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Unscheduled Downtime - 22/08/2014

First post
Malina Tomowy
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#181 - 2014-08-22 07:30:56 UTC
can we get an update please? twitter says to come here for updates.
SF BrooD
Frozen LLC
No Visual.
#182 - 2014-08-22 07:30:57 UTC
Hakaari Uisen wrote:
Who are the 2 pilots currently logged in??

i think its the guys behind the attacks!.... they must be taking all the combat sites as we speak!
Verrnock Altol
Amarr Empire
#183 - 2014-08-22 07:31:18 UTC
Sharron Yinari wrote:
Verrnock Altol wrote:
Sharron Yinari wrote:
Patrick TARPON wrote:
what is a DDOS attack ?

Direct Denial of Service

If someone wants to lag that server, they can get rent "proxy" machines, and cause them to constantly ping the server, and they server has to process every ping, so the faster the pings, the more lag, eventually the server will crash

Google is your friend. You should probably use it before you start spouting off incorrect information.

dude I had to deal with ddos attacks on another game where we owned the server...I know what im talking about, it might not be fancy techno babble, but it gets the point across that someone creates a bunch of fast sending connections to the server causing the server to constantly process those packets of information, causing to lag, then crash...

"Distributed Denial of Service"

Renting proxy's has nothing to do with it.
There are no "pings" involved.

Basically, Not a damn thing you said is correct......
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#184 - 2014-08-22 07:31:21 UTC
will not sleep until servers back

will not sleep when servers back
Auron Sol
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#185 - 2014-08-22 07:31:55 UTC
Jail time for this? YES! .. making a political statement through DDoS is one thing but ******* with peoples personal lives (be it they're game time, they're internet viewing or any other internet related activity) for the purpose of *****'n'giggles its not far off being classified as torture which is illegal and punishable by prison time .. so yeah jail time for the *******/s pulling this **** is a small price to pay .. me personally with my overkill attitude i would stick them in a hot box in the middle of the desert with loud speakers playing the phrase "it is NOT ok to **** with peoples personal lives on repeat for 7 days ... and if they did it again bullet to the head straight up!
Avaelica Kuershin
Paper Cats
#186 - 2014-08-22 07:32:08 UTC
Shin Obad-Hai wrote:
The timing is too suspicious to be a coincidence. Putting together the closing of somer Blink and the repeated DDoS attacks may be not just conspiracy theory. The attacks will not solve the lottery's case, but someone is thinking he have to revenge something what was not his at the first place anyway. UghWhat?

Hakaari Uisen wrote:
Not again, I have ships to fit out!! :-) Feed your hamsters CCP. Any idea on the cause this time?

Not when some other games have been affected.

Sounds like someone's found a new service to abuse.
Brahan Seer
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#187 - 2014-08-22 07:32:45 UTC
Steadly Sol wrote:
Grimpak wrote:
lemme add a bit to the discussion:

DDoS mitigation is a set of techniques for resisting distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on networks attached to the Internet by protecting the target and relay networks.[1] This is done by passing network traffic addressed to the attacked network through high-capacity networks with "traffic scrubbing" filters.[2] DDoS mitigation requires correctly identifying incoming traffic to separate human traffic from human-like bots and hijacked browsers.[3] The process is done by comparing signatures and examining different attributes of the traffic, including IP addresses, cookie variations, http headers, and Javascript footprints.[3]

Manual DDoS mitigation is no longer recommended due to DDoS attackers being able to circumvent DDoS mitigation software that is activated manually.[4] Best practices for DDoS mitigation include having both anti-DDoS technology and anti-DDoS emergency response services.[4] DDoS mitigation is also available through cloud-based providers.[2]

so, you can't stop it. you can only mitigate it, since you will need up to serious hardware (or, up to military level), depending on how hard it is, how fast, and how long it lasts.

they have the military grade hardware. :)

Let me tell you what "military grade" means. Its a set of standards for equipment that meets military specification. it does not mean its some sort of end all be all badass hardware. You can get MSI/Gigabyte/Asus mobo's that are "military grade" what you want is carrier grade when we talk about networking solutions.
BamBam Inc.
#188 - 2014-08-22 07:32:55 UTC
Thatt Guy wrote:
Suck up harder, there might be an ISK Scorpion in it for you! (hey worked before right?)

/done arguing with fanboys that will brown-nose no matter what, enjoy your circle-jerk.

Blizzard is over there. Have fun!
Daniel Jackson
Universal Exos
#189 - 2014-08-22 07:33:00 UTC
111010110 wrote:
So .. rise of the machines?

caesarwulf Koraka
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#190 - 2014-08-22 07:34:46 UTC
The true reality is that a lot of people don't have the time to deal with this crap from some disgusting little sit who thinks that because he can shut down a game he's a badass. These DDoS attacks are costing me time playing a game I pay for and don't have all day to sit here trying to log in. Some people have responsibilities and would like the chance to use their free tim in a relaxing manner, like playing a game that they find to be fun and challenging. These asshats who think that because they can do something they should need to get their teeth knocked out, and when they whine and ask "Why?" get told "Because I could."
Goonswarm Federation
#191 - 2014-08-22 07:35:31 UTC
Ganjjabeard wrote:
im sure this has something to do with the somer blink ban thing...

lol, sir, how dare you? ...the guy rewarded for comunity services would never do that...Lol
Fourth Gate
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#192 - 2014-08-22 07:35:34 UTC
Ganjjabeard wrote:
evolution666 wrote:
I'm seriously getting tired of all these unscheduled downtimes. Make the server stable or loose players.....simple.

do you know that CCP's servers are under DDoS attack at the moment? For once its not their fault so quit your bitching


Seriously. I've fought DDOS attacks, they suck. It's like trying to block a fire hose with ten nozzles from 15 feet away using only your hands. All this while management screams at you about lost revenue. CCP has no control over the tuds doing the attack, and defending against it is next to impossible.

