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First post
Drago Shouna
#201 - 2016-04-08 19:23:32 UTC
Lucius Kalari wrote:
No thank you, need more reasons for people to get out of high sec, rather than more reasons for them to stay.

No thanks, I'm perfectly happy where I am in HS, and besides that, I'm shagging my neighbours daughter so moving will never be an option :)

Solecist Project...." They refuse to play by the rules and laws of the game and use it as excuse ..." " They don't care about how you play as long as they get to play how they want."

Welcome to EVE.

Delilah Albertis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#202 - 2016-04-08 19:27:57 UTC
Turelus wrote:

That's the thing with all MMO dallies though. You don't HAVE to do them, but they are the quickest path to the best rewards. SWTOR it's for data crystals, ESO it's for item sets/motifs etc.

Dailies are designed in a way that you want to do them because they offer something you desire. If these were for LP, there would be no (well fewer, this is the internet) complaints because people who have no need/desire for LP wouldn't do them. However making it the only source of bonus SP which can be added on top of buying skill injectors means players want to do them. Not for the fun or enjoyment of it, but because the rewards are so high.

Dailies are a terrible system which have only ever served to help themepark MMO's hold their audience longer while they develop new content. They're not sandbox and they're not what EVE is (or was I guess) about.

Making money in this game is the quickest path to the best rewards. Especially now so with injectors. A measly 3mil SP/yr if you max out your time is not make or break gameplay under this proposed mechanic compared to someone who chooses not to engage in this.

Armark Bether
NRDS Anonyme
We're all going to die.
#203 - 2016-04-08 19:29:42 UTC
FasterThanLight wrote:
I dont like this idea, because as already stated in this thread it makes eve feel like a freemium micro transaction mobile game. And since im a station trader, i would not benefit from this without leaving jita and im perfectly happy here 0.01 isking my orders.

There is only one way i can support this idea: make it available to new players only until they are hooked and have like lets say 5 million sp. Other than that i dont approve. Stop copying other games, they really arent that good. Thats why im here and not playing them.

Rewarding the opportunities with 1 000 to 10 000 SP would be a better choice imho.
Say 1000 SP for the basic stuff like warp, approach, dock and 10k or more for the more important stuff like joining a corp. It doesn't really engage to login every day, but the first ones are easy enough to give a feeling of "this is good, I should complete as much of these as possible".

It provides both an instant reward and a more obscure (for a newbro), long-term reward (Do I really need to explain that joining a a corp is th best long-term decision that you can make ?) that keeps a newbie into the game*. I personally wanted to quit after my 1st month because I felt like I couldn't improve my gameplay anymore, but doing the stuff that is now in the opportunities made me stick with the game.

* I'm not CCP nor a game designer, but I feel like keeping a newbro logged is more imprtant than making a seasoned vet login through an artificial, non-lore, out-of-nowhere SP boost.
Rena Monachica
Capital Hot Rods
#204 - 2016-04-08 19:31:17 UTC
we make sure there is one single mechanism that brings new skillpoints in to the system – training.

thats a quote from your skill injector dev blog, only a few weeks ago

Hibernator X
Standing Wave Society
#205 - 2016-04-08 19:31:22 UTC
The idea that's sp from nowhere is negligible. Under the current system you can have a dead alt farming sp, plex that account and turn a profit. In a sense this somewhat counteracts that because characters that undock will have an edge over those that simply farm. And it's a low enough amount of sp to not be that big of a deal if you just don't do them.
Bobb Bobbington
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#206 - 2016-04-08 19:32:53 UTC
But even if the reward 1/10 of what they have proposed people would still be compelled to log in! It's the typical addictive gamer mentality where the player becomes under the impression he has to keep working and logging in to stay competitive, even if that's not necessarily so. It's just a cheap trick employed by themepark MMOs to keep their playerbase addicted to the game, and one which is very much out of place in Eve.

This is a signature.

It has a 25m signature.

No it's not a cosmic signature.


Btw my corp's recruiting.

Glorfinda Elundario
Amarr Empire
#207 - 2016-04-08 19:33:02 UTC
can we also receive a free super of choice every month we log in or 1 free plex every year?

I can try imagine promoting activity can be tough but this is taking it too far, this is benefitting way too much on a very wrong way.

IF you consider the current system of sp correct dont try to fix it with skill injectors ( oh wait you messed that part up already) makign eve almost pay to win.

dont try to break it any further

your best asset of advertisement and keeping the game active is havign an awesome game, this adds absolutely nothing to someones game experience it's like giving a kid candy for getting out of bed
Eveline Vos
POS Party
Ember Sands
#208 - 2016-04-08 19:34:20 UTC
Delilah Albertis wrote:
Turelus wrote:

That's the thing with all MMO dallies though. You don't HAVE to do them, but they are the quickest path to the best rewards. SWTOR it's for data crystals, ESO it's for item sets/motifs etc.

Dailies are designed in a way that you want to do them because they offer something you desire. If these were for LP, there would be no (well fewer, this is the internet) complaints because people who have no need/desire for LP wouldn't do them. However making it the only source of bonus SP which can be added on top of buying skill injectors means players want to do them. Not for the fun or enjoyment of it, but because the rewards are so high.

Dailies are a terrible system which have only ever served to help themepark MMO's hold their audience longer while they develop new content. They're not sandbox and they're not what EVE is (or was I guess) about.

Making money in this game is the quickest path to the best rewards. Especially now so with injectors. A measly 3mil SP/yr if you max out your time is not make or break gameplay under this proposed mechanic compared to someone who chooses not to engage in this.

