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New dev blog: The Genolution CA-2 implant is yours to redeem

First post
Akita T
Caldari Navy Volunteer Task Force
#61 - 2011-12-12 20:18:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Akita T
electrostatus wrote:
Wait, do we choose one of the following 23 options, or one from each of the subsections? I.E. one from 'I am the Destroyer', one from 'Survival Rations' and so on?

One of all, not one of each group. The sub-grouping is just a visual aid.

P.S. You're getting *9.6 shots with S crystals compared to S ammo, and *8 shots with M/L crystals vs M/L hybrid/proj/missile ammo.
Better-Life Gmbh
#62 - 2011-12-12 20:18:47 UTC
Thanks CCP for the gifts! - I am wondering why a lot of you are already trying to figure out which choice is the most valuable one... It's Christmas after all!
AkJon Ferguson
JC Ferguson and Son Ltd
Ferguson Alliance
#63 - 2011-12-12 20:33:29 UTC
FFS stop reissuing unique items, CCP.
Bath Sheeba
Another Success Story
#64 - 2011-12-12 20:34:53 UTC
AkJon Ferguson wrote:
FFS stop reissuing unique items, CCP.


Unique, one time items should be just that.


One time.
Caldari State
#65 - 2011-12-12 20:41:33 UTC
It's an imaginary construct inside a video game, not someone's virginity.
#66 - 2011-12-12 20:43:01 UTC
reissuing unique and player produced items is annoying. I'm thinking that since there are so many choices available it probably won't hurt anything, but it's still wrong in principle.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

The White Mantle
#67 - 2011-12-12 20:45:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Zerakix
Hmm some of these gifts are worth 20mil+ or have some useful benefit like the remap while others are pretty much worthless... It's hard to pick which one I want.

Whats the value of offering Quafe Zero? Is there some secretive Quafe hoarder alliance I don't know about? Is Quafe Zero the secret power behind the Goons?
Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#68 - 2011-12-12 20:49:27 UTC
CCP Hekatonkheires wrote:
bruggie wrote:
I see one of the gifts is an attribute remap... obvious questions:
1) for those of us that still have one will it add so you have 2?
2)For those of us that would get one in say a few months from now because the year after using their last one would be over, will they get that one as well? so they also have 2 remaps at that point in time? Or does it turn into an early remap possibility and the year starts counting again from using the gifted one for that char?

Let me ask the Elves (QA) Team in the Icelandic AM. I believe it is simple +1, but would prefer to confirm it.

Yeah, I'd like to know the answer here too, considering I and many other people got ****** over when learning skills were removed by item #2 there. Despite being told we were going to get "an additional" remap.

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

Bath Sheeba
Another Success Story
#69 - 2011-12-12 20:49:32 UTC
Petto Behr wrote:
It's an imaginary construct inside a video game, not someone's virginity.

You are correct, Petto. Virginity can be re-attained according to some.
Cameron Zero
Sebiestor Tribe
#70 - 2011-12-12 20:51:41 UTC
Petto Behr wrote:
It's an imaginary construct inside a video game, not someone's virginity.

What if it is? Blink

As for the choices, there's a lot of good ones. Frankly, I've never really been all that concerned about remaps, but maybe that is the best choice, I dunno. I'm probably just going to pick something that lets me have the most fun. After all, that's what this whole game is about, isn't it?

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. …"

AkJon Ferguson
JC Ferguson and Son Ltd
Ferguson Alliance
#71 - 2011-12-12 20:53:53 UTC
mkint wrote:
reissuing unique and player produced items is annoying. I'm thinking that since there are so many choices available it probably won't hurt anything, but it's still wrong in principle.

That would require CCP to have principles, I guess.

Also seconding the folks who are calling the free remap unfair, as it was the first time you gave them out. If my current remap ends in January, the free remap hardly does me any good at all, especially since I'd already presumably planned out my current remap through January.

Best: Stop giving out free remaps.

Good: If you insist on giving out free remaps, figure out how to let people stockpile them even if they're not currently eligible to remap.

Poor: Give people as much notice as possible as to when you intend to give out free remaps so they can plan accordingly.

Worst: Carry on as you are.
AkJon Ferguson
JC Ferguson and Son Ltd
Ferguson Alliance
#72 - 2011-12-12 21:02:48 UTC
Cameron Zero wrote:
I'm probably just going to pick something that lets me have the most fun. After all, that's what this whole game is about, isn't it?

No, that's what WoW is about. This is (in theory) a harsh, but fair, sandbox game. It's meant to be a virtual world, with all the highs, lows, boredom and excitement, drama and intrigue, good times and bad that implies. Unfortunately, CCP repeatedly demonstrates utter contempt for that concept and has alienated so many of the players who signed up for that experience while attracting the WoWtards and ADD kids who enjoy loot pinatas, FREE STUFFZ and EZ mode.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#73 - 2011-12-12 21:08:23 UTC
AkJon Ferguson wrote:
Also seconding the folks who are calling the free remap unfair, as it was the first time you gave them out. If my current remap ends in January, the free remap hardly does me any good at all, especially since I'd already presumably planned out my current remap through January.

In which case it would be prudent to select something else. Guess what... you can!

Out of my 5+ accounts only one can bump himself up to 2 remaps if the mechanic stays like it was with the last remaps. And I'm excited about the one, not whiny about the others.

Also LOL @ eve being fair.
Caldari State
#74 - 2011-12-12 21:10:21 UTC
Akita T wrote:
Question : for the "Neural Surgery" Holiday Gift option (description "Attribute Remap"), does that mean "+1 to existing free remaps" to the highest SP character or does it mean something else ?

I ask this because I already have 3 free remaps stockpiled and would love to get 4, but would hate it if for some reason I'd actually be getting something else instead (not sure what else could it be, but still, doesn't hurt to ask) or in my case, get nothing at all, or worse, get my free remaps reset to 2 or worse, 1.

I would also like to know that as I have 3 remaps available right now and I would like 4 as the other oprions arent really worth it for me (already got all the special items and well ammo isnt that big of a deal)
Matari Exodus
#75 - 2011-12-12 21:11:16 UTC
AkJon Ferguson wrote:
Cameron Zero wrote:
I'm probably just going to pick something that lets me have the most fun. After all, that's what this whole game is about, isn't it?

No, that's what WoW is about. This is (in theory) a harsh, but fair, sandbox game. It's meant to be a virtual world, with all the highs, lows, boredom and excitement, drama and intrigue, good times and bad that implies. Unfortunately, CCP repeatedly demonstrates utter contempt for that concept and has alienated so many of the players who signed up for that experience while attracting the WoWtards and ADD kids who enjoy loot pinatas, FREE STUFFZ and EZ mode.

Did I miss the State Apocs that were amongst all the gift options or are you just going full ****** over CCP giving everyone the equivalent of a free battlecruiser?
The White Mantle
#76 - 2011-12-12 21:14:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Zerakix
AkJon Ferguson wrote:
Cameron Zero wrote:
I'm probably just going to pick something that lets me have the most fun. After all, that's what this whole game is about, isn't it?

No, that's what WoW is about. This is (in theory) a harsh, but fair, sandbox game. It's meant to be a virtual world, with all the highs, lows, boredom and excitement, drama and intrigue, good times and bad that implies. Unfortunately, CCP repeatedly demonstrates utter contempt for that concept and has alienated so many of the players who signed up for that experience while attracting the WoWtards and ADD kids who enjoy loot pinatas, FREE STUFFZ and EZ mode.

If you don't find EVE fun why bother playing it and why pay someone money to do something that you don't find fun? That kinda ********. That's like paying your employer to do work for them.

PC wordfilter fail
AkJon Ferguson
JC Ferguson and Son Ltd
Ferguson Alliance
#77 - 2011-12-12 21:21:26 UTC
Also, please track and publish the statistics about who chose what so that we can laugh at those who took the 2,000 aurum.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#78 - 2011-12-12 21:23:12 UTC
Take anything other than the remap and you're literally Hitler

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

AkJon Ferguson
JC Ferguson and Son Ltd
Ferguson Alliance
#79 - 2011-12-12 21:25:05 UTC
Wensley wrote:
Did I miss the State Apocs that were amongst all the gift options or are you just going full ****** over CCP giving everyone the equivalent of a free battlecruiser?

Churchill: Madam, would you sleep with me for five million pounds?
Socialite: My goodness, Mr. Churchill! Well, I suppose – we would have to discuss terms, naturally.
Churchill: Would you sleep with me for five pounds?
Socialite: Mr. Churchill, what kind of woman do you think I am?!
Churchill: Madam, we’ve already established that. Now we are haggling about the price.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#80 - 2011-12-12 21:33:54 UTC
AkJon Sperguson ladies and gentlemen

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar