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Nerfing Caldari?

First post
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#101 - 2012-01-18 09:10:44 UTC
Sarmatiko wrote:
It's about time to make Drake rebalance.
It is ridiculously frustrating when FC tells to you: "Leave your Arty Cane on station and take Drake instead for another boring blobbing".
Nerf Drake to the ground! Twisted

it is impossible to 'like' this post enough.

despite owning several drakes I can't stand them - boring and uninspiring
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#102 - 2012-01-18 09:15:57 UTC
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
What people don't get is that drakes are very skill intensive to fly right.

You need heavy navigation skills, heavy heavy shield comp skills, medium to heavy training on missiles.

Multiple remaps many skills to buy. Those looking to nerf the drake think they are some magic bullet for newer players when the good ones you see in battle are those people spent month after month training.

Do NOT nerf the drake!

The problem is that it doesn't need that much in the way of skills to get going.

Things like the 'cane - you do have to have the skills or you are screwed - a noob drake still works (I know because I've just trained an alt straight into one for isk making purposes).

Personally I don't mind them being an easy PvE boat - I just want people to stop liking them for PvP fleets because they are so dull to fly (although they do make good 'bait' ships)
#103 - 2012-01-18 09:42:59 UTC
Just answer this question - if Drake is nerfed, what would you fly instead? NightHawk? ... or crosstrain to fly other races?
Endeavour Starfleet
#104 - 2012-01-18 09:43:41 UTC
So dull to fly? Maybe for you. As a new drake pilot at the time I absolutely loved flying them. They are perfectly balanced to rise well from heavy skill dedication.

They need to be left alone. And considering the CSM wants the drake nuked from orbit I seriously question their views on the Naga as well.
Endeavour Starfleet
#105 - 2012-01-18 09:47:09 UTC
SukaNaft wrote:
Just answer this question - if Drake is nerfed, what would you fly instead? NightHawk? ... or crosstrain to fly other races?

There is no IF. I am going to oppose the drake nerf and alot of people will do as well. I did not put in months of training to fly the Nighthawk. I put them into the Drake because it is the most balanced and fun ship in the game.

They do NOT need to be nerfed or changed.
#106 - 2012-01-18 09:52:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Mutnin
Nerf the Drake only when CCP finally give the Caldari something else useful to fly.

I'm trying to run a corp in Caldari Militia and recruit new players. The goal of this corp is to build a competent fighting force from the ground up starting with mostly new guys that we train. Being it's Caldari Militia we of course get mostly new Caldari pilots. When I sit down and try to create a skill plan for a a brand new Caldari pilot I'm stuck with a pretty big problem as someone whom is trying to run a range of compete gang types.

For a brand new pilot Caldari is a crap race for every ship except the Drake. You have to pick either Guns or missiles. So being the Drake is the best all around ship Caldari have for gangs I have to tell new guys to train missiles. Meanwhile their path is then set pretty much in stone for a limited time of ships they can fly. Kestral > Caracal > Drake.. (don't make me even mention Raven)

This means as a corp we are pretty much stuck with the Drake as our 1 useful ship. I can get new guys from a base char into a Drake that is fit "decent" but is useful in about 2 months. Yet that is really his only "useful" ship for gangs unless you go to faction frigs like say the Hookbill or a T2 frig like the Hawk.

I can't put them in Merlins, because while a Merlin can be an awesome frig, it takes a lot of skill points to fit it properly and dual weapon system. Kestrals? Well to fit them properly it again takes some pretty high fittings skills. Caracals? yea ok we have Caracals.. You really think a gang of Caracals is going to not die in fire to Ruptures, Stabbers, Thoraxs , Vexors or even freaking Omens?

Ok maybe they could kill Omens.. Lol

Meanwhile.. new Minmatar piliots have a very clear and useful path.. Rifter > Thrasher>Stabber or Rupture > Hurricane/ Cyclone/Tornado > Tempest, Mael or evena damn Phoon is semi useful as a gun ship.

Gallente while maybe not anyone's favorite race can go Incurus/Tristian >Cat> Thorax or Vexor > Myrm/ Brutix/ Talos > Mega, Dommi (people don't use Gal ships in gangs because most people are KM whores, but Gal ships rock in small gangs/solo)

Amarr get a little screwed on their T1's but once u get BC up they rock.

Punisher > Coercer> Omen/Maller > Proph/Harbi/Orcale > Apoc, baddon, geddon. (obviously Punisher isn't great nor is the Maller very outstanding)

Every race except Caldari has at the very least Semi useful T1 frigs/Dessies/Cruisers/BC & battles ships. for their main weapon system with out "HAVING" to cross train weapons to get something semi useful.

Caldari has the Drake for a useful gang ship as a Missile platform. Meanwhile anything else that is remotely useful in a gang environment for a Caldari piliot require cross training the guns. Once done they then get the Naga & Rokh.

Sure the Drake might be un balanced or maybe the Naga is pretty good, but when do the rest of the crap line up Caldari has, get rebalanced to be useful? Are we just supposed to fight frigs with Caracal if we want to run a Caldari Cruiser gang or should we just run gangs of Griffens & Blackbirds?

I will be straight up and say when I decided to take on a project of creating a new corp full of mostly noobs from FW, I seriously considered swapping to Minmatar, because it would have been 10 times easier. To get useful gangs with noobs in Rifters, Stabbers and Ruptures rather than having to train them pretty much straight to Drakes.

Yes lets Nerf Caldari because they need even less ships to fly. Why is the Drake so popular? Because it's the only damn useful PVP ship Caldari has out side ECM and smart bombing Rokhs. Fix the other Caldari ships if you want to see less Drakes.

I pretty much have to tell new guys that it might be best to side train Minmatar so they can fly Rifters, Thrashers & Ruptures because even with t1 guns they are better than the Kestral, Corm & Caracal. Insted we are stuck with Drakes that people whine about being OP..
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#107 - 2012-01-18 09:59:29 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Val MeR wrote:

It seems like CCP is favoring Minmatar, while CSM is made up of Gallente... well, of course its all made in the name of "balance", but see for yourself if you like those small changes:

“CCP and the CSM discussed the new Tier 3 battlecruisers. CCP noted that the Talos needs adjustment upwards; the CSM noted that the Naga is too powerful compared to the Talos. CCP acknowledged this, citing the difficulty of finding a role for blasters as well as the power of passive shield tanking.”

Naga is overpowered? Power of passive shield tanking on a Naga?

“CCP and the CSM agreed that remote sensor dampeners have been rendered useless and need rebalancing. CCP wants to look into this, as well as the damping ships themselves. The CSM also discussed the merits (or lack thereof) of ECM.”

Yeah, Caldari are unworthy of ECM magic…

“The CSM and CCP both acknowledged the need to rebalance Drake, which ‘does everything too too well’. CCP is considering giving it a more offensive role like Raven or Caracal where it would lose the shield resistance bonus and the 5% Kinetic damage bonus and instead gain a rate of fire bonus and a missile velocity bonus. The CSM vehemently approved of this idea. CCP and the CSM also agreed that this possible change to the Drake would help add more uniqueness to the Nighthawk, which is presently overshadowed entirely by the Drake.”

Nerf Drake, so it can become as “desirable” as “offensive Raven or Caracal”… NightHawk will finally “shine”… at least when compared to a NEW "offensive Drake."


Looks like they are not going into that "show Gallente some love and boost blasters" thing but are instead looking at the reason why a blaster boat cannot get within a proper range in the first place.

Blasters will do heinous damage in the right range, got the loss mail to prove it, but a Gallente ship has a lot of trouble just getting there. Many times it's been said to put Gallente weapons on par with the others, but I always felt it's not the damage or the short range, it's not having superiority or some balance in resisting damage and webs. A ship that is going to have to go in closer, and do this with a bad traversal, is going to get a lot flak.


Would be nice to see Gallente ships be able to field 7 drones like the other races can field 7 of their signature weapon.

Edit: if the want the nighthawk to get off the backburner, stop making them so damned fugly.

Furthermore, as a drake pilot who crosstrained from Suck.... er... Gallente - a lot of Drakes used in missions are speed-tanked anyway. Lol

why don't Gallente blaster boats get an afterburner bonus?
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#108 - 2012-01-18 10:06:57 UTC
Ocih wrote:
Ocih wrote:
If I could survive the Artillery wall 50 km behind it, my Harbi would melt a Drake.

Test server:

2012.01.18 03:07:00

Victim: Ioci
Corp: Space Mermaids
Alliance: Bad Girl Posse
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Drake
System: X-R3NM
Security: 0.0
Damage Taken: 30471

Involved parties:

Name: Ocih (laid the final blow)
Security: -0.10
Corp: Space Mermaids
Alliance: Bad Girl Posse
Faction: None
Ship: Harbinger
Weapon: Heavy Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I
Damage Done: 30471

AB Harbi, triple trimark Buffer tank with 2 adaptives, no kin stack, no armor rep, I was at 13% armor when the drake popped.

Full passive Drake with a rack of Arbalest launchers and Kin missles.


Had it been a Cane I would have never hit it. They dictate optimal no matter how I fit.

Are you trolling. AB Harb with named pulses? Test server? I have no clue how you think that KM is relevant to anything, but you're welcome to enlighten me. I don't want to see both of your fits, tbh.
Endeavour Starfleet
#109 - 2012-01-18 10:12:41 UTC
CCP you went and locked the other topic and yet wont respond in this topic?

Are we back to the days of Incarna CCP? Don't bother replying to topics that oppose your plans?
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#110 - 2012-01-18 10:21:28 UTC
Mutnin wrote:

Yes lets Nerf Caldari because they need even less ships to fly. Why is the Drake so popular? Because it's the only damn useful PVP ship Caldari has out side ECM and smart bombing Rokhs. Fix the other Caldari ships if you want to see less Drakes.

I pretty much have to tell new guys that it might be best to side train Minmatar so they can fly Rifters, Thrashers & Ruptures because even with t1 guns they are better than the Kestral, Corm & Caracal. Insted we are stuck with Drakes that people whine about being OP..

ok - I agree with your take on that. You do see plenty of the specialised caldari about in fights but far less of the smaller general boats.

Perhaps the answer is to balance the whole a little rather than just focus on one ship
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#111 - 2012-01-18 10:23:45 UTC
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
CCP you went and locked the other topic and yet wont respond in this topic?

Are we back to the days of Incarna CCP? Don't bother replying to topics that oppose your plans?

the minutes went out yesterday. It was minutes of a *discussion* and not an actual plan that is going to happen.

They don't like duplicate threads

And perhaps they are interested in the thoughts of players rather than coming down from on high to make an announcement.
JC Anderson
#112 - 2012-01-18 10:40:01 UTC  |  Edited by: JC Anderson
St Mio wrote:
Marlona Sky wrote:
Caldari has the 14 inch *****.

Best ship in the game IMHO.

Indeed! Ferox for the win!

The last time I actually flew one was the day prior to the patch that added the Drake. :P (Same patch that added the Rokh... But lets not speak of that)

Not like we had any other choice in BC's at the time.
Endeavour Starfleet
#113 - 2012-01-18 10:41:51 UTC
When the CSM geenlights something as horrible as a Drake nerf. That is not something of minutes = nothing.

Why did they wait for the CSM to reveal their want of nuking the drake from orbit? Why not make a topic about it if they wanted our thoughts?

They need to talk to US the players not the CSM about such things. They need to say what they are thinking so we can discuss it. Otherwise we are back to the days of Incarna.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#114 - 2012-01-18 10:42:21 UTC
The problem isn't the Drake, it's PVE and tier 2 BCs in general. Now, nobody really cares about PVE and Gurista-Drake balance, but let's pretend that they do. Fix this by giving BCs the shield recharge rates of BS. The PVP effect will be minimal.

