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Advanced Audio Settings Changes

First post
Ayx Shewma
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#121 - 2017-05-09 22:56:43 UTC
This is a ridiculous change.

I honestly don't care if some dev has to sit and make sure all the sliders still activate the proper sound, after each update.


Whichever fascist is in control of sound for EVE, needs to be fired. It's gone downhill ever since the jukebox removal.
JFKen Imperia
Beyond Frontier
Pandemic Horde
#122 - 2017-05-09 23:30:13 UTC
Seraph Essael wrote:
Dominous Nolen wrote:
Seraph Essael wrote:

I notice a few of the things I have turned down / adjusted is the UI sounds. Will there be some sliders for different UI sounds or will UI clicks and Scanning sounds all be in the same category?

Sight specifics on this point. Right now they all seem to be lumped into the UI interaction/ secondary interfaces sliders based on what I'm reading.

That could get frustrating if they aren't seperate mainly due to the UI clicks and they sound like insects running across my headset.

I'll reserve judgement until I get off work and can test them and post here with findings. Big smile

These damn "clicky clicky" sounds just want me to throw my PC thru the window :D

Same dissapointment here Big smile
Winter Archipelago
Autumn Industrial Enterprises
#123 - 2017-05-09 23:55:27 UTC
I've been messing around with different sound settings on some different alts today, and things are just too simple now. I would personally prefer to see a few things separated into slightly different categories.

Crimewatch, Locking > These can both be pretty useful and important, but they're mixed in with things that tend to be mere noise (UI Clicks, Radial Menu). I would love to seem them separated from the UI Clicks and Radial Menu into their own setting.

DScan ping > Just... just please, throw it out. I'm a wormholer. I use DScan multiple times each minute while active in space, and every few seconds while hunting. It's easily one of the more annoying sounds I've encountered in a game. Since I suppose it won't be discarded entirely, it would be a good sound to put in with the UI Clicks and Radial Menu.

Hacking > Not essential sounds, but they aren't annoying (at least to me). They add a nice bit of additional sound when hacking that isn't intrusive. I don't know where it would fit in, but I would be happy to see it divorced from the DScan ping.

Warping Effect > This can be extremely useful, but it's mixed in with explosions, which can be rather loud already, and are more fluff than the warping effects are. I would suggest moving the explosions to Ship Ambience.

I might have some more thoughts as I play around with the sounds more, but this is what I've noticed from playing around today.
Slim Thicc
Horned Up
#124 - 2017-05-10 00:52:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Slim Thicc


edit: just not going to play rather than play mad. same **** as scanning changes for no reason.
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#125 - 2017-05-10 01:10:39 UTC
This clicking is driving me up the wall. Consolidate the sound settings, if you must... but remove this damn UI click.

For bonus points, bring back the jukebox, a decision that still confounds me to this day... but I'll settle for the UI click being removed.
Decklin Quark Reiger
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#126 - 2017-05-10 01:46:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Decklin Quark Reiger
Please keep the UI Clicks separate from everything else. They drive me insane, and must be muted.
The Locking sounds are key to gameplay, and I want to be able to hear them. Having them tied to the UI clicks is terrible.
Please keep the d-scan sounds separate from everything else. I am constantly spamming d-scan, and the sound is really annoying, so I want to mute it.

Please keep 3rd party warps separate from everything else. They are important to listen to strategically.

Please keep all alarm settings individually controllable (shield separate from armour, separate from hull, separate from capacitor, separate from anything else, for the same reasons listed above, by Klaus Eisenmann.

Cargo doesn't need a sound, i'd rather mute it, but don't really care about it.

Station ambience is at best irrelevant and at worst annoying. Please don't tie it in with anything that affects gameplay.

In short, please keep tactically important or meaningful gameplay related sounds separate and individually controllable, depending on what each player decides they need to hear.

Similarly, please allow players to decide which ambient / UI sounds are annoying, and control them ourselves.

If the issue is CCP dev time spent on updating the user interface for these preferences, then just let players edit a config file. We already edit YAML files to fine-tune our overviews - let us fine-tune our audio cues, please!!
John Friar
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#127 - 2017-05-10 01:48:12 UTC
How was the 9% calculated? Even if it is accurate, is 9% really such an insignificant number?
The Initiative.
#128 - 2017-05-10 02:26:38 UTC
This change is **** i want more options to manage my sound settings not less! When i heard we where getting updated sound settings i thought we would get two or three more pages of advanced settings to use not this rollback to mediocrity.
#129 - 2017-05-10 02:59:25 UTC
Dear CCP,

If the reaction to your feature is "oh no! EVE has sound!" then maybe the problem isn't the sliders, but the sounds. I'm just going to assume that it's obvious you've collected detailed data before just nuking it. Maybe you should use that detailed data to get an idea of what sounds got muted the most and then start by deleting them, and progress from there.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Nicen Jehr
Subsidy H.R.S.
Xagenic Freymvork
#130 - 2017-05-10 03:03:09 UTC
Gonna xpost a Little Things post i've made for years:

Please upgrade all sliders in the Escape menu so you can click them at any point within their borders, like dscan sliders. Currently you have to precisely click the handle.
Aldrat Sales
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#131 - 2017-05-10 04:28:39 UTC
Fanfare: we've introduced a great feature. the ability to change sounds its a little advanced to the noob but hey they can learn this later if they need it. Hey the rest of you! You can now customise the sounds to your specific environment. Don't have to hear crap anymore just the stuff you need.

