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[118.6] Recurring Opportunity removal

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Blackjack and Exotic Dancers
Top Tier
#221 - 2016-06-25 10:26:11 UTC
Yep, absolutely not necessary to reward those who log in everyday and play the game... Roll
Edward Olmops
Gunboat Commando
#222 - 2016-06-25 10:26:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Edward Olmops
Hi CCP Rise,

kudos for your efforts for player retention. Here is something very odd to chew on:

The riddle:
I played a nonexistent feature until the moment it actually became reality.

Whoa. Now make something of this as a game developer. :-D

I am a subscriber since 2009, used to play a lot, being logged in for hours on a daily basis. During the last 2-3 years I dropped to casual with times of more intense activity. Various reasons, but the main thing is that I do not want to dedicate the biggest part of my free time to playing EVE any more (strategic decision). I still play games, but I find myself rather doing one or two rounds of LoL than playing EVE despite I am convinced EVE is far better.
It's difficult to find something
-engaging (intellectually AND feel of achievement through impact on the universe and/or ingame gratification, but with a focus on the former)
-I haven't done yet over and over again
-I can do for just an hour once or several times a week

Now, recently I played on that basis again for several months (almost daily logins, activity in space, interaction, content generation for others etc).

The solution:
I planned and built a Fortizar (and a number of Astrahuses) together with a friend for some old friends from the glorious past days.
Industry & PI fit my playstyle/schedule, logistics and market speculation are sufficiently challenging and the prospect of building one of the first Citadels promised to be an achievement with an impact on the world and the game of fellow pilots.
However, since I lack the time to run one, Citadels became uninteresting the moment they started appearing everywhere and repeating the same PI clicks over and over again is nothing I will sacrifice time for.


PvP sadly is nothing for me any more since I will hardly find fights in my playing time window (except in FW), despite having superior CHARACTER skills I will TOTALLY suck (meta changed a hundred times since I last tried), everyone will overestimate me due to character age.
At least that is what I believe.


Thrill of the hunt feedback:
was excited about the feature.
Then as you have correctly found out: it did not make me log in.
That is until 2 weeks ago when I logged in for different reasons, tried it out. Then it made me log in various times just for that and triggered interaction with others (working as designed?)
And today I even got a faction spawn. YAY. Big smile
Johnno Ormand
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#223 - 2016-06-25 11:34:31 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
Good day!

I'm here to let you know that on Tuesday, in the 118.6 release, we are planning to remove the recurring opportunity "Thrill of the Hunt".

I want to thank all of you for taking the time to talk with us about the feature, both online and in person at Fanfest. While there were certainly concerns from you guys, the conversation stayed mature and productive which is fantastic for us and we really appreciate it.

Until next time,
Fly safe,
CCP Rise for Team Size Matters

Nooooo, please don't! This is one of the best features you have released this year!
Blake Moneycentino
Joe's Saloon
#224 - 2016-06-25 14:01:48 UTC
Open up the game to more ways to pay so you get a big player base of those ho cant pay with paypall or crediet card.

Mostly gamers are not welty so get those pay methods they can acces..

Bankcontact or the paycards they sell in stores. In Belgium we have paysafe for sale in stores.

Wen you startoff tis game it is realy boring to waith on the basic skills so taking out the 10k points will take away hope of them ho want to work tewards lowsec where the game gets realy played.

Dont mind the bad english.. I speak dutch normaly! :)

Keep up the good work! This game is amasing!
Goonswarm Federation
#225 - 2016-06-25 16:35:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Hark'ma
Well... 4 accounts and I log in every day now to get the 10,000 SP on each.

Take it out if you want. Another drop in the bucket of reasons not to play vid games in the summer.

It's not the end of the world. But I'm taking it more as a flick to the nose, than a slap in the face by CCP.

Just leave it in for a year. See how it pans out. It's not hurting anyone having it in. It will hurt how many of us see CCP and any future ideas they may have.
Goonswarm Federation
#226 - 2016-06-25 16:46:06 UTC
Did anyone at CCP ever thing that because of the multi client loading launcher that everyone always logs in all their toons daily regardless on if they do anything with them or not?

I just hit the Launch All Clients button always and three toons do nothing usually while I play my main.

So should we all not load up the toons we might not use when we play to help your metrics?

