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[Alert] Jove space and UUA-F4

First post
Jean Luc Lemmont
Carebears on Fire
#21 - 2014-11-30 15:33:27 UTC
Just remember, the light at the end of the tunnel could be the front of an oncoming train.

Will I get banned for boxing!?!?!

This thread has degenerated to the point it's become like two bald men fighting over a comb. -- Doc Fury

It's bonuses, not boni, you cretins.

#22 - 2014-11-30 18:31:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Nyphur
Though we're getting 101 new systems now, I think there's an extremely good chance that 75 more are to follow. My reasoning is that 25 of the 101 new systems are going to be small-ship only AND have C6 wolf rayett anomalies, which means they've been designed in tandem with the armour-based Amarr T3 destroyer. The Gallente, Caldari and Minmatar will all get their T3s at later dates as part of this arms race storyline, so it makes sense that each race will get its own 25 systems with a different anomaly in each. Most likely the Amarr will get Wolf Rayett (+armour), Caldari will get Pulsar (+shield), Minmatar will get Black Hole (speed), and Gallente will get Magnetar maybe.

So really we're looking for 176 star systems that may or may not already exist on the map, and of which 100 are going to be available immediately, 75 will be unlocked over time, and 1 will be Thera. Interestingly, UUA-F4 (not officially claimed by the Jove) has 101 non-CCP systems and reports suggest that this region is where the star we're seeing in the sky is likely located. From that we can make a few reasonable deductions:

  • Thera is likely one of the systems in UUA-F4. Since we know that Thera has a type A0 star from Zakari Kovalis' initial exploration log entry of the system, it must be J-YQEC as it's the only type A0 in the region.
  • The stargates in UUA-F4 must have just been destroyed by the shattering event that's going on right now in J-YQEC (Thera).
  • 25 of the remaining 100 systems will be the frigate-only shattered systems we get in the initial release and will be tied to the creation of the Amarr T3 destroyer.
  • The remaining 75 systems will either be the other non-frigate-sized shattered systems that open up in the patch or the remaining 75 frigate-sized systems that will unlock slowly over time.

Jove space?:
If the above deductions are true, then the shattering is occuring to systems near the epicentre and that means the 75 shattered systems that aren't in UUA-F4 (either the 75 larger non-frigate-limited shattered systems or the 75 frigate-sized ones waiting to be unlocked) will be systems near UUA-F4. That means either the Jove regions of J7HZ-F and A821-A (there are 77 in the J7HZ-F region that could be used) or it could be undiscovered systems near there that are off the stargate grid.

We know the Jove have tech well beyond the T3 level (I recall from early EVE discussions that they're something like Tech 5), so I don't think CCP's planning to advance the Jovian storyline just yet. That means the 75 shattered systems outside UUA-F4 are either nearby systems that aren't on the Stargate grid or far-away star systems somewhere like Anoikis. Since the "star" isn't visible in Anoikis, it's likely that the shattered systems are just systems near Thera that aren't on the New Eden map and aren't in Jovian space.

SOE and Thera:
SOE first arrived in Thera on YC112.07.09, which was shortly after Sansha's Nation somehow mastered wormholes and started launching incursions. We know that Sansha managed to use the wormholes to enter Jove space and steal the station from 3-CE1R a few months prior, so there's no reason SOE couldn't have used the same technology to gain access to J7HZ-F or hitched a ride in cloaked ships.

There are destroyed Gallente stations (the kind SOE use) in orbit around Thera's inner planets, indicating that they have been colonising the system for several years. SOE is obsessed with the EVE Gate, and the Talocan artifacts at the Thera star show that they're doing some kind of experiment on it that has resulted in dozens of unstable microwormholes at the site and has obviously opened Thera's static wormholes. We also know that SOE searched through several shattered systems before finding J7HZ-F, so the shattering event has clearly happened before in the past before the SOE experiments even began.

