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[Scylla] Skynet - Removing Fighter Assist

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Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#1361 - 2015-03-29 21:36:14 UTC
Please explain why you can't carrier rat anymore? Or you mean you can't keep your carrier safely off grid while gaining more than normal DPS & tracking on fighters from a max DPS/Tracking fit?
Just take it on grid and rat with it. Still works.

CCP have not screwed your playstyle, you don't want to take the risk that should have always come with that play style.
Also your overhead has dropped since you can gate jump the carrier with a scout (Hey you have two accounts even) so moving it around no longer needs cyno's.
Antagonistic Tendencies
#1362 - 2015-03-29 23:56:28 UTC
Have you tried your own advice? from what I can see fighters are distinctly a poorer choice to actually use now over sentries or geckos, etc. that you can still assist and if you really weigh it up I'm not even sure your better off just ditching the carrier and going with a pair of RR domis or something (as most people ratting with a carrier have atleast 2 accounts).
Kraken Merius
Plug N Play
#1363 - 2015-03-30 00:28:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Kraken Merius
Just wanted to throw in my two cents on this subject. Overall, I agree that fighter assist and even drone assist, as it exists in recent memory, need to be either heavily modified or removed. That being said, heavily modified would be far more preferable to outright deletion. A full mechanic should not be cut out of the game simply because it doesn't function correctly and fixing it would require a fair amount of work. I also believe that fighter warp is one of the cool and unique things about owning and flying a carrier. It isn't broken or overpowered in a stand alone sense. The fact that your fighters can follow a craft through warp and reengage, while annoying to the guy/gal who is hightailing it, is a function in the game that is just fine the way it is in my opinion.


1. Really simple and needed. Remove the ability to assist fighters to a subcapital ship completely. If they could control fighters, they would have the bandwidth to use them in the first place. On grid or off grid, I don't think it matters, just get rid of it. I would argue to allow fighter assist between capitals, or at least carrier class capitals, but only to a certain degree.

2. As someone previously stated, and in line with my #1 solution, create a module that allows a certain amount of FIGHTER ONLY bandwidth, but only say a maximum of 2 or 3. That way, they would receive limited assistance and wont be able to use the module to pad their own drone bay and be buffed without the assistance of a carrier.

3. Even if not removed outright, disallow the use of fighter/drone assist anywhere near a POS. No one should be able to assist a fight from the inside of a POS. Nor by poking the nose or ass of their ship outside the shield.

4. Drone assist is a great mechanic, but being able to assign a hundred Bouncers to a Fleet Commander in a fight is not the way the game should be played, again in my opinion. The fleet should not be able to kick back and orbit while one guy keeps hitting a big red button on his control console. Therefore, I think that there should be a maximum amount of drone assists per ship, say 5, and then they can receive no more. Or as an alternative, create a new stat that will govern how much bandwidth a ship has available to receive assistance. So say the stat is named Drone Assist Bandwidth and the stat reads 50, then that ship can receive 5 medium drones as assistance and no more. I think this idea would transfer over fluidly to carriers by renaming the stat Fighter Assist Bandwidth and thus limiting the number of fighters a carrier can have assisted to it. This would add another level of depth in small and large fleet engagements as this stat would/should vary wildly with different ship types. Maybe even have a ship with bonuses to assisted drones, but that seems like a far fetched dream all in all.

All things considered, I think there should be a number or stat limit to just about everything you can do in the game, and for the most part that is the case. Just not Fighter/Drone assisting. There are numerous ways things could be reworked to keep drone/fighter assist while nerfing it (appropriately), keeping fighter warp, and removing the safety net of POS shields in these situations without just throwing hands up and saying "You know what? We're just deleting it." It will require some hard work, balancing, and testing. But this road, while harder, will ultimately be a more rewarding experience to gamers and a richer game in general.

Just my two cents. And since I only have two cents, can anyone spare any change?

*Edited for spelling
Nasar Vyron
S0utherN Comfort
#1364 - 2015-03-30 00:55:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Nasar Vyron
Rowells wrote:
And stop pretending to speak for the majority. You in no way can try to use the silent majority to bolster your opinion.

I've got news for you buddy, I do speak for the majority of null sec and likely a good chunk of low who have any actual ties to the use of supers. It's you who are in the minority here.

Very few ever said skynet was fine and should stay. In fact almost every post I've read had said alter it in such a way to make it more dangerous and/or limit who can accept the fighters.

Viable ideas I've seen thus far get ignored:
Removing the ability to assign fighters within X-distance of the stick, not just shield edge to prevent sitting next to an online tower.
Limit to certain ship types.
Limit to available bandwidth of accepting ship.
Implementing a siege module allow for off grid assign and warping (on grid only without).
the list goes on... all viable, all increase risk while leaving each different play style intact. Balancing, not removing.

