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Recurring Opportunities coming soon

First post
Frunje Elbris
Bovine Ltd.
#181 - 2016-04-08 19:05:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Frunje Elbris
Not sure if it was mentioned or not, but "dailies" are already implemented in the game for 6 years! They are called Planetary Interaction and are actually designed in such clever way, that OCD completionists are more effective, but clever play may optimize output to be worth time/effort. Is it's gameplay outdated now? YES! So why don't you make an update to already released stuff which is nicely intertwined with core gameplay?

Or cannot be Incursions system updated to provide some kind of dailies? Dailies that are meant to be played, not just clicked through?

EDIT: And actually datacore production boosts by science missions was basically the same idea as the new one, and it IMHO failed horribly.

Mental involvement of players with this newly proposed Daily Opportunities is on the "braindead" level. Do you really want your players to behave in this messed up way? Isn't it better to still market eve as the game for "mature and bright players" * ? Because with such features as this one, you really cannot, without risking to be laughed at.

Please, give drawing board one more chance with this feature...

* Don't worry, everyone sees him/her/itself mature and bright, it won't dive your subscription numbers.
The Chodak
Void Alliance
#182 - 2016-04-08 19:06:02 UTC
This is nice idea, i like it.
Delilah Albertis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#183 - 2016-04-08 19:06:11 UTC
Eveline Vos wrote:
Pleasure Hub Node-514 wrote:
Eveline Vos wrote:
I hate this idea so much.

Eve is wonderful because it doesn't matter when you log in, or if you have to AFK for a day or month, but this punishes that idea way too hard.

Please do not go down this road CCP.

CCP isn't taking away passive SP. You can go AFK and still come back to something. Having come to Eve through Dust, I'm perfectly conditioned to both active and passive system (they had a daily mission system there too). Unlike, Dust, you can buy skill injectors off other players at will.

But right now, in the game as it is, you can do any activity you want, whenever you want, and any isk you make can be spent on implants or skill injectors for more SP.

If they implement this, then you are being forced to do one specific task in order to get the SP reward. This is the opposite of a sandbox...

You can still do any activity you want to make isk to buy a skill injector and thereby "reward" yourself with SP. Literally no one is going to force you to do a daily. It's one more avenue should you choose as a method of gaining more SP than the passive amount. Big whoopdy doo.

You negative Nancy meatsacks in here seem to not be grasping this concept.
Eli Stan
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#184 - 2016-04-08 19:06:58 UTC

In terms of relative SP gain between characters, this is functionally equivalent to saying every character will have their SP gain penalized unless they kill a rat once every 22 hours.

This will make logging in a chore, something that must be tolerated rather than looked forward to.

This will make people who can only log in on the weekend reconsider whether they should bother at all.

Cycling through the three characters on a single account is a pain.

This will make people think "Dammit, I forgot to log on and pop a rat" as they lay down in bed or during some other inopportune time, and they will associate negative feelings with logging in.

This does not promote interesting gameplay.
captain foivos
State War Academy
Caldari State
#185 - 2016-04-08 19:07:34 UTC
You know why their name has to be shortened to Dailies? Because they're Daily Chores, and it would be readily apparent how stupid they are if their full name was spelled out.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#186 - 2016-04-08 19:07:39 UTC
Is this just some ploy to allow goons to skill up faster while they don't engage anyone in combat?

You're young, you'll adjust. I'm old, I'll get used to it.

Pleasure Hub Node-514
Pleasure Hub Hotline
#187 - 2016-04-08 19:08:05 UTC
Eveline Vos wrote:
But right now, in the game as it is, you can do any activity you want, whenever you want, and any isk you make can be spent on implants or skill injectors for more SP.

If they implement this, then you are being forced to do one specific task in order to get the SP reward. This is the opposite of a sandbox...

Hardly the opposite of a sandbox. In terms of SP as a production job, in the context of SP extractor/injectors, people are going to have to get creative with the risks tied to undocking and scoring a NPC kill. As this is per character, rather than per account, players can't have a single grunt to go and fetch all available SP. If you trying to max SP production for harvesting you'll be undocking with expensive attribute implants. Finding safe space and establishing protection networks will require initiative.

