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Let me tell you why people are killing highsec miners. A manifesto.

First post
#741 - 2012-05-08 15:16:41 UTC
Oraac Ensor wrote:
James 315 wrote:
Before I begin to explain the forces behind the rapid increase in hatred and violence against the miners, I probably ought to make some disclosures. I am a suicide ganker. I kill highsec miners. And aside from the reasons that we'll be exploring in a moment, I simply don't have any fondness for highsec miners. Personally, I just find them easy to dislike. Even apart from what they actually do, their presence has always irritated me. I suppose you could say that I have a natural prejudice against them.

When I examine the phenomenon of the highsec miner, I put all of that aside. Do I despise them? Absolutely. But am I able to be completely objective? Hell yes! In studying the highsec miner, I am essentially a neutral party, as my hatred of the miners becomes a non-factor.

What utter garbage!

Your admitted prejudice makes objectivity absolutely impossible.

It's very likely a huge troll. For anyone that says it's brilliant, well it doesn't speak to highly of their reading/comprehension skills if they can't see the flaws. Very lengthy troll.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#742 - 2012-05-08 15:18:28 UTC
Which is the value of destroying a defenseless ship? Where is the courage? Where is the challenge?

I am not a bot, I don't use bots, I even doesn't know how to build or use one, and I am not interested in them.

I like mining, trading, indy... I don't like pvp, but I do run pve missions. I like exploring, going to other systems, watch other ships flying and get info about what they do and what are there prerequisites.

Please, just go to live in null sec or an wh. There you will meet people that are fond of pvp and you will get the emotions and thrill you want to have.

Or just ask CCP to eliminate mining as an option in Eve. Maybe you will feel better then. And I will look for a better game to play.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#743 - 2012-05-08 19:04:55 UTC
Probably because its like hunting deer.

[b]~ 10.058 ~

Free The Mittani[/b]

Sidus Isaacs
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#744 - 2012-05-09 10:15:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Sidus Isaacs
Radoico wrote:
Which is the value of destroying a defenseless ship? Where is the courage? Where is the challenge?

I am not a bot, I don't use bots, I even doesn't know how to build or use one, and I am not interested in them.

I like mining, trading, indy... I don't like pvp, but I do run pve missions. I like exploring, going to other systems, watch other ships flying and get info about what they do and what are there prerequisites.

Please, just go to live in null sec or an wh. There you will meet people that are fond of pvp and you will get the emotions and thrill you want to have.

Or just ask CCP to eliminate mining as an option in Eve. Maybe you will feel better then. And I will look for a better game to play.

Trading is actually PVP, since you deal with players. People do not have an issue with mining itself, but "risk free" afk high sec mining in a game that is not supposed to keep you safe.
Asuri Kinnes
Caldari State
#745 - 2012-05-09 11:08:42 UTC
Sidus Isaacs wrote:
People do not have an issue with mining itself, but "risk free" afk high sec mining in a game that is not supposed to keep you safe.

That is probably the second dumbest thing expressed in this thread, after the OP itself... Congratulations NPC Corp Alt - you're an idiot.

Bob is the god of Wormholes.

That's all you need to know.

Sidus Isaacs
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#746 - 2012-05-10 08:06:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Sidus Isaacs
Asuri Kinnes wrote:
Sidus Isaacs wrote:
People do not have an issue with mining itself, but "risk free" afk high sec mining in a game that is not supposed to keep you safe.

That is probably the second dumbest thing expressed in this thread, after the OP itself... Congratulations NPC Corp Alt - you're an idiot.

If you want to have risk fee activity, and be afk, go play WOW :P

Leave EVE for those who actually want to play a game that has some sense of challenge and cooperation to succeed.

And yes, this is a NPC corp alt, but been using it on the forums for 4 years, and have no real intention to stop using it (It was actually to be my main, before I decided that an indy start was very boring and I made a new combat oriented main) :)
CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#747 - 2012-05-14 16:27:05 UTC

Thread locked.

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer