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[April] [Updated] Confessor and Svipul Balance Tweaks

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Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#401 - 2015-04-15 17:56:03 UTC
Captain Semper wrote:
Avarege AFs speed like 1,7-2km/s.
T3d can fit 10mn ab that gives 3-4km/s w/o penalty to sign.rad.

Iroquoiss Pilskin wrote:
That would be fine, if T3Ds couldn't reach 3.5-4.1 km/s speeds by default with MWD.

I agree. Ships that go really, really fast and do a ton of precision DPS suck and CCP should make a ship specifically to combat and destroy them.

Iroquoiss Pilskin wrote:
This whole 3-buttans concept is cancerous

If you don't like it because it's Tech III, just say so. Everyone knows Tech III's are overpowered in many ways. I got hit up by 3 Tengus the other day. (They didn't kill me.) I share and validate your animosity.

Cade Windstalker wrote:
Except that the specialization of T3 Destroyers shouldn't be to neutralize T2 frigates . . . [Tech II frigates] shouldn't be getting chased down and killed reliably by T3 Destroyers.

If you don't like the concept of "destroyer", just say so. I sympathize. Destroyers are just big 'ole bullies of frigates, really. There's really nothing nice about them . . . except they're really good protectors.

If you don't like the concept of "Tech III" or the concept of "destroyer" or the concept of "ship that goes fast and does a lot of DPS", no amount of rebalancing is likely to make you happy with the resulting ship.
Alexis Nightwish
#402 - 2015-04-15 17:58:36 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:
FleshDiver wrote:
I was thinking about the changes to the number of guns which you had proposed the other day Fozzie. I think its a shame to reduce the amount of guns on the ship as this is almost the flavour of all destroyers, "loads of guns." I understand that you did so to allow the ship to be fitted, but heres an alternate solution.

Why not just give the ships a bonus to the fitting of their racial gun types? There is already president for this in the covert ops ships and more so in Teir 3 battlecruisers. 50% reduction in the Power grid and CPU cost of fitting should be the same.

I understand there is a difference in the overall amount of utility highslots but if this is your reasoning you could just add another two highslots to the ship.

I get what you're saying here, but there's actually a good reason for doing it this way.

Lowering the number of guns actually serves as a nice counter-balancing buff to some of the nerfs introduced here. It reduces cap use, ammo use, and the overall cost of the fit (albeit fairly minutely on that last one). It also makes it harder to squeeze extra space out of the fit with weapon fitting rigs on certain configurations.

As someone who loves ships bristling with weapons I feel you. However as Cade pointed out there's balance issues why that wouldn't be a good idea.

Fozzie, if you're still reading this, would it be possible to simply increase the number of visual weapons on the ships? Normally we have 2x the number of turrets/launchers as fitted to give a 360* coverage, but there's nothing stopping you from making that 4x. The Destroyers would then appear to have 8 turrets on each side of the ship, with two of the turret models firing per actual fitted gun. From what I saw from Fanfest, the art department could add this pretty easily. :D

CCP approaches problems in one of two ways: nudge or cludge

EVE Online's "I win!" Button

Fixing bombs, not the bombers

Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#403 - 2015-04-15 17:59:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Iroquoiss Pliskin
Yes, next we need to put the 3-buttn concept on ALL the ships! It is so greate.

Mayhaw Morgan wrote:

If you don't like the concept of "destroyer", just say so. I sympathize. Destroyers are just big 'ole bullies of frigates, really.

I don't fly frigates of any kind. I do fly both of the T3Ds.

Being a destroyer with superb DPS and damage projection - that is the purpose. However, at the same time reaching and far exceeding the next closest comparison in both tank & speed, is not. That includes AF & dictors.

I'd be fine with a combo of any 2 of the 3 components, but not all three in one package.
Cade Windstalker
#404 - 2015-04-15 18:29:27 UTC
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Except that the specialization of T3 Destroyers shouldn't be to neutralize T2 frigates . . . [Tech II frigates] shouldn't be getting chased down and killed reliably by T3 Destroyers.

If you don't like the concept of "destroyer", just say so. I sympathize. Destroyers are just big 'ole bullies of frigates, really. There's really nothing nice about them . . . except they're really good protectors.

If you don't like the concept of "Tech III" or the concept of "destroyer" or the concept of "ship that goes fast and does a lot of DPS", no amount of rebalancing is likely to make you happy with the resulting ship.

