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The Alliance Experience: The PanFam Scam

Sakaar Sukarala
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#121 - 2017-06-09 04:28:07 UTC
StarterrorPrime wrote:
[quote=Averyl][quote=Jonah Gravenstein]The OP's economic analysis is missing graphs.

@Sakaar Sukural

Incorrect, Several miners wanted me to pay them according to Jita SELL price versus my offer of paying according to Jita Buy price which is fair price across Empire Space regardless as I've used Jita buy price before with great success in other regions. Most of them complained about a very small marginal 1% to 2% difference due to the fact that Jita's prices fluctuate based on the fact there is literally 500+ players in Jita at any given time creating buy and sell orders. If Horde Miners refuse to honor a standard Forge rate buy order contract, that is a sign that I'm not going to be able to produce anything with a 10%<15% profit margin without my expenditures exceeding my expected sale gross, a factor in which contributed to my decision in leaving Horde. Not to mention a lot of other Horde industrialists whose names I won't reveal will agree that being strongarmed into paying Jita Sell price is nonsensical and considerably a **** move. Said miners even stated they would rather ship their compressed ores to Jita because of the Sell prices, effectively outsourcing their time and labor to anyone except the alliance itself, instead of selling it locally.

This is simply not true at all. I would know because I was there and have the chat log to prove it. You were arguing with me about it. You refused to pay Jita BUY for the minerals and you wanted them make things we give out for free. You tried to threaten me with the directors for refusing to sell to you at the price you demanded.
Gimme Sake
State War Academy
Caldari State
#122 - 2017-06-10 06:09:46 UTC
This slowly becomes a threadnaught.

It's a quite good advertisment/recruitment thread for Pandemic Horde.

"Never not blob!" ~ Plato

Vado Fututio Vestri
#123 - 2017-06-13 13:05:40 UTC
I too have found it difficult to make isk in horde. You have to like, log in, and be productive and stuff. 


I have also found it really hard to keep my killboard green. You have to like, actually look at the screen long enough for a ping to happen, and that can take up to like 15 minutes, who has this time.


I would say the solution would be to hand me isk and kills, but I am not sure if this would be psychologically healthy for me, so I will continue to deal with the horribly unorganized chaos.

Black Rose Fleet Strategics
#124 - 2017-06-15 05:42:32 UTC
Kayanarka wrote:
I too have found it difficult to make isk in horde. You have to like, log in, and be productive and stuff. 


I have also found it really hard to keep my killboard green. You have to like, actually look at the screen long enough for a ping to happen, and that can take up to like 15 minutes, who has this time.


I would say the solution would be to hand me isk and kills, but I am not sure if this would be psychologically healthy for me, so I will continue to deal with the horribly unorganized chaos.

I feel it be productive and try to understand where im coming from, just to keep a long story short, It was not advantagous to engage in industry in Hordespace because of the cost of minerals with the only primary boon to it was the dedicated facilities which are a given elsewhere since a Raitaru and Azbel are popular complexes, and salvaging is meh when everyone else and their mother is already picking wrecks apart. Sure, I understand some horde miners are carebears that want to buy tons of PLEX so they compressed all the ore they can, ship it to jita, trying profit all the way out in likely one of the less desireable areas of nullsec on the edge of Gallente-Caldari space. Much less using jump freighter to import anything remotely useful like Level 2-3 ship modules trying to get your money back as quick as possible, considering most pilots that do are already likely a few billion isk in the hole, insurance included. Sure, there was some ratting to be had which was decent money but im not sit on my effing laurels waiting for Goons or some other bandits to pop up every now and then, and by the time i get ready to bop them, there already picking the corpses clean. Its just not the best environment to be truthful, especially with how your directors/seniors handled it, and their pathetic responses because I personally respond to action.

P.S. Also, I did manged to sell a line of vigils and Tormentors but by that point i lost too much money to continue producing
Vado Fututio Vestri
#125 - 2017-06-17 20:57:05 UTC
StarterrorPrime wrote:
Kayanarka wrote:
I too have found it difficult to make isk in horde. You have to like, log in, and be productive and stuff. 