This is not CCPs fault, it's the fault of whomever is attacking them. Yes, it's just that simple.

You can't magic wand this crap away, fools. There is no reset button. Sometimes things just take time to fix. It happens to the best of sites from time to time. I worked for one of the best/largest sites on the net with the best netsec talent there is, with the best hardware there is, outside of government. What they're fighting is REALLY hard to counter. Basically CCP is being blobbed.

If you lose your ship due to it (I disconnected in non-sov null, I'm likely to lose mine) file a petition.

Corporate Rescue Against Pirate Offenders
#193 - 2014-08-22 07:35:48 UTC
Starpoint9 wrote:
So lets say when the server went down this most recent time and I had just jumped out of my wormhole to see where the wormhole went and launched probes and then poof! I have to go and will likely not be able to login for a while leaving me stuck outside my WH. (If the probes have not already expired they will soon) Can I petition this so I can get back into my WH and get my probes back considering that it isnt my fault that the servers went down? I would understand a petition for this being denied if I jumped out and logged off of my own accord; but I have no control over this...

I have a bad feeling about this..

you and me both, I have my HIC out and my my alts Proteus floating in a c2....
Malina Tomowy
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#194 - 2014-08-22 07:35:50 UTC
its the chinese!!!
Smoke Initup
Free Rangers Of The Republic
#195 - 2014-08-22 07:36:03 UTC
Grimpak wrote:
lemme add a bit to the discussion:


serious hardware (or, up to military level), depending on how hard it is, how fast, and how long it lasts.

Hmmmm I love the way you chose to word this....... On a more serious note I may not get to play again tonight Ugh
Sharron Yinari
State War Academy
Caldari State
#196 - 2014-08-22 07:36:56 UTC
Verrnock Altol wrote:
Sharron Yinari wrote:
Verrnock Altol wrote:
Sharron Yinari wrote:
Patrick TARPON wrote:
what is a DDOS attack ?

Direct Denial of Service

If someone wants to lag that server, they can get rent "proxy" machines, and cause them to constantly ping the server, and they server has to process every ping, so the faster the pings, the more lag, eventually the server will crash

Google is your friend. You should probably use it before you start spouting off incorrect information.

dude I had to deal with ddos attacks on another game where we owned the server...I know what im talking about, it might not be fancy techno babble, but it gets the point across that someone creates a bunch of fast sending connections to the server causing the server to constantly process those packets of information, causing to lag, then crash...

"Distributed Denial of Service"

Renting proxy's has nothing to do with it.
There are no "pings" involved.

Basically, Not a damn thing you said is correct......

do you really think hackers are going to use their own personal IP Address to attack a server? if they do they are stupid, they get proxys to conceal their IP address....the more proxys, the harder to trace.. what I mean by pings is them sending packets to the server....I said ping because its less techno babble for people who don't know.... im done arguing with your know-it-all additude
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#197 - 2014-08-22 07:37:14 UTC
Auron Sol wrote:
Jail time for this? YES! .. making a political statement through DDoS is one thing but ******* with peoples personal lives (be it they're game time, they're internet viewing or any other internet related activity) for the purpose of *****'n'giggles its not far off being classified as torture which is illegal and punishable by prison time .. so yeah jail time for the *******/s pulling this **** is a small price to pay .. me personally with my overkill attitude i would stick them in a hot box in the middle of the desert with loud speakers playing the phrase "it is NOT ok to **** with peoples personal lives on repeat for 7 days ... and if they did it again bullet to the head straight up!

Remind me not to mess with your Eve time... I was going to suggest a few months in Mexican prison lol
Nicholas Vierra
Halasenzar Corporation
United Federation of Conifers
#198 - 2014-08-22 07:37:29 UTC
DDOS attacks are not a new thing. Like computing, they have evolved to get around security that is in place to prevent them from happening. Riot games has also recently been attacked, and so have a few retail chains. It happens, it is part of life on the net. Think of this attack like an Incursion. We need to wait for CCP to pop the mom before we can all go back to business as usual.

Also note, constant attempts to reconnect to Tranquility may cause CCP further problems. Wait for CCP to say server is up before trying to re-connect.

Come and join us in Deninard!

DJentropy Ovaert
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#199 - 2014-08-22 07:37:48 UTC
Auron Sol wrote:
Jail time for this? YES! .. making a political statement through DDoS is one thing but ******* with peoples personal lives (be it they're game time, they're internet viewing or any other internet related activity) for the purpose of *****'n'giggles its not far off being classified as torture which is illegal and punishable by prison time .. so yeah jail time for the *******/s pulling this **** is a small price to pay .. me personally with my overkill attitude i would stick them in a hot box in the middle of the desert with loud speakers playing the phrase "it is NOT ok to **** with peoples personal lives on repeat for 7 days ... and if they did it again bullet to the head straight up!

Confirming this poster has engaged in too much emergent gameplay and needs use this brief unscheduled downtime to step away from the computer, gain some perspective, and perhaps realize that calling for throwing people into torture chambers before shooting them in the head is probably not the most rational response to having your favorite video game have a little bit of downtime.

Just relax, Auron. Step way, get some water, take a deep breath - everything is going to be okay. I mean, if not, we can always start shooting people in the head in real life STRAIGHT UP DAWG

/me bangs his head on the desk
Brahan Seer
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#200 - 2014-08-22 07:38:25 UTC
Malina Tomowy wrote:
its the chinese!!!

No its Lizard Squad they already claimed responsibility