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Star Citizen v EVE

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DW inc
#1381 - 2014-05-18 20:45:07 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
DaReaper wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
See, the excuses start to come out rather than eat their own words....P

I never mentioned the entire game even once or how it'll balance out or any of that, it was you that insisted more times than I can count that we still had nothing to show for it except the hangar....


correct. because they still don;t. in 11 days they might. but i never talking about DFM, i mean he entire game. As until then you don;t know how anything will actually work. which is what i have said form my very first post. you just seem to think that the DFM being out, if it comes out, changes things, when it doesn;t. Reading comprehension ftw

Bullshit, you mentioned time and time again we would be getting no game at all and fell for Roberts scam...Nice attempt to move the goal posts so that you don't eat **** for a very long time to come with regards to star citizen.

Just can it and don't dig yourself in even deeper trying to deny it, or I will link all the posts where you said it the above.
Dorian Tormak
RBON United
#1382 - 2014-05-18 23:47:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Dorian Tormak
we... be getting no game at all and fell for Robert's scam

I agree with this.

Just kidding, I didn't fall for it.

Also just kidding, I actually look forward to this game.

However, you guys just need to get Star Citizen's nuts out of your mouth, I thought this stupid thread would have died a long time ago.


1. The act of hugging nuts, usually very tightly

^ Cypherdog is totally hugging the nuts of Star Citizen. I don't think it deserves this hype. A 70 page thread really? Like geez get real homiez.

Holy Satanic Christ! This is a Goddamn Signature!

Voight KampGaff
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1383 - 2014-05-19 05:08:55 UTC
Flying through an asteroid belt on a mission today. Attempting to evade enemies and out maneuver them by using the asteroids as cover. Enemies just shoot right through the asteroids like they aren't even there :( Then the enemies just fly right through the asteroids.

NO not shooting the asteroids to blow them out of their way. Magically shooting THROUGH them.

It's really as if the game engine physics are from the year 2003!

They have had over a decade to improve a feature like that and instead put all of their effort into leeching space shekels in a cash shop?


Plenty of room for competitors with features like that still in existence.

Star Citizen is still a long ways off though.

And I am sure there are plenty of people who will defend game physics like that and say they would rather see the development team work on in game real money t-shirts in the cash shop.

Candi LeMew
Division 13
#1384 - 2014-05-19 05:24:43 UTC
Voight KampGaff wrote:
And I am sure there are plenty of people who will defend game physics like that and say they would rather see the development team work on in game real money t-shirts in the cash shop.

Hair styles actually. Already got plenty of shirts.

Next time try shooting the enemies instead of running from them. Also, welcome to EVE! Big smile


Remember... in Anoikis Bob Is Always Watching...

"I been kicked out of better homes than this" - Rick James

Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1385 - 2014-05-19 07:35:08 UTC
Voight KampGaff wrote:
Flying through an asteroid belt on a mission today. Attempting to evade enemies and out maneuver them by using the asteroids as cover. Enemies just shoot right through the asteroids like they aren't even there :( Then the enemies just fly right through the asteroids.

Unless you changed course for more favorable transversal or to align without hitting the scenery (insert any number of legitimate EVE play reasons here) you are not doing it right.

Also, stuff doesn't go through all asteroids in EVE. I got killed in lowsec once in my Venture that was aligned with enough speed but got caught by an asteroid that happened to be in the way. So CCP definitely has all that code, but not implemented on every single asteroid for complex reasons (bandwidth, annoyance, etc.)

But if you want to make up more imaginary EVE facts to justify playing Star Citizen, please do go ahead.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Net 7
#1386 - 2014-05-19 16:02:49 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
Voight KampGaff wrote:
Flying through an asteroid belt on a mission today. Attempting to evade enemies and out maneuver them by using the asteroids as cover. Enemies just shoot right through the asteroids like they aren't even there :( Then the enemies just fly right through the asteroids.

Unless you changed course for more favorable transversal or to align without hitting the scenery (insert any number of legitimate EVE play reasons here) you are not doing it right.

Also, stuff doesn't go through all asteroids in EVE. I got killed in lowsec once in my Venture that was aligned with enough speed but got caught by an asteroid that happened to be in the way. So CCP definitely has all that code, but not implemented on every single asteroid for complex reasons (bandwidth, annoyance, etc.)

But if you want to make up more imaginary EVE facts to justify playing Star Citizen, please do go ahead.

in 03-05 you used to hit roids with your missles all the time. the issue was you were not actually hitting the roid but random things in the area, but they deactivated this long ago, as it was not working as intended. Just like they removed splash damage from missles

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Kijo Rikki
Killboard Padding Services
#1387 - 2014-05-19 17:53:29 UTC
I like when I get hung on an asteroid but clearly have plenty of clearance after moving my camera around from all angles, yet my ships is just twerkin' in space. I don't know what twerkin' means I just wanted to say it once. Twice.

I saw the dogfighting demo CR put on, the game is probably a long ways off judging by that and sadly I feel that he is aiming for the game to be so detailed that in all reality it probably won't allow for very large dogfights without serious client lag issues for the majority of players, myself included unfortunately.

You make a valid point, good Sir or Madam. 

Dorian Tormak
RBON United
#1388 - 2014-05-19 18:04:32 UTC
Kijo Rikki wrote:
I like when I get hung on an asteroid but clearly have plenty of clearance after moving my camera around from all angles, yet my ships is just twerkin' in space. I don't know what twerkin' means I just wanted to say it once. Twice.

I saw the dogfighting demo CR put on, the game is probably a long ways off judging by that and sadly I feel that he is aiming for the game to be so detailed that in all reality it probably won't allow for very large dogfights without serious client lag issues for the majority of players, myself included unfortunately.

Yeah yeah yeah. That's just the way Eve is though.

Maybe they should make it so if you crash into a station your ship and pod get annihilated crashing through the walls of the station, and then you get charged or fined by Concord for reckless / intoxicated flying and your license is suspended for a month.

Holy Satanic Christ! This is a Goddamn Signature!

Slick Slomopavitz
#1389 - 2014-05-20 04:05:26 UTC
I paid my monies for a SC starter ship, but to be totally honest I'm more jazzed about EVE Valkyrie than any other space sim in development.


"Some places got a Murphy bed, this place got a Murphy shower. I still don't know where to hang the towels!"

Nocturnal Phantom
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1390 - 2014-05-20 06:27:17 UTC
The difference between Star Citizen and Eve is that EVE is #1 and what is Star Citizen?
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1391 - 2014-05-23 21:01:12 UTC
Nocturnal Phantom wrote:
The difference between Star Citizen and Eve is that EVE is #1 and what is Star Citizen?

well one has been out for what 10+ years and RSI has yet to enter beta with over 43.9 Million in crowd funding so far...which is pretty impressive.

Eve is a point and click where as Star Citizen is a dog fighting game with fps elements. So in that aspect most eve players will prob end up playing both because of their different atmospheres.

Yet only fair comparison to which will be better can really only be made once Star Citizen has been fully released.... you know like a year from now.
Dorian Tormak
RBON United
#1392 - 2014-05-24 00:12:03 UTC
Aralez wrote:
Nocturnal Phantom wrote:
The difference between Star Citizen and Eve is that EVE is #1 and what is Star Citizen?

well one has been out for what 10+ years and RSI has yet to enter beta with over 43.9 Million in crowd funding so far...which is pretty impressive.

Eve is a point and click where as Star Citizen is a dog fighting game with fps elements. So in that aspect most eve players will prob end up playing both because of their different atmospheres.

Yet only fair comparison to which will be better can really only be made once Star Citizen has been fully released.... you know like a year from now.

Nah. Most Eve players will play Eve and not Star Citizen. Many of them may play both, and some might jump ship.

And since Eve has 10 years experience on Star Citizen, it will always be better as long as they keep updating it.

Holy Satanic Christ! This is a Goddamn Signature!

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1393 - 2014-05-24 16:28:20 UTC
Dorian Tormak wrote:
Aralez wrote:
Nocturnal Phantom wrote:
The difference between Star Citizen and Eve is that EVE is #1 and what is Star Citizen?

well one has been out for what 10+ years and RSI has yet to enter beta with over 43.9 Million in crowd funding so far...which is pretty impressive.

Eve is a point and click where as Star Citizen is a dog fighting game with fps elements. So in that aspect most eve players will prob end up playing both because of their different atmospheres.

Yet only fair comparison to which will be better can really only be made once Star Citizen has been fully released.... you know like a year from now.

Nah. Most Eve players will play Eve and not Star Citizen. Many of them may play both, and some might jump ship.

And since Eve has 10 years experience on Star Citizen, it will always be better as long as they keep updating it.

eh... new ships only keep interest for so long, updating graphics, imersive story/plot, and seriously how well have they managed that so far.. not saying recent expansions with missile effects, warp trials and upcoming warp animation is not awesome. but things like open stations, the nvidia tech they showed couple years ago at fanfest with astroids breaking apart and seeing the shields flicker where they hit and helping with textures for less "trickery".. were did those go? eve has had long standing issues with follow through. Yes this might change with there new deployment method starting with kronos. But its become an I'll believe it when i see it scenario.
I'll prob always play eve but look forward to starcitizen because their alot more open with their development and community where as eve is a lil to set in its ways to allow for decent change.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#1394 - 2014-05-24 17:13:59 UTC
Aralez wrote:
Nocturnal Phantom wrote:
The difference between Star Citizen and Eve is that EVE is #1 and what is Star Citizen?

well one has been out for what 10+ years and RSI has yet to enter beta with over 43.9 Million in crowd funding so far...which is pretty impressive.

