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[March] Balance Tweaks: Focused Warp Scrambling Script

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Dodo Veetee
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#41 - 2017-02-23 15:24:18 UTC
Thanks for nerfing the counter to kitey fleets.

Maybe you guys can now balance the ******* orthrus and garmur?
Pandemic Legion
#42 - 2017-02-23 15:24:27 UTC
Still sad this does not stop people jumping gates like to does to caps.
Ragnar Nabali
Stahl Arms
#43 - 2017-02-23 15:24:56 UTC
So now they will have almost the same range as Lachesis, while they won't be able to receive reps while scraming. They won't be used in small gangs because orthrus will do it better with 20km overheated scram and 60km point range while moving 2,5km/s. The only reason why someone would use them after that nerf is to prevent caps from taking the gates. Then why not removing them from the game at all? After the change, there will be other ships that can do the job done better then HICs.
THORN Syndicate
Northern Coalition.
#44 - 2017-02-23 15:25:03 UTC
No one I know is asking for this. Why?

Cancer Garmurs and Orthrus already own the spacelanes

--- | --- Flammis Acribus Addictis --- | ---

Lucy Callagan
Goryn Clade
#45 - 2017-02-23 15:25:30 UTC
I like how the people complaining about this pretty much have as much knowledge about small gang as a Malian Camel breeder about sailing.
Achilles Mikakka
Jita Social Club
#46 - 2017-02-23 15:29:08 UTC
why are these changes coming ? and for what ? i see no reason to nerf hics

CCPls no
Scath Bererund
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#47 - 2017-02-23 15:31:05 UTC
Achilles Mikakka wrote:
why are these changes coming ? and for what ? i see no reason to nerf hics

CCPls no

CCP is pandering to a few youtubers.

Im sure the devs have never played this game and just watch mr hyde vids
Ruby Gnollo
#48 - 2017-02-23 15:32:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Ruby Gnollo
This thread will prolly be very usefull as a list of pilots to avoid at any cost in space. Thanks CCP for this.

Scath Bererund wrote:
Achilles Mikakka wrote:
why are these changes coming ? and for what ? i see no reason to nerf hics

CCPls no

CCP is pandering to a few youtubers.

Im sure the devs have never played this game and just watch mr hyde vids

Drown their stream into a sea of bubbles, they won't come back : it doesn't help them to shine
Titans of Doom
#49 - 2017-02-23 15:33:50 UTC
HIC are getting nerf to counter kite fleets. Argh
Jankos Sabannfuhrer
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#50 - 2017-02-23 15:35:01 UTC
This change is racist
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#51 - 2017-02-23 15:35:10 UTC

pls make onyx bonuses not rapid lights, and remove devoter dronebay
Moac Tor
Cyber Core
Immediate Destruction
#52 - 2017-02-23 15:43:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Moac Tor
CCP Larrikin wrote:
Hi m8s,

In March, we're releasing a number of balance tweaks and we would love your feedback.

The current state of Scripted Warp Disruption Field Generators is a little too oppressive, especially to the small gang PvP scene. We'd like to open up propulsion module options. As such, we're going to make some changes.

  • Remove the Warp Scrambling effect from the Focused Warp Disruption Script
  • Introduce a new Focused Warp Scrambling Script with a -20% range bonus

The new Focused Warp Scrambling Script will have the following ranges (with max skills):
  • T1: 16km
  • Meta: 18km
  • T2: 20km
  • Faction: 21km

The blueprint for the Focused Warp Scrambling Script will be available at all the same place & price as the Focused Warp Disruption Script blueprint is available.

Good. One year ago when the HIC point range buff was proposed I suggested making it 20km otherwise it would be oppressive; a year on your nerfing the range to 20km because it is too oppressive. Better late than never though I guess.
Lucian James
THORN Syndicate
Northern Coalition.
#53 - 2017-02-23 15:43:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucian James
Lucian James wrote:
I was just told:

This was, apparently, requested by Mr Hyde of CSM and Youtube fame

So you are making a game-wide huge nerf for one whiny caster and CSM rep?

How terrible are you people.

This is the same My Hyde that uses his CSM meeting time to talk **** on alliances and other people.

He's quitting Eve in 6 months anyway, taking the bar and becoming a lawyer... why should we bother listening to someone like this?

I would really like CCP Larrkin to explain that.
Tung Yoggi
University of Caille
#54 - 2017-02-23 15:44:09 UTC
40k scram on a HIC was the epitome of balancing i don't see why you would change that ? Now each time i see a kiter in intel channel i have to dock up and smacktalk, and eventually get reported for innapropriate language.

Thanks CCP !
Noir Ruda
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#55 - 2017-02-23 15:46:25 UTC
Seems like any Proteus will be better now for Pointing stuff what is not a Capital.

I would like to extend the rule for the not jump/dock if you are at it.

I suggest a highslot module that changes the effect in the regard like;

Modul Anti Capital: Captials can't jump or dock when hic pointed
Modul Anti Battleship: Battleship can't jump or dock when hic pointed
Modul Anti BattleCruiser: BattleCruiser can't jump or dock when hic pointed
Modul Anti Cruiser: Cruiser can't jump or dock when hic pointed
Modul Anti Destroyer: Destroyer can't jump or dock when hic pointed
Modul Anti Frigs: Frigs can't jump or dock when hic pointed

Only one module allowed on a ship.

This will give people a oppertunity to force a fight on a gate or Station.

Leave the industrial line out or you will see a lot of JF dying in lowsec :)

The Idea might need some good tweaks like reducing range or lock time for a certain type especially I can see Campers try to abuse this to hell but with this more things will explode what ccp always wants.

Either this or give them at least a reduced amount of repair like 70% percent instead of 100%, because as already stated this makes HIC in normal Fleets just a bad tanked Proteus that can't be repped.
Ted McManfist
Goonswarm Federation
#56 - 2017-02-23 15:48:35 UTC
Mizhir wrote:
Hans Downherpantz wrote:
brawling dies again

People kite because they don't want to get blobbed to oblivion. It allows them to disengage when the enemy throws a couple of caps after a handful of subcaps.

People kite because they are risk averse, not because they fear the blob.
Tomoko Sunji
White Square.
#57 - 2017-02-23 15:49:09 UTC
Dodo Veetee wrote:
Thanks for nerfing the counter to kitey fleets.

Maybe you guys can now balance the ******* orthrus and garmur?

Stop being a whiney ***** and fly a lachesis.
Lucian James
THORN Syndicate
Northern Coalition.
#58 - 2017-02-23 15:49:30 UTC
To quote an alliance member:

[9:48 AM] [IFTC] Achilles_Mikakka: im paying for my eve time so ccp better hears on the playerbase not some random f**
White Squall.
#59 - 2017-02-23 15:53:53 UTC
Tomoko Sunji wrote:
Dodo Veetee wrote:
Thanks for nerfing the counter to kitey fleets.

Maybe you guys can now balance the ******* orthrus and garmur?

Stop being a whiney ***** and fly a lachesis.

Thanks for making the point, there is no reason to fly a HIC anymore when you can fly a lachesis and receive reps
Hogeron Amelan
#60 - 2017-02-23 15:54:02 UTC
This is the dumbest idea i have seen from CCP for game balanicng since FozzieSov!

After the focused point got the scram ability HICs were finally useful in the game. To nerv them again and make hics virtually useless just because some highsec entitys use them for cheesy mechanics, you could just disallow the Hic Warp Disruptor module in highsec, like bomb launchers, etc. instead of changing that whole module. Why dont u just remove highsec totally from the game oO