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Rigs on Freighters, Carriers and Dreads in Hisec?

First post
Kenneth Feld
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#101 - 2014-05-17 14:27:06 UTC
Marcus Iunius Brutus wrote:
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
I'll let Fozzie explain this in more details, but in short, no, dreads and carriers won't make it into high-sec.

CCP Ytterbium, what size are the rigs for freighters going to be?

I look at it from a single standpoint - They changed DD a while ago to only be able to hit capital sized vessels
Freighter and Jump freighter, although do not require capital skill book to fly, they are both able to be DD'd. Based on that alone, I would say Capital rigs. If they do use large rigs, they may have to revisit the ability to DD them.

Orca has always and continues to use Large rigs, is not able to be DD'd and doesn't require capital skill to fly, so I assume that oen is safe and will stay large rigs.
#102 - 2014-05-17 15:42:29 UTC
I would like to suggest the development of rigs able to specialize (give a bonus) to the cargo capacity depending on the stuff inside: like the Ephital cargo bonus for Planetary Resources.

For example, a rig giving 50% cargo bonus for minerals with a drawback of a malus of 50% with any other cargo.

This would allow specialized freighters to exist and allow more freedom for players.
Katherine Raven
ALTA Industries
Intergalactic Conservation Movement
#103 - 2014-05-17 15:55:28 UTC
Tamarana wrote:
I would like to suggest the development of rigs able to specialize (give a bonus) to the cargo capacity depending on the stuff inside: like the Ephital cargo bonus for Planetary Resources.

For example, a rig giving 50% cargo bonus for minerals with a drawback of a malus of 50% with any other cargo.

This would allow specialized freighters to exist and allow more freedom for players.

That'd be pretty cool. Though it might be easier to just have rigs that do specifically that, like ore bay rigs etc.
I TheCount I
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#104 - 2014-05-19 04:10:01 UTC
I dont mind being able to bring them into/through highsec via freighter, however, i would suggest maybe that they can not be assembled?