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Star Citizen v EVE

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DW inc
#941 - 2014-02-07 01:24:09 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Trii Seo wrote:
See, that's the thing with donations.

Project was kickstarted successfully with the amount of over 2 mil USD I believe - and that's fine. This money is bound to make its way into the game development process, and probably has something legal between Kickstarter and Roberts. I'd hazard a guess that he needs to meet the release deadline along with features promised for certain milestones of the project.

Now, ever since then funding wasn't through kickstarter. It was through RSI, which operates on different terms - you are purchasing what's inside the package, which is by the looks of it - a copy of the game along with some in-game goods. Nothing is mentioned about the quality of the goods or their release date (sides from Alpha/Beta).

Then, of course, we're looking at the wonders of Roberts's marketing team who appear to be of the evil businessmen type. From them, we have wonders such as: Pay 10 grand (10k USD for an unreleased, unverified product, yes. ) to get a bunch of ships and a starting location skin. Normally this would get laughed at hard, but it seems ever since its kickstarter was completed SC picked up so much hype this **** actually does fly and hints for a rather disturbing future to say the least.

It's worth noting that for 10 grand you're getting ships everyone else will get (or, if not, say hi to the beginnings of pay to win), you're just getting into them faster. Now this is another thing to talk about, since what those packs do is effectively let players skip portions of the gameplay. Keeping in mind everything will depend on raw skill and equipment (which will be purchased for ingame cash), pledgers who start with a vast collection of ships + insurance + cash to start off with best equipment will have a massive headstart over those that didn't throw money into the fire.

Now, if someone has a sales team that does that and still manages to get people rallied up to his defense over how he's a passionate developer and not in any way a businessman who makes money... I should actually applaud this man and suggest EA hires him as a PR spokesman, because damn he'd make the recent Dungeon Keeper Mobile fiasco into a stunning success.

(And he should pick up scamming in EVE as a past time. He'd be a billionaire in the first week.)

Alright, alright - maybe I'm focusing on the big packages (10k, 5k... I mean, okay, come on, that's going into hardware parts or serious software territory of pricing) and not the small ones. What you can notice about the smaller ones is...

...that they offer pretty much the same thing - for a more reasonable price point, with the addition of what was mentioned earlier in this thread. For instance, the Hornet package - you're getting a stealth ship, but how Stealth works was never explained. In fact, it could as well not work at all (and this is, by far, not a stretch - stealth aspects in multiplayer games aren't easy). Same for the Tracker variant - zero explanation, just buzzwords and "how cool is it going to be."

If one were to go full conspiracy on this, it'd be easy to notice that long development time, constant stretch goals and price points of packages within acceptable spending range you end up with people backing multiple times with multiple ship packages over the course of several months. Which is a clever strategy to milk supporters for more money - but hey, that's the sort of stuff I keep for my shrink.

Actually you're wrong on a few points, since the initial amount was funded by kickstarter and it was 2 million, but it also involved private investors if that mark is reached in order to gauge public interest, and not just exclusively public funding alone as it is now, but as we all know the mark was blown away in that 1 month kickstarter period by reaching about 6.2 million and kept going upwards.

The game only became fully player funded once the 23 million mark was reached, wich mean roberts could tell those private investors to **** off as they're no longer needed, though no mention of who they were was ever disclosed, and it also covered the costs of the kickstarter campaign, since the site isn't free to use and ever since that 23 million point, it's been adding a lot more content that the game wasn't initially supposed to ship with, so if anything it might create a bigger game right out of the box, but contribute to delays in making all that extra content, even though the team is split between Austin, Montreal and London and a lot of the content is being made in parallel to speed this up.

So i find it funny that some always think this is a ripoff when so many new people got hired and moved to larger installations that cost more to rent....People that need to get paid and have been for the last year, so if the idea is for roberts to take off with the cash, he's doing a pretty lousy job of it...Just me though.

Cyber Chaos Crew
#942 - 2014-02-07 03:07:19 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Trii Seo wrote:
10k packs are disturbing
Lol they might be disturbing for you but they aren't for everybody. There are a lot of people who wipe their asses to $100 bills and also enjoy videogames. Once again you are ignoring that this is a crowdfunded project and the point of those packages is to fund the development of the game while gifting those generous pledgers with symbolic gifts for their support. They are not part of a post-development array of pay-to-win packs paying (or failing to pay) the salaries of those involved in the game development and maintenance.

Trii Seo wrote:
that's the sort of stuff I keep for my shrink.
I'd advise you to look for another. That one doesn't seem to be doing a good job. The paranoid outbreaks are still strong in you.
Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#943 - 2014-02-07 08:00:29 UTC
I guess we will yet see if this takes off and if Chris Roberts learned something over those years of not being involved with the industry. My money's actually on "no" and that there will be a lot of tears when the finished product does not live up to the expectations of being the messiah of video games.

