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[Galatea] First batch of sov capture iterations

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Murkar Omaristos
The Alabaster Albatross
Unreasonable Bastards
#41 - 2015-08-18 23:22:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Murkar Omaristos
Magorath wrote:
so.. less time to react as a defender and troll ships still perfectly acceptable.

Now this is content creation.

Never thought I'd say it but pos bashing was actually more fun then watching a timer as it's not a serious take over. I'd have a use for a carrier + dread as well.

^^ This. These changes barely address the major issues pointed out both on the forums, by the CSM, and on the EVE Reddit (namely fewer command nodes, reduction of speed while entosising to more like 10%, and removal of the ability to fit entosis links on ships below cruiser size).

The correct way to address community unrest about the prior changes is not to stand behind them while ignoring how bad they are.

EDIT: By the way, a guy on page 2 linked a poll. You should check the results.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#42 - 2015-08-18 23:22:39 UTC
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#43 - 2015-08-18 23:23:20 UTC
Poision Kevin wrote:
The fact that you still ***** about "Troll Ceptors" when you can easily kill those now with cruiser hulls and links in system is entertaining. 4km/s instead of 8km/s is a HUGE step. Trolling factor is still ****, surely, but this reduces amount of nodes you have to keep track of as well as speed limit while the entosis link is FITTED (To be seen if it matters offline/online however).

It's not what you might have wanted, but god damn is it in the right direction. I'm sure I speak for most people when I say "Bet you didn't expect that?".

Baby steps... baby steps.

tell them the truth baby!


Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#44 - 2015-08-18 23:23:57 UTC
Poision Kevin wrote:
It's not what you might have wanted, but god damn is it in the right direction. I'm sure I speak for most people when I say "Bet you didn't expect that?".

Baby steps... baby steps.

Let me tell you, I'll speak for a lot of people when I say, "This is exactly what we've expected".
Net 7
#45 - 2015-08-18 23:25:06 UTC
People, can none of you read? The next patch is in like 2 weeks, most likly they don;t have the time to make huge changes to the system.

Instead of crying, why not give it a chance. The worst that happens is its not fixed and then they know this did not fix it so will have time to actually do a big fix.

A reduction of speed might be enough, it might not be, but pissing and moaning doesn't do anyone any good. And calling for the devs to be fired or lose there job is just stupiid.

You, as players, have zero idea as to why it might not be so easy to do what you think. And for all you know this tweek could make things a hell of a lot better. So instead of pissing and moaning, give it a shot. If its not enough, they will have more time to try it again.

Christ, i offten wonder if ccp's numbers on the average age of eve players is legit, because most of you are acting like my god damn 4 year old. Knock it off.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2015-08-18 23:26:44 UTC
If you want to truly fix the sovereignty system once and for all remove it completely and base who's name is on the map by the alliance who has the greatest number of pilots out in space. Then you can start working on the problem of making 0.0 worth fighting over. Maybe by buffing moons so alliances can have an income source that is worth taking.
#47 - 2015-08-18 23:29:13 UTC  |  Edited by: MeBiatch
My idea is to make capture towers outposts ihubs and tcu have a 75km scram and 90%web that targets one ship at a time but will switch targets. That should ensure the death of trollceptors.

Also I don't mind a little structure grind when it results in a big fight.

Take b-r as an example.

In br you had a giant capital fight and then sub capital fights in adjacent systems.

Why not make it so you elink to reinforce and then have to elink to take down the shields now that they are invulnerable... but wheb you get to structure reinforce you have the option to blow the thing up or finish tge elink capture events.

This would cause one main fight over the structure but at the ssme time a race to capture tge capture towers...

So now you csn have your b-r fight and spread it out an entire constaltion.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

#48 - 2015-08-18 23:29:23 UTC
Reagalan wrote:
Won't do jack **** to a system that is fundamentally and critically flawed and unsalvageable.

Until you get off of this "small gang" and "local conflict" soapbox the decline of Eve will continue. We didn't sign up for small gang impermanent bullshit and we detest your attempts to force this playstyle upon us.

More goon BLOB ...

just as we start actually taking CFC systems... we have 3 under control now

the biggest advantage we have SPEED is taken away.... so they can just roll BLOBS onto the grid. BLOB BLOB BLOB.... back to n+1 fighting

Instead of MOA whining ...we are going to ADAPT (like the big blocs should do) and try our best.

IMO however this is a mistake , only a few weeks of this system has been in place and its already being changed to suit the power bloc whiners.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2015-08-18 23:30:10 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
People, can none of you read? The next patch is in like 2 weeks, most likly they don;t have the time to make huge changes to the system.

Exactly! Limiting the speed to 2000 m/s or disabling the propulsion module altogether would require a complete engine rewrite.
My Lap
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2015-08-18 23:30:13 UTC
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#51 - 2015-08-18 23:32:32 UTC
constructive feedback:

Bravo yaaay \o/
Fredric Wolf
Black Sheep Down
Tactical Narcotics Team
#52 - 2015-08-18 23:32:49 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
People, can none of you read? The next patch is in like 2 weeks, most likly they don;t have the time to make huge changes to the system.

Instead of crying, why not give it a chance. The worst that happens is its not fixed and then they know this did not fix it so will have time to actually do a big fix.

A reduction of speed might be enough, it might not be, but pissing and moaning doesn't do anyone any good. And calling for the devs to be fired or lose there job is just stupiid.

You, as players, have zero idea as to why it might not be so easy to do what you think. And for all you know this tweek could make things a hell of a lot better. So instead of pissing and moaning, give it a shot. If its not enough, they will have more time to try it again.

Christ, i offten wonder if ccp's numbers on the average age of eve players is legit, because most of you are acting like my god damn 4 year old. Knock it off.

How much more money should we keep giving this company when they keep saying just give it more time? This game has been in a bad state for years now and the getting small changes it gets that are refuted in the forums with well thought post with data to back these up. When people such as GSF, BL, PL, NC. and any of the big sov players tell the devs that their ideas will not work it is not because of the meta it is because they actually play in the area that is being effected and know how bad the ideas that are being put forth are.

Troll Ships were a concern before sov ever went in CCP **** the bed with allowing it to happen. They have a chance to fix it and they put a band aid on a gaping wound. I have not spoken up until now but I really do not think CCP has any idea about how to fix sov or even how sov is played. Again it is not about the status quo because if they do not get there act together CCP is going to be a dead game in less then 6 months
dancing ninja
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#53 - 2015-08-18 23:33:47 UTC
This is a step in the right direction.

4km/s speed limit will solve some of the trollceptor issues but the 4 minute node is a double edged sword. You have even less time to respond. Now instead of a trollceptor they can bring a cheap tanked drake. Since you only have 4 minutes to respond chances are the response will be in smaller/faster ships which wouldnt be able to anything heavily tanked.

Giving the defenders a 10% starting lead is a nice boost to counter the trolling.

The node self repair will be a huge help once it can be released.

I would still like to see some kind of spreading system index. If you max the index in your system the extra mining/ratting/sov should spread to a nearby system you control. Have it spread with a exponential loss so that it only goes 2-3 systems. It fixes the problem of trolls hitting the systems that you use often but cant safely rat/mine in because of location or low true sec.
Net 7
#54 - 2015-08-18 23:33:52 UTC
5pitf1re wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
People, can none of you read? The next patch is in like 2 weeks, most likly they don;t have the time to make huge changes to the system.

Exactly! Limiting the speed to 2000 m/s or disabling the propulsion module altogether would require a complete engine rewrite.

naw more likely numbers to crunch, other devs to talk too and they believe 4k will work. However, if you don;lt whine and explain why 2k or 3k or whatever would be better they have time to adjust that number.

So again, stop acting like my 4 year old. Take a deep breath and use your words and explain why you think its not enough. Without name calling or throwing a tantrum. They might see reason in your argument and go 'you knwo what.. 4k is too little, lets try xxxx' or they might be looking and something you have zero idea about.

Deep breath, it will be ok.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Somal Thunder
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#55 - 2015-08-18 23:34:10 UTC
RatKnight1 wrote:
So, we can still fly trollceptors?


A 4km/s speed limit is not enough.