'One night hauler' The tell all story of a pleasure bot in Jita 4-4

Bahama Investments
#188 - 2016-04-08 19:11:10 UTC  |  Edited by: FasterThanLight
I dont like this idea, because as already stated in this thread it makes eve feel like a freemium micro transaction mobile game. And since im a station trader, i would not benefit from this without leaving jita and im perfectly happy here 0.01 isking my orders.

There is only one way i can support this idea: make it available to new players only until they are hooked and have like lets say 5 million sp. Other than that i dont approve. Stop copying other games, they really arent that good. Thats why im here and not playing them.

How many bittervets does it take to change a lightbulb? It doesnt matter, bittervets like the lightbulb as it is: broken.

Fon Revedhort
Monks of War
#189 - 2016-04-08 19:11:11 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:

I'm here to give you guys a heads up that sometime early next week a small daily activity reward feature will be hitting Singularity and will hopefully be making its way to TQ sometime just after Citadel.

That's it for now. If this goes well we hope to expand in several ways, but more on that later!

Feedback appreciate as always,
CCP Rise for Team Size Matters

You gentlemen must have totally forgotten what EVE is (rather, was) all about. I'm sorry to say that, but you'll never become World of Spaceships neither this nor any other way.

This game used to promote thrill, risk and creativity. It's now safe to say that over the years you've traded it for routine grinding, safety and patterns.

The subscription I've been paying over the last 3 years without even playing the game itself has turned out as the worst monetary expenses of my life as, apparenty, it has all gone into CCP buying some high-grade pot. All power to you to have fun while that stock lasts, but I'm out.

"Being supporters of free speech and free and open [CSM] elections... we removed Fon Revedhort from eligibility". CCP, April 2013.

Eveline Vos
POS Party
Ember Sands
#190 - 2016-04-08 19:12:47 UTC
Frunje Elbris wrote:
Not sure if it was mentioned or not, but "dailies" are already implemented in the game for 6 years! They are called Planetary Interaction and are actually designed in such clever way, that OCD completionists are more effective, but clever play may optimize output to be worth time/effort. Is it's gameplay outdated now? YES! So why don't you make an update to already released stuff which is nicely intertwined with core gameplay?

Or cannot be Incursions system updated to provide some kind of dailies? Dailies that are meant to be played, not just clicked through?

Mental involvement of players with this newly proposed Daily Opportunities is on the "braindead" level. Do you really want your players to behave in this messed up way? Isn't it better to still market eve as the game for "mature and bright players" * ? Because with such features as this one, you really cannot, without risking to be laughed at.

Please, give drawing board one more chance with this feature...

* Don't worry, everyone sees him/her/itself mature and bright, it won't dive your subscription numbers.

I actually don't do PI for exactly this reason.

If CCP keeps going in this direction, I might not play Eve for exactly this reason.
Tyrendian Biohazard
The Bastards
#191 - 2016-04-08 19:15:09 UTC
Disclaimer - To busy to read all responses currently, but needed to throw in two cents.

I'm ok with this concept. It gets people logging in and engaged. However if it is literally Login > Target > F1 > Logoff. I think it isn't that great.

Why not have it under the same line of a escalation? Have people fly around a bit, maybe pickup a key for an acceleration gate in one system to be used elsewhere. Something that would get people to be logged in for more than 3 minutes at a time. I think aiming for a person to be on for 15-30 minutes and have to travel a handful of systems would be fantastic.

Twitch streamer and EVE NT tournament broadcaster.

dancing ninja
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#192 - 2016-04-08 19:16:11 UTC
Please no ccp. I quit WoW because it because daily grind fest, dont make Eve the same thing. People want more SP they can farm rats and buy injectors.
Terranid Meester
Tactical Assault and Recon Unit
#193 - 2016-04-08 19:18:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Terranid Meester
What idiot came up with this nonsense of pve>pvp? Forcing pve on people is not the kind of sandbox that eve stands for.
Daily rewards for eve belong in the scrapheap. See this unsubscribe button CCP? It seems as though you do not GET eve.

Sack the people responsible for this atrocity immediately so no more harm can come from their dumb ideas. CCP stands for one step forwards, two steps back.
Eveline Vos
POS Party
Ember Sands
#194 - 2016-04-08 19:19:48 UTC
Tyrendian Biohazard wrote:
Disclaimer - To busy to read all responses currently, but needed to throw in two cents.