Either you snipped a little too much there or I wasn't clear. My issue is with one class completely invalidating another, along with people pushing roles from other games, media, or real life onto Eve ships. If that was the intent we wouldn't have fittings and this would be an RTS.

No where in any of the info about the T3 Destroyers does it say "these ships are/should be a counter to T2 Frigates" and historically CCP hasn't restricted ships based on those sorts of preconceptions, nor have they let them run wild based on them. Even the other destroyers in-game don't completely beat out a frigate, and the T2 destroyers vs a T2 Frigate are a fairly even fight if both ships are flown well and play to their strengths.
Gallente Federation
#405 - 2015-04-15 18:34:07 UTC
Baali Tekitsu wrote:
I think the balance changes to make t3d balanced have to go way further than they do now as theyre still a flat improvement above t2d and t1d.
At the same time I feel that the concept of "versatility above all" has a lot of unused potential.

First just flat nerf the damage bonuses these ships get as together with the slot layout and fitting resource they allow t3ds to outdps t1ds and t2ds way too much and make them flat better. They also dont even need that kind of damage to fulfill their role of being a frigate killer as they are going to have different tools available afterwards. Its still going to be able to outdps their lesser tech counterparts but its going to require some tradeoffs.

Amarr Tactical Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% (-2,5%) bonus to Small Energy Turret damage
10% reduction in Small Energy Turret activation cost
5% reduction in module heat damage amount taken

Minmatar Tactical Destroyer Bonuses Per Level:
7,5% (-2,5%) bonus to Small Projectile Turret damage
10% bonus to Small Projectile Turret optimal range
5% reduction in heat damage generated by modules

Adding of course the 50% bonus from the Fozzie post.

Second thing I would remove the damage projection/application bonus in sharpshooter mode from both ships as those are a bit too powerful in the case of the Confessor and a bit dull in the case of the Svipul. We could have so much more fun things instead while retaining balance and following the versatility theme. Sharpshooter mode should be renamed afterwards probably.

confessor "whatever mode" would look like this:
25% bonus to tracking disruptor effectiveness
100% bonus to sensor strength, targeting range and scan resolution
Might aswell bump it up to 33% tracking disruptor effectiveness. Important is that its less than Sentinel and 33% is a bit too close to the Sentinel bonus.

Svipul "whatever mode" would look like this:
100% bonus to Stasis webifier optimal range
33% bonus to target painter effectiveness
100% bonus to sensor strength, targeting range and scan resolution
Now the web range bonus is a very strong bonus but the core is here that its going to be half as much as a fully trained Hyena.

Next lets look at the tank modes which are too powerful at times and some decisions straight not balanced and boring.

Confessor Defense Mode
20% bonus to all armor resistances while Defense Mode is enabled
20% bonus to armor hitpoints while Defense Mode is enabled
Im not quite sure if its possible to code the hitpoint bonus that way. It would go well with the general direction of heavy amarr armor tanking. About the resistance nerf: I have no idea how CCP could think that a 33% bonus would be balanced in any way especially after nerfing old resist bonuses down to 20% instead of 25% because they were too strong.

Svipul Defense Mode
20% bonus to all shield and armor resistances while Defense Mode is enabled
20% bonus to ship Signature radius while Defense Mode is enabled
The svipul is getting the signature radius bonus of the Confessor which would allow for old Stabber Fleet issue inspired gameplay and generally offer more options for armor tanked svipuls aswell as open interesting tradeoffs for shield tanked svipuls regarding the amount of tanking rigs and mid slot modules used. Generally a more interesting bonus on the Svipul than on the Confessor.

And last lets look at the Propulsion modes:

Propulsion Mode:
50% bonus to maximum velocity while a Propulsion Module in Propulsion Mode is active
20% bonus to ship inertia modifier while Propulsion Mode is active
The first bonus is a bit silly formulated, please correct me on this one, you get the idea. The idea is to drastically tone down their ability to signature tank as the propulsion mode offers too much base speed at the moment allowing them to effectively signature tank and therefor hard tackle better than Assault frigs. Fast hard tackling in gangs/fleets should be left as a role to Assault frigs.

I am not going to touch on base ship stats as those are a bit too far reaching for a forum post and there are people there getting paid to do that.
Afterwards they wouldnt be better than any of the tech 2 hulls frigate/destroyer size in any way, but more flexible than them fitting the theme of versatility.


