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Star Citizen v EVE

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DW inc
#1861 - 2014-10-27 22:32:41 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
Having said that, given that no one will start with anything better than a frigate, and there will be only 1000 of them in game which were sold in advance, from a player base of nearly 633 000 players as of right now, and the 50~100 ship limit since even high end PC's can't handle anything higher, also prevents PVP from becoming a purely numbers game.

The game can't escalate further with much bigger fights, using much larger ships, without having major improvements in hardware since they're aiming so high to begin with, so each pilots role is way more important to form an effective fighting force, since it isn't just about calling in the big boys with the big toys anymore.....Might take years before most are in destroyers, cruisers, battle cruisers, escort carriers and the like.

It won't be as easy to get these as it's become in EVE in the last several years, though I do remember when I was much harder in the early days where I worked my ass off for 3 months to get into a battleship, and even 0.0 space didn't have battleship spawns at all( just 50k isk cruisers).

Except all this is on paper. That's kinda the issue. CCP used to say 'well getting a titan will not be someone anyone can do' Then they made constalation sov and boom, everyone can easily get a titan. oops.

So i'll go with we will see how it turns out.

It can't be done as even if they wanted ships as large as titans in SC, not only their exteriors but their interiors are fully modelled, so you can imagine the monster amount of work to create such a beast. and the PC needed to run that at 60 Fps, made worse when there's both an external physics engine for everything that the ship is subjected too, and an internal physics engine for all objects and people onboard said large ship, which are affected depending on what's happening at any given moment.

Let's say the ship is boarded, people are fighting inside the ship, at the same time that the ship itself is still trying to shoot down hostile ships...It'll be the first game that requires a joystick/throttle to fly the ship and try to kill other ships, and a mouse and keyboard to handle the FPS aspect of having your ship boarded and to defend it, while the fight is going on outside in space.
DW inc
#1862 - 2014-10-27 22:34:16 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
Balshem Rozenzweig wrote:
I'd like to see 2 games die: EvE online and WoW. I'd enjoy better versions of both and them dying would mean just that.

Although if WoW dies then their LFG crowd goes to the new WoW so it would kinda hurt the entire point Twisted

I guess I hope only EVE dies Blink

All in all - we want better games. I played WoW right until I got horribly bored with it. I don't see SC competition as a threat. I see it as opportunity for all of us. Till then - we shall continue to help Iceland's economy undisturbed.

I guess I don't see how a heavily instanced game, with an npc drivin economy, with optional pvp, where everyone has to be and play nice, if any sort of opertunity any eve player would want.

Unless the opportunity is to go into SC and greif the hell out of its carebears and use its game mechaics against it's self. Then sure.

Oh wait.. that's right.. I can walk around in my 100m long ship while I wait for the stupid landing animation to finish! That's the ticket!

Wrong on the pvp aspect.....It all depends on the relative security of the system you're currently in, and if it's one on the very edge of UEE space or in hostile territory like the vanduul, you can fight till the end of time.

Fights however will be limited to anywhere from 50 to 100 ships, which is understandable given the amount of artwork and detail going into every ship, so unless you have a super computer at home, don't expect 1000 ship fights as no hardware exists that can handle that with playable frame rates.

I have not read up on the slider in a while, so you mean to say, if I go to, for lack of a better term a 0.0 system in SC and have my pvp slider set to '0' (no pvp) that I will still more then likely pvp? ignoring the 'well you won't be able to tell if a ship is a player or npc' which I thought was bull crap anyway.

Yup, it's unsecure space after all, so the slider has no effect.
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#1863 - 2014-11-02 06:20:42 UTC
FPS Demo

Would say this is progressing nicely.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Jaysen Larrisen
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1864 - 2014-11-02 19:56:07 UTC
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
FPS Demo

Would say this is progressing nicely.

Lot of current and former Dust players are looking at that pretty longingly.

