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New dev blog: Introducting the EVE Launcher

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Legio Prima Victrix
#61 - 2011-11-09 16:15:20 UTC
Good idea imo, i dunno how many times my corpies have missed important news etc. lol
Neo Agricola
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2011-11-09 16:16:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Neo Agricola
Liu Ellens wrote:

2. Multiboxing: any support there? e.g. 'launch game 3 times, prefill login names X, Y, Z" (I haven't thought this through to be honest, might still be better to launch the launcher for launching the game three times manually.)


Edit, so i dont have to doppelpost:

Niko Lorenzio wrote:
Nelix Trist wrote:
:( does this mean we lose our splash screen after 8 years of it being with us?

looks like the Dev said that this is going to be another "window" which will deal with just patching and settings, but we will keep the old school login screen. I REALLY hope we do, it may be years old, but it's simple, clean and I wouldn't give it up for anything!


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Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#63 - 2011-11-09 16:16:28 UTC
Nelix Trist wrote:
:( does this mean we lose our splash screen after 8 years of it being with us?

looks like the Dev said that this is going to be another "window" which will deal with just patching and settings, but we will keep the old school login screen. I REALLY hope we do, it may be years old, but it's simple, clean and I wouldn't give it up for anything!

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

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Blue Harrier
#64 - 2011-11-09 16:18:20 UTC
The launcher sounds a good idea and I have used the SiSi one quite often but only for small updates.

For larger updates I prefer to download the full patch so I can save it on to a flash drive and use it to update our other machines (we have 5 to update for test, laptops and other family members machines).

I hope you will still have the full patches available for download for this reason alone or our broadband cap might not be enough if we wanted to update all 5. We also have a typical UK up to 8 Meg broadband which actually means around 4.5 meg download speed so only one machine could be updated at a time if the launcher is the only way.

Would be interested in an answer please.

"You wait - time passes, Thorin sits down and starts singing about gold." from The Hobbit on ZX Spectrum 1982.

Arth Lawing
Penumbra Institute
#65 - 2011-11-09 16:18:59 UTC
Riffix wrote:

I want to agree with you but the reality is that the reason "everyone" is using these types of things is because the alternative (the way CCP does it now) is much more cumbersome.

i.e. Start game, load game, check for patch, download patch, exit game, patch, start game (hope there isn't another patch/hotfix).

It takes more resources, more time, and seems generally cumbersome. With all the hotfixes these days you see this fairly often and it is not pleasant.

With a launcher it is basically a 2 step process: start launcher (patching if needed) and then click play to start game. If there is no patch you can click play almost immediate so you only see the launcher about as long as you see the current splash screen.

What I'd like to know is whether this will replace the sisi launcher which is to say I'd like it to. I'd love one single launcher that lets me Play EVE like always or easily click a button if I want to go to test server. The picture in the blog is a perfect example. They are advertising a mass test but how much more participation would get get if the button to join it was right there :-)

We know when there are patches available. My RSS reader for the eve news/blogs does that. No need to launch, patch, play; you can grab the patch first.

All that is really needed should there have to be a launcher is a play button with a patch status, no forced web content/adverts/this micro-transaction item is what you must have stuff. And a play button is normally what I expect when I launch the game shortcut.
Really, whoever thought it would be a good idea that in order to run one application you had to first run another to do the job of clicking a shortcut. Seems like a very Nexon thing to do. And their launchers usually take longer to start up and check for no update, while they advertise all their MT's, than the game itself takes to load.
Halloween Harry
#66 - 2011-11-09 16:19:27 UTC
I have 2 eve client installations on Windows 7 to get a configuration per pilot. One is real the other is created with mklink.exe (softlink on filesysystem). So I have only one directory with all the files and a softlink to that dirrectory. I'm getting in %APPDATA%\CCP to different configurations Bear

It would be nice to have a feature in the client that makes the configuration depending on a pilot and not on a account.
Raziphan Rebular
Path of Dooppa
#67 - 2011-11-09 16:19:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Raziphan Rebular
How about adding a box or something that shows the status of tranq on the launcher? so I don't have to launch the client every time I want to know if the server is back up?

EDIT: I went back and double checked seems it is already there. Well done.
The Red Pill Taker Group
#68 - 2011-11-09 16:22:44 UTC
That big bag'o'space in the middle - yeah that bit that say "Welcome! Feedback! Kittens!" etc. How about dropping in some CCP Youtube Vids / Alliance Tourney action and similar in there?

Otherwise looks quite nice Big smile

Hiram Alexander
State Reprisal
#69 - 2011-11-09 16:25:26 UTC
I have mixed feelings about this, mostly because it sounds quite good... The problem is, I absolutely hate auto-updating software, my Firewall/AV does it, well fair enough... My Windows 7 does it cause my AV cries like a ***** when I switch it off... But that's it. My printer, and everything else that wants to run its own background launcher can **** off, to be honest.

Yours' sounds good though, which is bad... because, for me at least, it's been a good six months or so since the Sisi launcher worked properly -- it always crashes, and fails to update, always...

The only way I can get it to work, is to keep a spare copy of the full offline Eve installer on my HDD, and re-install Eve completely (in my Sisi folder) every time you change 'builds'.

In the old days, I could just copy-over the contents of my main TQ folder, and use the 'repair' option, but not any more... As soon as an 'optional' patch, or update has hit my TQ folder the Sisi launcher can't handle it...

Please tell me this launcher will be more "Intelligent" --- or, completely optional.
#70 - 2011-11-09 16:29:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Sarmatiko
So it looks like Launcher using Internet Explorer engine installed in system.
I wonder why not to use Awesomium instead, its already in Eve client and standalone. If launcher supposed to be next "Initial installer", then you can always include awesomium.dll with launcher package, right?
IE give me creeps each time I think about it. Shocked

Also obviously IE context menu should be disabled.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#71 - 2011-11-09 16:30:01 UTC
Same question as a few others - what about us multi-boxers? I run upwards of 4 instances, and I have clients configured per-video card*. Will this still be possible with the launcher?

*To clarify: I have 2 video cards, each card runs 2 displays. If I use the client configured to use GPU 1 (or 2) on the displays powered by GPU 3 (or 4), I get horrible FPS. So that I don't have to change settings all the time, I just have 2 copies of EVE on my system, one configured for each video card.
Halloween Harry
#72 - 2011-11-09 16:31:14 UTC
I tried the laucher, after updating the installation with the old sisi laucher, but the update window disappears and nothing happens. Even in the task manager is no trace of this program.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#73 - 2011-11-09 16:31:39 UTC
CCP Topknot wrote:

The launcher is currently only available on Windows. That means that if you are playing EVE on a Mac you won’t be able to enjoy it, our apologies.

Insincere is also a word.
CCP Mandrake
C C P Alliance
#74 - 2011-11-09 16:32:12 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Mandrake
Sarmatiko wrote:
So it looks like Launcher using Internet Explorer engine installed in system.
I wonder why not to use Awesomium instead, its already in Eve client and standalone. If launcher supposed to be next "Initial installer", then you can always include awesomium.dll with launcher package, right?
IE give me creeps each time I think about it. Shocked

Also obviously IE context menu should be disabled.

We are working on putting chromium using webkit into the launcher, IE is just a temporary placeholder.


Synergistic Arbitrage
#75 - 2011-11-09 16:33:32 UTC
Arth Lawing wrote:
Riffix wrote:

I want to agree with you but the reality is that the reason "everyone" is using these types of things is because the alternative (the way CCP does it now) is much more cumbersome.

i.e. Start game, load game, check for patch, download patch, exit game, patch, start game (hope there isn't another patch/hotfix).

It takes more resources, more time, and seems generally cumbersome. With all the hotfixes these days you see this fairly often and it is not pleasant.

With a launcher it is basically a 2 step process: start launcher (patching if needed) and then click play to start game. If there is no patch you can click play almost immediate so you only see the launcher about as long as you see the current splash screen.

What I'd like to know is whether this will replace the sisi launcher which is to say I'd like it to. I'd love one single launcher that lets me Play EVE like always or easily click a button if I want to go to test server. The picture in the blog is a perfect example. They are advertising a mass test but how much more participation would get get if the button to join it was right there :-)

We know when there are patches available. My RSS reader for the eve news/blogs does that. No need to launch, patch, play; you can grab the patch first.

All that is really needed should there have to be a launcher is a play button with a patch status, no forced web content/adverts/this micro-transaction item is what you must have stuff. And a play button is normally what I expect when I launch the game shortcut.
Really, whoever thought it would be a good idea that in order to run one application you had to first run another to do the job of clicking a shortcut. Seems like a very Nexon thing to do. And their launchers usually take longer to start up and check for no update, while they advertise all their MT's, than the game itself takes to load.

EVE already "forced" ads that display over the login screen. I'm confused about where your gripe really is. Are you complaining about the fact that there is a launcher or what it looks like? In terms of what it looks like, it is pretty minimalist and looks fairly useful in terms of launchers. If you are complaining about using it at all, I guess all I can say is that you need to get out more. They are a fact of life for any complicated online game or MMO that regularly updates.

Lead, Follow, or Get the #@$!@ Out of the Way.

Miliam Brinalle
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#76 - 2011-11-09 16:33:42 UTC
Will there be an option to automatically skip it when there are not updates ? Will it slowdown the startup process ? The last thing I want is more wait and more pointless clicks to launch the game.

Also, will it be as ridiculously slow as SiSi launcher is when there is something to update ? ie. the long "calculating new patch" or "initializing" or whatever it is that it does. Hell, I remember checking it not long ago while it was stuck in "initializing" forever and it was stuck making hundreds of requests to an HTTP server. I seriously hope that it has improved since then.
CCP Mandrake
C C P Alliance
#77 - 2011-11-09 16:34:41 UTC
oogs wrote:
Same question as a few others - what about us multi-boxers? I run upwards of 4 instances, and I have clients configured per-video card*. Will this still be possible with the launcher?

*To clarify: I have 2 video cards, each card runs 2 displays. If I use the client configured to use GPU 1 (or 2) on the displays powered by GPU 3 (or 4), I get horrible FPS. So that I don't have to change settings all the time, I just have 2 copies of EVE on my system, one configured for each video card.

The launcher will not interfere with your settings. By having two clients in two separate folders you will have two different launchers as well, each starting eve up with that specific client settings as usual.


Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#78 - 2011-11-09 16:35:06 UTC
When the launcher is executed, it shouldn't show the window unless there's something to patch. No more extra clicks, pls.
Kassasis Dakkstromri
State War Academy
Caldari State
#79 - 2011-11-09 16:35:50 UTC
I really am at a loss on how to constructively criticize this... so I won't.

This launcher is HORRIBLE - not for what it does, but for it's copy cat design.

The dev team needs to make it styled according to EVE, not a carbon copy of every other launcher in the industry!

Stop playing with that damn rubix cube, and make a dark sci-fi launcher that preserves our traditional splash screen!!!

While the fundamental idea isn't bad, the UI launcher is so ugly my computer will need to wear two condoms just to touch it....

/emo rage


CCP you are bad at EVE... Stop potential silliness ~ Solo Wulf

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#80 - 2011-11-09 16:38:38 UTC
ok so i have been up for god knows how long and very little sleep efore that but i have 2 eve folders (3 inc sisi) with this launcher can i update both client folders at the same time you know a patch to folder 1 - 2 ect saving time on patching multipul clients can i also launch the clients at the same time or if i'm only needing 1 to luanch that one

as i see it
botton 1 - play as cpu939
botton 2 - play as playerxxxxxx
botton 3 - luanch all clients
botton linked to client folders and players able to set the names.

maybe i'm just living in hope