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Announcement regarding rewards and prizes to fansites and third-party contributors

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Kirren D'marr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1361 - 2013-11-05 20:23:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Kirren D'marr
As part of a solution, I would be interested to see CCP answer the following questions:

1. Will any and all EVE accounts associated with the SOMER Blink corporation/website be shut down for EULA violations (engaging in RMT and/or using EVE accounts for business purposes)?

2. Will any gifts to SOMER Blink members/employees be reversed (gifted ships confiscated if still in their posession, or if not, the ISK value they were sold for removed; ISK funds received from players for the EVE Vegas lottery removed)?

3. Will Markee Dragon's EVE account be banned for using it to promote a business, and will the MD site be removed as an EVE GTC reseller?

4. Will investigations be conducted into all EVE players/organizations/websites running operations similar to SOMER Blink, and if they are also found to be in violation of the EULA, will appropriate disciplinary action be taken?

5. Will any CCP employees who are proven to have demonstrated favoritism towards SOMER Blink (or any other player/group of players), or whose dealings with such groups have been less than above board, be subject to appropriate disciplinary action? If warranted, would such action potentially include termination of employment?

6. Will all of the above be carried out with transparency to the playerbase as a whole?

Now, I'm not expecting CCP to answer each and every one of these questions in the affirmative, nor am I demanding it. I am however interested to see just how much they are willing to do to try to correct this situation, and I think their answers to these questions (as well as whether or not their actions confirm the answers) would be very telling in that regard, one way or the other.

Basically, I am looking at thes questions as a sort of gauge of CCP to measure 1) how bad they believe this situation is, and 2) how far they are willing to go to fix it (not far enough? too far?).

If the CSM and CCP are still actually going through with the surveys they promised weeks ago, then it may be a good idea to put these sorts of questions on the survey to gauge the player's expectations of what constitutes appropriate action and resolution (I'm not saying the players' opinions would be 100% right, but it would give CCP a guide as to what players are willing to accept as a solution).

Why a switch on/off? Because the new animation doesn't add anything to gameplay and it's graphically annoying. In other words, it's worse than bad: it's useless. Simple as that.     _ - Kina Ayami_

The Legendary Soldier
#1362 - 2013-11-05 20:36:29 UTC
Anya Klibor wrote:

And CCP has a good point: ignore it, it starts to die off. Look at how this thread took off to begin with, and how it's still gaining pages now. It's slower. Much slower. Maybe it's because a lot of people did let their accounts lapse. Who knows?

It is gaining pages slower, because the players are tired of wasting their breath.

However, it is being regularly checked, and 32000 views is not insignificant.

Unless you are CCP apparently... ^^

Need to place a high-sec POS? Premade corps for sale, or your corps standings boosted. Trading since January 2012. Many corps sold/boosted - see my thread:

Dark Magni
The Church of Awesome
#1363 - 2013-11-05 20:37:00 UTC
Kirren D'marr wrote:
As part of a solution, I would be interested to see CCP answer the following questions:

1. Will any and all EVE accounts associated with the SOMER Blink corporation/website be shut down for EULA violations (engaging in RMT and/or using EVE accounts for business purposes)?

2. Will any gifts to SOMER Blink members/employees be reversed (gifted ships confiscated if still in their posession, or if not, the ISK value they were sold for removed; ISK funds received from players for the EVE Vegas lottery removed)?

3. Will Markee Dragon's EVE account be banned for using it to promote a business, and will the MD site be removed as an EVE GTC reseller?

4. Will investigations be conducted into all EVE players/organizations/websites running operations similar to SOMER Blink, and if they are also found to be in violation of the EULA, will appropriate disciplinary action be taken?

5. Will any CCP employees who are proven to have demonstrated favoritism towards SOMER Blink (or any other player/group of players), or whose dealings with such groups have been less than above board, be subject to appropriate disciplinary action? If warranted, would such action potentially include termination of employment?

6. Will all of the above be carried out with transparency to the playerbase as a whole?

Now, I'm not expecting CCP to answer each and every one of these questions in the affirmative, nor am I demanding it. I am however interested to see just how much they are willing to do to try to correct this situation, and I think their answers to these questions (as well as whether or not their actions confirm the answers) would be very telling in that regard, one way or the other.

Basically, I am looking at thes questions as a sort of gauge of CCP to measure 1) how bad they believe this situation is, and 2) how far they are willing to go to fix it (not far enough? too far?).

If the CSM and CCP are still actually going through with the surveys they promised weeks ago, then it may be a good idea to put these sorts of questions on the survey to gauge the player's expectations of what constitutes appropriate action and resolution (I'm not saying the players' opinions would be 100% right, but it would give CCP a guide as to what players are willing to accept as a solution).


Nyancat Audeles
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1364 - 2013-11-05 20:42:07 UTC
Kirren D'marr wrote:
As part of a solution, I would be interested to see CCP answer the following questions:

1. Will any and all EVE accounts associated with the SOMER Blink corporation/website be shut down for EULA violations (engaging in RMT and/or using EVE accounts for business purposes)?

2. Will any gifts to SOMER Blink members/employees be reversed (gifted ships confiscated if still in their posession, or if not, the ISK value they were sold for removed; ISK funds received from players for the EVE Vegas lottery removed)?

3. Will Markee Dragon's EVE account be banned for using it to promote a business, and will the MD site be removed as an EVE GTC reseller?

4. Will investigations be conducted into all EVE players/organizations/websites running operations similar to SOMER Blink, and if they are also found to be in violation of the EULA, will appropriate disciplinary action be taken?

5. Will any CCP employees who are proven to have demonstrated favoritism towards SOMER Blink (or any other player/group of players), or whose dealings with such groups have been less than above board, be subject to appropriate disciplinary action? If warranted, would such action potentially include termination of employment?

6. Will all of the above be carried out with transparency to the playerbase as a whole?

Now, I'm not expecting CCP to answer each and every one of these questions in the affirmative, nor am I demanding it. I am however interested to see just how much they are willing to do to try to correct this situation, and I think their answers to these questions (as well as whether or not their actions confirm the answers) would be very telling in that regard, one way or the other.

Basically, I am looking at thes questions as a sort of gauge of CCP to measure 1) how bad they believe this situation is, and 2) how far they are willing to go to fix it (not far enough? too far?).

If the CSM and CCP are still actually going through with the surveys they promised weeks ago, then it may be a good idea to put these sorts of questions on the survey to gauge the player's expectations of what constitutes appropriate action and resolution (I'm not saying the players' opinions would be 100% right, but it would give CCP a guide as to what players are willing to accept as a solution).

All of your questions suggest/imply solutions that are a bit over the top. Termination of employment? Are you absolutely nuts?
Aegis Victorium
The Initiative.
#1365 - 2013-11-05 20:45:43 UTC
Well look at this...

The forum sigs thread can get a response within a couple hours, but the blink threads go ignored.

Luci Ambrye
The Service Crew
#1366 - 2013-11-05 20:49:26 UTC
corbexx wrote:
Melissa Morada wrote:

I set several accounts to expire, and then replied to a subscription reminder with reasons why I was not renewing.

I received a reasonably helpful response from CCP Falcon, which of course I will not post here.

However, I will say that he does appear to expect this matter to be resolved to the satisfaction of the community.

I hope he is right...

That said, I still think that not updating customers for 3 or 4 weeks is very bad business practice which will result in a certain amount of damage to the CCP brand.

I have responded stating that I think it would be helpful to post in this thread...

Unsubbed all my guys today wonder if i will get a nice mail from him

mine goes in 17 hours and not expecting a positive outcome to all of this once ive left, final point to all those that asked, no you cant have my stuff.
Aegis Victorium
The Initiative.
#1367 - 2013-11-05 20:50:42 UTC
The Legendary Soldier wrote:
Anya Klibor wrote:

And CCP has a good point: ignore it, it starts to die off. Look at how this thread took off to begin with, and how it's still gaining pages now. It's slower. Much slower. Maybe it's because a lot of people did let their accounts lapse. Who knows?