Just read the posts here, I've lost count how many players are unsubbing their main accounts, not just alt accounts, over CCP's recent actions (not just fighters). And that is just those who decided to be vocal about it!

And no, the game is not better without them. For each player that leaves, that's one less reason their friends have to stick around as well. It's a vicious cycle every MMO is susceptible to.
Nasar Vyron
S0utherN Comfort
#1365 - 2015-03-30 00:58:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Nasar Vyron
Delete please. Double posted.
Antonia Iskarius
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1366 - 2015-03-30 01:35:55 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Please explain why you can't carrier rat anymore? Or you mean you can't keep your carrier safely off grid while gaining more than normal DPS & tracking on fighters from a max DPS/Tracking fit?
Just take it on grid and rat with it. Still works.

CCP have not screwed your playstyle, you don't want to take the risk that should have always come with that play style.
Also your overhead has dropped since you can gate jump the carrier with a scout (Hey you have two accounts even) so moving it around no longer needs cyno's.

Lock times from the hulls themselves + nerfed fighter scan res means over a minute from beginning targeting to applying DPS to your target.

Could've left in on-grid assist to alleviate that, but nope. Removing it means there is no reason to fighter rat, and supers which can't field regular drones are now completely useless for both ratting and subcap PVP whether on grid or not.
Arthur Aihaken
#1367 - 2015-03-30 02:20:02 UTC
Antonia Iskarius wrote:
Lock times from the hulls themselves + nerfed fighter scan res means over a minute from beginning targeting to applying DPS to your target.

Could've left in on-grid assist to alleviate that, but nope. Removing it means there is no reason to fighter rat, and supers which can't field regular drones are now completely useless for both ratting and subcap PVP whether on grid or not.

Can we also add that carriers and dreadnoughts basically can't really defend themselves against even a small group of attackers?

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Swaatybaatch Yesplease
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1368 - 2015-03-30 08:02:33 UTC
in my fears that I will never be able to use a carrier , I rushed to buy a carrier char one able to fly and use them , rushed that that char down to null and sold everything I own in game across all my accounts so I could get a carrier fitted and in space ....... carriers = loads of fun , even though I am not able to get my drones to assist or guard my friends , hell my fighters do not even auto attack the rats , I killed a rat and will now sit back and wait for the day that carriers are good again , not being able to even set my drones to assist my mining friend who is 20km from my ship was a waist rats burned his mining ship down while I stared at the lock timer , thanks CCP watching some one pop in space is always fun .

with all that at least I got to fly a carrier .
Spugg Galdon
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1369 - 2015-03-30 08:38:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Spugg Galdon
Personally, I don't like how fighters behave like mindless drones.

I'd far prefer fighters to behave as if they actually had pilots in the cockpits, which, in reality they actually do. I'd like to see them maneuver intelligently and independently. I'd like to see wings of fighters from opposing carriers in a furball trying to gain space superiority. I'd like to see fighter pilots being an actual "thing". I mean, imagine, you get your rookie pilots and grind up their experience to become "Ace" pilots who can fly faster, turn tighter, shoot more accurately meaning that if you lose your fighters, you lose your pilots too. But you could expand on this..... A carrier will always have SAR operations for their downed pilots. You would have to launch your search and rescue "helicopters" to go and save your ace pilots (these would work like salvage drones).

You would then simply assign them a "mission type" instead of "Attack my target" or "Assist my target" and the AI would then decide the best course of action to take.

Currently, fighters are just big ass drones with stats that are out of whack cause that's the only way to balance them.

Overall, fighters could be reworked completely but it would be a large chunk of work.
King Fu Hostile
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#1370 - 2015-03-30 12:19:11 UTC
Nasar Vyron wrote:
Rowells wrote:
If your only options to counter the mechanic are running away or driveby doomsdays (good luck getting enought DPS to kill a carrier before it sucks the shields) then it's a pretty safe mechanic.

People are foolish thinking that killing the enemy super is the only way to victory. If you can make him go into his shield, you've won. If you can make him not want to log in for fear of possibly losing the super because every time he does log in so do several alts in system, you've won. If you can catch and kill his trigger ship, you've won. If you can catch and kill the super itself, then that's an enormous victory.

Each of those is in itself a victory. Problem is if some players don't see the enemy ship blow up they consider it a loss. Completely forgetting about tactical victories. Not everything is about killing the other player's largest ship.

Take the current war going on right now in Delve/Fountain. We have taken pretty hard loses in a couple of engagements, but have managed to maintain control of each timer. So at the end of the day, that's a win. Do we cry if we lose the isk war in a skirmish? No, because that's just one aspect of the game and we love it.

