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[June] Fighter Damage Reduction

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Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#41 - 2017-06-09 10:36:38 UTC
still would like fighters to be less ezmode anti-everything
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#42 - 2017-06-09 10:36:58 UTC
CCP Larrikin wrote:
  • Heavy Fighters (Long Range Attack): 30% reduction to Basic Attack damage.

  • a 5 or 10% change might have been reasonable but a change as dramatic as 30%, over a year after implementation tells me that either you and the rest of your dev team haven't been paying attention, or you're completely incompetent. which would you rather it be?

    hi i'm requiescat, and i'm your best friendā™„

    Portia Venice
    Science and Trade Institute
    Caldari State
    #43 - 2017-06-09 10:37:12 UTC
    Time to Login high-sec incursion smartbombing alts to wage war against the high-sec ISK making bears.
    Lord Kaho
    Banished Braindead Zombies
    Pandemic Horde
    #44 - 2017-06-09 10:37:46 UTC

    They cant fix the server for bigger cap fights... So nerf Supers... And there will not be capital fights anymore.

    Good job. How many money got the brain of this idea? :D

    I hope much! Now CCP dont need to work on the serves :P
    Laborus Necrae
    The Cobrastan Cabal Sect
    #45 - 2017-06-09 10:37:54 UTC
    Greed is Good!
    Big Boys Don't Cry
    Kids With Guns Alliance
    #46 - 2017-06-09 10:38:09 UTC
    Carriers and motherships are sh*t in pvp already, why are u doing it... any ab ship can tank even mothership 24\7
    commander aze
    #47 - 2017-06-09 10:38:28 UTC
    Ok fine. I get it. Not thrilled cause that was my gravy train. But neef all the things...

    Just one question. Why in the heck would you further screw cardier ratring but yet again upping the chance of fighter dieing. Its already a stupid number of fighters dead please just not that. Everything else is fine but for the love of god dont keep screwing with that percent chance of switching. You habe to reward the carduer and super carrier ratrers for fielding the isk in some way.

    Commander Aze For CSM XII

    Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

    Kaoraku Shayiskhun
    Simple Designs
    #48 - 2017-06-09 10:38:45 UTC
    This whole thing is had to call bullshit.

    Yeah, capital ships are gives you easy ISK, but why you had to wait with that? PL, NC. and goon now ratted enough? They mining and ratting with these ships 23/7. This do bad for the market, not those, who use it ratting 1-2 hours. Or did you ever tried to farm your monthly plex? And after that you should buy some ships etc to actually really play the game not just farm yourself over the days.

    Those, who farmed the **** out with this will keep their money I guess, so this change will **** up only smaller players. This will not resolve the problem with powerblocks, either the problem with market, since bigguy will be able to make more and more money, couse they already have enough money. They will farm like hell on, they wll mining on too.

    You have to learn shitload to be able to fly those ships, and you have to spend shitton of money. And now it will be pointless, couse with this money you can bring 4 other ships, and it will be able to fight, their weapons will not jammed by a 3 day old char.

    I have to say this is the first time I started to think I will stop that game, couse after so many years you started to do these, but it is late, and all these changes will give better chances for those, who already have.
    Zduhac Aldent
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #49 - 2017-06-09 10:40:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Zduhac Aldent
    Lol that moment when you were laughing at roqu changes and now karma and ccp hits you. But no really i support this, it is very very unfair for me who have trained for a whole ******* YEAR and few months earning money to buy super to have larger income then l4 mission runner. oh Eve what have you become, less you invest yourself in Eve the better it is for you

    Also not to even talk about **** carriers are in pvp at the moment and now you are killing it even more, why dont you just delete supercarrers and carries out of the game, oh wait you actually did that now, from now on we will only be seeing them on pictures and reading tales of carriers and how at some point ppl were actually building them and using them
    Sassy's Corporation
    #50 - 2017-06-09 10:40:11 UTC
    CCP, why don't you just cut to the chase and delete Delve from the map.

    All those Goons packed in there, making tons of isk, mining all that ore and building a ton of stuff. Playing your game in a way that you don't want.