It is gaining pages slower, because the players are tired of wasting their breath.

However, it is being regularly checked, and 32000 views is not insignificant.

Unless you are CCP apparently... ^^

It's way more than that... These are just the still unlocked threads. 36 pages - Ignored. 24 pages - Ignored. 9 pages - Ignored.

So really, we're just shy of 140 pages of threadnaughts.
The Legendary Soldier
#1368 - 2013-11-05 20:50:49 UTC
Luci Ambrye wrote:

mine goes in 17 hours and not expecting a positive outcome to all of this once ive left, final point to all those that asked, no you cant have my stuff.



Need to place a high-sec POS? Premade corps for sale, or your corps standings boosted. Trading since January 2012. Many corps sold/boosted - see my thread:

Kirren D'marr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1369 - 2013-11-05 21:52:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Kirren D'marr
Nyancat Audeles wrote:
All of your questions suggest/imply solutions that are a bit over the top.

That's the intention; to uncover just how far CCP is willing to go to placate their customers. Will they go far enough? Will they go (or claim to go) even farther than is reasonable? What do they consider a sufficient resolution, and where do they draw the line?

Nyancat Audeles wrote:
Termination of employment? Are you absolutely nuts?

Hence the "if warranted" clause; it may yet be discovered that one or more employees gave currently unknown aid to SOMER on a level similar to what happened with T20. So far there is no disclosed evidence to indicate that such is the case, but I'd appreciate some insight as to what CCP would intend to do if it were. Consider it a hypothetical for the time being; basically inquiring whether CCP intends to enforce the same level of discipline that has been deemed appropriate in the past.

Why a switch on/off? Because the new animation doesn't add anything to gameplay and it's graphically annoying. In other words, it's worse than bad: it's useless. Simple as that.     _ - Kina Ayami_

Frying Doom
#1370 - 2013-11-06 03:22:51 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Melissa Morada wrote:

I set several accounts to expire, and then replied to a subscription reminder with reasons why I was not renewing.

I received a reasonably helpful response from CCP Falcon, which of course I will not post here.

However, I will say that he does appear to expect this matter to be resolved to the satisfaction of the community.

I hope he is right...

That said, I still think that not updating customers for 3 or 4 weeks is very bad business practice which will result in a certain amount of damage to the CCP brand.

I have responded stating that I think it would be helpful to post in this thread...

What definition of "community" was he using though.

CCP seem to think somer are a "community" service, after all.

I think the first step they need to take is

Enforce the EULA, if they cannot even do that the rest will just be diversionary tactics to make people think they are doing something.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Kate stark
#1371 - 2013-11-06 06:24:17 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Melissa Morada wrote:

I set several accounts to expire, and then replied to a subscription reminder with reasons why I was not renewing.

I received a reasonably helpful response from CCP Falcon, which of course I will not post here.

However, I will say that he does appear to expect this matter to be resolved to the satisfaction of the community.

I hope he is right...

That said, I still think that not updating customers for 3 or 4 weeks is very bad business practice which will result in a certain amount of damage to the CCP brand.

I have responded stating that I think it would be helpful to post in this thread...

What definition of "community" was he using though.

CCP seem to think somer are a "community" service, after all.

I think the first step they need to take is

Enforce the EULA, if they cannot even do that the rest will just be diversionary tactics to make people think they are doing something.

you mean like "fixing" something ['RMT'] that has been perfectly acceptable for a long time in order to look like something has been ~done~ while the core and initial issue has remained untouched and ignored?

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

All Web Investigations
#1372 - 2013-11-06 10:24:42 UTC
Kirren D'marr wrote:
As part of a solution, I would be interested to see CCP answer the following questions:

1. Will any and all EVE accounts associated with the SOMER Blink corporation/website be shut down for EULA violations (engaging in RMT and/or using EVE accounts for business purposes)?

2. Will any gifts to SOMER Blink members/employees be reversed (gifted ships confiscated if still in their posession, or if not, the ISK value they were sold for removed; ISK funds received from players for the EVE Vegas lottery removed)?

3. Will Markee Dragon's EVE account be banned for using it to promote a business, and will the MD site be removed as an EVE GTC reseller?

4. Will investigations be conducted into all EVE players/organizations/websites running operations similar to SOMER Blink, and if they are also found to be in violation of the EULA, will appropriate disciplinary action be taken?

5. Will any CCP employees who are proven to have demonstrated favoritism towards SOMER Blink (or any other player/group of players), or whose dealings with such groups have been less than above board, be subject to appropriate disciplinary action? If warranted, would such action potentially include termination of employment?

6. Will all of the above be carried out with transparency to the playerbase as a whole?

Now, I'm not expecting CCP to answer each and every one of these questions in the affirmative, nor am I demanding it. I am however interested to see just how much they are willing to do to try to correct this situation, and I think their answers to these questions (as well as whether or not their actions confirm the answers) would be very telling in that regard, one way or the other.

Basically, I am looking at thes questions as a sort of gauge of CCP to measure 1) how bad they believe this situation is, and 2) how far they are willing to go to fix it (not far enough? too far?).

If the CSM and CCP are still actually going through with the surveys they promised weeks ago, then it may be a good idea to put these sorts of questions on the survey to gauge the player's expectations of what constitutes appropriate action and resolution (I'm not saying the players' opinions would be 100% right, but it would give CCP a guide as to what players are willing to accept as a solution).

answer to all of the above: no

sandbox more like litterbox
Epic Ganking Time
#1373 - 2013-11-06 22:30:59 UTC
Kirren D'marr wrote:
As part of a solution, I would be interested to see CCP answer the following questions:

1. Will any and all EVE accounts associated with the SOMER Blink corporation/website be shut down for EULA violations (engaging in RMT and/or using EVE accounts for business purposes)?

2. Will any gifts to SOMER Blink members/employees be reversed (gifted ships confiscated if still in their posession, or if not, the ISK value they were sold for removed; ISK funds received from players for the EVE Vegas lottery removed)?

3. Will Markee Dragon's EVE account be banned for using it to promote a business, and will the MD site be removed as an EVE GTC reseller?

4. Will investigations be conducted into all EVE players/organizations/websites running operations similar to SOMER Blink, and if they are also found to be in violation of the EULA, will appropriate disciplinary action be taken?

5. Will any CCP employees who are proven to have demonstrated favoritism towards SOMER Blink (or any other player/group of players), or whose dealings with such groups have been less than above board, be subject to appropriate disciplinary action? If warranted, would such action potentially include termination of employment?

6. Will all of the above be carried out with transparency to the playerbase as a whole?

Now, I'm not expecting CCP to answer each and every one of these questions in the affirmative, nor am I demanding it. I am however interested to see just how much they are willing to do to try to correct this situation, and I think their answers to these questions (as well as whether or not their actions confirm the answers) would be very telling in that regard, one way or the other.

Basically, I am looking at thes questions as a sort of gauge of CCP to measure 1) how bad they believe this situation is, and 2) how far they are willing to go to fix it (not far enough? too far?).

If the CSM and CCP are still actually going through with the surveys they promised weeks ago, then it may be a good idea to put these sorts of questions on the survey to gauge the player's expectations of what constitutes appropriate action and resolution (I'm not saying the players' opinions would be 100% right, but it would give CCP a guide as to what players are willing to accept as a solution).

1) No. Why would they be? CCP, as an organization, knew about and encouraged it. The e-mail that went out giving them X days to stop selling GTCs w/ ISK incentives was the equivalent of a "warning" and that's as far as it will go. SOMER and CCP have had a good personal relationship. No one at CCP is going to mess with that. Zero chance of bans.

