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Erotica 1 for CSM 9

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Ryann Padecain
#61 - 2014-03-29 13:43:31 UTC
Snot Shot wrote:
thats the fact Erotica 1 made him hand over everything he was worth in the game (time and money) as the first "proof of commitment to the process".....

Made him hand over everything? What was he being held hostage or something?
Snot Shot
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#62 - 2014-03-29 14:45:47 UTC
Ryann Padecain wrote:
Snot Shot wrote:
thats the fact Erotica 1 made him hand over everything he was worth in the game (time and money) as the first "proof of commitment to the process".....

Made him hand over everything? What was he being held hostage or something?

No one said hostage so try and stay focused here, if he wanted to start playing the Bonus Round he was made to hand over all his assets to just start playing the round.

But by all means, spin the words around, add new ones if you want too, and make sure you dodge the point as well....Blink

Twitter = @Snot_Shot  - “If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"

Tyrant Scorn
#63 - 2014-03-29 16:27:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyrant Scorn
Snot Shot wrote:
Bane Nucleus wrote:
Forgive me if I don't understand, but the "victim" in question stayed on a teamspeak, of their own free will, and got verbally abused for 2 hours? It's not like they were held there and forced to endure it. This victim mentality is complete nonsense.

+1 vote for Erotica 1

You're deliberatly leaving out one critical point that would keep most players on TS for that long, and longer, and thats the fact Erotica 1 made him hand over everything he was worth in the game (time and money) as the first "proof of commitment to the process" walk away from TS meant that the player basically had to make a choice to walk away from EVE, a descision no one would take lightly and in fact, Erotica 1 just said he shed a tear over when he tried to log in to find his accounts spin it the way you want but in the end you're still wrong.

Tyrant Scorn wrote:
"No one helped me when I was verbally abused and threatened, so I'm not willing to stick up for anyone else thats been!"

All your posts focus on you and what you went through and how mad you were that you got no help. Here is a situation you could rally around to support your own situation and help future pilots to not have to endure this and you turn out to be one of the first to step up and defend the attacker...Roll Pretty selfish my friend, pretty dam selfish...Straight

Says the person who hangs around with those people. If you have such high moral standards you should stay away but you obviously have two different standards when it comes to yourself, you don't seem to have any problems being friends with people who do this kind of stuff. So please don't lecture me alright.

And for your information, I am not mad, I am simply making a statement about my personal feelings on this matter and I was merely pointing out examples I have personal experience with. So yeah, I used my own examples but let's not make it more then it is alright ?

Go play that high moral standard somewhere else Snot Shot cause 2 months ago you were the same type of douchbag you claim E1 is... You might not have done the things he's done but you certainly hang around with people that do.

Step away, take a breath and re-read my post and don't take it so heavy, I am nowhere near mad or trying to be selfish. The point I was trying to make is that you reap what you sow, 5 years in this game has thickened my skin so much that I don't even blink when Bonus Room crap happens.
Bane Nucleus
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#64 - 2014-03-29 16:31:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Bane Nucleus
Snot Shot wrote:

You're deliberatly leaving out one critical point that would keep most players on TS for that long, and longer, and thats the fact Erotica 1 made him hand over everything he was worth in the game (time and money) as the first "proof of commitment to the process" walk away from TS meant that the player basically had to make a choice to walk away from EVE, a descision no one would take lightly and in fact, Erotica 1 just said he shed a tear over when he tried to log in to find his accounts spin it the way you want but in the end you're still wrong.

You say most people would stay on TS for that long, and I wholeheartedly disagree. Most players would realize they got scammed, in a game where scamming is allowed and flat out encouraged. No one forced him to stay anywhere. He made the choice to stay and go off about everything like a pyscho.

Little story for a second. I was once the CEO of the largest wormhole alliance in game, until it was taken from me via a secret vote between some corps in alliance. They took what I had worked so hard to create while promising to work out some sort of solution. The difference is I didn't stay on Teamspeak to scream and cry about it until I had a mental meltdown. In fact, I used game mechanics to get even (I went back and burned their system down to the ground, along with everything they own). That is the proper and correct response to an in game issue.