That said, among this all Roberts surely discovered a nice way to make money: instead of pulling in investors (who need to be convinced to place their millions in your trust most of the time) and signing publishing deals (failing to deliver on which has consequences) you can just ride the nostalgia and suck money away from naive fans, who at most will post a wall of tears on the forums if you don't deliver. That is sheer brilliance.

The fact of some people being rich doesn't solve the problem of "symbolic gifts" enabling them to skip big parts of the game and gain advantage by paying. Symbolic gifts were what the company bashed repeatedly in this thread - CCP - did in the Collector's Edition. While they do look nice and show that you're someone dedicated to the product, you gain nothing aside from your personal satisfaction. (Unless you sell those items for ISK - but, then we're talking about a game in which exchanging real currency for virtual is legal - and, due to how skills/ships work - tends to lead to 'more ISK than brain' fail-fits if someone tries to pay2win)

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Cyber Chaos Crew
#944 - 2014-02-07 10:17:43 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Trii Seo wrote:
I guess we will yet see if this takes off and if Chris Roberts learned something over those years of not being involved with the industry. My money's actually on "no" and that there will be a lot of tears when the finished product does not live up to the expectations of being the messiah of video games.

That said, among this all Roberts surely discovered a nice way to make money: instead of pulling in investors (who need to be convinced to place their millions in your trust most of the time) and signing publishing deals (failing to deliver on which has consequences) you can just ride the nostalgia and suck money away from naive fans, who at most will post a wall of tears on the forums if you don't deliver. That is sheer brilliance.
I'll give my money anyday all day to Chris Roberts and Star Citizen or any other crowdfunded PC project instead of CCP for their junky ps3's (LOL) and the polished turds they been shitting.

Trii Seo wrote:
The fact of some people being rich doesn't solve the problem of "symbolic gifts" enabling them to skip big parts of the game and gain advantage by paying. Symbolic gifts were what the company bashed repeatedly in this thread - CCP - did in the Collector's Edition. While they do look nice and show that you're someone dedicated to the product, you gain nothing aside from your personal satisfaction. (Unless you sell those items for ISK - but, then we're talking about a game in which exchanging real currency for virtual is legal - and, due to how skills/ships work - tends to lead to 'more ISK than brain' fail-fits if someone tries to pay2win)
The ships and equipment contained in the Star Citizen pledge packs were acquired by a large number of people, its not like if you acquired one you'll be rolling alone in a Constelation or a Freelancer, and even if it was, it's not like that would give you a massive advantage in combat over someone flying a smaller ship, since it would be able to outmaneuver you or not even get rolled by the player interaction slider to fight you. Additionally, going through the game on a bigger ship doesn't mean you will be able to skip it. It means the AI will be scaled to make sure you get the appropriate difficulty.

The EVE collectors edition was an overpriced plastic Rifter made in China, an audio CD with depressive music and a lore/art book. It did not contain a PC game, neither was it a token offered to the players for their support in the development of that same game.

Beggining to understand why your shrink isn't making any progress with you. You're not only paranoid, you also show signs of severe cognition and rational ability deficits.

Now excuse me while I unsub my account and have a nice day.
Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#945 - 2014-02-07 11:00:17 UTC
Yup, and those people will have a nice headstart vs. actual new players coming into the game around the same time. AKA those who didn't throw money at an unreleased game. Also, you would be wrong saying that CE didn't include the game itself - it did come with 60 day timecode (+1 PLEX if you redeemed the mystery code).

It's also worth noting that sides from a Rifter (iconic King of all that is Frigate, I'm sure many people remember making first steps into pvp by losing those like spare change...) contained a game you can actually play. You know, if you're new, create account, a character and start playing.

(Unlike SC where if you buy a package you're promised to get a ship maybe in a year when the game maybe comes out.)

We'll yet see how the combat works to judge whether or not just a plain bigger ship is an improvement, or is actually outrunning the guns of your enemy a viable tactic.

Also, mandatory "your stuff can I have it".

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

DW inc
#946 - 2014-02-07 14:00:42 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Trii Seo wrote:
Yup, and those people will have a nice headstart vs. actual new players coming into the game around the same time. AKA those who didn't throw money at an unreleased game. Also, you would be wrong saying that CE didn't include the game itself - it did come with 60 day timecode (+1 PLEX if you redeemed the mystery code).

It's also worth noting that sides from a Rifter (iconic King of all that is Frigate, I'm sure many people remember making first steps into pvp by losing those like spare change...) contained a game you can actually play. You know, if you're new, create account, a character and start playing.

(Unlike SC where if you buy a package you're promised to get a ship maybe in a year when the game maybe comes out.)