2) No. It's too late. Those items have already traded hands too many times.

3) No. See #1

4) Investigations: Maybe. Actions? I doubt it. See #1

5) The favoritism has already been established. That's been shown already. That's why these threads started popping up. Termination of employment? Are you mental? Maybe they'll get an e-mail with the revised policy. That's about it.
Kirren D'marr wrote:
6. Will all of the above be carried out with transparency to the playerbase as a whole?

6) That's the million ISK question.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
New Eden Tech Support
#1374 - 2013-11-07 12:00:07 UTC
I never understood the allure of Blink... I equate it to crack... never smoked either though, so nevermind. Seems to me like it encourages playing Blink more than Eve Online... certainly a better way to make ISK. Then you gotta buy a character to use all the cool stuff you just won - or wait to fly/anchor all of it ... or sell it.

PLEX already toes the line, imo.

Epic Ganking Time
#1375 - 2013-11-07 19:30:14 UTC
Well... f***. Talk about a big F-U.

SOMER is now offering a Billion if you buy a GTC through him. imgur screen or check his site yourself.

With this and the terrible event... I think I need a break from this game for a good while.

Nice work CCP. What a let down.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Argus Sorn
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#1376 - 2013-11-08 06:08:03 UTC
So they stopped but are still tracking data for "future bonuses".

No one can stop the data tracking of course, but this just makes it sound like they are planning to try and subvert the EULA via a loophole or something.

Personally, I think people should support all of the other lotteries out there that stopped the bonus activity immediately. Competition is good and these lotteries are more deserving of your business.

Why not set up a third party website, where lottery/gambling sites register a their api keys and certain financial data is made public to the community? A watchdog site?

Kate stark
#1377 - 2013-11-08 06:28:58 UTC
[obligatory "still no response from ccp" post]

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

The Legendary Soldier
#1378 - 2013-11-08 13:19:16 UTC
Kate stark wrote:
[obligatory "still no response from ccp" post]


Need to place a high-sec POS? Premade corps for sale, or your corps standings boosted. Trading since January 2012. Many corps sold/boosted - see my thread:

All Web Investigations
#1379 - 2013-11-08 13:23:58 UTC
Argus Sorn wrote:
So they stopped but are still tracking data for "future bonuses".

No one can stop the data tracking of course, but this just makes it sound like they are planning to try and subvert the EULA via a loophole or something.

Personally, I think people should support all of the other lotteries out there that stopped the bonus activity immediately. Competition is good and these lotteries are more deserving of your business.

Why not set up a third party website, where lottery/gambling sites register a their api keys and certain financial data is made public to the community? A watchdog site?

If they have explicitly stated they are going to have "future bonuses" then their accounts need banning for admitting they are going to circumvent the EULA and continue RMTing
Argus Sorn
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#1380 - 2013-11-08 14:27:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Argus Sorn
Grats to CCP for running a poorly conceived live event while we await some statement on this. A live event that apparently had little to do with the upcoming expansion (someone correct me if I am wrong on this).

One word: messaging.

Live events are great - but should be limited to PVE exercises that promote the backstory. What would you have done if you flew into 0.0 and did not get a fight? Would you have dropped bloody SBU's and started claiming sov? Would you have killed capitals? Super capitals? .

I mean, I understand I am being a little rhetorical here and you probably had rules of engagement, but the need to have such rules makes you ineffective for leading fleets of high sec people into 0.0. There are entities who have taken up this cause already! It's like your "classes". Why do player groups have to compete against CCP and SOMERblink.

Is this a sandbox or is it CCP's and SOMER's private playground. Please let me know. I feel like I am playing a game on a damn player run server half the time anymore.

If you want to much around in 0.0 then fix the mechanics.

All I see is way too much evidence that devs would rather be players and not enough devs wanting to be devs.

Please, just get out of the sandbox.