, and it's politics. I can't tell you how many pilots have left FW and returned because of the fact that they hate the politics, metagaming and snoozefest fleets that nullsec is now.

4) Do NOT allow bubbles in lowesec.
Plus 10 NV
#84 - 2012-01-18 19:31:07 UTC
Damar Rocarion wrote:
Cearain wrote:
Right adapt to your surroundings.

If ccp continues to spam npcs in plexes you will need to adapt your fit for pve.

That is my point.

I really dont get this argument, I really dont. I plex and mission in pvp boats (yes, drakes, caracals and gilas are that good. Shocking!) and I rarely, if ever, have trouble in either. Ok, "Halt the invasion" tends to be a bit hefty job for a drake but gila can manage it. I still prefer not to do it since chewing through the bloody gate takes ages Lol

If your doing level 4 amarr missions in a pvp drake you are just better at pve than I am. I can do missions in a drake but its pve fit.

Do you do level 4 fw missions for amarr in a pvp drake? What is the fit if you don't mind my asking.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Capitol One
Blue Canary
Watch This
#85 - 2012-01-18 19:38:26 UTC
Cearain wrote:
Damar Rocarion wrote:
Cearain wrote:
Right adapt to your surroundings.

If ccp continues to spam npcs in plexes you will need to adapt your fit for pve.

That is my point.

I really dont get this argument, I really dont. I plex and mission in pvp boats (yes, drakes, caracals and gilas are that good. Shocking!) and I rarely, if ever, have trouble in either. Ok, "Halt the invasion" tends to be a bit hefty job for a drake but gila can manage it. I still prefer not to do it since chewing through the bloody gate takes ages Lol

If your doing level 4 amarr missions in a pvp drake you are just better at pve than I am. I can do missions in a drake but its pve fit.

Do you do level 4 fw missions for amarr in a pvp drake? What is the fit if you don't mind my asking.

Yes, it's possible to pve in a pvp ship, send me a mail if you would like to get details on the fit/tactics.

Please let's stop derailing the thread with fitting/missioning discussion and focus on what this thread is about :)
Tanaka Sekigahara
United Space Marine Corp
#86 - 2012-01-18 19:58:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanaka Sekigahara
Let me say something to CCP about "War". There is not an original strategic or tactical thinker among CCP. Many of the changes to actual tactics in EVE came from FW. When I joined EVE and asked what a Stealth bomber was good for I was told nothing,by everyone, For over a year before I joined FW. Noone flew them.

We in cal militia faced a particular tactical situation and came up with the idea of using an unused neglected and ignored ship to change the tide of war, and started fielding large SB gangs in FW.We used not only the ships itself, but a set of tactics with it. We were so effective and the gallente cried and wailed so much that CCP tried to nerf SBs and take away the cruise missile weapon so that the gallente could "get at us".They gave us torps instead, and we adapted yet again.This was not a ship that was inherently powerful, or the flavor of the day because of some patch.It was an evolution in actual tactics driven by men who responded creatively by using the available means they had, and tactics to compensate for the shortcomings in the weapons platform itself to go along with it.

Another ship that was laughed at was the Drake. The Drake is now a dominant ship, more for how it is used than for it's specs. The changes that occurred to the Drake was CCP dropped it's inherent shield resists, lowered it's recharge rate and increased missile explosion radius and decreased missile explosion velocity. All the while as this ship, (which noone flew except missions runners) began to be used in FW as Cal militia began to form fleets around it, not because it was an inherently strong ship, but it was the only ship that had ANY staying power on the battlefield against guns and lasers and blaster BS. Our own caldari BS could not match up against megas and geddons and tempest, maelstroms and hyperions .What we needed was a ship that had some staying power. then at least we could prolong the engagement long enough so that , with additional tactical changes we might be able to effect the outcome. We learned to use the new torp DPS of the SBs to augment the pitiful DPS of the Drake, We learned to use the unwashed masses in T1 Caldari frigs and cruisers to attack and at least drive off the Gallente fleet support, then killing the gallente BS that were trapped on the field after their support was gone. We would still lose the engagement,in terms of total numbers of ships lost, but learned that we could win the ISK war, in a prolonged war of attrition such as this was.

These events were not flukes. They were planned. They were evolutions in warfare. In 0.0 you see nothing but those who quickly identify the flavor of the day after the next new patch is released and then everyone flies them like so many lemmings.There is no maneuver warfare there. There are no tactical innovations. You are told what to fly, what to bring, and if not you are out in the cold. There is no innovation as there has been in FW, not on a comparable scale.

Not so long ago numbers were released indicating that FW pilots had the largest kill ratios, better than 0.0 pilots. There is a reason for this. Did CCP ever stop and reflect on that? Or why that was the case ?? Because there has been room for growth and independent tactical thought and development in FW.Because we have been handicapped, and forced to adapt, It is second nature to us and part of FW subculture.We think quicker and adapt because we have had to. I am not saying we are a better cut of pilot by nature, but rather that the nature of FW has forced us to be better pilots. Many times we have seen 0,0 corps come into FW, even BoB corps, only to leave after a few weeks or months of getting their asses handed to them by "scrub" FW pilots, complaining they cant cope with no bubbles, or gate mechanics, and unable to effectively mold the ad-hoc pell-mell nature of FW pilots' ships asking to X up into their standards, unable to figure out how to use them, or work with them, and then they leave frustrated, going back to 0.0 from whence they came. Except not all their members go with them. We in FW have learned that a real FC does what any real life commander does, and that is make an assesment of his available means and then task his personnel accordingly.0.0 pilots largely want to impose their monolithic template of 0.0 combat on FW, and when they cant they pick up their marbles and go home.

In Short, CCPs proposed changes will destroy any semblance EvE has left of a true wargame, and furthermore, they have not learned their lessons of the Jita riots and Incarna patch, and are poised to make the same mistakes. I tell you sirs, I will not continue to play this game if CCP continues to try and force everyone into their playstyle.If we wanted metagames and snoozefest blobs we would be in 0.0.

I cant help but wonder if all of this is not part of an overall strategy for CCP to lay the groundwork that they feel is necessary in game for their next project, DUST, to flourish in.If so, then they truly have not learned the lessons of Jitas Hot summer.....
Desra Mascani
Eleutherian Guard
#87 - 2012-01-18 19:59:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Desra Mascani
Tanaka Sekigahara wrote:
... .

Are you serious? Who's going to read all that? I got in to about a third and then almost fell asleep, right where you start indirectly bragging about your "knowledge of warfare". Yes, that is snoozefest right there in your post. Roll

And so we're clear, I don't like that new CCP bullshit either. I second the idea, that VPs need some rewards and taking systems needs some meaning. Other than that, I think that the FW mechanics works quite fine as opposed to the horrors that could happen.

EDIT: And there is your second post, where the first sentence is enough. You should seriously think about yourself. This is a game forum, not a lecture hall. And we play a MMORPG game, not some meticulously designed warfare simulator based on someone's delusions of grandeur.
Plus 10 NV
#88 - 2012-01-18 20:07:20 UTC
Capitol One wrote:
Cearain wrote:
Damar Rocarion wrote:
Cearain wrote:
Right adapt to your surroundings.

If ccp continues to spam npcs in plexes you will need to adapt your fit for pve.

That is my point.

I really dont get this argument, I really dont. I plex and mission in pvp boats (yes, drakes, caracals and gilas are that good. Shocking!) and I rarely, if ever, have trouble in either. Ok, "Halt the invasion" tends to be a bit hefty job for a drake but gila can manage it. I still prefer not to do it since chewing through the bloody gate takes ages Lol

If your doing level 4 amarr missions in a pvp drake you are just better at pve than I am. I can do missions in a drake but its pve fit.

Do you do level 4 fw missions for amarr in a pvp drake? What is the fit if you don't mind my asking.

Yes, it's possible to pve in a pvp ship, send me a mail if you would like to get details on the fit/tactics.

Please let's stop derailing the thread with fitting/missioning discussion and focus on what this thread is about :)

This thread is about csm minutes that make vague references to fw but really tell us very little other than that CCP fails to realize what needs to be fixed in fw. They are obviously just flailing around.

Directing them to what needs to be fixed is a legitimate topic for this thread.

IMO Occupancy plexing is broken because it is more about pve than pvp. Until they make occupancy plexing about pvp they will *never* fix fw. Theres nothing wrong with discussing/debating that claim in this thread.

BTW: Do you have anything to offer in this thread other than a whine?