We'll yet see how the combat works to judge whether or not just a plain bigger ship is an improvement, or is actually outrunning the guns of your enemy a viable tactic.

Also, mandatory "your stuff can I have it".

We'll get the dogfighting module next month to start off, and you can't complain afterwards about those that took a leap of faith and reap the benefits of having experience with the alpha and beta tests of the game, compared to those that only joined after the game was complete, and then bitching and moaning that those that did pledge before the game was released have an unfair advantage....That's like having the same handy excuse both before the game was complete( being a scam), and having one after the game is complete( unfair advantage)...P

And lastly, the game already has 380 000 members so far, wich puts it not far behind EVE in total subscribers, so it isn't too shabby for something started a little over a year ago, and EVE will soon be 11 years old...
Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#947 - 2014-02-07 18:02:01 UTC
Well, let's keep this number to a number of pledgers shall we - the game isn't out yet. A lot of games have numbers amazingly high and then bomb after alpha/beta to much less in terms of concurrent connections. Also, let's keep one thing up there: whether or not CR is going to make it or not, he has one hell of a marketing team. It attracted a lot of people. Thing is with those people - there's nothing yet out there to disappoint them, since everything is made in promises.

As for advantages - it's totally fair that experienced players have an advantage over others that comes from playing the game more, understanding the mechanics better - even if it means playing a buggy product in early access. Early access is actually a good thing a lot of the time since it lets the players exploit mechanics, break them so that the devs can theoretically fix them. (As we've seen already it doesn't always happen this way...)

What we're talking here however isn't early access and experience from playing the game. It's paying real money to get a ship + ingame cash without the need to play the game at all. And no, saying "everything obtainable for cash you will be able to get for in-game money" won't do much good since that phrase was a tad overused just to mask a well-designed pay to win game.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Net 7
#948 - 2014-02-07 19:03:26 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
Trii Seo wrote:
Yup, and those people will have a nice headstart vs. actual new players coming into the game around the same time. AKA those who didn't throw money at an unreleased game. Also, you would be wrong saying that CE didn't include the game itself - it did come with 60 day timecode (+1 PLEX if you redeemed the mystery code).

It's also worth noting that sides from a Rifter (iconic King of all that is Frigate, I'm sure many people remember making first steps into pvp by losing those like spare change...) contained a game you can actually play. You know, if you're new, create account, a character and start playing.

(Unlike SC where if you buy a package you're promised to get a ship maybe in a year when the game maybe comes out.)

We'll yet see how the combat works to judge whether or not just a plain bigger ship is an improvement, or is actually outrunning the guns of your enemy a viable tactic.

Also, mandatory "your stuff can I have it".

We'll get the dogfighting module next month to start off, and you can't complain afterwards about those that took a leap of faith and reap the benefits of having experience with the alpha and beta tests of the game, compared to those that only joined after the game was complete, and then bitching and moaning that those that did pledge before the game was released have an unfair advantage....That's like having the same handy excuse both before the game was complete( being a scam), and having one after the game is complete( unfair advantage)...P

And lastly, the game already has 380 000 members so far, wich puts it not far behind EVE in total subscribers, so it isn't too shabby for something started a little over a year ago, and EVE will soon be 11 years old...

Except 380k 'members' =! 380k "subscribers" Nor can you say 'look the game has 300k backers!' backer are also not subscribers. When eve opened in china, both times, they had 500k-1m people interested, they had 200k or so sign up for beta. When the game was released that number was a lot lower. Its just like SW:TOR, STO: Connan, and a lot of other games that had buz and intrest and people ready to play, but were disappointed by the game and when the time came for it to make real money it didn't.

However, based on what I have seen, comparing SC to EvE is like comparing LOTR to Eragon. Both are set in fantasy world, both have magic, elves, dwarfs, and dragons. But they are two completely differernt stories, and really have no comparison.

The same with SC and EvE, both are set int he future, both are sci-fi and deal with space, but the game play of the two, thus far, sounds like eve really won't lose too many people. With that said, I do hope CCP is a little worried about it, and it lights a fire under there butts to make huge improvements and repairs to eve. But only time will tell. And no, this is not a 'well some people like spreadsheets others like real game play' its a "some people like live, dynamic game play, others like instance, chance based game play." Which is what it sounds like SC will be, I have a chance to attack someone who doenslt want to get ganked, I have a chance that I could steal good stuff if the dice roll is in my favor. I might be able to play with buds on server x, otherwise i'll jump to server y. But as I said, we will see when and if it comes out.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

DW inc
#949 - 2014-02-07 19:08:07 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:
Well, let's keep this number to a number of pledgers shall we - the game isn't out yet. A lot of games have numbers amazingly high and then bomb after alpha/beta to much less in terms of concurrent connections. Also, let's keep one thing up there: whether or not CR is going to make it or not, he has one hell of a marketing team. It attracted a lot of people. Thing is with those people - there's nothing yet out there to disappoint them, since everything is made in promises.

