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new scanning user interface testing on sisi

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Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2015-09-11 10:22:53 UTC  |  Edited by: corbexx
this is from the team working on the scanning UI.

Team Psycho Sisters invite you to try out our new Scanning interface on the Singularity test server. We have made some changes to the interface based on feedback on the new map, and have pulled scanning out of the map entirely to reside in its own window. The feature can be accessed by Ctrl-Left Clicking the Probe Scanner button. This is a temporary place for the feature while we perform some user experience testing on it.
For help on how to connect to the Singularity test server, please see this helpdesk article:
Please try out all the scanning use cases you care to, especially ones you use frequently on Tranquility. To give us feedback, please fill in this short survey following your time testing out the new interface.
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2015-09-11 10:26:56 UTC
corbexx wrote:
We ask you kindly to not distribute this link.


I'm my own NPC alt.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2015-09-11 12:06:15 UTC
Tipa Riot wrote:
corbexx wrote:
We ask you kindly to not distribute this link.


Not a issue I copied the parts I was ment to. Although I've taken it out and people will have to message me to get that link till I get clarity from CCP. I think its more they are worried people will just fill in the survey without even trying it.
Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#4 - 2015-09-11 12:44:40 UTC
is this only a change for scanning in the new map, or does it change scanning in the old map as well?

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

#5 - 2015-09-11 13:06:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Winthorp
This is so horrible it should be stopped now, i have tried this on SISI and have filled in the survey.

You can't dscan from this at all and i realise they are only releasing this to test the signature scanning but these are hand in hand for me and this holds no hope that it will be able to be made workable with dscan as a functionality.

Whoever made this map has clearly never scanned past the few sigs they required to learn to test this out.

A system that would take usually 5-10mins to scan was taking me 30-40mins and i was struggling the whole way through it.

Arrow When scanning a cluster of sigs at 4au and receiving a few named results you normally then lock down one of those sig to 100%. Once you then go after that one sig the system forgets all the others. Like really WTF?

Am i expected to go back to the days of notebook scanning?

Arrow The highlighting of sigs that you click on and want to narrow down is so negligible that i couldn't pick it. It is made worse when a sig splits (Did they even split at all, maybe i am wrong as i couldn't tell at all) and you need to see both of them in a cluster of over 5 sigs. This is one of the worst parts for me, i would almost have to give up on some signatures.

Arrow Some signatures even after scanning them to 100% you can warp to it and the window won't even tell you what it is yet. You can't edit the info window to give you more info on things.

Arrow The progress bar on the signature icon is horrible and really doesn't even represent how much you have scanned it down at all.

Arrow The signature info window is so in your way that you can't even scan comfortably without making the whole window full screen, why is that locked to there.

Please don't implement this or at the very least can you not find a dev there that has at least scanned a few systems down to test this out before releasing this to sisi in its horrible condition twice now?
Ransu Asanari
Caldari State
#6 - 2015-09-11 13:17:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Ransu Asanari
I'm collecting all my feedback here, because I'm pretty sure the survey would time out, and/or I would hit the character limit.

Because boy there is a lot to mention:

Edit: Yeah I'm still working on it. Will update when I'm actually done :P

Edit 2: OK that's probably all I have for now. I submitted the survey but I'll bet the formatting is broken compared to the doc. Hope it helps.
Colman Dietmar
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2015-09-11 15:06:58 UTC
I don't think this is a good idea. The starmap and system map merge isn't that bad, it just needs to have the scale adjusted, so that you have to zoom more to switch from starmap to solar system map, and that solar map is very small compared even to the distance between neighbour stars, to reduce the overlapping between the two maps.
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#8 - 2015-09-11 15:42:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Quesa
I don't like that you cannot pop-out the scan results and have to keep this, very large, window open.

When you start making the windows for the map smaller, it becomes more difficult and awkward to maneuver it, making it more difficult and awkward to complete the task of scanning.

I would love a button to center the probes on your current location and/or a right-click to center probes at a desired celestial/object.

