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new scanning user interface testing on sisi

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Cara Forelli
State War Academy
Caldari State
#181 - 2015-11-04 16:40:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Cara Forelli
I used the old map religiously for Dscan and finding targets. Here's my thoughts on the new one (Parallax update).

Attention I would love a way to toggle off the dscan cone visual. It's great for new players to conceptualize how dscan works, but for people who scan every day it really doesn't add any extra information. When you synch the dscan with the camera (the only proper way to dscan using the map) it doesn't look like a cone so you just have a large filled in circle obscuring whatever you are trying to target. Not only that, but if your target is closer than the max dscan range, the circle actually encompasses things which you can't hit. Often when using dscan to find targets the fastest way is to leave your range at 14.3 AU and do a narrow scan on each target of interest. Now I have this big red circle surrounding all kinds of things that aren't actually in my scan - just not helpful.

Attention When the dscan is locked to the camera view you can't center your view on anything else but your ship. That's very painful. Generally I will find a target at a cluster of stuff, warp closer to get a better angle, and do another scan. With the old map I could double click on my warpin and start lining up my next scan while travelling. Now I have to wait until my ship has accelerated/warped/decelerated before I can even start lining up my next scan. Those seconds really matter when you're hunting a moving target.

Attention A bug I think - when I use a hotkey (default F9) to bring up the solar system map (in fullscreen mode) the focus becomes locked on the map and won't let me click any other windows (to manipulate dscan sliders, interact with overview, etc.) Instead I just end up rotating the map view. This did not happen when using the map icon in the scan window, just with the hotkey (which I rebound and did not try using the default F9).

Attention There's no HUD in the fullscreen map view! That's absolutely awful. Scanning/combat dscanning goes hand in hand with operating modules (cloak, heating your point, prepping for tackle, etc.) I found the windowed view very awkward so I would like this functionality in fullscreen mode.

Attention Like many people I keep my dscan and probe scan tabs in the same window. After the update the default seems to be the probe scan tab and it switches to that every session change which is very annoying because dscan is much more important.

Attention This isn't new but it always bugged me that the AU distance in the probe scan window never properly updated for anomalies/signatures while warping around the system.

AttentionI had a rough time finding stations/gates while dscanning with the map even if I already knew where they were. They weren't very obvious in the map view. (Though I just remembered I forgot to look through the filters so if that solves the problem I will retract this statement).

All-in-all I think it has the potential to be pretty good once the kinks are worked out. I like the new dscan hotkey and once the map view hotkey is working it will be nice and quick to enter mapview and scan down a target. Thanks for your hard work and for listening to all the feedback in this thread. Dscan is so important to us. We all appreciate it.

Want to talk? Join my channel in game: House Forelli

Titan's Lament

Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#182 - 2015-11-04 17:47:16 UTC
Cara Forelli wrote:
Attention I would love a way to toggle off the dscan cone visual. It's great for new players to conceptualize how dscan works, but for people who scan every day it really doesn't add any extra information. When you synch the dscan with the camera (the only proper way to dscan using the map)

You may want to rethink that being the only way, the dscan cone is in fact incredibly useful for combat scanning and the people who have started using it are scanning down safed ships faster than ever before.
CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#183 - 2015-11-04 17:50:12 UTC
Locking this thread. Please use for comments on scanning now.

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

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