Fanfare: Great news we've found away of dumbing recent old/new stuff down. Advanced is now more intermediate yes we've screwed with all your hard work, well 9% of you. Its ok we can pull stats out of our ass any time, there never wrong. Its the cool thing about stats you can ask a question in a certain way and get the answer you want.

Love to see the stat of players terminating vs patch. Feature butchering isn't moving the game forward. Content is possibly but I need some stats to back that up.

Grumpy (plus)
Galileo Shihari
Goonswarm Federation
#132 - 2017-05-10 05:00:12 UTC
Disclaimer: I have no idea how anything works here. I have never once in the years of me playing this game felt the need to use the EVE forums before, until today, that is.

So I logged in half an hour ago to have a look at the new suns, only to find that, curiously, I couldn't hear my warp animation. At first I figured that I had accidentally left the audio turned off, as I sometimes do for more performance in large fights. I was wrong. Turns out that the entire page of advanced audio settings has been deleted, and replaced with a few general basic options.

Why was this not better mentioned, and easier to see?

I heavily used these settings. I needed to have the ambiance low, because the tethering effect of more than 200 ships results in a BRWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM loud enough to shake the house through my subwoffer, legitimately rivaling the THX theme. I needed the warp animation turned up so I can hear it when people land on gird near me.

I understand wanting to streamline things, and remove unneeded settings, but I would have liked to have known beforehand that this was happening.
Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#133 - 2017-05-10 05:17:46 UTC
Please separate the station exterior/interior and planet sounds please. Doing PI with anything else turned up is annoying

They can be seperated so the station effects are set aside from the planetary effects.


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

Medria Lennelluc
Half Empty
#134 - 2017-05-10 05:23:11 UTC
So, I turned the atmosphere and ship ambience slider all the way down, and I still hear the Ship Tree noise (that is really annoying), and I hear the ship ambience when i zoom close to the ship. Is that intentional?

It seems like those two are only "fixable" by turning the entire volume down, I can't imagine that being intentional.
Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#135 - 2017-05-10 05:25:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Dominous Nolen
Medria Lennelluc wrote:
So, I turned the atmosphere and ship ambience slider all the way down, and I still hear the Ship Tree noise (that is really annoying), and I hear the ship ambience when i zoom close to the ship. Is that intentional?

It seems like those two are only "fixable" by turning the entire volume down, I can't imagine that being intentional.

Ship tree isn't bound to the ambiance slider as per the break down

Map and Ship Tree Vol -> Secondary Interfaces

As for the ship noises, possible modules active I know if i have a cloak running, or anything that's doing any form of hardening/ sensor boosting etc? That will have a background noise on it.


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

Estilad Grenrum
Be Nice Inc.
Prismatic Legion
#136 - 2017-05-10 05:27:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Estilad Grenrum
Holy hell what the **** ccp. First of all, why did you not give us nearly the amount of time needed for feedback about this. Second, why did you just to simply removing customization options that people were actually using instead of documenting it and adding in information on what it all did. you could've added more information on what sounds are what type and maybe a test feature, but instead you removed it and butchered the attempt at making a similar feature. It used to be simple to tell people new to wormholes to turn one sound way louder than others, or to easily turn off the stupid dscan sound, but now you literally cant without turning off or up a quarter of the sounds in the game, completely defeating the purpose.

And besides, if people didn't use the feature before, why would taking away options and grouping everything together help with that issue at all.

This is big enough for me that I really have no desire to keep playing at the rate I was and I'll let my subs lapse when theyre done. This is ridiculous and a change made for the sake of change that doesn't improve the game in any way, but hinders those that used the game to its potential.

edit: another thing, if most people only have 1 or 2 sliders moved, doesnt that mean that those people want most sounds normal volume but 1 or 2 loud/quiet....not grouped in with 12 other sounds?
Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#137 - 2017-05-10 05:34:57 UTC
JFKen Imperia wrote:

These damn "clicky clicky" sounds just want me to throw my PC thru the window :D

Same dissapointment here Big smile

I've gotten use to it for a while so I don't even hear it anymore TBH


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#138 - 2017-05-10 05:39:55 UTC
Need. To. Mute. UI. Click.
UA Fleets
#139 - 2017-05-10 08:08:53 UTC
This is an AWFULL change and needs to be reverted!
Medria Lennelluc
Half Empty
#140 - 2017-05-10 08:57:16 UTC
Dominous Nolen wrote:
Medria Lennelluc wrote:
So, I turned the atmosphere and ship ambience slider all the way down, and I still hear the Ship Tree noise (that is really annoying), and I hear the ship ambience when i zoom close to the ship. Is that intentional?

It seems like those two are only "fixable" by turning the entire volume down, I can't imagine that being intentional.

Ship tree isn't bound to the ambiance slider as per the break down

Map and Ship Tree Vol -> Secondary Interfaces

As for the ship noises, possible modules active I know if i have a cloak running, or anything that's doing any form of hardening/ sensor boosting etc? That will have a background noise on it.

I turned down secondary interfaces too, and I still got the ship tree sound.