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[118.6] Recurring Opportunity removal

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Moac Tor
Cyber Core
Immediate Destruction
#121 - 2016-06-23 19:59:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Moac Tor
Ollie Hakaari wrote:
Get your noob ship, remove the civilian gun, trash the ship. Undock, dock, get new noob ship, remove mining laser, fit 2nd civilian gun.
Undock, fly to a belt in 0.8 system, target and kill 1 rat.
Rinse & repeat final step each day and it's a nice thank you CCP.

This kind of thing is exactly why dailies should have NEVER been released.

Why anyone would actually want to login everyday to hunt a rat in a newbie ship is beyond me. It is a good thing that this type of gameplay is being removed.
Tweety Bird
Tackled In Belt
#122 - 2016-06-23 20:02:04 UTC
How can I do bamboo post-patch?
Cara Forelli
State War Academy
Caldari State
#123 - 2016-06-23 20:07:46 UTC
Nice. Now give me back watchlist and I might actually play again.

Want to talk? Join my channel in game: House Forelli

Titan's Lament

Moac Tor
Cyber Core
Immediate Destruction
#124 - 2016-06-23 20:10:06 UTC
Mynxee wrote:
But what I love about the OP is that it shows us a delightfully flexible and experimental mindset about game features from CCP and that is just wonderful to see. Seems to bode well for the ongoing possibility of keeping things fresh with new stuff being popped in here and there, then retired and replaced with something else new a bit later.

Sounds to me more like CCP are willing to release ill thought out and poorly developed ideas onto tranquillity with little to no quality control. It annoys me that CCP even thought this was a good idea to begin with.
Max Groote
Gallente Federation
#125 - 2016-06-23 20:11:23 UTC
I'm seconding the call to add this back in in a similar way for young characters (< 5 million SP), since it was a really great way to get a boost for training shorter skills and to start playing the game sooner.
Bishop Xsi
Hotel Culiacan
#126 - 2016-06-23 20:26:58 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
I wish you'd keep dailies for characters with less than 5 million SP, or perhaps less than two months old. It's not only hard to kill rats with so little SP but it's also visceral to apply SP to low level skills. It might not have the effect you want on veterans but I'm sad to see it go after seeing its benefit to new players.

This is something I hadn't thought of, but it's an excellent point. It's all well and good for me to warp my Eagle to a belt to zap a rat and be off, but there are newbies out there that might actually be taking a risk to get the SP they sorely want. I bet succeeding at that sort of thing would make a new player feel pretty good.
Pator Tech School
#127 - 2016-06-23 20:30:47 UTC  |  Edited by: beakerax
Gadget Helmsdottir wrote:
Maybe this is a teensy bit off-topic, but what is the dividing live between vets and newbros?

the dividing line between innocent newbro or champion thereof and hateful bittervet is whether or not they agree with [your opinion here]

Rain6637 wrote:
I wish you'd keep dailies for characters with less than 5 million SP, or perhaps less than two months old. It's not only hard to kill rats with so little SP but it's also visceral to apply SP to low level skills. It might not have the effect you want on veterans but I'm sad to see it go after seeing its benefit to new players.

tbh now that we all agree dailies didn't have the desired effect on player engagement this idea seems entirely reasonable
Daenerys Picard
State War Academy
Caldari State
#128 - 2016-06-23 20:34:20 UTC
I guess I will go back to log in once a week.
Freedom Resources
#129 - 2016-06-23 20:38:09 UTC
Xolve wrote:
Kolmogorow wrote:
I like the removal! To me it was an attempt to attract players by giving away cheap cookies which doesn't belong into EVE at all. Improving and creating exciting game content is the way to go to make players login and I hope all future efforts will focus only on that.

I also doubt that this was a real achievement: "We saw a pretty big bump in the share of folks heading out to kill something each day..." That bump above the average level of players who are "killing something" each day anyway doing PVE or PVP were likely the ones who were just flying quickly to a belt to get their daily cookie. Of course, everyone enjoyed the cookie but I doubt they enjoyed the way to get it.

And why should everyone be driven into the habit of "killing something"? There are a lot of players who like traveling, exploring around, mining, manufacturing, research, invention, trading, logistics, etc. - and if not always than at least in longer phases. Yes, the game is actually that good to found and enjoy a whole long-term career on not killing something. Don't touch that!

TFW highsec guy in a tax evasion corp talks about 'free cookies' being a bad thing.