Assuming that the shattering is responsible for the recent destruction of the stargates in UUA-F4, this indicates that the stargates in the UUA-F4 region were built at some point after the first shattering event, so that wasn't the Seylinn disaster. The presence of Talocan tech all throughout the Thera system and the Talocan experiment at the star itself means that the first shattering was during the Talocan's reign, which is anywhere from 16,000 years before YC0 to about 6,974 before YC0 (emergence of the Caldari empire).

Working theory:
My current working theory is that SOE used Sansha's Nation's wormhole-controlling tech to explore UUA-F4 and found systems with shattered planets. They got to J-YQEC and discovered the Talocan equipment on the star, which was designed to extract something from the star and open massive wormholes over long distances (like an artificial EVE Gate). The Talocan may even have been migratory because they were extracting a finite rare resource from stars or testing stars for the potential to open a stable wormhole to Earth.

SOE built up stations in the system and researched the device, then attempted a test by opening a wormhole to the W477-P system (where the "star" has been localised to). Thera's star went unstable and fired off several huge CMEs, destroying the stations on the inner planets and causing the shattering event in the region that destroyed all the stargates. Similar to how the Seylinn disaster caused unstable wormholes to sleeper space, this disaster has opened wormholes to UUA-F4 and Thera gets the most static wormholes as it's the epicentre of the phenomenon.

Thera will become the site of research into creating an artificial supergate to another galaxy to where the Talocan went. Check out the Prophecy trailer from Fanfest 2014, notice how it's in a system with a blue star like Thera? We know CCP plans to have the whole playerbase work together to build and fight over the first player-built stargate, so why not in a hub system like Thera?
Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#23 - 2014-11-30 18:49:01 UTC
Nyphur wrote:

Thera will become the site of research into creating an artificial supergate to another galaxy to where the Talocan went. Check out the Prophecy trailer from Fanfest 2014, notice how it's in a system with a blue star like Thera? We know CCP plans to have the whole playerbase work together to build and fight over the first player-built stargate, so why not in a hub system like Thera?

Does not need to be another galaxy...we know that w-space is only around 1300 light years from empire space (for example milky way has a diameter of well over 100.000 Light years)

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

#24 - 2014-11-30 18:54:29 UTC
Eugene Kerner wrote:
Nyphur wrote:

Thera will become the site of research into creating an artificial supergate to another galaxy to where the Talocan went. Check out the Prophecy trailer from Fanfest 2014, notice how it's in a system with a blue star like Thera? We know CCP plans to have the whole playerbase work together to build and fight over the first player-built stargate, so why not in a hub system like Thera?

Does not need to be another galaxy...we know that w-space is only around 1300 light years from empire space (for example milky way has a diameter of well over 100.000 Light years)

Good point. New Eden and Anoikis are both in the Milky Way, and it's reasonable to assume the Talocan were trying to get back to Earth. So they've probably either succeeded in opening a wormhole to Earth, destroyed themselves, or went elsewhere within our galaxy. Either way, the supergate will lead to somewhere interesting.
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2014-11-30 19:04:23 UTC
Nyphur, you really should write the next Eve book, very interesting stuff m8.
Stillwater Corporation
#26 - 2014-11-30 20:52:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Nishachara
Can someone direct me to a news story or a paragraph saying more about that star someone mantioned in this thread.
I've seen star brighter than others for few times and it seemed weird but i brushed it off as something of no importance i guess...
I am interested whats that all about :D

Also wasn't some bright star few years ago for which nobody knew where it is and why it is so bright, it lasted for few days apparently...
Edit: found it... maybe it is of some importance...
Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#27 - 2014-11-30 21:54:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Bagrat Skalski
Talocans will return, they will emerge from the monoliths and start destroying everything as this means their self preservation. They will make your eyes bleed by using only their mind. Shocked
#28 - 2014-11-30 21:57:23 UTC
Oresome wrote:
Nyphur, you really should write the next Eve book, very interesting stuff m8.