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#89 - 2012-01-18 20:13:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Deen Wispa
March rabbit wrote:
miners can't avoid pvp and just play their "end game".

why should FW people be allowed to play their "end game" and avoid other parts of a game?
Big smile

Why don't you just come out and say 'nullsec' is the end game for everyone while you're at it? The way you phrase the question already shows what preference you wish to impose on everyone Roll

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

Tanaka Sekigahara
United Space Marine Corp
#90 - 2012-01-18 20:28:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanaka Sekigahara
Desra Mascani wrote:
Tanaka Sekigahara wrote:
... .

Are you serious? Who's going to read all that? I got in to about a third and then almost fell asleep, right where you start indirectly bragging about your "knowledge of warfare". Yes, that is snoozefest right there in your post. Roll

And so we're clear, I don't like that new CCP bullshit either. I second the idea, that VPs need some rewards and taking systems needs some meaning. Other than that, I think that the FW mechanics works quite fine as opposed to the horrors that could happen.

EDIT: And there is your second post, where the first sentence is enough. You should seriously think about yourself. This is a game forum, not a lecture hall. And we play a MMORPG game, not some meticulously designed warfare simulator based on someone's delusions of grandeur.

You play your game how you want, and I will play my game how I want, When you pay my subscription, then you can tell me how to play, or how to express what I have learned, or how I want to see EVE develop . Not everyone here is a pubescent nerd.

Is it the idea that EvE cant be played as a wargame that motivates your comments? or is it that it can be, and you are just certain that of 250,000 plus subscriptions that none of them do, or is it that you just dont like it being discussed. Or maybe you think there are people who play as wargamers, but they cant possibly be anyone posting in this thread?

Or are you just insecure?Just because someone thinks they know what they are talking about doesn't mean they don't dude. Maybe read the thread next time before you Comment.

I also said " Cal militia" ,not "me", when talking about what has been done.

I didn't say what I was. I said what CCP wasn't.
sYnc Vir
Ghost Legion.
#91 - 2012-01-18 21:23:59 UTC
Tanaka Sekigahara wrote:
Let me say something to CCP about "War". There is not an original strategic or tactical thinker among CCP. Many of the changes to actual tactics in EVE came from FW. When I joined EVE and asked what a Stealth bomber was good for I was told nothing,by everyone, For over a year before I joined FW. Noone flew them.

We in cal militia faced a particular tactical situation and came up with the idea of using an unused neglected and ignored ship to change the tide of war, and started fielding large SB gangs in FW.We used not only the ships itself, but a set of tactics with it. We were so effective and the gallente cried and wailed so much that CCP tried to nerf SBs and take away the cruise missile weapon so that the gallente could "get at us".They gave us torps instead, and we adapted yet again.This was not a ship that was inherently powerful, or the flavor of the day because of some patch.It was an evolution in actual tactics driven by men who responded creatively by using the available means they had, and tactics to compensate for the shortcomings in the weapons platform itself to go along with it.

Another ship that was laughed at was the Drake. The Drake is now a dominant ship, more for how it is used than for it's specs. The changes that occurred to the Drake was they dropped it's inherent shield resists, lowered it's recharge rate and increased explosion radius and decreased missile explosion velocity. All the while as this ship, which noone flew except missions runners years ago, Cal militia began to form fleets around it, not because of was an inherently strong ship, but it was the only ship that had ANY staying power on the battlefield against guns and lasers and blaster BS. our own caldari BS could not match up against megas and geddons and tempest, maelstroms and hyperions .What we needed was a ship that had some staying power. then at least we could prolong the engagement long enough so that , with additional tactical changes we might be able to effect the outcome. We learned to use the new torp DPS to augment the pitiful DPS of the Drake, We learned to use the unwashed masses in T1 Caldari frigs and cruisers to attack and at least drive off the Gallente fleet support, then killing the gallente BS that were trapped on the field after their support was gone. We would still lose the engagement,in terms of total numbers of ships lost, but learned that we could win the ISK war, in a prolonged war of attrition such as this was.

These events were not flukes. They were planned. They were evolutions in warfare. In 0.0 you see nothing but those who quickly identify the flavor of the day after the next new patch is released and then everyone flies them like so many lemmings.There is no maneuver warfare there. There are no tactical innovations. You are told what to fly, what to bring, and if not you are out in the cold. There is no innovation as there has been in FW, not on a comparable scale.

