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Let me tell you why people are killing highsec miners. A manifesto.

First post
Billionaire Carebear
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#541 - 2012-02-10 19:03:46 UTC
BeastlyRage wrote:
... floating around just doing missions. I have ganked these with great pleasure...

So why are the missions always in the same place and thus open to being ganked? Why don't the mission locations 'drift' over time so that the gankers would have to do some extra work and remake their bookmarks? As a miner I would not mind the missions occurring in new and different places, however I can see the gankers complaining that they would have to actually do some effort and track down the new prey locations.  George Carlin "They're Just Words."

Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#542 - 2012-02-10 19:46:12 UTC
We kill high sec miners because it's fun.

Any other reason is just BS.

Your carebear tears nourish us. and we enjoy your fail attemps at trolling.

I would like to say it is currently a little too easy for us some of the challange has gone but thats fine we just move to higher sec systems.

Mortis vonShadow
Balanaz Mining and Development Inc.
#543 - 2012-02-10 21:06:49 UTC
leich wrote:

Your carebear tears nourish us. and we enjoy your fail attemps at trolling.

I would like to say it is currently a little too easy for us some of the challange has gone but thats fine we just move to higher sec systems.

Your stupid is showing. I'll give you a challenge, come to Parses. Find me. Woof Woof.

Some days you're the bug, and some days your the windscreen.                   And some days, you're just a man with a gun.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#544 - 2012-02-10 23:04:12 UTC
Billionaire Carebear wrote:
BeastlyRage wrote:
... floating around just doing missions. I have ganked these with great pleasure...

So why are the missions always in the same place and thus open to being ganked? Why don't the mission locations 'drift' over time so that the gankers would have to do some extra work and remake their bookmarks? As a miner I would not mind the missions occurring in new and different places, however I can see the gankers complaining that they would have to actually do some effort and track down the new prey locations.

We kill them on station undock...
Billionaire Carebear
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#545 - 2012-02-10 23:16:27 UTC
BeastlyRage wrote:
We kill them on station undock...

So...that is all you do? PvC? Player Vs Carebear? No research, or playing the ISK market, just monotonous killing? Ok, whatever, hope that works out for you.  George Carlin "They're Just Words."

Chopper Rollins
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#546 - 2012-02-10 23:51:27 UTC
James 315 wrote:

My objective analysis of the highsec miners has concluded that my prejudice against them is well-founded. They do deserve the disgust that people feel for them.

OP is a lunatic.

Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#547 - 2012-02-11 08:25:23 UTC
Billionaire Carebear wrote:
BeastlyRage wrote:
We kill them on station undock...

So...that is all you do? PvC? Player Vs Carebear? No research, or playing the ISK market, just monotonous killing? Ok, whatever, hope that works out for you.

Yeah thats EVE. Basically kill everything you see. And no PvC is not all I do. It's more of a side hobby I did when I was bored in nullsec.
Eve Academy Corporation
Nomad Alliance
#548 - 2012-02-11 14:17:02 UTC
sadest bunch og exuces for being a sadist ever!

you love that someone have put a lot of time and effort in putting together a ship, a fit and skills and inplants to match it, and how terrible it feels when you blow it up.

thats the only reason you do it, you jerk of to others feeling bad, just admit it and then its fine, if it was not fine, CCP would make it impossible. dont make a lot of dum excuses, and for the love of god not over 7000 words of them!

you must be a miner, with sop much time on your hands :)
Iris Bravemount
Golden Grinding Gears
#549 - 2012-02-11 17:21:05 UTC
First of all OP, congrats for how seriously you take what you do.

But then, you are wrong on the following :

- Miners don't want to become bots. They hate bots, because they are unfair competition and make their tedious activity even less rewarding. Plus, they make people like you put bots and miners in the same box.
- Some people enjoy some relaxed gaming after a hard day of work. Highsec provides just that to some extent. For people who want more action there is lowsec, nulsec and WH space. Not all players play for the same reasons. Deal with it.
- Every player specializing in one aspect of the game aims for efficiency, not only miners. That doesn't make all of them bots, or botlike. It makes them good at what they do. Nothing more, nothing less.
- Some miners DO fight back, but unfortunately only the Hulk allows this fitting-wise.
- Suicide gankers don't take any risk. They calculate costs. That's about it. There is no risk at all in suicide ganking.
- Mining, PI, moon mining, salvaging and exploration are the ONLY activities which actually DO contribute to the EvE economy. No Isk faucets involved. Ok, you may add selling PLEX to that list, but that's a bit off topic.

The real problem is the existence of bots. I do not know much about software engeneering, but CCP should focus their efforts on more efficient and automated bot detection and banning.