I'm ok with this concept. It gets people logging in and engaged. However if it is literally Login > Target > F1 > Logoff. I think it isn't that great.

Why not have it under the same line of a escalation? Have people fly around a bit, maybe pickup a key for an acceleration gate in one system to be used elsewhere. Something that would get people to be logged in for more than 3 minutes at a time. I think aiming for a person to be on for 15-30 minutes and have to travel a handful of systems would be fantastic.

You want to spend 15-30 minutes a day, per character, chasing pve content in Eve? Because I don't.
Delilah Albertis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#195 - 2016-04-08 19:20:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Delilah Albertis
dancing ninja wrote:
Please no ccp. I quit WoW because it because daily grind fest, dont make Eve the same thing. People want more SP they can farm rats and buy injectors.

They can still do that, no one is taking that capability away.

Eveline Vos wrote:
You want to spend 15-30 minutes a day, per character, chasing pve content in Eve? Because I don't.

Then don't? I don't see what mechanic is forcing your play-style to become that.
Hibernator X
Standing Wave Society
#196 - 2016-04-08 19:20:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Hibernator X
People are way overreacting. This rewards putting your characters in space. Which creates more targets. You can already grind for much more than 10k sp per day through skill injectors. That said we seriously need some details here. It could be cancerous but CCP handled skill injectors fairly well. Have some faith.

Honestly though the NPC should be specific and not spawn in highsec.
Utassi Security
#197 - 2016-04-08 19:21:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Turelus
Delilah Albertis wrote:
Eveline Vos wrote:
Pleasure Hub Node-514 wrote:
Eveline Vos wrote:
I hate this idea so much.

Eve is wonderful because it doesn't matter when you log in, or if you have to AFK for a day or month, but this punishes that idea way too hard.

Please do not go down this road CCP.

CCP isn't taking away passive SP. You can go AFK and still come back to something. Having come to Eve through Dust, I'm perfectly conditioned to both active and passive system (they had a daily mission system there too). Unlike, Dust, you can buy skill injectors off other players at will.

But right now, in the game as it is, you can do any activity you want, whenever you want, and any isk you make can be spent on implants or skill injectors for more SP.

If they implement this, then you are being forced to do one specific task in order to get the SP reward. This is the opposite of a sandbox...

You can still do any activity you want to make isk to buy a skill injector and thereby "reward" yourself with SP. Literally no one is going to force you to do a daily. It's one more avenue should you choose as a method of gaining more SP than the passive amount. Big whoopdy doo.

You negative Nancy meatsacks in here seem to not be grasping this concept.

That's the thing with all MMO dallies though. You don't HAVE to do them, but they are the quickest path to the best rewards. SWTOR it's for data crystals, ESO it's for item sets/motifs etc.

Dailies are designed in a way that you want to do them because they offer something you desire. If these were for LP, there would be no (well fewer, this is the internet) complaints because people who have no need/desire for LP wouldn't do them. However making it the only source of bonus SP which can be added on top of buying skill injectors means players want to do them. Not for the fun or enjoyment of it, but because the rewards are so high.

Dailies are a terrible system which have only ever served to help themepark MMO's hold their audience longer while they develop new content. They're not sandbox and they're not what EVE is (or was I guess) about.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

Circumstantial Evidence
#198 - 2016-04-08 19:21:36 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
1) sp from nowhere? nah bro. It is not from no where, tons of it is being 'lost' when people inject in higher level characters. Think of it as sp sinks and faucets.
I think SP destroyed by wasteful injection into high SP characters should stay destroyed. Any remainder does not sit in the used injector ready to be sold to someone else. Remaining SP does not go to the SCC, like ISK taxes. Give CONCORD LP instead, and I'll feel better about the idea.
Solarus Explorer
The Veterans' Lounge
#199 - 2016-04-08 19:22:20 UTC
-1 to this idea. Daily grind for sp has a really bad taste to it. You're essentially trying to "force" people to login, similar to how you're trying to "force" people to move trading to citadels by hiking the market taxes manyfold. I cant speak about others, but i'm not liking the direction that eve development seems to be taking.....
Nameira Vanis-Tor
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#200 - 2016-04-08 19:22:38 UTC
I think this is a good idea, it encourages people to log in and see what's going on.

Hell skill injectors introduce more of an element of 'pay to win', bearing this in mind I see no problem with introducing 'play to win' elements.