Not so long ago numbers were released indicating that FW pilots had the largest kill ratios, better than 0.0 pilots. There is a reason for this. Did CCP ever stop and reflect on that? Or why that was the case ?? Because there has been room for growth and independent tactical thought and development in FW.Because we have been handicapped, and forced to adapt, It is second nature to us and part of FW subculture.We think quicker and adapt because we have had to. I am not saying we are a better cut of pilot by nature, but rather that the nature of FW has forced us to be better pilots. Many times we have seen 0,0 corps come into FW, even BoB corps, only to leave after a few weeks or months of getting their asses handed to them by "scrub" FW pilots, complaining they cant cope with no bubbles, or gate mechanics, and unable to effectively mold the ad-hoc pell-mell nature of FW pilots' ships asking to X up into their standards, unable to figure out how to use them, or work with them, and then they leave frustrated, going back to 0.0 grom whence they came.Except not all their members go with them. We in FW have learned that a real FC does what any real life commander does, and that is make an assesment of his available means and then task his personnel accordingly.0.0 pilots largely want to impose their monolithic template of 0.0 combat on FW, and when they cant they pick up their marbles and go home.

In Short, CCPs proposed changes will destroy any semblance EvE has left of a true wargame, and furthermore, they have not learned their lessons of the Jita riots and Incarna patch, and are poised to make the same mistakes. I tell you sirs, I will not continue to play this game if CCP continues to try and force everyone into their playstyle.If we wanted metagames and snoozefest blobs we would be in 0.0.

I cant help but wonder if all of this is not part of an overall strategy for CCP to lay the groundwork that they feel is necessary in game for their next project, DUST, to flourish in.If so, then they truly have not learned the lessons of Jitas Hot summer.....

Nice post, and don't worry about the other guy. Some eve players can read more then six lines before the brain dies and rage takes over.

Don't ask about Italics, just tilt your head.

Desra Mascani
Eleutherian Guard
#92 - 2012-01-18 21:30:09 UTC
Tanaka Sekigahara wrote:

OK, suit yourself, go on. I just wanted to be altruistic and point out to you, that you might be doing it wrong. You have a decent points here and there, but you deliver it in such nasty packages, wrapped in too many words and hints of self-imporance. CCP people clearly don't read the forum so much and there you go, you give them condescending lectures pages long. I'm sure they will read that. Blink
Capitol One
Blue Canary
Watch This
#93 - 2012-01-18 21:40:04 UTC
Cearain wrote:
Capitol One wrote:
Cearain wrote:
Damar Rocarion wrote:
Cearain wrote:
Right adapt to your surroundings.

If ccp continues to spam npcs in plexes you will need to adapt your fit for pve.

That is my point.

I really dont get this argument, I really dont. I plex and mission in pvp boats (yes, drakes, caracals and gilas are that good. Shocking!) and I rarely, if ever, have trouble in either. Ok, "Halt the invasion" tends to be a bit hefty job for a drake but gila can manage it. I still prefer not to do it since chewing through the bloody gate takes ages Lol

If your doing level 4 amarr missions in a pvp drake you are just better at pve than I am. I can do missions in a drake but its pve fit.

Do you do level 4 fw missions for amarr in a pvp drake? What is the fit if you don't mind my asking.

Yes, it's possible to pve in a pvp ship, send me a mail if you would like to get details on the fit/tactics.

Please let's stop derailing the thread with fitting/missioning discussion and focus on what this thread is about :)

This thread is about csm minutes that make vague references to fw but really tell us very little other than that CCP fails to realize what needs to be fixed in fw. They are obviously just flailing around.

Directing them to what needs to be fixed is a legitimate topic for this thread.

IMO Occupancy plexing is broken because it is more about pve than pvp. Until they make occupancy plexing about pvp they will *never* fix fw. Theres nothing wrong with discussing/debating that claim in this thread.

BTW: Do you have anything to offer in this thread other than a whine?

I made my post in good spirit and meant no offense :)

What I meant was that discussing stuff actually related to FW like 'Plexing' (such as this statement of yours: "IMO Occupancy plexing is broken because it is more about pve than pvp."), instead of detailed fittings talk like your debate with Damar over the caracal/navy caracal.

Don't misunderstand me, I like most of your posts, they do have a lot to add to the thread, but it simply looked like you two were getting a little carried away in your discussion of fittings.