So desparate to feed your alts with free cookies that you can't bring more than ad hominem arguments? Or what's the point why you apparently like login-shoot a frig-logoff? If you want your skill training faster then you can work for it and buy skill injectors. You are playing long enough to know how to make ISK for them. And as a historical note: One doesn't found a corp for the sake of tax evasion when there is no tax to evade.
Goonswarm Federation
#130 - 2016-06-23 20:49:02 UTC
It's actually a rush to kite a frigate rat in a rifter with 2 million SP.
Goonswarm Federation
#131 - 2016-06-23 20:52:35 UTC
Planet Busta wrote:
Watch the logins drop after it is removed :D

we're already dipping below 2006 numbers so that might be cutting it to basically half of PCU from 3 years ago.
Circumstantial Evidence
#132 - 2016-06-23 20:54:37 UTC
Thank you CCP Rise, for reviewing data and reporting back.

I've read most every post up to this point, and noted around ~15 unique posts pointing out a great benefit to new players. While that is all well and good, CCP Rise let us know in a follow-up post to the previous thread that this feature would have to be "relevant" to ALL players in order to be called successful. I finally shot a few rats that got in my way, but looking at ~100m SP, it did not make me want to log in if I wasn't going to already.

Rek Seven wrote:
I'm pretty disappointed that this is going away and is not going to be replaced with a better designed system, that encourages greater effort for greater rewards.
The upcoming Shadow of the Serpent event will do exactly this. Check the planned addition to the character selection screen in the devblog screenshots. "Event points" we accumulate for performing various activities - including the possibility of mining, will unlock increasingly valuable rewards.
Alyanna Dryke
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#133 - 2016-06-23 21:03:40 UTC
Circumstantial Evidence wrote:

I've read most every post up to this point, and noted around ~15 unique posts pointing out a great benefit to new players. While that is all well and good, CCP Rise let us know in a follow-up post to the previous thread that this feature would have to be "relevant" to ALL players in order to be called successful. I finally shot a few rats that got in my way, but looking at ~100m SP, it did not make me want to log in if I wasn't going to already.

Because new player retention in a game where most of the content is provided by players and with a declining population isn't relevant to all players?

We have all interest in new players having incentive to stay.

I haven't see anyone express any downside of having this feature left into the game.
Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#134 - 2016-06-23 21:08:05 UTC
Evo Team vs. Playerbase 0:1

So good....

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

Matthew Jonathon Defumar
Wrong Hole.
#135 - 2016-06-23 21:11:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Matthew Jonathon Defumar
As a player in their first year, the Thrill of the Hunt was something I logged in earlier each day for. It helped train into things that I was not mapped for, and thus learned some ship skills I would not of trained for at least several months. This allowed me to engage in more content with other players that have played for many years. I do believe the law of diminishing returns should of been used with the SP number though, just as injectors have.

Beyond that, its seems like the higher skill point players hated it. Because it removed a tiny piece of their dominance. Nothing near what injectors did, but they will never approve of anything that would balance the playing field with new players.

My first 6 months in game involved learning to avoid content by other players because the player trying to kill me were never similar SP pilots, but always someone with Vargurs and every tech ship smaller then it. Oddly enough, A few of those characters were ones making simplistic "I hated this feature" arguments on this thread.

I would agree with it being limited to a SP level or a time frame (or which ever is reached first) limit.

A previous poster also noted that CCP wanted feature to benefit every player not just a few. They used the next upcoming event as one such thing. The last event I tried to participate in required me first to drop corp, since war dec's are rampant on newer corps, and two, even high sec sites were pretty difficult, thus I did not benefit from the event. And I certainly wasn't able to do low sec site or better where the geckos dropped. No event is going to please every player.

And now I shall raise my shield and prepare for the troll army.
Dark Templars
The Fonz Presidium
#136 - 2016-06-23 21:20:50 UTC  |  Edited by: DeODokktor
Moac Tor wrote:
Ollie Hakaari wrote:
Get your noob ship, remove the civilian gun, trash the ship. Undock, dock, get new noob ship, remove mining laser, fit 2nd civilian gun.
Undock, fly to a belt in 0.8 system, target and kill 1 rat.
Rinse & repeat final step each day and it's a nice thank you CCP.

This kind of thing is exactly why dailies should have NEVER been released.

Why anyone would actually want to login everyday to hunt a rat in a newbie ship is beyond me. It is a good thing that this type of gameplay is being removed.

Early gameplay rewards mission grinding.
Standings, LP Gain, ISK rewards, other fixed rewards.

"New" players would have naturally earned that 10k/day reward.
Older Industrialist wouldn't naturally, but for them it would be easy to put their installers in a system with a complex with small rats and do remote jobs.
Market Traders wouldn't naturally, but the same as the Industrialist goes - remote orders.
Mission runners and rat hunters would benefit, truth be told those players doing that probably have little need for the SP, and if they are based around good spots now then buying a Injector wouldn't cause most of them any real dent in the wallet.
PVP players wouldn't naturally earn these things, and if they are in a highly populated low-rat area of space then it might be a pain for them to do this every day. Traditionally this is who CCP listens to (hence why so many people were crying over this feature to begin with).

