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Star Citizen v EVE

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Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#1041 - 2014-04-30 12:08:06 UTC
Daikatana and Duke Nukem are both on a completely different level of fail compared to other (sometimes massive) fail games. But where Duke went "lol look at me being silly and dumb" Daikatana went "why doesn't anyone take me serious!" which makes the fail far worse/glorious.
DW inc
#1042 - 2014-04-30 13:42:02 UTC
DaReaper wrote:

Your eve birthdate is 2009, so i can;t blame your noobness for not knowing your eve history. WiS was stopped because of the 'greed is good' news letter and the jita riots plus the mass unsubscribe that followed. This forced CCP's hand and they put all other game play except space based on hold. That was in 2011. you were clearly playing then. Unless your corp is an alt corp and you just recently came back. The customers told CCP to stop being idiots and fix there stuff. Mostly they rejected microtransactions but whatever. Thats neither here nor there. And you do realize that posting a video about how the dog fight is suppose to work, at this time, is kinda like using the planetary flight for eve video. As until you can play it, you do not know how or if it will work as advertized.


Correct, i have been in eve since 2004, 10 years, i have only unsubed a total of 6 months. IF that.

Dumbass, I was created on july 29th 2003 and have never quit the game since then either.....I don't know where you got the 2009 date, but you'd be off by 6 years.
DW inc
#1043 - 2014-04-30 13:43:50 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
DaReaper wrote:

to your video. As of the time of me writing this, can you play whats in the video?

That's it?.....That's all you got left as an argument when it shows everything I described earlier, and that those who subscribed will be playing it in a couple of weeks.

Are you for real?

sigh... first you are avoiding my question which i asked before you asked yours, so again. As of RIGHT NOW, not a few weeks from now, right this moment, is there ANYTHING you personally can play that shows everything in said video is going to work as described?

The answer is ofc no. SC is still paper.

I just wish you held CCP to that kind of precise accountability when it comes to features they announced and only half implemented or flat out didn't finish at all.....Double standard much?
DW inc
#1044 - 2014-04-30 13:53:05 UTC
Erica Dusette wrote:
Is it just me or do the posters who support SC seem super defensive, aggressive and arrogant in most of their replies here?

Way to woo folks to the game?

I also like how a subculture seems to have already formed where those who take a leap and invest in SC now are broskis and those who prefer to wait and try the finished product are scrubs.

Not really...Heck I haven't posted in this thread in months and just let the CIG guys do their thing, but from what was described in the initial project in late 2012 and now shown in that dogfighting module presentation, it seems everything they promised is being delivered, at least when it comes to ship combat and physics and procedural animations.

There's still the single player campaign to do, the public server, the ability to host your own game and all the extra features achieved thru financing the game to this point, so i'm not expecting the full game to be out until late next year after the alpha and beta testing is done, but it is nice to see them essentially giving the finger to publishers and seriously exceeding the amount of money they needed and making something as complex as this.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1045 - 2014-04-30 13:55:54 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
DaReaper wrote:

Your eve birthdate is 2009, so i can;t blame your noobness for not knowing your eve history. WiS was stopped because of the 'greed is good' news letter and the jita riots plus the mass unsubscribe that followed. This forced CCP's hand and they put all other game play except space based on hold. That was in 2011. you were clearly playing then. Unless your corp is an alt corp and you just recently came back. The customers told CCP to stop being idiots and fix there stuff. Mostly they rejected microtransactions but whatever. Thats neither here nor there. And you do realize that posting a video about how the dog fight is suppose to work, at this time, is kinda like using the planetary flight for eve video. As until you can play it, you do not know how or if it will work as advertized.


Correct, i have been in eve since 2004, 10 years, i have only unsubed a total of 6 months. IF that.

Dumbass, I was created on july 29th 2003 and have never quit the game since then either.....I don't know where you got the 2009 date, but you'd be off by 6 years.

Why don't you two sneak off to the bathroom with a ruler? You clearly want to prove something to each other with this little pissing match of yours.

Marcus Gord: "Aspalis is an onion. Many layers, each one makes you cry."

DW inc
#1046 - 2014-04-30 15:05:48 UTC
Aspalis wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
DaReaper wrote:

Your eve birthdate is 2009, so i can;t blame your noobness for not knowing your eve history. WiS was stopped because of the 'greed is good' news letter and the jita riots plus the mass unsubscribe that followed. This forced CCP's hand and they put all other game play except space based on hold. That was in 2011. you were clearly playing then. Unless your corp is an alt corp and you just recently came back. The customers told CCP to stop being idiots and fix there stuff. Mostly they rejected microtransactions but whatever. Thats neither here nor there. And you do realize that posting a video about how the dog fight is suppose to work, at this time, is kinda like using the planetary flight for eve video. As until you can play it, you do not know how or if it will work as advertized.


Correct, i have been in eve since 2004, 10 years, i have only unsubed a total of 6 months. IF that.

Dumbass, I was created on july 29th 2003 and have never quit the game since then either.....I don't know where you got the 2009 date, but you'd be off by 6 years.

Why don't you two sneak off to the bathroom with a ruler? You clearly want to prove something to each other with this little pissing match of yours.

No need if he actually thinks about what he writes before he writes it.....P
Cyber Chaos Crew
#1047 - 2014-04-30 15:10:11 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Gregor Parud wrote:
CCP isn't facing financial trouble at all, they simply took the financial hit of dropping WOD and stating as such in the books. It's a previous investment they wrote off, not an actual/current loss of money.

More fallacies at this time of day? But it's only 4 pm!

The loss of money happend after the Incarna crash and has been happening as Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous present themselves as competitors, offering what players want and cannot get in EVE Online (hence the Incarna and WoD team layoffs).

It will continue to happen in a snowball effect as more people drop their subscriptions, stop playing the game and subtitute EVE for SC and ED as the game of choice to spend their free time with.
Net 7
#1048 - 2014-04-30 15:47:47 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
DaReaper wrote:

Your eve birthdate is 2009, so i can;t blame your noobness for not knowing your eve history. WiS was stopped because of the 'greed is good' news letter and the jita riots plus the mass unsubscribe that followed. This forced CCP's hand and they put all other game play except space based on hold. That was in 2011. you were clearly playing then. Unless your corp is an alt corp and you just recently came back. The customers told CCP to stop being idiots and fix there stuff. Mostly they rejected microtransactions but whatever. Thats neither here nor there. And you do realize that posting a video about how the dog fight is suppose to work, at this time, is kinda like using the planetary flight for eve video. As until you can play it, you do not know how or if it will work as advertized.


Correct, i have been in eve since 2004, 10 years, i have only unsubed a total of 6 months. IF that.

Dumbass, I was created on july 29th 2003 and have never quit the game since then either.....I don't know where you got the 2009 date, but you'd be off by 6 years.

ah I did not see the "view older history" in the eve gate profile, no need to call one names and be a jerkoff about it you know. Why so defensive? have I struck a nerve?

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Net 7
#1049 - 2014-04-30 15:49:21 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
DaReaper wrote:

to your video. As of the time of me writing this, can you play whats in the video?

That's it?.....That's all you got left as an argument when it shows everything I described earlier, and that those who subscribed will be playing it in a couple of weeks.

Are you for real?

sigh... first you are avoiding my question which i asked before you asked yours, so again. As of RIGHT NOW, not a few weeks from now, right this moment, is there ANYTHING you personally can play that shows everything in said video is going to work as described?

The answer is ofc no. SC is still paper.

I just wish you held CCP to that kind of precise accountability when it comes to features they announced and only half implemented or flat out didn't finish at all.....Double standard much?

Oh I do, which is why I am glad they are fixing there stuff... which I have said about 10 times now. But again, the difference is, if they say something is coming and it doesn't... I can STILL play eve. As of this writing, you have nothing. So if CR pushes back or changes dog fighting, you still have nothing.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Net 7
#1050 - 2014-04-30 15:53:11 UTC
raven666wings wrote:
Gregor Parud wrote:
CCP isn't facing financial trouble at all, they simply took the financial hit of dropping WOD and stating as such in the books. It's a previous investment they wrote off, not an actual/current loss of money.

More fallacies at this time of day? But it's only 4 pm!

The loss of money happend after the Incarna crash and has been happening as Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous present themselves as competitors, offering what players want and cannot get in EVE Online (hence the Incarna and WoD team layoffs).

It will continue to happen in a snowball effect as more people drop their subscriptions, stop playing the game and subtitute EVE for SC and ED as the game of choice to spend their free time with.

huh? Incarina was 2011, the 21m loss was 2013. Which means at the end of 2013 they were getting ready to cut it, hence the layoffs. in 2011, CCP actually made profit. and in 2010, 2012, 2009, etc.

There is still no competition until either of them are live, though I think Elite is in beta? But i'm not sure, I stopped looking a while ago. But anyway I grow bored of this conversation, we will see how well SC does when tis all out, in 2 years.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Dragon Outlaw
Rogue Fleet
#1051 - 2014-04-30 15:54:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Dragon Outlaw
raven666wings wrote:
Gregor Parud wrote:
CCP isn't facing financial trouble at all, they simply took the financial hit of dropping WOD and stating as such in the books. It's a previous investment they wrote off, not an actual/current loss of money.

More fallacies at this time of day? But it's only 4 pm!

The loss of money happend after the Incarna crash and has been happening as Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous present themselves as competitors, offering what players want and cannot get in EVE Online (hence the Incarna and WoD team layoffs).