Here are a few things for you to think about:
Do null players cry for slowcats or drone assign to be nerfed? No, we accept it for what it is and we know we can do it right back if we so choose.
Do null players want bomb nerfs? Well maybe, but we know why they exist and accept it.
You see, unlike many spoiled players those who actually live in null typically accept and adapt to existing mechanics. We don't want CCP's hands in our sandbox. If we did we'd all play WOW where everything is homogenized so nobody had an unfair advantage over anyone else.

So you agree that skynet was pretty much immune to risk, and that it's ok to have an unfair advantage because this isn't wow.


If the skynet carrier/super had been at any risk, CCP wouldn't have removed the mechanism. This is the reality.
Omni Paradox Securities
#1371 - 2015-03-30 12:51:19 UTC
Fighter assist was one of the fun things of having a carrier. There are many solutions to this where it does not have to be removed all together. For example, make it so that fighters cannot be assigned until 1000km from a pos shield or so. Problem solved... carriers are easy to probe and tackle and kill
Antagonistic Tendencies
#1372 - 2015-03-30 13:02:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Rroff
King Fu Hostile wrote:

So you agree that skynet was pretty much immune to risk, and that it's ok to have an unfair advantage because this isn't wow.


If the skynet carrier/super had been at any risk, CCP wouldn't have removed the mechanism. This is the reality.

There are good and bad ways to go about addressing that however... going straight for the jugular and screwing over anyone who might use fighters completely unrelated to skynet might not sound like a problem to someone pro-small gang PVP... wait til that same principle is applied to something you care about.
boldy mecpokey
#1373 - 2015-03-30 13:23:25 UTC
Antagonistic Tendencies
#1374 - 2015-03-30 13:56:05 UTC
Malcaz wrote:
Fighter assist was one of the fun things of having a carrier. There are many solutions to this where it does not have to be removed all together. For example, make it so that fighters cannot be assigned until 1000km from a pos shield or so. Problem solved... carriers are easy to probe and tackle and kill

No one cared about "skynet" until CCP gave players the tools to make fighters that could trundle around applying 1000s of dps (upto 7400 from a single nyx) with better effectiveness than light electron blaster, most people wouldn't even bother with doing skynet (not to say other changes shouldn't have been made) if fighters had been tweaked so as to be incidental dps in a typical skynet encounter instead of the prominent weapon platform in the situation that they'd become. Which would have been possible via a number of implementations, the knock on effect to carrier/super ratting would mean that they'd have to use something a bit more expensive along with their fighters to gain parity in efficiency at killing NPC frigs and cruisers but I've little sympathy in that regard it - would still have been possible with a moderately higher risk having to put a bit more ISK on grid.

As before my preferred implementation would have been to give fighters a variation of titan style tracking (it makes sense that human pilots wouldn't be as proficient with the same size weapon platform as pod pilots or drone electronics) - purely as an example of the kind of thing I'm talking about with 5 einherji versus a stationary interceptor it would reduce the damage from say ~1+kdps/3-4+K alpha to (depending on tweaking) something like upto 200dps/700 alpha and scaling upwards from there until you hit full damage at >400 sig or whatever.
Nasar Vyron
S0utherN Comfort
#1375 - 2015-03-30 17:54:24 UTC
King Fu Hostile wrote:
So you agree that skynet was pretty much immune to risk, and that it's ok to have an unfair advantage because this isn't wow.


If the skynet carrier/super had been at any risk, CCP wouldn't have removed the mechanism. This is the reality.

The post you quoted I am referring to the use of skynet in fleet combat where it was intended, not gate camps. Which we have used the tactic against our enemies as many times as it has been used against us. It's all a part of pre-staging for a battle, or risking your assets during to get in position quickly. It is the carrier's ROLE in this game to provide ONGRID logistics and OFFGRID offensive support via their fighters. You rarely see a normal carriers use fighters while on grid because they are horrid for sub-cap warfare where you actually have to fit tank, instead you see them drop sentries. And on that note, you rarely even see super's on grid for that exact reason. If super's had a semi-reliable way to actually combat the small gangs tackling them you would see them on grid more often.

If you took the time to actually read anything else I've posted you'd see that I was not "okay" with several aspects of skynet, and as myself and many others can see the overlap between skynet and other legitimate uses of the mechanic did not want to see it completely stripped away.

I was personally a fan of making it so drone/fighter assign was based on distance from stick, not shield edge, to prevent what I see as a borderline exploit of bringing the shield up around you at an instance completely removing the slow act of boating back into the shield.
I was also for limiting the ships who could accept the fighters based on their open bandwidth, meaning only drone ships could accept them as their ships were actually equip to control drones in the first place. This would have done away with insta-lock ceptors that are near impossible to catch and kill, and inevitably pushed it to large hulls forcing them to replace their personal drones with the more powerful fighters.

