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[CSM8] CSM8 Town Hall #3: November 16 1900 EVE time

First post
War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#61 - 2013-11-15 17:55:24 UTC
I'll lob a softball into the arena....

Why do you suppose that certain malcontents who hate the idea of the CSM and constantly berate CCP gravitate to all the forum threads about the CSM and CCP? Do you have any theories about this seemingly masochistic behavior?

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Galen Darksmith
Sky Fighters
Rote Kapelle
#62 - 2013-11-15 19:40:11 UTC
Ok, let me break down the key changes between your vision and CCPs:

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
We ask you to imagine with us. Think about an ancient, consistent dream of humans: absolute power. Imagine conquering the stars and bending life itself to our will.

So, you're saying you want Capsuleers to be able to conquer the NPC empires? Not exactly sure what you mean here.

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Think about building political allegiances and about destroying them.

Why do I need to think about that when I can go out to null and do exactly that right now? Or lowsec or WH or even hisec. Politics in EVE is omnipresent, existing inside and between corporations, alliances, and coalitions. What can CCP provide in this arena, and why would it be considered remotely new or exciting over what already exists?

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Imagine capsuleer corporations, rising in power and capabilities, flying their own colors and using their might to take over whole planets. Imagine disrupting what someone else took over, through cunning or force. Imagine profiting from the interstellar-scale commerce of planets, systems and constelaltions as capsuleers permeate politics and seize power.

CCP may expand planetary interactions in EVE via DUST, sure. It's not that exciting though, I play a spaceship game to fly out in space, not muck about on planets. And what the hell is that "permeating politics" business? Are you suggesting that NPCs can provide any semblance of political gameplay? If that is the case, let me be the first to say AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Imagine what could happen if capsuleers truly exercised their economic might, and were no longer bound to obedience to the established powers.

You're essentially suggesting that we buy influence with NPCs with our vast funds, while CCP suggests that we research forbidden technologies with our awesome brains and just use our vast funds to build our own infrastructure outside of what the empires provide.

Their idea sounds cooler, sorry.

"EVE is a dark and harsh world, you're supposed to feel a bit worried and slightly angry when you log in, you're not supposed to feel like you're logging in to a happy, happy, fluffy, fluffy lala land filled with fun and adventures, that's what hello kitty online is for." -CCP Wrangler

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#63 - 2013-11-15 20:00:05 UTC
War Kitten wrote:
I'll lob a softball into the arena....

Why do you suppose that certain malcontents who hate the idea of the CSM and constantly berate CCP gravitate to all the forum threads about the CSM and CCP? Do you have any theories about this seemingly masochistic behavior?

Petty, negative people hate nothing more than being confronted with the fact that not everyone fails to be constructive and passionate.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#64 - 2013-11-15 20:35:31 UTC
Galen Darksmith wrote:
Blah blah blah

Sorry but I won't be discussing the fine grain of my suggestions 50 times with 50 different guys.

The core is: Capsuleers use NPC to fight other capsuleers.

You like it? Nice.
You don't? Not my problem.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Frying Doom
#65 - 2013-11-15 21:11:06 UTC
War Kitten wrote:
I'll lob a softball into the arena....

Why do you suppose that certain malcontents who hate the idea of the CSM and constantly berate CCP gravitate to all the forum threads about the CSM and CCP? Do you have any theories about this seemingly masochistic behavior?

On the CSM, maybe it is because the CSM is meant to be the voice of the players. They act however as the voice of CCP. They will generally send out a note condemning CCPs action and then start white knighting. This has occurred in CSM7 and CSM8. Look at the Somer thread, offer a survey that will take 6 months to get feed back on and then when it gets harder to defend CCP they disappear.

Why do people want to vote for a CCP PR arm?

As to CCP well EvE can be so much more and having them **** in the sandbox and favor one player/alliance or business over another just destroys what this game was built on. Also CCP seem to forget about EvE all the time throwing so many resources at other side projects. Yes it is their money but yes they need to know when the playerbase thinks that the next 'expansion' they are releasing looks more like a patch.