Might make this the topic of my next EVE Evolved article at Massively and put in some more research on it, there'd be one up on it today but I'm only doing one article every two weeks now. The ancient civs storylines are the best part of the EVE lore, and CCP's taking it in a very interesting direction. I'm just glad to be still playing EVE at the time we're working all this stuff out, been waiting for this since the COSMOS constellations were introduced in 2005.

Nishachara wrote:
Can someone direct me to a news story or a paragraph saying more about that star someone mantioned in this thread.
I've seen star brighter than others for few times and it seemed weird but i brushed it off as something of no importance i guess...
I am interested whats that all about :D

Also wasn't some bright star few years ago for which nobody knew where it is and why it is so bright, it lasted for few days apparently...
Edit: found it... maybe it is of some importance...

The news post about the new star is here:
It's clearly the same phenomenon as the one you've linked due to the superluminality, but it can't be occuring in the same location because the stargates in the UUA-F4 region weren't destroyed or shut down in YC109. We also didn't see this phenomenon during the Seylinn disaster, as far as I'm aware, which hints that in that case the "star" event either didn't occur or occurred in Anoikis so it was too far away to see. The same thing's currently going on with the current star being invisible in Anoikis.

If I had to guess, I'd say the star is some kind of unexpected byproduct of trying to fold space with Talocan technology like the kind found in Thera and the Sleeper systems. You try to open the wormhole and on the other end a massive burst of radiation comes out that can somehow move faster than the speed of light. From a distance we'd see that as a bright light appearing in every system at once (the star), but any star system very close to it would get hit by a huge wave of particles going faster than light speed. That's probably what's causing the planets to shatter, destroying stargates etc. It also explains why the star appears to be close to W477-P even though I'm fairly confident that Thera is actually J-YQEC: W477P is the exit point, while J-YQEC is the point of origin.

If that's right then it's very interesting to know that the star effect happened before with no other noticeable effects. It means someone tried to open a Talocan wormhole to somewhere in YC109, and it had to be somewhere less than a few hundred lightyears away because we saw the star. My best guess here would be that the Jove found and tested a Talocan wormhole device or similar technology, which makes it all the more ominous that they haven't contacted us since.
Stillwater Corporation
#29 - 2014-11-30 22:45:05 UTC
I agree... thank you for the link... but i noticed that first related link on evelopedia article leads to news item you linked, so is that one more comfirmation that events are indeed related ?
Also, the star reapeared in march next year, maybe the Jove did more testing with talocan wormhole, as you suggested.
Radax Glenn
Church of the Black Hand
#30 - 2014-12-01 00:20:55 UTC
Great information from all parties! Big smile

More images, I've gathered here: Celestial Object in UUA

Question: I'm calculating "around" 14 or 15 light years between JZV-F4 and W477-P using the NeoCom map, and "eyeballing it". Can anyone confirm my numbers?
Siegfried Tahl
#31 - 2014-12-01 01:51:25 UTC
Went through a chain of 16 WH two days ago, and went another 16 today.

The last time one of them was a Shattered one J005872. In map browser it showed the constellation of other Shattered WH systems. But I cleaned the roaming history today, so cant link anymore. Auto-link in chat doesnt work either.

This time I didnt happen to find any new WH system, but I did travel within a region which had a new constellation with Shattered WH systems.

Here on a screen you can see a WH region C-R00009 which has in it C-C00327 Constellation with 11 Shattered WH systems. Sadly, no interesting information can be obtained from map browser, it just shows how many shattered planets are there in orbits, and they are all shattered.

Funny, right clicking on a system name and 'Show on Map' opens YULAI and thats for every WH system. So there may be some key info there.