Super pilots have no reward for risking their assets in such a reckless way. That's why their use has been pigeonholed into only being wielded while within in a blob now where they can rely on the logistics of those around them as they go after other capitals. There simply is no reward for owning a super outside of simply status anymore, same can be said about titans. CCP already understands that their players will always find ways to exploit mechanics, now they just need to learn how to go about adjusting these in a less harmful manner.
Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#1376 - 2015-03-30 18:28:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Lloyd Roses
Rroff wrote:
King Fu Hostile wrote:

So you agree that skynet was pretty much immune to risk, and that it's ok to have an unfair advantage because this isn't wow.


If the skynet carrier/super had been at any risk, CCP wouldn't have removed the mechanism. This is the reality.

There are good and bad ways to go about addressing that however... going straight for the jugular and screwing over anyone who might use fighters completely unrelated to skynet might not sound like a problem to someone pro-small gang PVP... wait til that same principle is applied to something you care about.

Ye I'm prepared for links to come on grid, one falcon eventually not reliably jamming 2/3 guardians and for T3 Destroyers to lose half their powergrid. And this whining about here is on quite another scale. I might have missed something but it only means you can't just put your fighters to some Svipul anymore and kill everything in system that is moving, you need to be there to launch your drones.

Thoe complaints are like *OMG can't boost from inside POS FF anymore, RIP links* that got voiced the last time a similar impactful change came around.

Also, links amplify your ship's attributes. Skynet just adds a flat few thousand dps to anything.
King Fu Hostile
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#1377 - 2015-03-30 18:57:54 UTC
Rroff wrote:
King Fu Hostile wrote:

So you agree that skynet was pretty much immune to risk, and that it's ok to have an unfair advantage because this isn't wow.


If the skynet carrier/super had been at any risk, CCP wouldn't have removed the mechanism. This is the reality.

There are good and bad ways to go about addressing that however... going straight for the jugular and screwing over anyone who might use fighters completely unrelated to skynet might not sound like a problem to someone pro-small gang PVP... wait til that same principle is applied to something you care about.

I don't agree with the total removal, just for the record. However his reasons to keep it are wrong.
Antagonistic Tendencies
#1378 - 2015-03-30 19:27:44 UTC
Lloyd Roses wrote:
I might have missed something but it only means you can't just put your fighters to some Svipul anymore and kill everything in system that is moving, you need to be there to launch your drones.

Thoe complaints are like *OMG can't boost from inside POS FF anymore, RIP links* that got voiced the last time a similar impactful change came around.

Also, links amplify your ship's attributes. Skynet just adds a flat few thousand dps to anything.

People do use fighters outside of skynet style "pvp" - assign and assist no longer work on grid or off grid with fighters which makes them pretty much useless in reality for much of what they were used for outside of skynet.

As I've pointed out though skynet itself is pretty bad when done properly and had to go it doesn't sit right with me though that such a long standing feature that people who use it will mostly be long term players who've spent quite awhile training and so on to use can be casually wiped away with the wave of a hand and a fake feedback thread.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#1379 - 2015-03-30 20:03:47 UTC
Rroff wrote:

People do use fighters outside of skynet style "pvp" - assign and assist no longer work on grid or off grid with fighters which makes them pretty much useless in reality for much of what they were used for outside of skynet.

As I've pointed out though skynet itself is pretty bad when done properly and had to go it doesn't sit right with me though that such a long standing feature that people who use it will mostly be long term players who've spent quite awhile training and so on to use can be casually wiped away with the wave of a hand and a fake feedback thread.

Yes, because anything where the Devs don't agree with you is 'fake'....
Yea right, grow up.
If the entire community had been on board with your POV then you might have some ground to complain, but most people were not in favour of the assign, and a lot also weren't in favour of a simple 'Assist as if drone' mechanic either.
Antagonistic Tendencies
#1380 - 2015-03-30 20:20:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Rroff
Nevyn Auscent wrote:

Yes, because anything where the Devs don't agree with you is 'fake'....
Yea right, grow up.
If the entire community had been on board with your POV then you might have some ground to complain, but most people were not in favour of the assign, and a lot also weren't in favour of a simple 'Assist as if drone' mechanic either.

I seem to have upset someone...

Plenty of people have posted alternative ideas and asked for a more balanced change rather than completely wiping out long standing fighter functionality I'm far from alone on that front - small gang type players are always going to proportionally out weigh capital representation however and hence have a louder voice - especially as they are typically on the receiving end and don't care beyond it going away any result where its gone is a good one to them.