CCP have cost them selves a fortune over the years trying to go for the quick buck, the hope is that they will listen before it is too late.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Galen Darksmith
Sky Fighters
Rote Kapelle
#66 - 2013-11-15 22:07:28 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Galen Darksmith wrote:
Blah blah blah

Sorry but I won't be discussing the fine grain of my suggestions 50 times with 50 different guys.

The core is: Capsuleers use NPC to fight other capsuleers.

You like it? Nice.
You don't? Not my problem.

Well, given that you are trying to persuade CCP that your vision is more popular than theirs, it kinda IS your problem. People that want to compete with other playets tend to want to do it openly, without NPC interference. The ones that want to cower behind NPC protection will complain about any kind of competetion.

"EVE is a dark and harsh world, you're supposed to feel a bit worried and slightly angry when you log in, you're not supposed to feel like you're logging in to a happy, happy, fluffy, fluffy lala land filled with fun and adventures, that's what hello kitty online is for." -CCP Wrangler

Kirren D'marr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#67 - 2013-11-15 22:47:49 UTC
I'll throw this in for the Town Hall; a little background first:

With the launch of Odyssey, a new animation sequence was introduced for the jump transition between systems. While many enjoy this effect, some find it annoying, and others are experiencing physical pain and discomfort resulting from it (reports of dizziness, nausea, vertigo, headaches, etc.). Players asked for the ability to disable this effect, similar to the existing ability to turn off several other graphical effects, but were told by a CCP representative that doing so would be a "cop out". CCP did acknowledge that the adverse physical reactions were a problem, and indicated that it would take time, but they promised to improve the effect to reduce these reactions. Feedback and details of our experiences were requested, and much information was provided in good faith that it would be put to use.

However, the last communication we had from CCP on this issue was June 26th. At the time, it gave every indication that they were still working on this. Since then, there has been no response to repeated requests for updates, and personal communication with the CCP devs involved has either been met with silence, snark, or flat out rudeness and derision (some players literally being told by CCP representatives to "HTFU", a common mantra in game, but a rather careless response with regard to a real world physical problem).

We have suffered with these problems for more than five months, and a thread currently more than 80 pages long continues in hopes that CCP might remember their promise and provide the improvements they said were coming, or better yet, swallow their pride and give us the desired off switch.

So the question is this: What can or will the CSM do to persuade or pressure CCP into addressing the situation and respecting the affected players with a proper response? I know this issue does not affect everyone, but it is important to those of us who do have a problem with it. Lately it seems that CCP is all too willing to make promises and then ignore them, pretending they never happened. I find this behavior both disturbing and disgusting, and I would ask the CSM as our representatives, whether you agree with this issue or not, to use your influence to at least get CCP to follow up on this forgotten promise.

I eagerly await you response in the Town Hall.

Why a switch on/off? Because the new animation doesn't add anything to gameplay and it's graphically annoying. In other words, it's worse than bad: it's useless. Simple as that.     _ - Kina Ayami_

Frying Doom
#68 - 2013-11-16 07:11:13 UTC

CSM8 Town Hall on November 16 at 1900 EVE time
reported by: CCP Dolan | 2013.11.15 16:47:41

The 8th Council of Stellar Management (CSM8) will be holding its third Town Hall on November 16 at 1900 EVE time. This is an excellent opportunity to speak with your elected representatives to CCP on matters that you feel are important in New Eden, particularly as we approach the Rubicon expansion release three days later.

» read more

EVE Online: Rubicon Raptr Stream & QA- November 16th, 19:00 UTC
reported by: CCP Falcon | 2013.11.15 15:08:21

Tomorrow evening at 19:00 UTC, CCP will be hosting a 30 minute EVE Online: Rubicon live stream on Raptr, followed at 19:30 UTC by a 2 hour questions and answers session with a group of our developers.

Guests will include CCP Fozzie, CCP Xhagen, CCP Karkur, CCP Affinity, CCP Paradox and CCP Eterne who will be on hand to talk about EVE Online: Rubicon.

For more information, and to take part in the questions and answers session, please see the announcement at!

» read more

I believe this comes under, whoops we forgot about the CSM, AGAIN!!

Yes CCP holds the CSM in such a high regardLol

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#69 - 2013-11-16 09:35:59 UTC
Galen Darksmith wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Galen Darksmith wrote:
Blah blah blah

Sorry but I won't be discussing the fine grain of my suggestions 50 times with 50 different guys.