One more notice. During my roaming scanned ~50 WH gates of all different types, new figate sized etc, out of them 7-8 i.e. a considerable amount vanished upon warping to them. Its either wild coincidence, or sisi feature, or some new WH mechanics that its very fragile and dissapears so fast. I tried to warp at 100km to look from afar at some point but all the rest were normal and stayed there as usual.
#32 - 2014-12-01 02:06:29 UTC

Shattered planets:
Something about the Seyllin disaster's similarity to the current events has been bugging me, so I dug up some more info on it and it looks like there's a big connection. There are nine shattered planets left over from that event: Seyllin, 3HQC-6, Z8-81T, T-IPZB, EAWE-2, 35-RK9, SL-YBS, J146104 and J115422. Every single one of them now has a type A0 blue dwarf star, but before the disaster the ones we knew of were all type O1 blue-white stars, which can turn into type A0 after they collapse after getting rid of a lot of mass (by going supernova).

Concord confirmed that ten shattering events occurred, but we've only found 9 shattered planets in New Eden and W-space. The tenth may have been J-YQEC, which is currently a Type A0 blue dwarf. If we could get old records confirming that it was a type O1 before the Seyllin disaster, that would confirm this. There's another shattered planet in PE1-R1 but this doesn't fit the profile of the incident as the planet is number 7 and the star is the wrong type. It's an anomaly that will either be patched out or written into the story, hopefully the latter.

After the Seyllin disaster, people did a lot of research and compiling info into the role of isogen-5 in the event. The Apocrypha chronicle World On Fire explained that an ancient race left stockpiles of Isogen-5 "scattered throughout New Eden and beyond" and that someone detonated an isogen-5 weapon near one of the stockpiles, causing a chain reaction in several star systems with type O1 stars. The caches were located directly between the stars and the first planet in each system, and somehow detonating them warped the stars' magnetic fields and caused a mass ejection of material directly at the first planet, like a controlled supernova, and left the star as a Type A0. For reasons that are as-yet unknown, this caused wormholes to start opening.

This raised the question of why there were isogen-5 caches hidden in those systems, but we may have an answer now. If J-YQEC used to be a type O1 and if it is the location of Thera, then what if isogen-5 occurs naturally in type O1 stars and the Talocan particle collector at the star in Thera was there to collect it? We know isogen-5 is needed to run very powerful and complex technologies and the Talocan were nomadic, so it makes sense that they might be moving around to set up isogen-5 collectors on Type O1 stars. It could also take thousands of years for a star to generate enough isogen-5 for their purposes, so perhaps they left the Sleepers behind to finish their plan.

So what now?
That brings us to today, when these mischevious new Amarr, Caldari, Minmatar and Gallente empires have emerged and started wrecking the Talocan-Sleeper plans. Several valuable isogen-5 caches have already been destroyed, and if the big shattering event is something similar to the Seyllin disaster (fairly safe bet it is), we could be looking at a metric buttload of isogen-5 going up in smoke. There are also only so many candidate stars to generate the isogen-5 and we've already destroyed 10 of them.

Perhaps the ancient civs had put in motion a 10,000 year plan to get enough isogen-5 to re-open the EVE gate or a wormhole back to Earth, and we just wrecked it. There's a lot of speculation in there, but it fits.
Vardaugas Family
#33 - 2014-12-01 02:24:02 UTC
On Isogen-5: The superweapon used by the Amarr to destroy the Minmatar invasion fleet used Isogen-5 as fuel. The weapon inverted the shield systems of the affected ships, effectively crippling them. The piece out of which the superweapon was derived from came from the Eve Gate and the Other told the Empress where to find it, which was supposedly hidden by the Jove with a cloaking device, which happened to fail. Just like the current sleeper caches.

So we have a connection of Isogen-5 with the Other, Terran technology and the Eve Gate.