"I will not hesitate when the test of Faith finds me, for only the strongest conviction will open the gates of paradise. My Faith in you is absolute; my sword is Yours, My God, and Your will guides me now and for all eternity." - Paladin's Creed

Billionaire Carebear
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#550 - 2012-02-11 17:33:27 UTC
Nodwood wrote:
sadest bunch og exuces for being a sadist ever!

"Me have big stick, you be afraid now."

The original simple pleasure for the simple mind.

As an intelligent person I choose to not be afraid.  George Carlin "They're Just Words."

Milo QUinn
United Free Space Inc.
#551 - 2012-02-11 19:19:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Milo QUinn
McRoll wrote:
1) I am amazed and shocked because of the amount of people who are unable to read 7k words, as they themselves claim. Are there so many people who cannot do that? Humanity is doomed, I tell youLol

2) A post of highest quality, enjoyed reading. Also agree on most parts.

3) There seriously needs to be a complete mining redesign. It needs to be more interactive and it should involve some skill and/or knowledge in order to get the most isk out of it. That way people would actually play the game while mining and not just wait until the cycle completes. If CCP would do that, they can consider revamping missions as well (like adding Sleeper AI at least)

(I am thinking about a mechanics similar to PI for example, where you have to scan the asteroid and manually aim the lasers at the points with the highest ore concentration, or something like that. I am sure CCP can come up with something, they just need to want to)

Hahaha! You have got to be kidding, right? 'A post of [the] highest quality'? I'd hate to think what your usual reading material is... Ugh

And regarding your suggestion about making mining more challenging (because apparently you think it's so easy that it's just unfair...), would you be agreeable to the same modifications being applied to PvP and ganking? I.e. having to manually aim your weapons at the target, rather than just getting target lock and activating your weapons? What's sauce for the goose should be sauce for the gander, after all Smile Of course, you'd probably still whine about mining being too easy, because roids don't move, unlike ships. Well, that's just life, my friend: some people's jobs are easier than other people's. And I happen to think that killing innocent people, or destroying their property, should be made as difficult as possible. Sadly ,of course, we do not live in such a world (though maybe people like you and the OP think we should).
Milo QUinn
United Free Space Inc.
#552 - 2012-02-11 19:27:28 UTC
Berendas wrote:
My hat is off to OP, read the whole thing and enjoyed every word. It was very well written, and in every way deserving of a 10/10.

Also, you are a ******* psychopath in a very beautiful and fun to read about way.

DIsagree with your first statement. Totally agree with your second Lol
Milo QUinn
United Free Space Inc.
#553 - 2012-02-11 20:17:36 UTC
Armored Phoenix wrote:
Seriously, OP's attempt at justifying his killboard-padding, epeen-stroking, egotistical, self-centered, fascist, dictatorial, and misguided attempts to force others to play the game the way he thinks it should be played are utterly amusing.

I read the whole thread (yes, all 7000+ words, and 6 pages of responses), and whole-heartedly think (and this is my opinion, for those that know the difference between it and fact) that the OP needs to be on some strong medication, or institutionalized, for whatever condition he is suffering from.

I can honestly admit that I am a high-sec miner, have never even considered using any form of bot or macro, and enjoy mining (even it means I make less isk per hour than other activities). I use the profits that I do make to fund my alts and their activities, which are less profitable. I enjoy mining, because it is a simple task and relaxing. Mining gives me the chance to play a game that I enjoy, think over and evaluate all of my real life actions and experiences from the day. It gives the opportunity to, possibly, meet and converse with people with other perspectives from around the world.

I have met a number of people, both new players and vets alike, while mining, and had pleasant conversations with them. Conversation is a stimulating, social activity, that requires more concentration than is available when engaged in PVP.

If miners are so evil (discounting the whiners that want ganking removed), why have I discovered that most of the miners that I have met in game, are more philosophical and intellectual than most of the PVPers I have met (no offense intended to the PVPers). Suicide gankers, on the other hand, are bottom-feeders who have no concept of risk or enjoyment of a well-earned kill.

Ganking is not PVP in any way. Ganking is no more stimulating or exciting than beating up the elderly. You are trying to "fight" someone who is not capable of fighting back. Where is the challenge? Where is the thrill? If someone thinks that either of those things exist in ganking, then they are a pathetic excuse for a human.

However, gankers choose to play the game the way they want to. That is allowed within the game mechanics, and, above all, is their choice. They are entitled to have their opinion, just as I am entitled to have mine. Are they wrong to gank defenseless victims? Perhaps, perhaps not; regardless, I am not qualified to judge that. I am allowed to have an opinion, though, as are they.