In conclusion, I feel that Erotica unfairly got the lions share of blame for a mental issue someone else had. Thus, vote for Erotica to make it right.

No trolling please

Helena Russell Makanen
#65 - 2014-03-29 16:48:03 UTC
Bane Nucleus wrote:
, I feel that Erotica unfairly got the lions share of blame for a mental issue someone else had. Thus, vote for Erotica to make it right.

You need to keep up. erotica quit his run for the CSM (again) already. I loved the reasoning. Stating that his quitting (again) had nothing to do with his exposed sadism in the bonus rooms, but....

" I totally derped and forgot that my passport is long expired." LOL

"If a miner needs to go to the bathroom, for instance, I ask that they dock up first, or at the very least ask the Supreme Protector for permission to go."  -  James 315 - aka - the miner bumper

Ryann Padecain
#66 - 2014-03-29 17:08:36 UTC
Snot Shot wrote:
Ryann Padecain wrote:
Snot Shot wrote:
thats the fact Erotica 1 made him hand over everything he was worth in the game (time and money) as the first "proof of commitment to the process".....

Made him hand over everything? What was he being held hostage or something?

No one said hostage so try and stay focused here, if he wanted to start playing the Bonus Round he was made to hand over all his assets to just start playing the round.

But by all means, spin the words around, add new ones if you want too, and make sure you dodge the point as well....Blink

The intelligence is low in this one.. Ill try again, "he was made to hand over all his assets", what was he held hostage or something?
Snot Shot
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#67 - 2014-03-29 17:52:10 UTC
Tyrant Scorn wrote:
Says the person who hangs around with those people. .
Well once again your stretching things to fit your narrative so unless "hanging around those people" means getting on their comms once a week to voice a non-CFC view on a mostly CFC EVE wide podcast.....then I guess I must be best buds with them...Roll

Furthermore I wasn't even on the show that you were when they finally asked to leave and not return....Blink I do however agree with them asking you to leave the show, you added very little content yet rambled on and on and on and on and on and o...Ugh

Bane Nucleus wrote:
I disagree and when I was a CEO
I think most folks that gave everything they worked so hard for would try and stick it out hoping they could negotiate, win, or E1 would have mercy and give it back. Not saying he was smart but it certainly doesn't justify what E1 has done to so many of these folks.

Cool story bro......kinda hate that mem but I guess it fits, difference is you knew you lost you Alliance outright and they didn't ask you to do endless tasks to humiliate you while tempting you with you might get it back or anything like what happened to the many pilots who got sucked into E1 twisted plot. So while you're apparently the coolest guy in EVE for getting even, it doesn't correlate in this case.

Ryann Padecain wrote:
What I meant was
And I will come back with he had to give over everything he had in game first to play the bonus round.........before he knew it was a scam...Blink Do you want to ask something else that's silly like "What did he have a gun to his head?".....Roll

Twitter = @Snot_Shot  - “If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"

Bane Nucleus
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#68 - 2014-03-29 19:04:45 UTC
Snot Shot wrote:

Cool story bro......kinda hate that mem but I guess it fits, difference is you knew you lost you Alliance outright and they didn't ask you to do endless tasks to humiliate you while tempting you with you might get it back or anything like what happened to the many pilots who got sucked into E1 twisted plot. So while you're apparently the coolest guy in EVE for getting even, it doesn't correlate in this case.

How does it not correlate? Game mechanics allowed an action by one party, which led to an undesired result for another party.. Taunting then followed, which is the norm for Eve. The severity of which can certain be debated, but at no point were either of us "held hostage". That is just an excuse for someone not wanting to accept reality.