Limit these things to ships that force players to put some skin into the race. On top of this, players in trollceptors can still fly through space while generally being untouchable... sure, they can only go 4km/s, but that still is enough to outrun most combat fit ships in the game.

What a whine... A lot of ships, including cruisers, can go 4000 m/s, even if that does mean with heat. A modern counter to troll ceptors goes over 7k with heat, 5k without. Now those setups can drop a speed rig or overdrive for something more useful for combat, or it can retain those rigs in order to better catch trollceptors.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#56 - 2015-08-18 23:34:31 UTC
A step in the right direction, however not strong enough. 4km/s is still too fast. Honestly it should act like a seige module with -100% speed reduction. If your worried about us bumping the hacking ship away, then make it so the ship can't go over 0m/s.
Theoretically, if a player has 'control' over the grid the hack beacon is on, then they shouldn't need to move.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#57 - 2015-08-18 23:34:36 UTC
Most of the complaints regarding aegis sov would be allayed if interdiction nullification was removed from the game.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Gella Delon
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#58 - 2015-08-18 23:35:04 UTC
Reagalan wrote:
Won't do jack **** to a system that is fundamentally and critically flawed and unsalvageable.

Until you get off of this "small gang" and "local conflict" soapbox the decline of Eve will continue. We didn't sign up for small gang impermanent bullshit and we detest your attempts to force this playstyle upon us.

More goon BLOB ...

just as we start actually taking CFC systems... we have 3 under control now

the biggest advantage we have SPEED is taken away.... so they can just roll BLOBS onto the grid. BLOB BLOB BLOB.... back to n+1 fighting

Instead of MOA whining ...we are going to ADAPT (like the big blocs should do) and try our best.

IMO however this is a mistake , only a few weeks of this system has been in place and its already being changed to suit the power bloc whiners.

Delicious Smile

You have no ihubs you idiot, the TCU means nothing, you never had control and never will.
Kalen Pavle
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#59 - 2015-08-18 23:36:46 UTC
I'll give this a chance if the notification warning goes off at the start of the warmup cycle.

If not it's now even easier to troll border systems.
Net 7
#60 - 2015-08-18 23:38:00 UTC
Fredric Wolf wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
People, can none of you read? The next patch is in like 2 weeks, most likly they don;t have the time to make huge changes to the system.

Instead of crying, why not give it a chance. The worst that happens is its not fixed and then they know this did not fix it so will have time to actually do a big fix.

A reduction of speed might be enough, it might not be, but pissing and moaning doesn't do anyone any good. And calling for the devs to be fired or lose there job is just stupiid.

You, as players, have zero idea as to why it might not be so easy to do what you think. And for all you know this tweek could make things a hell of a lot better. So instead of pissing and moaning, give it a shot. If its not enough, they will have more time to try it again.

Christ, i offten wonder if ccp's numbers on the average age of eve players is legit, because most of you are acting like my god damn 4 year old. Knock it off.

How much more money should we keep giving this company when they keep saying just give it more time? This game has been in a bad state for years now and the getting small changes it gets that are refuted in the forums with well thought post with data to back these up. When people such as GSF, BL, PL, NC. and any of the big sov players tell the devs that their ideas will not work it is not because of the meta it is because they actually play in the area that is being effected and know how bad the ideas that are being put forth are.

Troll Ships were a concern before sov ever went in CCP **** the bed with allowing it to happen. They have a chance to fix it and they put a band aid on a gaping wound. I have not spoken up until now but I really do not think CCP has any idea about how to fix sov or even how sov is played. Again it is not about the status quo because if they do not get there act together CCP is going to be a dead game in less then 6 months

*checks your employment history and laughs* Oh little noob... you know nothing of bad. you are a mere summer child, its sweet.

No, they might of been warned, but untill you see it in action its not going to sink in. In attidtion the whining during testing was about the use of AT ships.

This is not the status quo actually. This tweek is BETTER then they handed pos and dominion sov, which was relase it and wash there hands of it.

Again, they have info you don;t. Why donlt you see if it fixes anything first before you freak out. How bloody hard is that? or if you firmly believe it won;t fix anything, then type out in a logical manner why you think it won;t and why you think your idea will. you are more likly to be seen that way then the other way

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.