If you think that the Sig bonus on the Svipul is too strong lets try a shield regen bonus equal to 75% of the shield regen lost due to the possible regen nerf.
Edit 2:
The web range bonus if at all should probably be weaker aswell, rather 75% or 50% even, if at all.

I really like this in general. I think the specifics could use a little work, and I'd like to see something more like combat mode (resists and optimal/rof or whatever), utility mode (probe strength and ewar range/strength) and prop mode (speed, warp speed, align time, prop mod boosts, whatever). Prop mode should be slower than inty's, utility mode should be worse than a covops or ewar frigate and combat mode should be slightly better than a T1 destroyer but not much better. Switching modes should also have a real cost, maybe losing your current bonus and gaining the new one ten seconds later or so.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#406 - 2015-04-15 19:16:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#407 - 2015-04-15 20:23:55 UTC
Iroquoiss Pilskin wrote:
Being a destroyer with superb DPS and damage projection - that is the purpose. However, at the same time reaching and far exceeding the next closest comparison in both tank & speed, is not. That includes AF & dictors.

The next closest ships to compare a Svipul to would be the Loki (same grade, 1 hull class larger), the Sabre (1 grade lower, same hull class), or probably most appropriately, a Vagabond or Munnin (1 grade lower, 1 hull class larger). If you look at zkillboard's top ships, you see (as I write this) #1 Svipul, #2 Ishtar (1 grade lower, 1 hull class larger), #3 Sabre (1 grade lower, same hull class). Tech II frigates are 1 grade lower and 1 hull class lower. That's not a fair comparison.

Also, keep in mind that all those veteran Sabre pilots are 1 skill level away from a Svipul which is probably better for their purpose AND cheaper. Caracal, Vexor Navy, Loki, Vexor are all in the top 10, and what they all have in common is that they have excellent point defense potential. The Vexors with drones, the Caracal with rapid light launchers, and the Loki with long webs and fast locking.

Capsule is at #4. Many of those pilots were probably de-shipped by tactical destroyers, but then the tactical destroyer exploded, because tactical destroyers are not invincible, and they will probably be even less so once the rebalancing goes live, not that I'm complaining about that. I'm just saying . . .

Cade Windstalker wrote:
No where in any of the info about the T3 Destroyers does it say "these ships are/should be a counter to T2 Frigates"

Ummm . . . DUH-stroy-er. The description is the name of the ship type.
Why would you expect uniform success when conducting a rapid assault against a ship that was intended specifically to repel rapid assault? Fast attacks work best against targets that are not ready. Destroyers are the epitome of readiness, but if you like to assault things so much, consider a heavier assault ship, like, maybe, a heavy assault ship. I think Ishtars are pretty good, if you can fly Gallente.

"Why is this hammer beating all my nails?"
Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#408 - 2015-04-15 20:32:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Iroquoiss Pliskin
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
Iroquoiss Pilskin wrote:
Being a destroyer with superb DPS and damage projection - that is the purpose. However, at the same time reaching and far exceeding the next closest comparison in both tank & speed, is not. That includes AF & dictors.

The next closest ships to compare a Svipul to would be the Loki (same grade, 1 hull class larger), the Sabre (1 grade lower, same hull class), or probably most appropriately, a Vagabond or Munnin (1 grade lower, 1 hull class larger).


Also, keep in mind that all those veteran Sabre pilots are 1 skill level away from a Svipul which is probably better for their purpose AND cheaper.

Discussion over. Lol

Eve is kill.

No. Sad

Alexis Nightwish wrote:

Fozzie, if you're still reading this, would it be possible to simply increase the number of visual weapons on the ships? Normally we have 2x the number of turrets/launchers as fitted to give a 360* coverage, but there's nothing stopping you from making that 4x. The Destroyers would then appear to have 8 turrets on each side of the ship, with two of the turret models firing per actual fitted gun. From what I saw from Fanfest, the art department could add this pretty easily. :D

The other solution was the inverse of what we're seeing in Pass Two, it would retain the desired visual effect: To keep the number of turrets at 6, while lowering the hull PG and compensating it with a role bonus to Turret PG fitting. Smile

Can't say which of the two (three) is the right one, but I do like having 2 Neuts on. Blink
Cade Windstalker
#409 - 2015-04-15 21:13:04 UTC
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
Ummm . . . DUH-stroy-er. The description is the name of the ship type.
Why would you expect uniform success when conducting a rapid assault against a ship that was intended specifically to repel rapid assault? Fast attacks work best against targets that are not ready. Destroyers are the epitome of readiness, but if you like to assault things so much, consider a heavier assault ship, like, maybe, a heavy assault ship. I think Ishtars are pretty good, if you can fly Gallente.

