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Announcement regarding rewards and prizes to fansites and third-party contributors

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Cameron Freerunner
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#61 - 2013-10-10 19:33:21 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
If fan-sites etc are rewarded with isk, be it in the form of rare ships or whatever, could it not lead to a situation whereby some folk will learn how to milk-abuse the rewards system?

Hard to abuse a system which isn't automatic.

This is EVE. A way will be found.
Chris Winter
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#62 - 2013-10-10 19:34:55 UTC
The two aspects of this that bug me are:
- It was not announced at the time. This makes it seem sketchy, especially since the value of the IWS in player eyes is based on how many there are.
- It was given to a for-profit enterprise. SB is a for-profit website. They make plenty of ISK doing their normal operations.

When I kill sleepers and sell their delicious gooey insides, that's my "normal operations" and I make plenty of ISK doing it.

So why exactly are they getting rewarded any more than me? It's not like they're providing a community service for free the way E-UNI or Chribba or any number of other people are.

I would be totally okay with stuff, even in-game stuff, being given to people who donate their time for the benefit of the whole community, as long as it's given out in the open.

But giving stuff to people who have as their primary goal making money off the stupidity of other EVE players? Yeah, no. That's basically saying, "Here. You're so awesome at making money that we're going to give you EVEN MORE money."
CCP Guard
C C P Alliance
#63 - 2013-10-10 19:35:21 UTC
l0rd carlos wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
also, generally, the people in the poker tournament put some extra effort in (you know, turning up to the poker tournament, and winning it) vs somer doing nothing that isn't day-to-day business for them.

You make it sound like as if creating and maintaining a well know eve online fansite + infrastructure and handling with employees is effortless.

This is a good point actually. While we totally understand that everyone has different opinions on different projects, there's no denying that it's not an everyday task to build something that a lot of our players like and use regularly. That goes for a lot of our fansites and other contributors. I'm constantly amazed at the sheer number of high level stuff we see coming from our community members.

CCP Guard | EVE Community Developer | @CCP_Guard

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
#64 - 2013-10-10 19:35:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Zeus Maximo
Almost equivalent to the United States Government rewarding Wal-Mart with some of the worlds rarest diamonds because they "helped" the economy out. I can see why CCP wants to reward people that take ISK out of the game but damn.... Shouldn't goonswarm be rewarded because they keep so many people interested? Or TEST because they are great at destroying a ships supply when they go out on a roam.

CCP should take a histroy lesson from every country on earth. People that help the economy do not get RARE goods for free, they get benefits that help them continue their business model. Prime examples are tax breaks and special zoning.

You don't help someone out but GIVING them something for FREE. You make their job easier to make a profit so they can in return help you! Allow these third parties freedom when it comes to coding so the processes can become more automatic or a special delivery service that spawns the ship in their hangar instead of jita. This gives businesses in eve something to strive for.

As we speak SOMER could keep all of the ships to himself and set the code to make sure nobody wins. When you let someone in your back pocket CCP they will take every dollar you have. Don't give too much......

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

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l0rd carlos
the king asked me to guard the mountain
#65 - 2013-10-10 19:36:18 UTC
Livonia Velorea wrote:
Out of game only or vanity trash like:

- A piece of Steve
- Band of Brothers Director Access Key
- Lost reminder to pay sov bill

What is the differents between those items and a IWS?

Youtube Channel about Micro and Small scale PvP with commentary: Fleet Commentary by l0rd carlos

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#66 - 2013-10-10 19:37:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Gougeres
SomerBlink provides additional revenue for CCP, that's about it (Besides donating a few in game items to certain events).

What positive impact has SomerBlink had on the Eve community that they would be deserving of rewards? Do they create game content? Do they run useful websites (Evefiles, Dotlan, blogs)?

Anything SomerBlink does is a direct result of the players that use their ISK to play SomerBlink. Giving in game items back to the community is not, in my opinion of any net benefit to the Eve Community.

Instead of rewarding someone for creating a website that takes something from players, CCP should reward those who aren't asking for ISK, but provide useful, thoughtful additions to the game.
DJ FunkyBacon
Rabid Ninja Space Monkey Inc.
Monkeys with Guns.
#67 - 2013-10-10 19:38:13 UTC

My thoughts moving forward. I know some of you in Reykjavik have already seen it, but wanted to make sure I included it in your thread here too. Thanks you guys for pausing to put some thought into this.

Radio Host, Blogger, Lowsec Resident, PvP Afficionado. - Blog

FunkyBacon on Twitter

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#68 - 2013-10-10 19:38:19 UTC
l0rd carlos wrote:
Livonia Velorea wrote:
Out of game only or vanity trash like:

- A piece of Steve
- Band of Brothers Director Access Key
- Lost reminder to pay sov bill

What is the differents between those items and a IWS?

For starters, you can't undock in a piece of Steve.*

*possibly something I would like to see in the next expansion
Kate stark
#69 - 2013-10-10 19:38:47 UTC
l0rd carlos wrote:
Livonia Velorea wrote:
Out of game only or vanity trash like:

- A piece of Steve
- Band of Brothers Director Access Key
- Lost reminder to pay sov bill

What is the differents between those items and a IWS?

depends entirely upon if they're transferable or not.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Goonswarm Federation
#70 - 2013-10-10 19:39:26 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
A Research Alt wrote:
This does not address at all the criteria CCP uses to determine "services rendered" and why Somer Blink got so much in the way of rewards while there are far more deserving entities for any particular criteria it would be reasonable for CCP to have used.

The precise criteria isn't that scientific at the moment which is why we're planning to design a more transparent criteria for contributors and others as well.

We selected to reward SOMER and his staff because the time was right to do stuff with them, Vegas sponsorship being an example. Same story with the SCL which was having an active period and doing really exciting things.

The Vegas thing makes sense (though I think it was still a poor decision to reward a for-profit site and that shouldn't be repeated - sponsorships don't really change that because they're advertisements for SOMER). I think the immense value of the prizes - and that you could only get a reasonable shot at them by giving SOMER gigantic piles of money - was really poorly thought out. It'd have been one thing to let SOMER sponsor and host it or something, but tying the tickets themselves to giving SOMER money was...not good.

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Promised Victorious Entropy
#71 - 2013-10-10 19:39:35 UTC
If the ISW Scorpion was created specifically as an item to be spawned and given away, that should be in its "Show Info" box. If people still want to spend tons of money on them, that's their own fault.

Still I support the creation of and giving away of a ship whose sole purpose was to be created and given away just as long as everyone knows or can easily know that this is the case.

"Roll the dice, don't think twice. This is the way of things. Welcome to EVE." ~ CCP Falcon

"Good luck, shoot straight and don't back down." - Serendipity Lost

Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#72 - 2013-10-10 19:41:10 UTC
A few questions, if you will:

Recently CCP rewarded the staff members of SOMER Blink, the highly popular micro lottery website, with Ishukone Watch Scorpions (IWS) as a thank-you for their contributions to EVE.

To be clear first of all, what are SOMER's "contributions to Eve", exactly? They run a successful and profitable in-game business and they invest some of their profits into sponsorship of other in-game events. In that respect, they seem little different from a Jita alt playing the 0.01 ISK game to fund a lowsec PvPer's main, or Goonswarm's OTEC profits being used to bankroll Burn Jita.

Essentially what I'm asking here is: How is CCP defining and quantifying a specific organisation as making "contributions"?

In its very essence, the IWS is a skin with its own “show info” description. But while that’s certainly an important thing to realize, we of course recognize that rare items you can sell on TQ will be coveted and will have some value through the law of supply and demand despite a lack of base value or actual functionality.

In a way, something like the Ishukone Scorpion is pretty much the worst item you could use for this purpose. As a ship to undock and fly around in, it's A Bit Rubbish (having the pre-buff Scorpion statline) and Scorpions aren't exactly elitist prestige items to begin with (though they can be useful support ships in a large fleet fight), its a bulky item which is hard to move around, and it is unobtainable through conventional means. Essentially, they'll never be undocked and the only value they have as a gift is the fact you can sell it to collectors in exchange for a massive pile of ISK (in a perverse way, it would actually have been better if you'd handed out something like a bunch of Alliance Tourney prize frigates, since at least they might have been used to create some content in the form of hilarious lossmails).

Why hasn’t my favorite fansite or community enterprise received something nice too?

There’s no single answer to that question. Sometimes it has to do with the timing of specific events related to that fansite or enterprise, sometimes your favorite is next in line or they’ve simply gotten something different, such as free accounts, trips and/or tickets to Fanfest, Collector’s editions, a couple of time codes, devs flown to their events, T-shirts, posters, resin ship models etc. etc.

Have Internal Affairs and/or the CSM been at all involved in the decision making process for these giveaways previously? I find it hard to comprehend the idea that CCP spawns in-game valuables for a selected group of players and nobody stops to consider the historical baggage associated with such an action.
  • Now on to the personal reward
  • The IWS is a cool thing to have and that’s why we use it as a reward, not because it carries X ISK value. The price people negotiate is wholly decided between individuals and is hard for us to predict with any precision.

    The problem there is that whilst a limited ship is quite a cool thing to have, its arguably less cool a thing to have than the 15 billion ISK or so they were selling for. They're not very 'show-off-able', even if the character in question can fly a Caldari Battleship there's no reason to ever undock in one so it seems inevitable the end result of them being handed out to a select group is that they'll largely end up being sold to collectors to gather dust in a hangar.

    We recognize that gifting rare in-game items of potential ISK value proactively to select third-parties, whether as prizes for them to hand out or as a personal thank-you, can have implications no matter how well-meaning you are. We realize that for example in the IWS reward situation, a line was crossed in many people’s minds despite there being certain similarities with previous gifting events. Where the line of acceptability lies is something we need to work out together before we move forward.

    You have barely touched here on the items given to SOMER as lottery prizes, which in my mind at least is the larger problem in this whole incident. Gifting these lottery prizes as well as the large amount of publicity that accompanied it, had an inevitable effect on the popularity of SOMER's business whilst these prizes were available, inevitably at the expense of other rival lottery organisations. In effect CCP decided to choose winners and losers within the community of lottery organisations, which is of great concern for those of us wishing to maintain the integrity of the sandbox.

    The latest statement you have provided is a welcome start, but questions remain.

    Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

    Goonswarm Federation
    #73 - 2013-10-10 19:41:34 UTC
    Cameron Freerunner wrote:

    4. A Dev endorsed a player run lottery and specified that it was totally legitimate. CCP endorsements of player run businesses must never be allowed to happen. Ever. By endorsing one group over another, he has potentially crippled all of the competitors. Who would risk their ISK with anyone else?

    Yeah, this was a serious, serious problem as well. There should not have been a CCP endorsement that SOMER is not a scam and has operated completely honestly for its entire history. I don't actually believe the research to verify that was done, but it was wrong even if it was.

    Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

    l0rd carlos
    the king asked me to guard the mountain
    #74 - 2013-10-10 19:41:48 UTC
    Chris Winter wrote:

    - It was given to a for-profit enterprise. SB is a for-profit website. They make plenty of ISK doing their normal operations.

    The "Bring Solo Back" podcast got ISK and ships for doing PvP and talking about it.
    They made profit.

    It's hard to draw a line with those community projects.