If you have high SP, and an injector only gives you 150,000 SP, then you can figure out that at 630mil/injector, each SP is worth 4,200 ISK, which means that a daily injection of 10,000 ISK is worth 42mil ISK, for an activity described as "kill one rat". At 300,000 SP/injector, it is still worth 21mil ISK.

That reward is WAY too high to ignore.
Mr Floydy
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#209 - 2016-04-08 19:37:30 UTC
Not a fan of this idea for much the same reason others are saying. It just adds no meaningful gameplay.

If you are trying to promote content why on earth is it NPC only? Make it only apply to NPCs outside of highsec and have pvp kills also count towards it.
Luthien Lituviel
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#210 - 2016-04-08 19:38:10 UTC
Remember that game called EVE online, the MMO like no other MMO?

Well not any longer in the patch after this were gonna be running around systems doing quests.

this is one of multipel ways you're breaking some of the specific qualities only eve had/used to have compared to other games
Dirritat'z Demblin
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#211 - 2016-04-08 19:38:11 UTC

You are removing, adding and changing mechanics and gameplay-features for month because the offer no meaningful choices to the player. And now you are here and try to sell us the most lazy nobrainer ever introduced to MMOs... Make up your mind!

Lucius Kalari
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#212 - 2016-04-08 19:38:12 UTC
Drago Shouna wrote:
Lucius Kalari wrote:
No thank you, need more reasons for people to get out of high sec, rather than more reasons for them to stay.

No thanks, I'm perfectly happy where I am in HS, and besides that, I'm shagging my neighbours daughter so moving will never be an option :)

that escalated quickly
Intergalactic Republic Of Wadiya
Pandemic Horde
#213 - 2016-04-08 19:39:12 UTC
Just NO. Stop ruining the game. All the long term player have invested time and thus money into their characters, slowly shaping it to their liking. Now you made it possible for people to quickly produce a char by throwing ISK (money) at it.

This will result in many people not valueing their character or the game, which possibly results in a larger portion of them soon giving up on the game.

Skillpoints are the fruit of the time you invest into this game and should not be this easily available in this or any other way.
Hanna Saissen
Hearts of the Void
#214 - 2016-04-08 19:41:12 UTC
Daily tasks might be bad or good, and personally I don't feel that forced online numbers are something really worth anything. However SP from nowhere looks completely out of style. Not just reward looks bad, task too. Everyday doing exactly same action is boring. It would be great if devs will overlook and bring daily feature to a reasonable level before launching it.

1. SP from nowhere is bad, don't do it;
2. Same task everyday is bad, don't do it.

With all respect, H.S.
The Establishment
#215 - 2016-04-08 19:41:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Rawthorm
So EvE as a Facebook game next? Seriously tho, while the idea itself isn't inherently bad it sends a bad signal as to the direction of the game. The only positive from this idea is to help new players, so why not just introduce it as part of the new player experience and opportunities and have it end there?

On a side note, I know as a player base we've been pretty hostile over the last few years, but have you guys at CCP formed a department whose task it is to troll us with ideas like this?
Noble Sentiments
Second Empire.
#216 - 2016-04-08 19:41:52 UTC
I don't like the idea of dailies, but to be honest it's something that really needs to happen to keep the game competitive in the MMO market.

However, the idea of SP being the reward gives me a sour taste in my mouth.

Lykouleon > CYNO ME CLOSER so I can hit them with my sword

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#217 - 2016-04-08 19:41:55 UTC
Because there are references to skill injectors, this daily reward is worth between 12.5M (rookie) - 42M ISK (veteran), do you want to miss out?

I'm my own NPC alt.

Sir Constantin
#218 - 2016-04-08 19:43:10 UTC
Worst idea ever, and please do not give SP as reward!

Let's say Bob is a PVPer and can play 30-40 minute per day, instead of going roaming PVPing or doing something interesting, Bob is gonna use his 30-40 minutes to log in all his chars get the SP and log out.

CCPlease, you can find better ways to make people log in.
Aaron Honk
Distributed Denial of Service
#219 - 2016-04-08 19:43:25 UTC
CCP please consider this :

I played heaps and heaps of MMO that had this "22 hours reset reward". Don't do 22h reset cooldown, instead, make it "once a day, reset at downtime". That way if you can't play every day at the same hour you will still be able to do it. Everyone will thank you.
Naso Aya
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#220 - 2016-04-08 19:44:24 UTC
I would rather see a complete re-work of the skills system than see a package that is dropped on rat kills. Rat kills are boring, and this adds an element of required tediousness to a game, which, as many will attest to, can be tedious. Mining is tedious, ratting is tedious, exploration is tedious- to some, even lowsec faction warfare/sov is tedious. This is worse than tedious, because it feels required (some people will see it as such, as have been evidenced in this thread already)- if you want to 'keep up' with everyone else, it's so simple to do, there's no reason not to do it. Thus, it becomes a daily chore, rather than a daily choice, or opportunity.

I try to give constructive criticism, so I'll suggest something else as opposed to just complaining. What if the 10,000 xp was limited in where it can be applied to by how it was acquired? Using missiles on a rat allows the 10,000 to be implemented into missiles, flying a specific racial ship allows you to implement it into that particular ratting ship- in other words, encouraging people to not just log in, but to log in for what they want to do already. Make it so I can't implement the skill points into trade, so if I'm a market alt, going out and killing a rat doesn't feel required.

I hope it's not buried, but it's just a thought.