"Why is this hammer beating all my nails?"

Descriptions like that have *never* applied well to Eve ships, and should be considered size categories at best. Everything you're drawing from here is based on Earth Naval History. That just doesn't apply here and it's certainly not what Fozzie and Rise are balancing around.

I suggest you go read the original posts on the Confessor and Svipul before declaring how the ships are supposed to work based on a single over-arching class archetype that you're applying from an ancient Navy ~20000 years prior to the current setting. Big smile
Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#410 - 2015-04-15 21:20:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Iroquoiss Pliskin
You sunk my battleship. Sad

Cade, both of those threads only have 16 pages each - So few saw the disaster coming.

CCP Fozzie wrote:
If we begin to see a need to restrict their access further in the future (for instance if they start completely dominating FW) we'll adjust their gate access as necessary.

I am glad they've decided to actually try & fix T3Ds, before resorting to artificial limitations that only apply to 33% of Eve's PvP.

Cade Windstalker
#411 - 2015-04-15 21:59:42 UTC
Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
You sunk my battleship. Sad

Cade, both of those threads only have 16 pages each - So few saw the disaster coming.

New stuff is rarely subject to as much debate as change to old stuff, even if that old stuff isn't so old... Lol Now people have the ships (or not), they're invested, and they're arguing for their side of things so of course the thread is going to be more active. Though this one is still only ~21 pages which is tiny compared to the ~115 the two Entosis threads have hit.

As they saying goes "Any decision or change you make will anger some portion of the player-base, including the decision to change nothing."

Also your battleship balance discussion is in another castle thread
Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#412 - 2015-04-15 22:57:16 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Descriptions like that have *never* applied well to Eve ships, and should be considered size categories at best. Everything you're drawing from here is based on Earth Naval History. That just doesn't apply here and it's certainly not what Fozzie and Rise are balancing around.

I'm not psychic, so I can't say for certain what the good folks at CCP have as their grand, over-arching plan for destroyer hulls and how that fits into the overall game. I just go by my own experience and observations. From those, I would say that . . well, just read the Tech I destroyer descriptions:

Coercer <-seek and destroy
Cormorant <-wtf, man?
Catalyst <-anti-frigate
Algos <-readiness
Thrasher <-protects
Talwar <-evasion

Those descriptions don't stop us from salvaging or mining or doing courier missions, etc. in our destroyers, but that doesn't mean CCP should rebalance the hulls to be better at those tasks. If you had other plans for destroyer hull types, maybe you should inform CCP. I have a feeling they aren't aware your designs.

Really, if you don't like the concept of "destroyer", you should just say that, but you should expect a Tech III destroyer to be at least 2 shades better than a Tech I destroyer.
Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#413 - 2015-04-15 23:01:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Iroquoiss Pliskin
Cade Windstalker wrote:

New stuff is rarely subject to as much debate as change to old stuff, even if that old stuff isn't so old... Lol

Tech 3 cruisers isn't exactly new stuff, and look where we are. Roll

The largest issue with T3 cruisers is the exact Tech 2 resist profile - T3Ds, on the other hand, do not have them, and that is their only saving grace right now. Otherwise Eve is kill.

A Confessor has 79%-88% of the racial resists values vs. a Heretic, and 70-75% of the values of a Retribution. Defensive mode puts racial Kin/Exp close to T2, while greatly increasing EM/Therm past T2 levels.

In this regard T3Ds sit in a right place according to this vision -

Strategic cruisers remain broken. Sad
Cardano Firesnake
Fire Bullet Inc
#414 - 2015-04-16 03:25:17 UTC
I must say that the Svipul is far more powerful than the Confessor. These changes will make the gap bigger..
It is a shame that the confessor is more beautiful than the Svipul.