Eve is a point and click where as Star Citizen is a dog fighting game with fps elements. So in that aspect most eve players will prob end up playing both because of their different atmospheres.

Yet only fair comparison to which will be better can really only be made once Star Citizen has been fully released.... you know like a year from now.

I thought the lastest word on SC's release date was 2016.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

DW inc
#1395 - 2014-05-25 02:31:34 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Aralez wrote:
Dorian Tormak wrote:
Aralez wrote:
Nocturnal Phantom wrote:
The difference between Star Citizen and Eve is that EVE is #1 and what is Star Citizen?

well one has been out for what 10+ years and RSI has yet to enter beta with over 43.9 Million in crowd funding so far...which is pretty impressive.

Eve is a point and click where as Star Citizen is a dog fighting game with fps elements. So in that aspect most eve players will prob end up playing both because of their different atmospheres.

Yet only fair comparison to which will be better can really only be made once Star Citizen has been fully released.... you know like a year from now.

Nah. Most Eve players will play Eve and not Star Citizen. Many of them may play both, and some might jump ship.

And since Eve has 10 years experience on Star Citizen, it will always be better as long as they keep updating it.

eh... new ships only keep interest for so long, updating graphics, imersive story/plot, and seriously how well have they managed that so far.. not saying recent expansions with missile effects, warp trials and upcoming warp animation is not awesome. but things like open stations, the nvidia tech they showed couple years ago at fanfest with astroids breaking apart and seeing the shields flicker where they hit and helping with textures for less "trickery".. were did those go? eve has had long standing issues with follow through. Yes this might change with there new deployment method starting with kronos. But its become an I'll believe it when i see it scenario.
I'll prob always play eve but look forward to starcitizen because their alot more open with their development and community where as eve is a lil to set in its ways to allow for decent change.

I agree with that assessment fully......CCP has ideas, presented them every year at every fanfest, and some truly impressive demonstration videos like the latest one where characters are walking inside an carrier and being shown an artificial wormhole, not to mention the fight with the amarr which are supposed to be allies(?), without time dialation like fights on the actual server, or the titan firing immediately after it arrived( tsk tsk on stretching the truth) but how many of those ended up implemented in game......

Walking in stations will happen in star citizen.
Walking inside every ship will happen in star citizen.
Flight every class of ship will happen in SC, with every aspect of the ship functional, right down to the thrusters moving, and it isn't just fighter bombers like Valkyrie
Full Newtonian physics will happen.
Damage models where ships will show damage but still be flyable to the nearest repair facility.

A fair amount of these were supposed to be in eve by now, regardless if it's an MMO as they were stated by CCP as something they were working on, and now they panic and modify their release schedule because SC is coming and so is elite dangerous....Roll
Cyber Chaos Crew
#1396 - 2014-05-27 23:07:41 UTC
Just let this account expire... maybe will try the DFM on thursday if my computer can handle it. Take it easy, see you guys in some other carnivals and in the Verse Blink
All Kill No Skill
#1397 - 2014-05-27 23:26:36 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
A fair amount of these were supposed to be in eve by now

No they weren't. Most of that you listed would pretty much destroy large portions of EVE. They would need to multiply the existing infrastructure of at least a factor of 10 to support things like SOV activities or major trade hubs. Then the game would be broadband only where the fastest and closest connection wins. Then not even mentioning the overheating of client computers in heavily populated areas. Even increasing infrastructure size by a factor of 10 probably wouldn't really cover the server processing speeds required to support such a system.

I'm in it for the money


Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#1398 - 2014-05-29 01:57:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Mina Sebiestar
Delayed due to few critical / game blocker bugs.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1399 - 2014-05-29 02:22:58 UTC
raven666wings wrote:
Just let this account expire... maybe will try the DFM on thursday if my computer can handle it. Take it easy, see you guys in some other carnivals and in the Verse Blink

Yes, of course you're leaving.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

DW inc
#1400 - 2014-05-29 02:29:12 UTC
Webvan wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
A fair amount of these were supposed to be in eve by now

No they weren't. Most of that you listed would pretty much destroy large portions of EVE. They would need to multiply the existing infrastructure of at least a factor of 10 to support things like SOV activities or major trade hubs. Then the game would be broadband only where the fastest and closest connection wins. Then not even mentioning the overheating of client computers in heavily populated areas. Even increasing infrastructure size by a factor of 10 probably wouldn't really cover the server processing speeds required to support such a system.

That's what they had to face when they were working on walking in stations for the better part of 4 years, and they decided it could be done before cancelling the whole thing.

Do I really need to say more?