    Youtube Channel about Micro and Small scale PvP with commentary: Fleet Commentary by l0rd carlos

    Leigh Akiga
    Kuhri Innovations
    #75 - 2013-10-10 19:41:55 UTC
    Weaselior wrote:
    There's also the seperate problem of Navigator officially declaring them Not A Scam

    The largest and most successful scams always appear to be.... not a scam
    Mitch's Forum Alt
    Republic Military School
    Minmatar Republic
    #76 - 2013-10-10 19:42:33 UTC
    Takari wrote:
    If the ISW Scorpion was created specifically as an item to be spawned and given away, that should be in its "Show Info" box. If people still want to spend tons of money on them, that's their own fault.

    Still I support the creation of and giving away of a ship whose sole purpose was to be created and given away just as long as everyone knows or can easily know that this is the case.

    i would be ok with this too. and if/when you do decide to resume giving stuff out, please please please have it be a new ship that is announced for that purpose beforehand. leave the amount of ISW in-game as is Twisted
    Otherworld Enterprises
    Otherworld Empire
    #77 - 2013-10-10 19:43:00 UTC
    Synthetic Cultist wrote:
    CCP Guard wrote:

    Should we stick to out-of-game things only? Create non-transferrable in-game items as rewards? Give no personal rewards and only prizes? Only items below a certain expected ISK value? Always give out tons of stuff at once so early recipients can’t cash out? List all rewards publicly?

    That’s it for now, let us know your thoughts.

    Items such as the memorabilia things in the "time capsule", would reward people with a permanent reminder of their impact on the EVE world.

    Those things like the "Piece of Steve", relating to the first Titan shot down, or the "Assassination Contract - Mirial", or the "Band of Brothers Director Key". Souvenir items that don't do anything much ingame, beside exist.

    Those sorts of items would be perfectly fine, to reward people for contributing.

    Or inspace monuments, such as was done in the past, e.g. the Jita Monument originally commemorated a competition between players, yes ?

    Monuments and souvenir items, people would have far fewer issues with, than things that have a definable ISK value.

    This pretty much exactly, the reward of being recognized and in a way immortalized with the items you have, or monuments, or even names of planets etc is one of the best ways to show appreciation.

    Things like that would be worth so much more in terms of memories and feeling accomplishment than a regular item you sell for some ISK. I've been joking since years that my personal ultimate goal would be to have a planet named after me, and I'm sure that alot of people who dedicate themselves making things to try and improve and build the community (not for profit only) would feel very rewarded by things like that.


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    CCP Guard
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #78 - 2013-10-10 19:44:35 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Guard
    Mitch's Forum Alt wrote:
    thanks for the dev blog, so far I'm liking what I read. the recent events had me quite alarmed and i did not renew the first round of my accounts that expired, awaiting CCP response first.

    so, with the rewards program currently suspended and being looked at again in light of current happenings, i take it that the number of scorpion ishukone watch present in game now will remain stable and any new giveaways will be using new prizes, which are hopefully out of game or non-transferable? as some others mentioned prior, even some plex wouldn't be bad, as those can also be used for stuff like subscription or re-sculpts. just please, no more rare items!

    That's what we're pausing until we have a better system the community feels better about; All selective give-aways of rare in-game items.

    CCP Guard | EVE Community Developer | @CCP_Guard

    #79 - 2013-10-10 19:45:11 UTC
    Thank you so much ccp I really appreciate your response. I will leave it with this quote: "always remember that the road to hell is paved with good intentions".

    There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

    Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

    l0rd carlos
    the king asked me to guard the mountain
    #80 - 2013-10-10 19:45:56 UTC
    Cameron Freerunner wrote:

    4. A Dev endorsed a player run lottery and specified that it was totally legitimate. CCP endorsements of player run businesses must never be allowed to happen. Ever. By endorsing one group over another, he has potentially crippled all of the competitors. Who would risk their ISK with anyone else?

    Do you also think that giving Red Vs. Blue advertisement was wrong?

    Competitors like E-Uni will have harder time.

    Youtube Channel about Micro and Small scale PvP with commentary: Fleet Commentary by l0rd carlos