I don't think CCP is considering this in their math.
Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#227 - 2016-06-25 16:49:56 UTC
Hark'ma wrote:
Take it out if you want. Another drop in the bucket of reasons not to play vid games in the summer.

you mean 10k sp a day made you want to log in more than actually going out and enjoying the summer? Shocked what a time to be alive

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Norrin Ellis
#228 - 2016-06-25 17:29:38 UTC
This really sets an uncomfortable precedent. How are we to know that every new feature we like isn't simply a month-long data-mining tease?

Don't give us puppies that you aren't going to let us keep.
Vailen Sere
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#229 - 2016-06-25 19:24:25 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
Good day!

I'm here to let you know that on Tuesday, in the 118.6 release, we are planning to remove the recurring opportunity "Thrill of the Hunt".

Our hope in releasing this feature was to gain insight on how direct, daily rewards might effect and improve engagement in EVE. I can't go into too much detail about results but I thought you guys might like to know a bit about what did happen after it launched. The biggest conclusions we can draw so far (though we are still gathering and analyzing data) are that recurring opportunities did have a significant effect on player activity in game. We saw a pretty big bump in the share of folks heading out to kill something each day, and we heard some feedback that this in turn led to some pretty funny situations (read: kills). On the other hand, we saw very little change in login behavior, i.e. if you weren't planning to log on anyway, the 10,000 free SP boost wasn't really going to change your mind. This is really important for us and by collecting solid data with a fast and simple feature like recurring opportunities we will be able to make better decisions as we work on larger things in the future, such as the Shadow of the Serpent event, which begins on Tuesday in the 118.6 release.

I want to thank all of you for taking the time to talk with us about the feature, both online and in person at Fanfest. While there were certainly concerns from you guys, the conversation stayed mature and productive which is fantastic for us and we really appreciate it.

Until next time,
Fly safe,
CCP Rise for Team Size Matters


I hope you take a statistical look with a side look for an equal period on how this changed activity of newer players vs older players.

I think you'll see the sp increase seriously helped out the players on a character less than 2 years old and helped balance some of the power creep.

My suggestion: Flat rate SP per hour to 2500 or higher and dump the implants.
Skipper Riddles
Ivory Vanguard
#230 - 2016-06-25 20:13:54 UTC
SP here, SP there, SP gone; I don't care.

Honestly I'm kind of troubled over this SP thing.

Using 10,000 SP to enhance logging in. What I saw from it was an increase in log ins, but logged in for only a short period of time. From the DUST 514 perspective, we all have heard this from friends and corp mates.

"HI! I'm only here to get my daily"

6-10 minutes later they're logged out and may or may not see them the rest of the day often times NOT. For new players who are still on trials are going to take a hard look at this and feel like they have lost what would help them gain a little SP to feel like they can advance far enough to feel like they 'have something' to bring to the table while looking for a corp to join. Maybe consider offering such a plan to players 4 months old or less. ??? Seasoned players have an agenda and plenty of skills to well should I say "suck it up"?

The issue to me is many of us also have busy forward moving lives on the outside of New Eden. If something gets in the way of logging in to play, 10,000 - 30,000 - 50,000 SP is not going to sway me to play EvE when I simply should not be playing games. At some point a user needs to focus on what is important; like work, taking care of their children, pets, ill family members, mowing the lawn, painting the bedroom. etc...

I have already in game witnessed a player online that should have been at the hospital while his wife was having a child. REALLY!

There are two sides on every coin, and I'm not certain these little Dminer tests will ever bring you the desired results. If what you are looking for through these mining test ever does show you that desired result, there is a good chance that in the background it is doing much more harm than good. I don't want to be that guy, but one has to consider EVERYTHING before taking on such a challenge.
Neadayan Drakhon
Heuristic Industrial And Development
#231 - 2016-06-25 23:01:07 UTC
Johnno Ormand wrote:
CCP Rise wrote:
Good day!

I'm here to let you know that on Tuesday, in the 118.6 release, we are planning to remove the recurring opportunity "Thrill of the Hunt".

I want to thank all of you for taking the time to talk with us about the feature, both online and in person at Fanfest. While there were certainly concerns from you guys, the conversation stayed mature and productive which is fantastic for us and we really appreciate it.

Until next time,
Fly safe,
CCP Rise for Team Size Matters

Nooooo, please don't! This is one of the best features you have released this year!

No, it was the 2nd or 3rd worst change of the year so far, and probably 3rd worst of the last couple years, counting fozziesov. Worst was injectors for sure, not sure whether to consider dailies worse or better than removing the watch list though... so worst changes of the last couple years could be (from worst to less-worse)
1. skill trading
2. fozziesov
3. tie between dailies and killing the watchlist
Neadayan Drakhon
Heuristic Industrial And Development
#232 - 2016-06-25 23:05:20 UTC
Norrin Ellis wrote:
This really sets an uncomfortable precedent. How are we to know that every new feature we like isn't simply a month-long data-mining tease?