If this "idea" was to keep players in the game then it was not a good one. Like I said before, I am "was?" logging in about 23 accounts just to "farm" this every day. press play on 6 accounts at a time and it doesn't take any real time. Perhaps they are removing it due to players like me "Abusing" the system?...

The problem with EVE is that it was/is complicated. Some things they try to make easier - by making them more complicated!

For example, Production about 10 years ago would let you put a blueprint in for "infinite" runs and all you had to do was feed it materials... In > Out constantly .. They wanted to make players engage the system more, give players different "Roles"... They made it more complicated.

R&D Agents, They were a HUGE grind for us players who used them (early days there was slim chances of great rewards), but then so many PVP players complained about the high cost of Tech2, New Industrialist complained that they couldn't get into Tech2. Invention was born. With Invention came the use of those old R&D Agents - Lots of passive ISK to be earned for some... We need to tax that and make it more complicated. Gave it a little time and R&D Agents were useless (Not even worth going to visit!). Tech2 bpo's have little to no real earning potential (tho, they still have much less hassle!). Invention players complained and once again CCP Jumped to help them... Invention was re-vamped again to help them become profitable... Run that out a few months and it is not profitable again and the are all mad.

So now they are at a stage where the older players don't get the Joy.
Newer players feel left behind.
Many PVP only players feel that they need to buy their way into the game.
Industrial players feel like they need to get a PhD in Algebraic Geometry to be competitive. (I would be happy if most would just learn to look at cost -v- reward).
PVE is meh... They push the interesting stuff out into areas where the PVP players can PewPew rat hunters.

CCP has spent too much time trying to make Everyone happy, Trying to push people into "Roles", Trying to milk the rich people in EVE to drain the isk, and trying to milk the rich people who play eve just so they can fund some odd projects.

I still love the Idea of EVE. I loved the fact that DUST once tied in with EVE - Something that we should applaud CCP for.

CCP should have pushed WIS, They should have pushed "Flying" on/at planets for other types of combat.

Sadly they just want to keep moving into the direction of "Fixing" everything and at the same time making everything more complicated. Look at the fact that they are pushing "CREST" and removing the browser (I can understand the need to remove it). But they are taking something where someone can write a simple URL and make things happen ingame, to a system where... Well, A system where you need programming skills to do that same thing. They want people to stop scraping the cache for information, but their endpoint doesn't give great updates. Players managed to do it but CCP couldn't... CCP did manage to kill the market sites and external WIKI's.

You say you don't get why someone would want to log in every day to kill a RAT.
Some players want to log in every day to manage orders.
Some players want to log in every day to build stuff.
Some players want to log in every day to kill NPCs.

Be mad if you want, but 10k SP per day is really small in the scheme of changes this game has seen over the years (some good, some bad, some truly WTF).
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#137 - 2016-06-23 21:22:40 UTC
Interesting results, would have expected a significant increase in logins. For me there were certainly some days I wouldn't have logged in without the 10k SP to gain (for my off-map training).

I'm my own NPC alt.

Thomas Gargol
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#138 - 2016-06-23 21:26:13 UTC
I really feel like that this is unnecessary.

When I get my 10k daily I always thing about those newbie days that I would absolutely love having that 10k free SP a day to not waste all that time training the most basic of things.
I feel like the dailes were great for new players.
Old and Petrified Syndication
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#139 - 2016-06-23 21:27:42 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
...On the other hand, we saw very little change in login behavior, i.e. if you weren't planning to log on anyway, the 10,000 free SP boost wasn't really going to change your mind....

You should definitely bear this in mind should you repeat this in the future. Preferably go with a timer that resets at a fixed time (such as DT or 10AM GMT) rather than X amount of hours after the action is performed. For myself, while the extra XP was useful, it was not something I was going to go out of my way to re-arrange my daily schedule to take advantage of. There were a few times I missed the daily due to the 22 hour wait period. Had it been reset at DT, I would have missed none of the dailies.

Crowd Control Productions... you can perhaps direct the overall flow of things, but you cannot micro manage the individuals in the crowd. Blink 13+ years of experience with the players of EVE Online should certainly have taught you that. Big smileLol

Cloaking is the closest thing to a "Pause Game" button one can get while in space.

Support better localization for the Japanese Community.

Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#140 - 2016-06-23 21:28:10 UTC
Matthew Jonathon Defumar wrote:
Beyond that, its seems like the higher skill point players hated it. Because it removed a tiny piece of their dominance. Nothing near what injectors did, but they will never approve of anything that would balance the playing field with new players.

That wasn't the reason for me, a self-proclaimed newb and bittervet of 7 years.

Dailies for unique non-cosmetic rewards are burdensome for bittervets, as these type of dailies become a requirement rather than an optional bonus.

Should the daily have been for say 100 aurum, I really wouldn't have cared about it.

Another example is the Project Discovery rewards, which I don't have any issue with.