Now to solve the problem of tier 2 BCs obsoleting tier 1s, cruisers and (to a considerable extent) close-range HACs, with the result that cruisers have no role and half the gangs that you see in space are tier 2 BC blobs. Fix this by cutting tier 2 BCs down to tier 1 levels; cutting their slots, HP and making the Hurricane in particular much harder to fit.

There, fixed.
Endeavour Starfleet
#115 - 2012-01-18 10:45:05 UTC
JC Anderson wrote:
St Mio wrote:
Marlona Sky wrote:
Caldari has the 14 inch *****.

Best ship in the game IMHO.

Indeed! Ferox for the win!

The last time I actually flew one was the day prior to the patch that added the Drake. :P (Same patch that added the Rokh... But lets not speak of that)

Not like we had any other choice in BC's at the time.

The Ferox needs a new role. I support giving it a new role as a between T1 logi and T2 logi. 90 percent of the rep ability at full battlecruiser level V (A VERY long training run) That means that medium rails for caldari will remain useless but it atleast gives caldari something else to use in fleet operations.
Endeavour Starfleet
#116 - 2012-01-18 10:46:22 UTC
Gypsio III wrote:
The problem isn't the Drake, it's PVE and tier 2 BCs in general. Now, nobody really cares about PVE and Gurista-Drake balance, but let's pretend that they do. Fix this by giving BCs the shield recharge rates of BS. The PVP effect will be minimal.

Now to solve the problem of tier 2 BCs obsoleting tier 1s, cruisers and (to a considerable extent) close-range HACs, with the result that cruisers have no role and half the gangs that you see in space are tier 2 BC blobs. Fix this by cutting tier 2 BCs down to tier 1 levels; cutting their slots, HP and making the Hurricane in particular much harder to fit.

There, fixed.

As in Nuke half of EVE from orbit right?

Do not change the Drake!
Lord Lewtz
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#117 - 2012-01-18 10:47:23 UTC
Soulpirate wrote:
Balancing based on PvP is bad for ANY game BUT EVE. This is because EVE has no other game play.

Patri Andari
Thukker Tribe Antiquities Importer
#118 - 2012-01-18 10:47:26 UTC
Melangell wrote:
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
What people don't get is that drakes are very skill intensive to fly right.

You need heavy navigation skills, heavy heavy shield comp skills, medium to heavy training on missiles.

Multiple remaps many skills to buy. Those looking to nerf the drake think they are some magic bullet for newer players when the good ones you see in battle are those people spent month after month training.

Do NOT nerf the drake!

The problem is that it doesn't need that much in the way of skills to get going.

Things like the 'cane - you do have to have the skills or you are screwed - a noob drake still works (I know because I've just trained an alt straight into one for isk making purposes).

Personally I don't mind them being an easy PvE boat - I just want people to stop liking them for PvP fleets because they are so dull to fly (although they do make good 'bait' ships)

So the ship should be nerfed because it is "boring" to fly? Fly something else?

Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions. Be careful what you do, for your actions become your character. And character is everything. - author unknown

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#119 - 2012-01-18 10:53:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Melangell
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:

Why did they wait for the CSM to reveal their want of nuking the drake from orbit? Why not make a topic about it if they wanted our thoughts?

why did they talk to the group whose job it is to represent the players views first rather than coming straight to the players?

nope you got me there. I can't see any reason a group designed to represent the players views would be consulted in this.

meantime in-between your entitled raging and my inconsequential cheering of changing a boat I am not a fan of for no other reason than that :- there is some really good well thought out commentary on this thread.....
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#120 - 2012-01-18 10:59:20 UTC
Patri Andari wrote:

So the ship should be nerfed because it is "boring" to fly? Fly something else?

You have me wrong. I'm not saying it *should* be nerfed because *I* don't like it - I don't like it and am cheering on the nerf because of that.

Big smile

Why do I fly it - for PvE it sadly is the *right* answer - everything else is less optimal and when you are trying to get some cash together for more things to get blown up then optimum is the way to go.

However because I *can* fly it there are situations I end up being compelled to fly it in fleets for PvP which accounts for my dislike because it's like fighting with a damp facecloth instead of a pointy stick.