Also Rogue Drones were used to collect Isogen-5 at the Hive where the Abaddon with the superweapon was parked at (and destroyed). That would connect the Other with Rogue Drones.
Siegfried Tahl
#34 - 2014-12-01 02:43:49 UTC
Shattering worlds to get to W-space. Then shattering W-space worlds to get... even deeper?
#35 - 2014-12-01 04:24:07 UTC
Abrazzar wrote:
On Isogen-5: The superweapon used by the Amarr to destroy the Minmatar invasion fleet used Isogen-5 as fuel. The weapon inverted the shield systems of the affected ships, effectively crippling them. The piece out of which the superweapon was derived from came from the Eve Gate and the Other told the Empress where to find it, which was supposedly hidden by the Jove with a cloaking device, which happened to fail. Just like the current sleeper caches.

So we have a connection of Isogen-5 with the Other, Terran technology and the Eve Gate.

Also Rogue Drones were used to collect Isogen-5 at the Hive where the Abaddon with the superweapon was parked at (and destroyed). That would connect the Other with Rogue Drones.

Interesting, so isogen-5 is used in terran tech like the EVE Gate and the Rogue Drones stumbled across a cache of it somewhere. The detonation of all the isogen-5 in the Seyllin disaster was an accident, but it's very coincidental that each cache was between planet I and the star. That suggests each cache was parked at the planet's L1 legrange point for 10,000 years, so it would have been found if it weren't cloaked.

Tying that in with your point about the Empress, that indicates that the Jove may have been responsible for keeping these caches safe and hidden all across New Eden while the Sleepers kept watch in systems off the stargate grid. The disaster coincidentally only happening in systems with Type O1 stars makes me think the caches were cloaked particle collectors running for thousands of years rather than just cloaked containers, though. I like how that ties in nicely with the purpose and motivation of the Sleepers.
Goonswarm Federation
#36 - 2014-12-01 06:48:42 UTC
I just heard leaked audio for the next trailer

"There's been an awakening. Have you felt it? The dark
side and the light."
Siegfried Tahl
#37 - 2014-12-01 09:22:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Siegfried Tahl
Shattered Constellations

  • C-C00327: J001348 J001398 J001670 J002838 J003789 J004283 J005923 J011339 J011563 J012794 J014348
  • D-C00328: J001302 J001769 J002423 J002625 J004150 J004470 J005259 J005280 J005299 J005872 J005969 J010247 J010556 J011195 J011355 J011376 J011778 J011824
  • E-C00329: J001025 J001694 J001820 J003382 J003546 J003793 J003941 J004128 J004921 J004998 J005070 J005223 J005663 J005724 J010811 J011790 J012578 J012773 J013146
  • F-C00330: J010366 J010951 J012475 J012686 J015227

In my bio on Sisi viewable links for those ^

Out of them I visited J011376 and J005872. There were WH in, WH out, Shattered asteroid field, Shattered ice field, Shattered planets, A0 IV Turbelunt Blue Subgiant star, normal combat anomaly, normal scannable gas site. Pretty boring places, no lore sites or findings so far.
#38 - 2014-12-01 13:12:57 UTC
Siegfried Tahl wrote:
Shattered Constellations
Out of them I visited J011376 and J005872. There were WH in, WH out, Shattered asteroid field, Shattered ice field, Shattered planets, A0 IV Turbelunt Blue Subgiant star, normal combat anomaly, normal scannable gas site. Pretty boring places, no lore sites or findings so far.

I would guess all the lore sites are not added yet so that the surprise isn't spoiled.
Aladar Dangerface
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2014-12-01 13:41:59 UTC
As someone who has never taken an interest in lore before this, can someone point me to a good source of info for getting a more complete back-story on all this; sleepers, jove, talocon etc?

This new stuff is pretty interesting and i want to know moooaarr


I don't need twitter. I'm already following you.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#40 - 2014-12-01 13:49:01 UTC
Nyphur wrote:

Happening Now: Lots happening with a new star in Jove, involving Sansha shindigs.
Result: Thera will be a star gate project trade hub mega system, looking to build a stargate to earth, making the nameing of Thera quite ironic ... (thera also being earth etc).

Cool! I love this kinda stuff! Keep it coming!!!! Big smileBig smile

"Lykouleon wrote: