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Tier 3 BCs Nerfed to **** pre-release

Caldari State
#1 - 2011-11-03 19:17:00 UTC  |  Edited by: DrDan21

"" wrote:
all four of the new tier 3 BCs are getting significantly nerfed before they even get released. All four are being reduced from Recon-quality tanks down to T1 cruiser-quality tanks. More significantly, all four are also having their mass significantly increased; this should result in speed reductions of 250-300m/s across the board. More significantly than that, all of them are also receiving large fitting nerfs. The Naga is being hit the hardest, and is losing a low slot, two role bonuses, 40 grid, and 45 CPU. It will be a "dual-bonused" ship for weapons, keeping the hybrid range bonus and the torpedo velocity bonus. That drops it to the least impressive of the four.

The Talos is second-hardest hit, losing its drone bay and its 90% web, but gaining a tracking bonus and a speed increase. CPU and grid are dropping by 40 and 50, respectively. The Oracle is also being hit hard, losing its best-in-class tracking in favor of a cap usage bonus and seeing its range bonus traded for a damage bonus. It's also losing 50 CPU. It's easy to see where these three changes are coming from: someone clearly tried out flights of the newly-buffed destroyers on these three tier 3s... and the destroyers got themselves murdered. That's clearly unacceptable, so every one of these nerfs affects the ability of these ships to track and destroy smaller targets. If these ships are a rock aimed at the scissor of capital ships, CCP obviously wants to make sure that paper still covers rock.

The Tornado is least-affected of the four, only receiving a 30 CPU nerf, which will nevertheless make fitting it much harder.

Princess Cellestia wrote:
Also take note from what we've seen on the designs, these things will most likely only have 4 guns. Making them even more useless.
Leetha Layne
#2 - 2011-11-03 19:19:22 UTC
Nice quote. Who is it?
Caldari State
#3 - 2011-11-03 19:22:15 UTC
Leetha Layne wrote:
Nice quote. Who is it?

added to initial post
#4 - 2011-11-03 19:26:31 UTC
holy she-et !
Duchess Starbuckington
#5 - 2011-11-03 19:27:46 UTC
Awesome, so the Naga is going from "potentially useful but overshadowed" to "******* worthless".

Seems Caldari aren't supposed to fly anything but the Falcon and Drake.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#6 - 2011-11-03 19:30:52 UTC
**** seems a bit short — the only word(s) I can think of to put there is “sane levels”, but it's both too long and two words.
Princess Cellestia
Friendship is Podding
#7 - 2011-11-03 19:34:12 UTC
Also take note from what we've seen on the designs, these things will most likely only have 4 guns. Making them even more useless.
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#8 - 2011-11-03 19:40:46 UTC
Duchess Starbuckington wrote:
Awesome, so the Naga is going from "potentially useful but overshadowed" to "******* worthless".

Seems Caldari aren't supposed to fly anything but the Falcon and Drake.

Nimrod Nemesis
#9 - 2011-11-03 19:45:14 UTC
Who doesn't want to fly an oversized Merlin that looks like a vertical Charon?

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#10 - 2011-11-03 19:48:55 UTC
all the hopes and dreams of hundreds of pod pilots gained from a glimpse at some pre-sisi dataspreadsheet, destroyed in an instant




Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2011-11-03 20:05:05 UTC
1st draft got drafted again

Australian Fanfest Event

#12 - 2011-11-03 20:05:49 UTC
Who would have known? Praising a ship's capabilities off first-launch Sisi stats, how could that have ever backfired?
Dark Pangolin
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#13 - 2011-11-03 20:10:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Dark Pangolin
"Still, nerfing these ships was the right thing to do. As I've said already, they were too scary in their initial form. "

Forgot to include that part in the quote. We'll see when they actually get released.

I do agree though that all the renderings and models indicate that 3rd Tier BCs are intended to only field 4 guns...and it looks like 4 of the "smaller" Large guns...
Jill Antaris
Jill's Open Incursion Corp
#14 - 2011-11-03 20:21:43 UTC
The Naga devblog will be a interesting read, given that even before the nerf it didn't look useful.
Princess Cellestia
Friendship is Podding
#15 - 2011-11-03 20:28:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Princess Cellestia
Jill Antaris wrote:
The Naga devblog will be a interesting read, given that even before the nerf it didn't look useful.

The naga was awesome. Great dps, decentish tank according to the pyfa release. I was really looking forward to it. A decent fleet of the tier 3s would have made great anti cap/supercap ships. Now, a single mael would alpha these things without a second glance especially with a speed nerf, and with 4 guns, a drake will do more damage with way more tank. These won't be worth flying, since you can just spin them in hanger if you want to look at them.

Naga is still ugly as **** though, so many great caldari designs, they went with one of the worst.
#16 - 2011-11-03 20:32:54 UTC
Nimrod Nemesis wrote:
Who doesn't want to fly an oversized Merlin that looks like a vertical Charon?


Useless and ugly LMAO

Maybe the Hybrids will be fixed then we will have more Caldari Ships to fly. I will not hold my breath
river Zateki
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2011-11-03 20:33:40 UTC
I'm calling bullshit on this. There isnt one use for a ship with 4 guns(without role bonus ofcourse)..a caracel would do more damage then the t3 Bcs then and move faster align faster and have a larger range and BIGGER TANK (see what i did there...caracel...tank...huh?)
Seriously, its got to be a lie
#18 - 2011-11-03 20:35:15 UTC
Princess Cellestia wrote:
Jill Antaris wrote:
The Naga devblog will be a interesting read, given that even before the nerf it didn't look useful.

The naga was awesome. Great dps, decentish tank according to the pyfa release. I was really looking forward to it. A decent fleet of the tier 3s would have made great anti cap/supercap ships. Now, a single mael would alpha these things without a second glance especially with a speed nerf, and with 4 guns, a drake will do more damage with way more tank. These won't be worth flying, since you can just spin them in hanger if you want to look at them.

Naga is still ugly as **** though, so many great caldari designs, they went with one of the worst.

And totally out of character for a Caldari Ship it is the stupidest of all ship designs I wonder sometimes if they are not high all day long.

Oh well for some reason I actually had my hopes up for CCP..
Caldari State
#19 - 2011-11-03 20:44:09 UTC
Dark Pangolin wrote:
"Still, nerfing these ships was the right thing to do. As I've said already, they were too scary in their initial form. "

Forgot to include that part in the quote. We'll see when they actually get released.

I do agree though that all the renderings and models indicate that 3rd Tier BCs are intended to only field 4 guns...and it looks like 4 of the "smaller" Large guns...

Dark, The quote was meant to be informative without opinions included

As for the four guns...I feel that if actually implemented will just ruin these ships.
Dark Pangolin
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#20 - 2011-11-03 20:56:01 UTC
DrDan21 wrote:
Dark Pangolin wrote:
"Still, nerfing these ships was the right thing to do. As I've said already, they were too scary in their initial form. "

Forgot to include that part in the quote. We'll see when they actually get released.

I do agree though that all the renderings and models indicate that 3rd Tier BCs are intended to only field 4 guns...and it looks like 4 of the "smaller" Large guns...

Dark, The quote was meant to be informative without opinions included

As for the four guns...I feel that if actually implemented will just ruin these ships.

Dan I did not mean my reply as a jab though now that I re-read it it comes off that way...sorry :) I tend to agree with you on the 4 guns thing...but look at the renderings...look at the hard points

Just visually it looks like the Amarr one has 4 guns...the Gal 5 guns...and the Tornado 8?...I just don't see the hard-points on that last one. This could all change I'm sure in 2-3 months...but the renderings for sure on the Oracle look like it has 4 darn Dual Mega Pulses... :)

If they are 4 gun platforms lets hope they get a nice bonus...
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