Posted - 2010.07.01 11:24:00 - [4] Erase learning skills, remap all SP. That's all.

khaip ur
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#415 - 2015-04-16 06:09:49 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:

  • New Role Bonus: +50% Small Energy Turret Damage
  • Highslots: 6 (-1)
  • Turrets: 4 (-2)
  • Powergrid: 62 (-18)
  • CPU: 180 (-10)
  • Max Velocity: 235 (-45)
  • Mass: 2,000,000kg (-400,000)
  • Inertia: 2.7 (+0.55)
  • Shield Recharge Time: 800s (+175s)
  • Capacitor Recharge Time: 320s (+20s)

  • Svipul:
  • New Role Bonus: +50% Small Projectile Turret Damage
  • Highslots: 6 (-1)
  • Turrets: 4 (-2)
  • Powergrid: 59 (-19)
  • CPU: 205 (-10)
  • Max Velocity: 230 (-60)
  • Mass: 1,500,000 (-400,000)
  • Inertia: 3.5 (+0.85)
  • Shield Recharge Time: 800s (+175s)
  • Capacitor Recharge Time: 240s (+15s)

For most of it the changes do not really effect the usefulness of the ship. and personally increasing the cost is probably a good thing since they are coming in pretty cheap considering they are 1 new and 2 tech 3.

My main concern is the amount of change in the shield recharge time. A 28% nerf in one go just seems like an over correction. Especially when the current rate is identical to tech 1.
Cade Windstalker
#416 - 2015-04-16 09:05:38 UTC
khaip ur wrote:
For most of it the changes do not really effect the usefulness of the ship. and personally increasing the cost is probably a good thing since they are coming in pretty cheap considering they are 1 new and 2 tech 3.

My main concern is the amount of change in the shield recharge time. A 28% nerf in one go just seems like an over correction. Especially when the current rate is identical to tech 1.

T1 Destroyers can't easily fit Medium LSEs and don't have T2++ Resists in Defensive Mode. As things stand they still have the option to tank better than any of the T1 and most of the T2 ships in their weight class.

Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Descriptions like that have *never* applied well to Eve ships, and should be considered size categories at best. Everything you're drawing from here is based on Earth Naval History. That just doesn't apply here and it's certainly not what Fozzie and Rise are balancing around.

I'm not psychic, so I can't say for certain what the good folks at CCP have as their grand, over-arching plan for destroyer hulls and how that fits into the overall game. I just go by my own experience and observations. From those, I would say that . . well, just read the Tech I destroyer descriptions:


Those descriptions don't stop us from salvaging or mining or doing courier missions, etc. in our destroyers, but that doesn't mean CCP should rebalance the hulls to be better at those tasks. If you had other plans for destroyer hull types, maybe you should inform CCP. I have a feeling they aren't aware your designs.

Really, if you don't like the concept of "destroyer", you should just say that, but you should expect a Tech III destroyer to be at least 2 shades better than a Tech I destroyer.

I think perhaps you should check the descriptions for the T3 destroyers, and note the complete lack of any such mandate as that you are describing. Same for the T2, in-fact, which are actually specialized ships.

Instead I suggest you look at the stats and the balance changes CCP are making here, which are making these frigates slower, less maneuverable, and harder to fit while keeping the characteristics that make them so good at killing frigates. You're mistaking me if you think I'm saying "Destroyers shouldn't kill frigates", I'm saying "the relationship between the T3 Destroyers and T2 Frigates is problematic and needs to change, and I'm glad CCP are taking steps toward rectifying this Big smile

If CCP were saying "no, these should be all-mighty T2 Frigate killers" then I'd be fine with that as long as I felt it would be good for the game and they had a decent reasoning for it. As things stand though, none of this is the case.

Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
Cade Windstalker wrote:

New stuff is rarely subject to as much debate as change to old stuff, even if that old stuff isn't so old... Lol

Tech 3 cruisers isn't exactly new stuff, and look where we are. Roll

The largest issue with T3 cruisers is the exact Tech 2 resist profile - T3Ds, on the other hand, do not have them, and that is their only saving grace right now. Otherwise Eve is kill.

A Confessor has 79%-88% of the racial resists values vs. a Heretic, and 70-75% of the values of a Retribution. Defensive mode puts racial Kin/Exp close to T2, while greatly increasing EM/Therm past T2 levels.

In this regard T3Ds sit in a right place according to this vision -

Strategic cruisers remain broken. Sad

I'd rather not get too into this as it's off topic for the thread. If you want to hash this out please reply via PM.