It will continue to happen in a snowball effect as more people drop their subscriptions, stop playing the game and subtitute EVE for SC and ED as the game of choice to spend their free time with.

It is already happening! If you check the Eve Offline stats, the All Time Weekly Average connections has dropped by slightly over 8200 since its last peak in February. Now Eve is used to have drops in connections, then it stabilizes and goes back up. So if you instead compare the last recorded value to what was seen on the same date of the previous year (April 2013), you get a drop of almost 6500 accounts that no longer connects to the game since last year.
Net 7
#1052 - 2014-04-30 16:03:24 UTC  |  Edited by: DaReaper
Dragon Outlaw wrote:
raven666wings wrote:
Gregor Parud wrote:
CCP isn't facing financial trouble at all, they simply took the financial hit of dropping WOD and stating as such in the books. It's a previous investment they wrote off, not an actual/current loss of money.

More fallacies at this time of day? But it's only 4 pm!

The loss of money happend after the Incarna crash and has been happening as Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous present themselves as competitors, offering what players want and cannot get in EVE Online (hence the Incarna and WoD team layoffs).

It will continue to happen in a snowball effect as more people drop their subscriptions, stop playing the game and subtitute EVE for SC and ED as the game of choice to spend their free time with.

It is already happening! If you check the Eve Offline stats, the All Time Weekly Average connections has dropped by slightly over 8200 since its last peak in February. Now Eve is used to have drops in connections, then it stabilizes and goes back up. So if you instead compare the last recorded value to what was seen on the same date of the previous year (April 2013), you get a drop of almost 6500 accounts that no longer connects to the game. This is the biggest drop that you can actually see on the graph when comparing a particulare date to the same date a year before.

So, yeah!

Except that's misleading, as you don't know if thouse accounts stopped paying or just stopped connecting. You can't use the stats of eve offline to give you actually account subscription numbers. As for all you know 6k accounts might of just gotten crap going on irl and stopped logging in. Or they log in to change skills so are not on all the time.

HOWEVER, it could means that they have unsubbed. But just based off the numbers we have there is no real evidence to support an unsubbing, just that not as many people are connecting at the same time. Reasons could be all over the place as to why.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Cyber Chaos Crew
#1053 - 2014-04-30 16:29:01 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
DaReaper wrote:
But just based off the numbers we have there is no real evidence to support an unsubbing, just that not as many people are connecting at the same time. Reasons could be all over the place as to why.

^^ your evidence right there.

Might wanna ask uncle Hilmar to not hide the sub numbers from the financial reports, that would help too.
Bertrand Butler
Cras es Noster
#1054 - 2014-04-30 17:00:58 UTC
Cyber Chaos Crew
#1055 - 2014-04-30 17:15:14 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings

Cpt "Bruce" Underpants, member of Goonrathi wrote:
We currently have around 700 citizens who have pledged, on average, $350 each.
Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#1056 - 2014-04-30 17:21:39 UTC
So, has anyone pointed out that you can't actually play this game yet?


Big smile

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Cyber Chaos Crew
#1057 - 2014-04-30 17:34:09 UTC
Yes, and it has been refuted with "We don't care, we'd rather play it later than never".
Net 7
#1058 - 2014-04-30 18:14:37 UTC
raven666wings wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
But just based off the numbers we have there is no real evidence to support an unsubbing, just that not as many people are connecting at the same time. Reasons could be all over the place as to why.

^^ your evidence right there.

Might wanna ask uncle Hilmar to not hide the sub numbers from the financial reports, that would help too.

That doesn't prove anything either. Companies cancel projects for many reasons, and as they had retooled WoD like 6 times already, they may have just decided that they can't do what they want how they want. Unless you are a member of CCP's executive staff of BoD you really still do not know anything. And that still is not evidence of 'eve is dying'

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

DW inc
#1059 - 2014-04-30 18:27:53 UTC
DaReaper wrote:

ah I did not see the "view older history" in the eve gate profile, no need to call one names and be a jerkoff about it you know. Why so defensive? have I struck a nerve?

Since you were so insistant on using that point earlier that I was an EVE noob born in 2009 and didn't know what I was talking about with regards to early eve history or walking in stations, it was fully deserved.

You are talking to someone as old as this game, who never took a break from it since then either, so keep that in mind.
Cyber Chaos Crew
#1060 - 2014-04-30 18:31:37 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
DaReaper wrote:
That doesn't prove anything either. Companies cancel projects for many reasons, and as they had retooled WoD like 6 times already, they may have just decided that they can't do what they want how they want. Unless you are a member of CCP's executive staff of BoD you really still do not know anything. And that still is not evidence of 'eve is dying'

EVE's not dying, its been dead for a while now, and the only ones to blame are exactly those - the CCP's executive staff and BoD.