And I take offense to your statement of me whining, that was completely uncalled for and immature, simply because I criticized you in a constructive way.
To me Faction Warfare is important, and so I want the thread to focus on FW discussion and how to improve it (such as your ideas of how Plexing should be more about the pvp, I agree with that), which is sort of what this is about.

If you look back a bit, you will notice some of my posts and see that I've tried to add something to this thread.
I will not derail the thread any further, but I felt compelled to reply to your post.

(Ps. you can send me a mail ingame and I'll reply with a pretty solid pvp drake that I've used on countless occasions to do the FW missions in, you can also look up my losses)

On topic:
The Minutes mentioned something about there being Revenue from holding Sov (or something of the sort) that could be used to purchase system upgrades/LP payout.

An idea: instead of there being some kind of fixed profit going into the wallets of a specific few, why not make it so that you gain more Victory points for killing enemies of the opposing faction and use that as currency for whatever improvements there would be. So if you want more stuff, pvp for it.

I haven't thought over this much, so the idea may be terribly flawed, but it's something.
Tanaka Sekigahara
United Space Marine Corp
#94 - 2012-01-18 21:52:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanaka Sekigahara
Desra Mascani wrote:
Tanaka Sekigahara wrote:

OK, suit yourself, go on. I just wanted to be altruistic and point out to you, that you might be doing it wrong. You have a decent points here and there, but you deliver it in such nasty packages, wrapped in too many words and hints of self-imporance. CCP people clearly don't read the forum so much and there you go, you give them condescending lectures pages long. I'm sure they will read that. Blink
Ok, point taken. I am a verbose mean old man.Self righteous and self important.My bad.

I still think they screwing up the game, along the general lines i laid out.The resurgence of CCP Hubris is what set me off, I had hoped we had seen the last of it. Plus, I'm that kinda guy...Bear
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#95 - 2012-01-18 23:25:03 UTC
Cearain wrote:
Hirana Yoshida wrote:
The Assault Caracal (AC) has nothing to do with the rats, you are probably better of using heavies if that is the focus. The AC became 'popular' after faction frigs were buffed, which as you know came after the speed re-balance so we were suddenly seeing tons of ab frigs running around killing anything with traditional cruiser weaponry.
AC has more than enough range and still manage to pull off damage equal to gun cruisers if said cruisers were to field a similar level of tank ..

In short: Don't knock the Assault Caracal!

Ok I'm not knocking the fit. You can kite other cruisers in it and take out smaller ships. I have no issue with that. I may actually get a few to plex in.

As to whether its an oddball fit. Well we can look at killboards of good non-fw pvp corps and reach our own conclusions whether its odd or common.

But it's one fit.

My point remains that several other more typical types of pvp cruisers(ruptures thoraxs and vexors) are not viable due to rats. Caracal and other missile based ships are going to be king of plexing because they can also pve.

I know damarr has said that plexing is now basically fixed after the downtime spawn mechanic changed. I disagree.

Maybe some others now think its fixed so long as they give more rewards than the tags we already get. I would just ask how much more?

I think they need to do more changes to plexes and not just add more rewards. I think plexing needed fixing before the crucible changes and it still needs some fixing.

You can solo destroy medium plexes in a 200mm rail, long point, nano Thorax with a medium repper. Use tungsten. You have to turn on your repper exactly once during the whole plex. Its an ok pvp ship too. Good against frigs. I have only fought another cruiser solo once. I had an arazu in low armor while I had full armor the other day, but then a tempest showed up and ruined my fun.

Personally, I like the fact that you dont see cookie cutter fits all the time in FW. It makes it interesting. And people dont always solo plexes. So if there is more than one person in the plex, it is more likely that they are all in "full" pvp setups.

spaceship, Spaceship, SPACESHIP!

Kagan Storm
#96 - 2012-01-18 23:40:50 UTC
Hidden Snake wrote:
Kagan Storm wrote:
i tought militia are random people that run around with guns and then go home and farm cattle..... Not a normal army....

So electing anything would be pointles. You have ceos of corporations that fight in militia warerafe.... you have individuals... if i have a 5 man fleat and you are solo you are gonna join my 5 man fleat and be quiet....

Seriously who the hell talks at those meetings? Somebodey with a serious OCD i can see... they wanna make a complex thing out of mining veldspar....