I cannot count how many times I have tried to move probes but grabbed the arrow facing me, thus shooting the probes so far out of my view I have to recall and re-deploy the entire set. To address this, could you possibly remove the Z-axis arrows when your perspective is at a certain angle?

Recover probes should be more prominent and slightly separated from the reconnect/destroy.
Kenneth Feld
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#9 - 2015-09-11 16:11:44 UTC
Quesa wrote:
I don't like that you cannot pop-out the scan results and have to keep this, very large, window open.

When you start making the windows for the map smaller, it becomes more difficult and awkward to maneuver it, making it more difficult and awkward to complete the task of scanning.

I would love a button to center the probes on your current location and/or a right-click to center probes at a desired celestial/object.

I cannot count how many times I have tried to move probes but grabbed the arrow facing me, thus shooting the probes so far out of my view I have to recall and re-deploy the entire set. To address this, could you possibly remove the Z-axis arrows when your perspective is at a certain angle?

Recover probes should be more prominent and slightly separated from the reconnect/destroy.

You can make the map full screen now and it acts exactly like the old map

except it looks like you just zoom in on the solar system, which looks weird, but usable
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2015-09-11 16:27:48 UTC
I am a wormholler, and scan more then 99% of the EVE population, so what I say I say from much, much experience.

New interface is basically a copy-paste of the old (current) scanning interface, only now in a separate window rather then a screen.

Advantages over current scanning interface:

1) separate window you can dock on the 2nd screen somewhere. This is a good thing.

Disadvantages over current scanning interface:

1) Adds more clutter to the UI.
2) Minimum size of the window is an issue.
3) Inability to decouple scan results window from the graphical map overlay with the probes.

For example, in current scanning interface, when I play as a t3 destroyer, I drop combats in a tight spread over the grid i am at, and i just leave them there. An enemy warps in 300km away, I hit scan, and on the scan results window I get a hit that i can warp to. For this, i do not need to see actual probes. i drop them, I pre-position them in advance, and I leave them, all i need is a Scan button and a list of warp-able results.

Scan window needs to have all elements decoupled, so I can drag them whichever way i want, and hide unnecessary parts.

4) Those ugly-ass icons... Please, for the love of god, let us use a small generic colored dot for most things. Currently icons are big, fat, and take up a lot of visual real-estate. I do not NEED to see the damn triangles on my scanning map, only a green dot that signifies signal strength.

Green, yellow, red dot. Nothing else.

5) Separate window. Yes it is also an advantage, but also a disadvantage. When i am scanning wormholes, and not in a rush, I like a fully maximized scanning window with no other UI elements distracting me. The fact that it is now a free-floating window competing with other UI elements for space, can be a good thing, but also a bad thing.


overall, the scanning interface is still garbage. Copy-pasting the old interface and adding ugly-ass icons into it does not count as improvement sorry.

remind me, did anyone actually ask for you to break the scanning as well as the map and icons?

Scanning window does not need changes other then maybe letting us scan from a tiny window in the main UI as well as the current separate screen.
Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#11 - 2015-09-11 16:31:14 UTC
i like the concept of it. Bringing the UI controls to the map and making things like the proble list collapsible was long overdue ;)

first impression is good. Map still has the same problems it had before but thats off topic.

what i was missing after a short test:
- filter to disable anomalies (used to be a checkbox)
- filters in general

maybe i overlooked them however

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#12 - 2015-09-11 16:35:03 UTC
A) organizing by signal strength doesn't actually organize by signal strength. it shifts them around, but something scanned to 100% doesn't appear on either top or bottom when in the same list as unscanned or partially scanned signatures.

B) Old map, selecting one signature caused the others to disappear, leaving you with just the one selected on the map. New map, selecting one signature changes nothing. Old map style is preferred, due to the ability for multiple signatures to be scanned in a single pass, but only wanting a particular one.

C) Scan results window is simply too small to provide any information beyond range, scan group, and percentage scanned, and even omits the group (Data, Relic, combat, wormhole) and type. it is expandable up and down, but not left and right.

D) during position of probes: old map style, right click while holding left click during dragging returned probes to original position prior to start of drag; new map style, right click while holding left click during dragging changes camera position and zoom, making it uncertain that probes are in fact in their original place. Old map style preferred.

E) new map doesn't include ranges to objects other than anomalies and signatures.

Image showing items A, B, C, and E is here

hopefully this helps and/or is what you're looking for.
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#13 - 2015-09-11 17:34:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Miton
This gets a 10/10, A++ and a huge fkn gold star for moving the recall probes button away from right next to the analyze button!!!!
Actual functionality is aparently bad based on feedback from people I reasonably trust though (I don't do sisi myself)

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Arla Sarain
#14 - 2015-09-11 17:46:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Arla Sarain
*Please remove the black balloon around brackets. You can make it hop in on mouseover, but unless interacted with it shouldn't show up and clutter with other balloons, which are obviously just there for no reason. Also, aesthetically, trying to give the balloons volume through color shading when everything else seems flat 2D is so Windows XP era. Flat bracket balloons on mouseover if you insist please.

*Darker background please. Remove the goddamn skybox... Too difficult to see some bookmarks against this because of the varying shades of white/grey popping in for no reason, blending in with the bookmarks.

*Can the tactical overlay have a different colour from the orbital paths? For easier distinction. Like yellow. Could also play with the thickness of orbital lines or tac overlay lines.

*The scale of the scanning brick/cube needs to be changed through means other than changing window size.

*The scale of the new progress rings needs to reduce DRAMATICALLY, either with zooming, or just generally. They are too bloody big. There is little point to a separate scanning window, if the static size of these rings practically forces fullscreening the window.

*The bookmark brackets in the new window are too faint, are typically grouped up with the rest of the celestials into a drop down menu (WHICH IS REALLY BLOODY ANNOYING AND MAKE ME WONDER WHERE ALL THE BMS ARE) and can only be warped to through the right click menu, not through the contextual click & hold menu.

*Why would you want to ever destroy active probes and not recover them? Full cargo? If cargo is full keep them in system and destroy them if the user doesn't come back for them.

*The new identical probe window that you've embed into the scan window does not have Type column, arguably the most important category of a sig.

*Reducing the size of the name column in the embeded probe window does not force the sig name to wrap to new dimensions.

*In the embed probe scanner window when changing column dimensions the column line doesn't update until you let go of the mouse button. Difficult to see new size until you let go.

*The embeded probe window has a tendency to intrude on the solar system view. Confine the solar system view to the [horizontal window size - embed probe window size] and make the system view co-centric with this new dimension.

*The new window lacks the "show anomalies" toggle tick box.

*Bookmarks needs the blue inspace bracket around them... just too difficult to see with the black balloon nonsense. They also disappear when you zoom out *slightly too far*? They should never fade out...

*As winthorp mentioned, selecting a sig should discriminate other sigs and fade them out or make them invisible, regardless of their progress.

Will edit for more
EDIT: Holy crap there is so much wrong...

A somewhat less important note:

From what I understand the motivation behind moving the probing and universe map to windows is for the ability to see the grid in the background.
What if you invert it, and have the the grid be contained and rendered in a window of a fixed player defined size, whilst the solar and universe map are in the background? And make the zoom exponential. You can zoom out to max grid size, after a point there is no reason to keep zooming the grid, so it automatically toggles to system map with a grid window (which can be toggled on/off for scanning adjacent areas). And zooming further toggles universe map (sam way you have in old-new beta map, where the system/universe maps are homogenous). So the grid can still be seen as an oversized object in the solar map, and togglable on/off as the player may need. If the scan result is on grid then the sig shows up on the grid window too.
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#15 - 2015-09-11 18:10:06 UTC
Kenneth Feld wrote:
Quesa wrote:
I don't like that you cannot pop-out the scan results and have to keep this, very large, window open.

When you start making the windows for the map smaller, it becomes more difficult and awkward to maneuver it, making it more difficult and awkward to complete the task of scanning.