If it's actually integrated into the fabric of SC then that is exactly the concept that drew a bunch of players to Dust...a pretty high number of them being active or former Eve players that loved the universe and the complexity but wanted a different way to play.

"Endless money forms the sinews of War" - Cicero

Biomassed - Dust & EVE Podcast

Twitter - @JaysynLarrissen

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#1865 - 2014-11-02 21:04:10 UTC
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
FPS Demo

Would say this is progressing nicely.

Well, FPS are not my piece of cake... but that's quite promising.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1866 - 2014-11-27 00:58:56 UTC  |  Edited by: ankhesanemu
I saw the downfall of Anarchy Online (AO) after playing it for several years just after WoW got released.

Anarchy Online was such a skill based game relatively compared to WoW (point, click, win - almost....)

It still is a wonderfull game (AO) and the skill you need to play it can be compared to EVE. There is twinking, there is playing with certain skills, perks and symbs to fit certain kinds of gear and do different things with them. You wont understand crap of what im talking if you never tryed AO.

Anyway, what i mean is, even so Star Citizen is a lil different from EVE and doesnt need so much skill to play (prolly) it doesnt mean EVE is safe.

First rule of EVE (you are never safe), same applies to it.

The only thing that can tell if it (EVE) will be safe or not, is time, and that, we cant yet bend it to see whats going to happen in the future.

People tend to like new stuff, bigger stuff, prettier stuff.

I play EVE for years and i love it. But, from my past experiences, Star Citizen can be the next WoW, and if that happens, EVE will still be played by many, but it will never be EVE again.

Just like Anarchy Online was never Anarchy Online again.
Commissar Kate
#1867 - 2014-11-27 01:04:56 UTC
Wow I forgot about this thread.

BTW I have been having tons of fun with Elite: Dangerous and its future looks very promising.
Net 7
#1868 - 2014-11-27 04:17:35 UTC
gah why could;t this thread die... lol

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#1869 - 2014-11-27 12:50:15 UTC
Commissar Kate wrote:
Wow I forgot about this thread.

BTW I have been having tons of fun with Elite: Dangerous and its future looks very promising.

Just curious, how large is the Gamma install?
Commissar Kate
#1870 - 2014-11-27 13:26:46 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Commissar Kate wrote:
Wow I forgot about this thread.

BTW I have been having tons of fun with Elite: Dangerous and its future looks very promising.

Just curious, how large is the Gamma install?

2.93 GB

That's pretty small really.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#1871 - 2014-11-27 13:41:23 UTC
Commissar Kate wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Commissar Kate wrote:
Wow I forgot about this thread.

BTW I have been having tons of fun with Elite: Dangerous and its future looks very promising.

Just curious, how large is the Gamma install?

2.93 GB

That's pretty small really.

Only 2.93 GB on the HD? Mother of god... Shocked
Goonswarm Federation
#1872 - 2014-11-28 00:42:32 UTC
Big Lynx
#1873 - 2014-11-28 07:41:25 UTC
Commissar Kate
#1874 - 2014-11-28 13:37:04 UTC
Arctic Light Inc.
Arctic Light
#1875 - 2014-11-28 19:48:40 UTC
ankhesanemu wrote:
I saw the downfall of Anarchy Online (AO) after playing it for several years just after WoW got released.

Anarchy Online was such a skill based game relatively compared to WoW (point, click, win - almost....)

It still is a wonderfull game (AO) and the skill you need to play it can be compared to EVE. There is twinking, there is playing with certain skills, perks and symbs to fit certain kinds of gear and do different things with them. You wont understand crap of what im talking if you never tryed AO.

Anyway, what i mean is, even so Star Citizen is a lil different from EVE and doesnt need so much skill to play (prolly) it doesnt mean EVE is safe.

First rule of EVE (you are never safe), same applies to it.

The only thing that can tell if it (EVE) will be safe or not, is time, and that, we cant yet bend it to see whats going to happen in the future.