I believe that ganking should remain a viable option within the mechanics of the game. However, I believe that it should be made more difficult than it currently is. The ability to destroy a 200+ million isk ship with a ship that only cost a few million is unbalanced. Gankers should be forced to incur higher expenses to achieve their desired goal. I agree with most of the people wanting a buff to mining barges and exhumers. I don't think that ganking should be made impossible though; just more difficult.

To conclude, gank if you want to, but try to morally justify what you are doing. Realize and accept that you are ganking simply to have fun at some other player's expense. You do it to try to ruin some other human's fun. Ganking is not evil. Mining is not evil. Both are allowed, and acceptable, methods of playing in the sandbox. If you want to stomp on other kids' sandcastles, go ahead. But be prepared for the day you get punched in the face for doing it to the wrong kid.

Fly safe (for the miners) / Get Concordokkened (for the gankers)
--Armored Phoenix

Beautifully put, AP Smile
Milo QUinn
United Free Space Inc.
#554 - 2012-02-11 20:22:43 UTC
Jeff Latro wrote:
I just shoot miners because it amuses me. Roll

You know what they say - little things please little minds Smile
Milo QUinn
United Free Space Inc.
#555 - 2012-02-11 20:35:21 UTC
Lil Nippy wrote:
That post was seriously crazy man I got to admit I didn't read it all but god damn.

Yeah high sec miners are pretty lame, why they even play the game at all is beyond me. I have always thought profitable rocks should only be out in low sec and null sec to create more PvP/industry hybrid corps, but sadly I guess CCP does not share my thoughts. High sec miners simply do not get the entire experience of eve or even seem to care, I think they just get off on the fact that they can make more cash in a video than in real life and it gives them a self esteem boost lol.

So how much cash do you make IRL, LN? I probably make more. And I still like hi-sec mining. FYI, I tend to think it's the gankers and lo-sec griefers who have low-paid, menial jobs, and ganking hi-sec miners is their way of compensating for their low self-esteem. Just a theory... Smile
Milo QUinn
United Free Space Inc.
#556 - 2012-02-11 20:46:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Milo QUinn
Jarin Arenos wrote:

PS to the OP, loved the environmentalist touch with the ice belt description. 9/10. :D

Somehow I don't think the OP is some kaftan-wearing, dreadlocked hippy. He'd have smoked more pot and done more E, and - consequently - be more chilled-out than he obviously is....
Milo QUinn
United Free Space Inc.
#557 - 2012-02-11 20:57:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Milo QUinn
Milo QUinn
United Free Space Inc.
#558 - 2012-02-11 20:58:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Milo QUinn
Dervinus wrote:
I just read the manifesto and I am INSPIRED. When I get home from work, I am going suicide ganking for the rest of the day. James 315 for CSM

I am simply speechless at your lack of sound character judgement. Assuming you were genuine in your misguided praise, of course...
Milo QUinn
United Free Space Inc.
#559 - 2012-02-11 21:49:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Milo QUinn
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
I told myself I wouldn't comment, but I can't not. Great thread, 10/10, all that.

Mining as it stands as an activity is bot-fodder. Of course, there's no statistics on how many of the miners are actually botters, or they'd be banned already. However, enough of them are bot-like to the point of lack of self-preservation, which gives easy kills to suicide gankers.

Whether they kill miners for kicks, to pad killboards, or for an extensively-documented ideological crusade against bots is irrelevant. The beatings need to continue until morale improves (and the only ones being killed are bots). Or, until the mining system improves.

Look at PI, the other monotonous industry "I don't want to be bothered by PvP" activity. It doesn't even require you to be on site to make profit. However, it requires skill and knowledge beyond just knowing how to fit your ship (which is honestly a 10-minute endeavor in EFT). There are tons of good suggestions in F&I on how to do this, and I don't see suicide ganking stopping until botting and AFK mining stops.

To those who have pointed out that mission runners are just as bad, that is true, but they are also harder to operate with a bot. This results in a player being actually there, which can cause interesting consequences if you, say, do some ninja salvaging.

Rock on, OP, and keep resembling, at the same time, Mittani, karttoon, and that dude who led Germany in WWII whose name I can't type on the forums.

Oh dear, another jar-head. Hoo-rah! What is this? Knuckle-draggers United? Cry
Mortis vonShadow
Balanaz Mining and Development Inc.
#560 - 2012-02-11 21:58:33 UTC
Milo QUinn wrote:

Oh dear, another jar-head. Hoo-rah! What is this? Knuckle-draggers Unitied? Cry

While I can appreciate your protecting us HiSec Miners, as a disabled US Marine, the jar-head Hoo-rah comment comes close to taking my appreciation to annoyance. But, I do agree that those that suicide gank miners in hisec are knuckle dragging semi-illiterate createns. Lol

Some days you're the bug, and some days your the windscreen.                   And some days, you're just a man with a gun.