FW is fine... Works as intended.... you run around shoot crap... get LPs.... go home.... Now if somebodey wants to be a great military general who wants to build and organize stuff.... you have 2500 0.0 systems and 2500 WHole systems..... have fun there....

yup confirming we are band of cyberrednecks ...

... sometimes we see real null armies rolling over our corn fields and kill our cows ... and sometimes our cows bite their heads off .... bad moos, very bad moos ...

omg ... Roll

You dare and quote me... Just whait till SOPA comes trough so i can sue you Bear

My ego is the the size of my carriers jump range.

Plus 10 NV
#97 - 2012-01-19 02:11:32 UTC
Capitol One wrote:
[On topic:
The Minutes mentioned something about there being Revenue from holding Sov (or something of the sort) that could be used to purchase system upgrades/LP payout.

An idea: instead of there being some kind of fixed profit going into the wallets of a specific few, why not make it so that you gain more Victory points for killing enemies of the opposing faction and use that as currency for whatever improvements there would be. So if you want more stuff, pvp for it.

I haven't thought over this much, so the idea may be terribly flawed, but it's something.

I was thinking the same thing. Instead of something to convert to isk you could say that after your faction gets so many vp they get a "vp cookie" or something. You can use a "vp cookie" to make it so you get more lp or make it so probes don't work well or some other set of limitted bonuses but you can't convert it to isk.

This would work better than giving leaders isk and all the problems that brings. But it still misses the mark.

The thing is the consequences can't be something players really care about. Because if it is something they care about they will just switch sides or at least new players will start joining the winning side. The war will just get more and more lopsided. After all if players care about it they can easilly just join the side that offers what they care to have.

Now they can make it so players can choose to kick players out of the militia but that has allot of problems too.

The thing is the players have to want to win fw because it is a good quality game not because they can then get something else. Winning FW really should be the ultimate goal of players. Not a means to some other end.

Compare chess to the lottery. People play chess and try hard because chess is a good quality game. They don't play so that they get something else.

On the other hand the lottery is a stupid game. If people only earned "lottery isk" (currency that could only buy you more game time/lottery tickets) no one would play.

CCP needs to make sure that fw is a good quality game. To the extent they try to lure us into playing by giving us more isk/consequences the "improvement" is a facade.

How do they make the game a good quality game? They need to make sure it implements small scale pvp. Why? Because IMO small scale pvp is the best eve has to offer. (others would say eve politics, I disagree, but whatever people who think the politics in eve are great have null sec.) In any event if fw plexing is primarilly a pve activity the game is not a good quality one - we can all pretty much agree there.

Now I have argued that the pve works to ruin the chances that plexing brings about small scale pvp. Damar has taken issue with that. He seems to claim that he can do the pve in a normal pvp ship and the rats don't seem to make the pvp less likely.

This is where the debate naturally leads. And at this point we really need to examine that issue if we are to actually fix fw. All the other suggestions have real problems and tend to miss the mark.

That is why my asking him to explain these pvp ships is not beside the point. To me it is where this whole topic will eventually move.

So when you say "Yes, it's possible to pve in a pvp ship," and then suggest we just move on, you come off as glib and IMO move the discussion backwards.

Thats why I responded as I did. I apologize if you didn't intend to sound glib and your really thought I thought it was impossible to pve in a pvp ship. I don't think its impossible to pve in a pvp ship I just think that its very suboptimal and leads to fw being primarilly pve instead of pvp.

Until we get some consensus on how fw can be pvp instead of pve we will not be able to offer ccp constuctive feedback on how to fix fw.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#98 - 2012-01-19 04:01:29 UTC
Damn, I hope CCP reads this thread, there is a lot of input into what they are thinking of doing from the people that are mostly affected by these changes (myself included).

Someone should give them a link to this thread.
Lord Azeroth
Caldari State
#99 - 2012-01-19 04:05:00 UTC
The fail is strong in those CSM minutes.
Hungry Eyes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#100 - 2012-01-19 05:42:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Hungry Eyes
i dont mind if the nullsec monkeys join FW, as long as the essence of FW doesnt change. this means rewarding small gang pvp and punishing blobbing. but this wont happen.

anyway, plexing and PvEvP mechanics need to get scrapped. **** that. FW should be just about the PVP. i like the brainstorming regarding insurance payoffs when you get kills. it fuckin makes sense. earn isk by pvping, replace lost ships. people shouldnt be getting all that isk from not pvp'ing.