People tend to like new stuff, bigger stuff, prettier stuff.

I play EVE for years and i love it. But, from my past experiences, Star Citizen can be the next WoW, and if that happens, EVE will still be played by many, but it will never be EVE again.

Just like Anarchy Online was never Anarchy Online again.

People left AO because wow had an extremely compelling storyline that really draw you in, pretty graphics and most of all something that AO still doesn't have a game play without game breaking bug.
AO was unbelievably broken by the time WOW appeared and PvP was won he who twinked or rather broke the system the most also AO was much like EVE which is to say a sand box and wow was something new entirely, a first well made themepark MMO that was easy to learn and play (unlike EQ that preceded it).
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#1876 - 2014-12-06 10:03:47 UTC
Aaand, now this is interesting: Stretch goals are gone!

They've passed on! The stretch goals are no more! They have ceased to be! They've expired and gone to meet their maker! They're stiffs! Bereft of life, they rest in peace! If you hadn't nailed them to the website, they'd be pushing up the daisies! Their metabolic processes are now history! They're off the twig! They kicked the bucket, they shuffled off their mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleeding choir invisible!! THEY ARE SOME EX-STRETCH GOALS!!

The Man himself says it in different words

Frankly, after adding pets at 64 million, the logical next step was to start selling armor sets. Yet CIG shied off that, apparently... Bear

(And, if you read the letter carefully, you'll notice how launch date is 2016 as soonest)
Call Rollard
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1877 - 2014-12-06 12:55:11 UTC
Star Citizens is still at least 2 or possibly 3 years away from being released. Can't exactly say how it will fare compared to other MMO's until it's closer to the release.
Aston Bradley
Gallente Federation
#1878 - 2014-12-08 16:29:56 UTC
I am really looking forward to SC. (pledged my fair share)

Hope it delivers on it's promises, but I trust Chris Roberts. He's passion for space opera game has never let me down so far. And I dare say that EvE started as an MMO version of Chris 's Free Lancer.

That being said, i don't think I'll replace EvE by SC, as SC won't be as player driven as EvE is (Player population per server will not exceed 10% of the total number of NPC's).

SC will be my game for dog-fighting/ Walk in ship or station/ Planet exporation needs.

EvE will remain my game for industry/economy/and PvP warfare.

I don't see them as direct competition, they complement each other.

Elite : Dangerous. Tried it, a good space sim for the time being. But I still put my money on SC.

[i]FiS should be the priority, but WiS should not be burried!

Don't encourage CCP to make empty promises or Incarna will happen again![/i]

Aston Bradley
Gallente Federation
#1879 - 2014-12-08 16:36:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Aston Bradley
Call Rollard wrote:
Star Citizens is still at least 2 or possibly 3 years away from being released. Can't exactly say how it will fare compared to other MMO's until it's closer to the release.

FPS module early 2015

Planetside mid 2015

Beta is scheduled for end 2015

Single player campaign will be available for 2015.

Full scale release is scheduled for 2016.

Final product is still a long wait, but there is a very good chance that we'll get a playable better sooner than you might thing.

They only delayed their release once (When they got WAY more than what they expected to get in crowd funding, the game's scope changed so it's only natural that they had to delay the release to match the new objectives set)

It may be delayed but the delay you speak of is pure assumption at this point.

So far, the updates for the games progression are coming in quite nicely. (I never expected the FPS module to look this good)

I will agree that we can't compare untill we actually get to the beta phase (it's not even in alpha yet)

[i]FiS should be the priority, but WiS should not be burried!

Don't encourage CCP to make empty promises or Incarna will happen again![/i]

Arctic Light Inc.
Arctic Light
#1880 - 2014-12-09 11:45:05 UTC
Inly good thing about the delay is that the game will be more playable on less then highend cards assuming they keep system requirements the same and occulus rift has supposedly been released to consumer market by then.