Anyhow, we could go on for hours and a debate is something I much enjoy. This isn't the place for it however, and I don't want those mean ISD's yelling at me P

No trolling please

Snot Shot
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#69 - 2014-03-29 19:23:52 UTC
Bane Nucleus wrote:
Snot Shot wrote:

Cool story bro......kinda hate that mem but I guess it fits, difference is you knew you lost you Alliance outright and they didn't ask you to do endless tasks to humiliate you while tempting you with you might get it back or anything like what happened to the many pilots who got sucked into E1 twisted plot. So while you're apparently the coolest guy in EVE for getting even, it doesn't correlate in this case.

How does it not correlate? Game mechanics allowed an action by one party, which led to an undesired result for another party.. Taunting then followed, which is the norm for Eve. The severity of which can certain be debated, but at no point were either of us "held hostage". That is just an excuse for someone not wanting to accept reality.

Anyhow, we could go on for hours and a debate is something I much enjoy. This isn't the place for it however, and I don't want those mean ISD's yelling at me P

Not sure what your going on about tbh, CCP provided their verdict on the subject so you can keep blowing hot air on the topic, and I'll keep dragging this out with you Blink, but its said and done ..Cool

Twitter = @Snot_Shot  - “If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"

Sons of Seyllin
Pirate Lords of War
#70 - 2014-03-29 22:44:37 UTC
Snot Shot wrote:

You're deliberatly leaving out one critical point that would keep most players on TS for that long, and longer, and thats the fact Erotica 1 made him hand over everything he was worth in the game (time and money) as the first "proof of commitment to the process" walk away from TS meant that the player basically had to make a choice to walk away from EVE, a descision no one would take lightly and in fact, Erotica 1 just said he shed a tear over when he tried to log in to find his accounts spin it the way you want but in the end you're still wrong.

It is a critical point, but not for the reasons you think it is.

Yes, we had his his stuff. But what that means is that before every move, he stopped and thought to himself "Yeah, this experience still isn't so terrible that it is no longer worth a bunch of internet-space-money. I'm going to keep going."

It's not on the agents to end the bonus round. The bonus round lasts until the client decides it is over. And as the clients are all consenting adults, it is not your place or CCP's place to hold their hand and tell them how many hours of singing on TeamSpeak they are allowed to do.
Snot Shot
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#71 - 2014-03-29 22:58:08 UTC
Brusanan wrote:
It's not on the agents to end the bonus round. The bonus round lasts until the client decides it is over. And as the clients are all consenting adults, it is not your place or CCP's place to hold their hand and tell them how many hours of singing on TeamSpeak they are allowed to do.

Sorry we ruined your fun....Blink

Twitter = @Snot_Shot  - “If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"

Bane Nucleus
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#72 - 2014-03-29 23:55:56 UTC
Brusanan wrote:

It is a critical point, but not for the reasons you think it is.

Yes, we had his his stuff. But what that means is that before every move, he stopped and thought to himself "Yeah, this experience still isn't so terrible that it is no longer worth a bunch of internet-space-money. I'm going to keep going."

It's not on the agents to end the bonus round. The bonus round lasts until the client decides it is over. And as the clients are all consenting adults, it is not your place or CCP's place to hold their hand and tell them how many hours of singing on TeamSpeak they are allowed to do.

The worst part of it all is words like "torture" being thrown around, like it's even remotely close. Talk about adding a buzzword to get people reading your story. That is more over the top than anything that happened in the bonus round.

No trolling please

Tyrant Scorn
#73 - 2014-03-30 00:38:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyrant Scorn
Snot Shot wrote:
Furthermore I wasn't even on the show that you were when they finally asked to leave and not return....Blink I do however agree with them asking you to leave the show, you added very little content yet rambled on and on and on and on and on and o...Ugh

They never asked anything, they insulted my family, told me they were going to kill my dog, told me to go kill myself... and then started to constantly bombard me with insults to jank my chain and trying to make me loose it.

When I left comms in an attempt to cool things down and when I got back onto comms, they kicked me without asking me anything. Part of the recording is there, the parts where they insulted my family and made threats were not included in the recording, they were simply trying to get me to enrage and freak out.

If you're going to say things, make sure you have your facts straight.

With the part I quoted above, you are doing the exact same thing as E1 and his friends. Twisting and turning facts to instigate a response in an attempt to enrage me because you and I both know what exactly happened. You are no better Snot Shot, you have instigated like this in the past and you're still doing it. You have no right to speak against others.
Snot Shot
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#74 - 2014-03-30 02:49:38 UTC
Tyrant Scorn wrote:
With the part I quoted above, you are doing the exact same thing as E1 and his friends. Twisting and turning facts to instigate a response in an attempt to enrage me because you and I both know what exactly happened. You are no better Snot Shot, you have instigated like this in the past and you're still doing it. You have no right to speak against others.

I think you're a little uptight here and yet again....turn this sad event into trying to get the spotlight on you....Ugh. We are all saddened by what transpired and it will always strike close to home regardless of who you are or where you touched all our hearts. Stop trying to turn this into a publicity stunt for your own gain, thats just sad and you should be ashamed...Sad

I will pray for you my son...Straight

Twitter = @Snot_Shot  - “If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"

Tyrant Scorn
#75 - 2014-03-30 03:22:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyrant Scorn
Snot Shot wrote:
I think you're a little uptight here and yet again....turn this sad event into trying to get the spotlight on you....Ugh. We are all saddened by what transpired and it will always strike close to home regardless of who you are or where you touched all our hearts. Stop trying to turn this into a publicity stunt for your own gain, thats just sad and you should be ashamed...Sad

I will pray for you my son...Straight

In order to be a smart @ss, you first have to be smart, otherwise you're just an @ss... You try so hard to come across knowledgeable but you're just spewing a bunch of bull.

Again you are making assumptions. Haven't you read anything of what I said. I couldn't care less of what happened in this matter. I was merely giving an example. You are the one dragging it out and pointing out I aim to promote myself, which is very far from the truth... Again, it seems more like an attempt to draw me out and upset me but you'll fail.

I don't care about the victim, I care about the crap being spewed by people like you, people who on their own platforms insult people and instigate fights. You have friends who have a very low standard when it comes to threating people with respect. You have friends who call people the N word, who insult peoples families... where are your so called high morals when picking your friends. If they aren't your friends and if you do not agree with how they threat people, you shouldn't join them in it !!! Standing by the side lines is just as bad as participating... or atleast, you are letting it happen. Heck, even in your address to me, you threat me like crap, you insult me and make assumptions about me... How come, on twitter you contacted me in the nicest way possible to get your friend DNSBlack to come on my show... and now you're threating me like dirt... Fck your morals Snot, you're a douchbag and abusing people for your own selfish benefits... You have no place to talk here about how bad E1 was.

You wanna know why I got kicked off the show ? Cause I called for less N word insults, I pointed out the language used was going to far... and they didn't agree with me, so they silenced me by kicking me of the show... You wanna talk morals Snot ???

Are you going to use the excuse that you are a mere spectator, watching from the side lines... ? And then when it suits you swiches your morals around ? Where were you with your wise words when this was happening to other people ? Where were your morals when you were watching from the side lines ? Didn't you feel like saying something then ?

Nah Snot, you are the worst kind, the spectator who says nothing because he's afraid to show his true face, afraid of what people are going to say, or afraid to lose friends or a reputation you've build...

The one thing I have learned is that you do not set aside your morals on a case to case basis...
Tyrant Scorn
#76 - 2014-03-30 03:28:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyrant Scorn
And I am sorry if I use harsh language but you threat me with the same disrespect so I do not feel obligated to hold myself back or sensor myself.

I am sick and tired of these punks trying to play the high moral card when they themselves threat others like crap because I wasn't a popular guy on a particular podcast... well woopy f*cking dooo, if that is a reason to threat me like crap, then who the hell are you to judge E1.

EDIT: let me add, I might ramble on during a podcast... that does not mean you have to insult my family, threaten to kill my dog or to tell me I should get cancer and die... if that is justified...
Snot Shot
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#77 - 2014-03-30 03:35:44 UTC
Tyrant Scorn wrote:
Snot Shot wrote:
I think you're a little uptight here and yet again....turn this sad event into trying to get the spotlight on you....Ugh. We are all saddened by what transpired and it will always strike close to home regardless of who you are or where you touched all our hearts. Stop trying to turn this into a publicity stunt for your own gain, thats just sad and you should be ashamed...Sad

I will pray for you my son...Straight

In order to be a smart @ss, you first have to be smart, otherwise you're just an @ss... You try so hard to come across knowledgeable but you're just spewing a bunch of bull.

Again you are making assumptions. Haven't you read anything of what I said. I couldn't care less of what happened in this matter. I was merely giving an example. You are the one dragging it out and pointing out I aim to promote myself, which is very far from the truth... Again, it seems more like an attempt to draw me out and upset me but you'll fail.

I don't care about the victim, I care about the crap being spewed by people like you, people who on their own platforms insult people and instigate fights. You have friends who have a very low standard when it comes to threating people with respect. You have friends who call people the N word, who insult peoples families... where are your so called high morals when picking your friends. If they aren't your friends and if you do not agree with how they threat people, you shouldn't join them in it !!! Standing by the side lines is just as bad as participating... or atleast, you are letting it happen. Heck, even in your address to me, you threat me like crap, you insult me and make assumptions about me... How come, on twitter you contacted me in the nicest way possible to get your friend DNSBlack to come on my show... and now you're threating me like dirt... Fck your morals Snot, you're a douchbag and abusing people for your own selfish benefits... You have no place to talk here about how bad E1 was.

You wanna know why I got kicked off the show ? Cause I called for less N word insults, I pointed out the language used was going to far... and they didn't agree with me, so they silenced me by kicking me of the show... You wanna talk morals Snot ???

Are you going to use the excuse that you are a mere spectator, watching from the side lines... ? And then when it suits you swiches your morals around ? Where were you with your wise words when this was happening to other people ? Where were your morals when you were watching from the side lines ? Didn't you feel like saying something then ?

Nah Snot, you are the worst kind, the spectator who says nothing because he's afraid to show his true face, afraid of what people are going to say, or afraid to lose friends or a reputation you've build...

The one thing I have learned is that you do not set aside your morals on a case to case basis...

What were we talking about again?...Ugh

Twitter = @Snot_Shot  - “If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"

Tyrant Scorn
#78 - 2014-03-30 03:39:10 UTC
Snot Shot wrote:

What were we talking about again?...Ugh

Exactly Snot... Be silent !
Snot Shot
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#79 - 2014-03-30 03:44:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Snot Shot
Tyrant Scorn wrote:
Snot Shot wrote:

What were we talking about again?...Ugh

Exactly Snot... Be silent !

Thanks man, I thought you would never stfu....Blink

Edit: btw we are discussing this now on Podside if you want to listen in.

Twitter = @Snot_Shot  - “If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"

Tyrant Scorn
#80 - 2014-03-30 04:00:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyrant Scorn
Snot Shot wrote:
Tyrant Scorn wrote:
Snot Shot wrote:

What were we talking about again?...Ugh

Exactly Snot... Be silent !

Thanks man, I thought you would never stfu....Blink

Edit: btw we are discussing this now on Podside if you want to listen in.

Yeah I am, I just think DNSBlack is in the wrong place and among the wrong people to discuss this subject. Pukin, Harri and some other regulars are just as bad and DNSBlack is surrounded by the same type of people as E1.

EDIT: I would gladly talk to you 1on1 if you really wanna know the ins and outs of what happened on that podcast In regards to me but I get very angry at people who speak out about it without knowing my side of things as well. So if you wanna call me a rambler and that I got asked to leave and all that crap... make sure you know the facts.