I would love a button to center the probes on your current location and/or a right-click to center probes at a desired celestial/object.

I cannot count how many times I have tried to move probes but grabbed the arrow facing me, thus shooting the probes so far out of my view I have to recall and re-deploy the entire set. To address this, could you possibly remove the Z-axis arrows when your perspective is at a certain angle?

Recover probes should be more prominent and slightly separated from the reconnect/destroy.

You can make the map full screen now and it acts exactly like the old map

except it looks like you just zoom in on the solar system, which looks weird, but usable

Yes, I understand that but it isn't really my concern. If this new UI is to replace the old one, I want to be able to keep the results window separate once the probes are put in the proper place, not have this window that is ~1/5 of my screen area.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#16 - 2015-09-11 18:24:14 UTC
Anyhow rather then trying to break the last working elements of UI, simply let community customize UI as we see fit.

All these separate windows, and separate teams working on separate aspects of the UI...

It is just bad. If you are going to re-do the UI, do it all in one pass, make it fully moddable, and everyone will be happy, rather then doing it all in separate bits and pieces and releasing half-assed **** that noone likes, wants, or asked for.
Aladar Dangerface
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2015-09-11 19:33:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Aladar Dangerface
Jack Miton wrote:
This gets a 10/10, A++ and a huge fkn gold star for moving the recall probes button away from right next to the analyze button!!!!
Actually functionality is aparently bad based on feedback from people I reasonably trust though (I don't do sisi myself) you're welcome :)

I don't need twitter. I'm already following you.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#18 - 2015-09-11 19:36:33 UTC
My comments in the survey.

It looks much more like the new way that CCP has been designing new interfaces but has some deficiencies, mainly to do with the new map.

However, it forces you to use the new map, which it is honestly very hard to use compared to the old map. You cannot click on a lot of items due to the way the ordering of icons. To use it, you need to deselect items on the map to use it. And you don't have any groupings that make that easy.

Also, you cannot put the see-through overlay on it, to have it blown up large, but still able to see ships approaching you nearby. Once you have your probes set, you can go back to the normal space view instead of the map, and just have your probe selections set, which is twice as small as the new one.

The icons for launch, reconnect and destroy are small and might be easily miss able by newbies. You might consider coloring these icons as well.

The removal of the 'clear filtered result >' option, to see what you have filtered, is a reduction in information that is not helpful. The ability to immediately add an old filtered result was helpful.

You have also removed the seconds from probe times, which was a nice gentle reminder that your time is ticking down as your probes sit on fields. Otherwise, it looks pretty static. The columns for the probes section could be adjusted as well.

Maybe naming the types of probes you have out since you are using a larger column size?

Right clicking on a item that is inside warp range will not give you a warning that it is too close.

I really like the fact that the map seems to follow the new probes though.

Select all probes to change their distance.

Remove an ignored probe result for a single ship.

Seconds counting down, reminding you that you're on a clock to scoop/relaunch your probes.

Missing icon on new probe scanner, it is a set of pages.

Add pre-populated formations, these are not rocket science.

Make the new window Splitable from the map window, even if they can operate together.
Rolled Out
#19 - 2015-09-11 20:57:15 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
This gets a 10/10, A++ and a huge fkn gold star for moving the recall probes button away from right next to the analyze button!!!!
Actually functionality is aparently bad based on feedback from people I reasonably trust though (I don't do sisi myself)

LEL - Jack points out one of the huge wins of the redesign. Neverending agony and frustration from accidentally recalling probes.

Other than that, this redesign doesn't actually improve much over the previous iterations of the beta map from a scanning perspective. The googledoc write up (linked earlier) is pretty damn close to my thoughts as well and saves me the need to type a lot of words.

I'm right behind you

Marech Bhayanaka
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2015-09-11 20:58:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Marech Bhayanaka
Quesa wrote:

I cannot count how many times I have tried to move probes but grabbed the arrow facing me, thus shooting the probes so far out of my view

I hate this the most in the current implementation.

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