The core is: Capsuleers use NPC to fight other capsuleers.

You like it? Nice.
You don't? Not my problem.

Well, given that you are trying to persuade CCP that your vision is more popular than theirs, it kinda IS your problem. People that want to compete with other playets tend to want to do it openly, without NPC interference. The ones that want to cower behind NPC protection will complain about any kind of competetion.

There are many ways to compete...

Yet you're wrong in one account: I'm not trying to convince everyone. That surpasses my skills.

What i am doing, is seeding ideas so someone with the appropiate skills likes them and undertakes the effort to convince others.

So, I only need to convince one person. Some people have visions, others pick and implement the visions. To each his role.

So far i've come up with four grand schemes for EVE (three of them sensibly viable) and yet haven't convinced anyone. But i'll keep trying as long as I care about my investment/involvement in this game.

"No" is assured. I'm still working on that elusive "Yes". Bear

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Eve Radio Corporation
#70 - 2013-11-16 17:19:35 UTC is where we will be broadcasting it from tonight

Live on Eve Radio Sundays 15:00 GMT with me & friends talking about Eve and stuff. Twitter, Facebook TotalEve

Anti-Serpentis Corporation
#71 - 2013-11-16 18:35:58 UTC  |  Edited by: denzilmason
Would CSM prefer CCP's events to have a null AND high sector section to it, both delivering an end to the event.
Kordran Ke'Azir
Evil Laugh Enterprises
#72 - 2013-11-16 20:16:31 UTC
Do you believe that a certain selection of people on the forum think that they have greater say in the game than they actually do?

Do you believe that those who involve themselves in threads for no reason other than to cause drama think that they are doing ANYTHING to help/aid/improve the game?
Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2013-11-16 21:05:01 UTC
I'd like to thank everybody for their questions, we had a good session with the townhall and hit a lot of questions from here.

Thank you all


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Ali Aras
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#74 - 2013-11-16 23:49:26 UTC
I could have sworn I'd posted this already, but-- here's the full list of pre-collected questions:

Bolded ones were answered. Other ones I'll add answers in for tonight. Overall, I think the format was better for having a good discussion, I thought it was successful. As always, all suggestions for further improvements are welcome. -- my blog

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#75 - 2013-11-17 09:26:43 UTC
Ali Aras wrote:
I could have sworn I'd posted this already, but-- here's the full list of pre-collected questions:

Bolded ones were answered. Other ones I'll add answers in for tonight. Overall, I think the format was better for having a good discussion, I thought it was successful. As always, all suggestions for further improvements are welcome.

Oh, nice post! It saves me to listen to the recorded thing. Lol

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Eve Radio Corporation
#76 - 2013-11-17 13:46:06 UTC podcast version is now up for download

Live on Eve Radio Sundays 15:00 GMT with me & friends talking about Eve and stuff. Twitter, Facebook TotalEve

Ali Aras
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#77 - 2013-11-17 16:17:07 UTC
Thanks Wiggles! My post is updated with info and more answers now :) No, I did not transcribe the ones we answered on-air; it's a very focused 45m and you can hear 'em yourself. -- my blog

Frying Doom
#78 - 2013-11-17 22:57:27 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
I only have one question atm

Is Rubicon the patch with the least features we have ever gotten in EvE? Personally I cannot remember one with so little in it.

Thank you for answering that.

From a players point of view Rubicon is tiny, but if it includes a lot of back end that makes a lot more sense. In the past they have always announced large back-end items like stack-less IO ect..

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Frying Doom
#79 - 2013-11-18 07:35:22 UTC
As to the CSMs public activity around Somer Blink.

Maybe you could link the relevant posts about their RMT activity or show us where the CSM posted in the tread that had most of it in it?

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#80 - 2013-11-20 12:19:23 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
I only have one question atm

Is Rubicon the patch with the least features we have ever gotten in EvE? Personally I cannot remember one with so little in it.

Thank you for answering that.

From a players point of view Rubicon is tiny, but if it includes a lot of back end that makes a lot more sense. In the past they have always announced large back-end items like stack-less IO ect..

New space says oh hai thar

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016