I have also found it really hard to keep my killboard green. You have to like, actually look at the screen long enough for a ping to happen, and that can take up to like 15 minutes, who has this time.


I would say the solution would be to hand me isk and kills, but I am not sure if this would be psychologically healthy for me, so I will continue to deal with the horribly unorganized chaos.

I feel it be productive and try to understand where im coming from, just to keep a long story short, It was not advantagous to engage in industry in Hordespace because of the cost of minerals with the only primary boon to it was the dedicated facilities which are a given elsewhere since a Raitaru and Azbel are popular complexes, and salvaging is meh when everyone else and their mother is already picking wrecks apart. Sure, I understand some horde miners are carebears that want to buy tons of PLEX so they compressed all the ore they can, ship it to jita, trying profit all the way out in likely one of the less desireable areas of nullsec on the edge of Gallente-Caldari space. Much less using jump freighter to import anything remotely useful like Level 2-3 ship modules trying to get your money back as quick as possible, considering most pilots that do are already likely a few billion isk in the hole, insurance included. Sure, there was some ratting to be had which was decent money but im not sit on my effing laurels waiting for Goons or some other bandits to pop up every now and then, and by the time i get ready to bop them, there already picking the corpses clean. Its just not the best environment to be truthful, especially with how your directors/seniors handled it, and their pathetic responses because I personally respond to action.

P.S. Also, I did manged to sell a line of vigils and Tormentors but by that point i lost too much money to continue producing

No I can totally understand how you walk into a 13 year old MMOG harvesting level 1 mats manufacturing newbie gear and expect to make end game money, shame you fell into two **** alliances out of the gate. I am sure your next alliance will be great.
Merias Tylar al-Akhwa
Amarr Empire
#126 - 2017-06-18 00:48:55 UTC
Rhohan Alhamar wrote:

The more the original poster speaks, the more deterred I am to placing Pandemic Horde amongst my roster of Alliance canidates unless any of those present have the evidence to refute his claims with the nessecary data. His experience shared is quite indicative of what sort of behavior I'd expect out of its alliance members, much less the responses to his expression of his dissatisfaction en lieu of a mature calculated response is disheartening. Verbally attacking him for voicing his opinions on the status of a corporation's welfare alone is childish, as both parties are entitled to their viewpoints, but the inability to treat this matter with the proper diplomacy disgusts me.

Upon reading his in-game biography, It appears a logical solution to end his tirade would to be to bribe him with something of value, as he proclaims to be a pirate. Can someone please buy his silence? It seems he intends to gain something by assualting Pandemic Horde's reputation or at least fulfill an agenda. I fear he won't cease unless he gets whatever he's after, or continue his efforts beyond this point, because the level of idiocracy on the behalf of both parties is acinine.

It is just so adorable how clever you think you are. Stop the sock puppet action, we know this is you OP. The horrible grammar and thesaurus vomit made that very clear within your first three posts from this account.
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#127 - 2017-06-18 03:35:45 UTC
So you join test alliance after all this complaining about crap and they are just 4x worse.... I wait the the test sucks thread in a week...

MERC WITH A MOUTH, Send me DPS and my fleet will double it back! Special offer!

William Ormono
Reason Will Prevail
#128 - 2017-06-27 16:14:20 UTC  |  Edited by: William Ormono

Sorry, this was kind of a mean entry. I like to try and stay positive, but had a lapse in judgement here.

Suffice to say I don't think this thread has gone the way the OP intended, but that's no reason to say mean things. Apologies.
Dark Lord Trump
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#129 - 2017-06-27 16:17:02 UTC
William Ormono wrote:
This thread reminded me of an old saying I used to like.

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

Might be something for the OP to consider before starting their next thread.

Too late.

I'm going to build a big wall that will keep the Gallente out, and they're going to pay for it!

Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#130 - 2017-06-29 11:08:58 UTC
haha you look like Paquito

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*