    Then no one else would have to deal with the nerfs to mining and ratting to fix eve. There wouldn't be any need to nerf the carriers and supers that defend the too prosperous region and we can mine without timers in the rest of new eden.
    Lquid Drisseg
    Goonswarm Federation
    #51 - 2017-06-09 10:42:25 UTC
    This is only going to very slightly curb the money supply, people ratting in carriers will be hit the hardest and they will just jump into supers which will still clear sites like nobodys business.

    Can you please just address the root cause and publicly say that isk generation in EVE is flat out broken and need to be rethought from the ground up?
    claus Hanson
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #52 - 2017-06-09 10:43:47 UTC
    So u basicly implement the rorq's being able to mine a super in no time (yes rorq's are silly overpowered, also pvp wise) and now close to every 1 flies a carrier/super because of the Rorq's

    And then u surprised people are making more Money.

    CCP logic i guess
    Firnen Bakru
    Goonswarm Federation
    #53 - 2017-06-09 10:44:00 UTC
    please nerf incursions aswell then
    Portia Venice
    Science and Trade Institute
    Caldari State
    #54 - 2017-06-09 10:44:07 UTC
    Sassura wrote:
    CCP, why don't you just cut to the chase and delete Delve from the map.

    All those Goons packed in there, making tons of isk, mining all that ore and building a ton of stuff. Playing your game in a way that you don't want.

    Then no one else would have to deal with the nerfs to mining and ratting to fix eve. There wouldn't be any need to nerf the carriers and supers that defend the too prosperous region and we can mine without timers in the rest of new eden.

    Except for the fact we don't put thousands of M/3 of ore on the market, you can blame the Russians for that.
    Meridon Arthas
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #55 - 2017-06-09 10:44:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Meridon Arthas
    How I see the patches PvE/Mining ships from a fews months.

    NERF 1.1 NERF 1.2 NERF 1.3 NERF 1.4....

    CCP, U better have a look on ghost training than nerfing ships wich need Isk
    investment ( like carrier and off course Rorqual) and SP as well.

    What's the problem ? People are too rich ? Better change the PvE than nerf everytime a ship or module.
    Kestrel Clairvoyant
    #56 - 2017-06-09 10:44:22 UTC
    Sassura wrote:
    CCP, why don't you just cut to the chase and delete Delve from the map.

    All those Goons packed in there, making tons of isk, mining all that ore and building a ton of stuff. Playing your game in a way that you don't want.

    Then no one else would have to deal with the nerfs to mining and ratting to fix eve. There wouldn't be any need to nerf the carriers and supers that defend the too prosperous region and we can mine without timers in the rest of new eden.

    Buhuu, so its our fault we play EVE and actually make ISK in it? Like Delve is biggest problem in game..jesus...get some common sense... all you haters can go f yourself back to whatever HS dump you crawled from...
    Lucy Callagan
    Goryn Clade
    #57 - 2017-06-09 10:44:28 UTC
    To all the people complaining that : "I can't plex my account anymore, ccp is so greedy they want me to pay it with RL money"

    Don't you understant that all the plexes that are in the game have been bought on CCP's website and therefore paying the sub in plex or RL money makes no difference to ccp ?
    Irenia Tsurpalen
    Special Assault Unit
    Pandemic Horde
    #58 - 2017-06-09 10:44:55 UTC
    In terms of PvP, all you do is kicking smaller groups in the nuts. Fighters are already pretty easy to counter. In terms of PvE, of course there is a big amount of ISK being generated. People have nothing else to do. The Citadel age combined with an total unfun sov mechanic (something something easy to adjust if needed, do you remember?) killed it. Sure I had fun conquering my new home in Fountain but despite the enemy not fighting it took me weeks to fully secure everything thanks to the grinding. However the "war" for our new home was over within a week. This was just for one constellation. And you wonder why people do nothing but PvE'ing and waiting for the next big bang? Which you posponed to winter or even further, just remember how often you posponed the current sov mechanic and that is something I foresee for the "gold rush" update too.
    Big Boys Don't Cry
    Kids With Guns Alliance
    #59 - 2017-06-09 10:45:09 UTC
    Summary: buy plexes by money not isks patch.
    Epsilon Dog
    Omega Armament
    #60 - 2017-06-09 10:45:36 UTC
    Don't touch PVP abilities of capitals !