In short though, T3s were released under a different vision of Tech 3 hulls. CCP have recognized that this created a lot of problems and corrected, but the Tech 3 Cruisers are ships a lot of people have a lot of investment in and I think CCP have been trying to figure out what to do with them that doesn't completely invalidate all of that investment while also not invalidating half the T2 Cruisers in the game currently.

It's a prickly problem and I don't envy them for having to deal with it. Overall though I'm glad they're getting a solid base-line by adjusting all of the other ships into a good state first, since then they can slot T3 Cruisers in among them rather than trying to balance T3 Cruisers first and then touching everything else.
To mare
Advanced Technology
#417 - 2015-04-16 09:24:50 UTC
Cardano Firesnake wrote:
I must say that the Svipul is far more powerful than the Confessor. These changes will make the gap bigger..
It is a shame that the confessor is more beautiful than the Svipul.

omg one minmatar ship that doesnt suck, must nerf it quick
prolix travail
Blue Mountain Trails
#418 - 2015-04-16 13:20:36 UTC
Ive played around with these ships on sisi and have to say that the nerfs do have a noticable affect on 10mn ab ftis. You can still fit a 10mn ab but it usually means having to upgrade a fitting rig to t2 and use at least one more fitting mod/rig. So you lose tank/damage or both as well as the slower speed and agility.

On the svipul the loss of agility feels pretty significant, even more so in defense or sharpshooter mode. i've been rethinking fitting a 10mn ab on a svipul as the speed/agility of a mwd is that much better, and the extra fitting room means you can do some heavy cap warfare with 2 utility highs and make use of the 4th mid for cap booster.

Catherine Laartii
#419 - 2015-04-16 14:06:57 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Hey everyone!
Big thanks to everyone who has posted feedback about the first round of changes. We agree with the point that some of you were bringing up, that these first round of changes are a bit too harsh on long range weapon fits compared to short range weapon fits. A certain amount of added fitting pain for long range fits will be necessary, but long range weapon viability is a key part of the character of the tactical destroyers and it would be a shame to limit that more than absolutely necessary.

So we've come up with a second iteration of these changes, using a slightly more invasive set of adjustments. To reduce the impact of extremely high fittings while continuing to keep long range weapons competitive with short range weapons we are proposing a change to the turrets of the Confessor and Svipul. Both would lose 2 turrets (going to 4) but gain a new +50% damage role bonus to keep DPS the same. This allows us to reduce fittings significantly without harming long range fits as much, as the weapons will make a smaller percentage of the overall Powergrid and CPU consumption of the ships.

These new versions also include a mass reduction for the Svipul (which is how we directly impact the power of oversized prop modules) and a bit more speed reduction. Material requirement changes remain the same as in version one.

  • New Role Bonus: +50% Small Energy Turret Damage
  • Highslots: 6 (-1)
  • Turrets: 4 (-2)
  • Powergrid: 62 (-18)
  • CPU: 180 (-10)
  • Max Velocity: 235 (-45)
  • Mass: 2,000,000kg (-400,000)
  • Inertia: 2.7 (+0.55)
  • Shield Recharge Time: 800s (+175s)
  • Capacitor Recharge Time: 320s (+20s)

  • Svipul:
  • New Role Bonus: +50% Small Projectile Turret Damage
  • Highslots: 6 (-1)
  • Turrets: 4 (-2)
  • Powergrid: 59 (-19)
  • CPU: 205 (-10)
  • Max Velocity: 230 (-60)
  • Mass: 1,500,000 (-400,000)
  • Inertia: 3.5 (+0.85)
  • Shield Recharge Time: 800s (+175s)
  • Capacitor Recharge Time: 240s (+15s)

Material Requirements (unchanged):
+1 to each of Electromechanical Interface Nexus, Fullerene Intercalated Sheets, Optimized Nano-engines, Reconfigured Subspace Calibrator, Self-Assembling Nanolattice, Warfare Computation Core

Like I said above, thanks to everyone who has participated in this feedback thread so far. We're very interested in hearing your thoughts about this second iteration of the changes.

2 utility highs and a sensible fitting balance? What the hell is this, sensible balance week? Goddamn, GO FOZZIE GO!!! ShockedBig smile
Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#420 - 2015-04-16 14:50:13 UTC
Yes, the readiness with which they've responded to the issues can be applauded. Big smile