Don't give us puppies that you aren't going to let us keep.

They shouldn't have implemented it in the first place.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#233 - 2016-06-25 23:24:05 UTC
Norrin Ellis wrote:
Don't give us puppies that you aren't going to let us keep.

You could see the puppy was rabid the moment it arrived. It was not long for this world.
Gaming God
Gaming God Corporation
#234 - 2016-06-25 23:26:14 UTC
Skipper Riddles
Ivory Vanguard
#235 - 2016-06-25 23:32:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Skipper Riddles
Hark'ma wrote:
Did anyone at CCP ever thing that because of the multi client loading launcher that everyone always logs in all their toons daily regardless on if they do anything with them or not?

I just hit the Launch All Clients button always and three toons do nothing usually while I play my main.

So should we all not load up the toons we might not use when we play to help your metrics?

I don't think CCP is considering this in their math.

I bet they do take that into consideration.

As an advocate for the beginners, please do not take that away from them. Give 'em a fighting chance to feel useful. The rest of us have plenty to do in New Eden. After a year, if dwelling on SP is an issue; You have not seen nothing as a player of EvE Online or any other MMO. Let give the new recruits their moment to shine.
Geronimo McVain
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#236 - 2016-06-26 09:41:11 UTC
Skipper Riddles wrote:
As an advocate for the beginners, please do not take that away from them. Give 'em a fighting chance to feel useful. The rest of us have plenty to do in New Eden. After a year, if dwelling on SP is an issue; You have not seen nothing as a player of EvE Online or any other MMO. Let give the new recruits their moment to shine.

That's not what EVE need: We need more Capitals and slower SP gain for everyone under 50M SP. At that point SP generation should double so you can fly the Titans quicker. Noobs are the one that mostly log in daily and they get the most out of dailys so CCP should take it away or they might be able to fly a decent ship quickly.
Wit Zomb
Gallente Federation
#237 - 2016-06-26 12:55:37 UTC
Some people like it but u remove it because some people don't care ... I don't understand (i'm lying P )

So the real reason is? RollRollRoll

Do not act or talk as if we were all stupid

Moac Tor
Cyber Core
Immediate Destruction
#238 - 2016-06-26 15:06:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Moac Tor
Norrin Ellis wrote:
This really sets an uncomfortable precedent. How are we to know that every new feature we like isn't simply a month-long data-mining tease?

Don't give us puppies that you aren't going to let us keep.

100% agree with this. Tranquillity isn't a test server. It was clear to everyone that this idea was a poorly thought out half assed idea from the outset. Even people who supported the concept agreed that the implementation was terrible.
Galaxy Pig
New Order Logistics
#239 - 2016-06-26 15:52:32 UTC
Thank you guys so much for removing this terrible feature. I am pleasantly surprised!

Undocking a cheap thrasher, warping to belt to blap one rat, then docking back up to go about your business does not add any meaningful content to the game. Furthermore, "do thing -> get skillpoints" is something entirely antithetical to EVE Online.

Highsec is owned by players now. Systems 0.5-1.0 are New Order Territory. All miners and other residents of Highsec must obey The Code. Mining without a permit is dangerous and harmful to the EVE community. See

Evil Pink Bunnies
#240 - 2016-06-26 16:35:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Sulfurblade
So this maybe the first post I have made in the forum... But I felt this was important...

As a returning Veteran, I swore eve off because it doesn't reward a player for playing! Eve is log on and apply your skill que and go play another game or atleast that is what eve was for me!

Since the 10,000 skill points were put in I have logged more hours of eve then I have in years!!! And now you want to take it away... I think its a bad move... My friends and I all returned to the game in our group alone there was about 6 plex's purchased as a result of the 10,000 skill point change to the game....

If you want to return to a game that doesnt reward a player who actively play's then fine. I will likely just sell off my plex's and return to Wurm Online.... But I thought it was important you got my feedback because I returned just because of this feature!!!

So now I will likely go back to just making sure my skill's get que'd up.... So I stay ahead of everyone the joined after me....

I hate that about eve, even though I started well ahead of most many started ahead of me and as long as they play they have that edge on me.... Well I hate games that reward casual... If your online you should get skill points if your not you shouldn't.... Stop letting the casual people have there way if you play a game 24/7 then you should be able to smite a casual player with a lightning bolt from your arse...