As for advantages - it's totally fair that experienced players have an advantage over others that comes from playing the game more, understanding the mechanics better - even if it means playing a buggy product in early access. Early access is actually a good thing a lot of the time since it lets the players exploit mechanics, break them so that the devs can theoretically fix them. (As we've seen already it doesn't always happen this way...)

What we're talking here however isn't early access and experience from playing the game. It's paying real money to get a ship + ingame cash without the need to play the game at all. And no, saying "everything obtainable for cash you will be able to get for in-game money" won't do much good since that phrase was a tad overused just to mask a well-designed pay to win game.

Had nothing to do with a great marketing team to begin with, since at least in my case i saw the amazing video of the bengal carrier running in real time, using the crysis 3 engine and neutonian physics for ship behavior with joystick support and real damage modeling, add walking in ships and stations, wich CCP horribly failed at for the latter, and is barely started on ship damage models since they're restricted to capital ships for the time being, and it was sold on those merits.

Marketing teams had no influence at all, and has features that CCP itself aimed for and has yet to deliver....The whole money to pay for the ship aspect and using that against it is hardly an argument, since we have EVE and people buying up plexes to sell them in game to finance large purchases, including super carriers and titans, something CCP fully allows to happen for a long time now....Ever since plexes were released basically.
Net 7
#950 - 2014-02-07 19:12:46 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
Trii Seo wrote:
Well, let's keep this number to a number of pledgers shall we - the game isn't out yet. A lot of games have numbers amazingly high and then bomb after alpha/beta to much less in terms of concurrent connections. Also, let's keep one thing up there: whether or not CR is going to make it or not, he has one hell of a marketing team. It attracted a lot of people. Thing is with those people - there's nothing yet out there to disappoint them, since everything is made in promises.

As for advantages - it's totally fair that experienced players have an advantage over others that comes from playing the game more, understanding the mechanics better - even if it means playing a buggy product in early access. Early access is actually a good thing a lot of the time since it lets the players exploit mechanics, break them so that the devs can theoretically fix them. (As we've seen already it doesn't always happen this way...)

What we're talking here however isn't early access and experience from playing the game. It's paying real money to get a ship + ingame cash without the need to play the game at all. And no, saying "everything obtainable for cash you will be able to get for in-game money" won't do much good since that phrase was a tad overused just to mask a well-designed pay to win game.

Had nothing to do with a great marketing team to begin with, since at least in my case i saw the amazing video of the bengal carrier running in real time, using the crysis 3 engine and neutonian physics for ship behavior with joystick support and real damage modeling, add walking in ships and stations, wich CCP horribly failed at for the latter, and is barely started on ship damage models since they're restricted to capital ships for the time being, and it was sold on those merits.

Marketing teams had no influence at all, and has features that CCP itself aimed for and has yet to deliver....The whole money to pay for the ship aspect and using that against it is hardly an argument, since we have EVE and people buying up plexes to sell them in game to finance large purchases, including super carriers and titans, something CCP fully allows to happen for a long time now....Ever since plexes were released basically.

Except that video being released was marketing. That's kinda the point, you saw a video, you thought it looked cool, so you tossed your money at the project. That's marketing. Did some random joe user make the video? no, because there is no game play a random joe can use. The company making said game released said video.. that's is marketing.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

DW inc
#951 - 2014-02-07 19:15:15 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
DaReaper wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
Trii Seo wrote:
Yup, and those people will have a nice headstart vs. actual new players coming into the game around the same time. AKA those who didn't throw money at an unreleased game. Also, you would be wrong saying that CE didn't include the game itself - it did come with 60 day timecode (+1 PLEX if you redeemed the mystery code).

It's also worth noting that sides from a Rifter (iconic King of all that is Frigate, I'm sure many people remember making first steps into pvp by losing those like spare change...) contained a game you can actually play. You know, if you're new, create account, a character and start playing.

(Unlike SC where if you buy a package you're promised to get a ship maybe in a year when the game maybe comes out.)

We'll yet see how the combat works to judge whether or not just a plain bigger ship is an improvement, or is actually outrunning the guns of your enemy a viable tactic.

Also, mandatory "your stuff can I have it".

We'll get the dogfighting module next month to start off, and you can't complain afterwards about those that took a leap of faith and reap the benefits of having experience with the alpha and beta tests of the game, compared to those that only joined after the game was complete, and then bitching and moaning that those that did pledge before the game was released have an unfair advantage....That's like having the same handy excuse both before the game was complete( being a scam), and having one after the game is complete( unfair advantage)...P

And lastly, the game already has 380 000 members so far, wich puts it not far behind EVE in total subscribers, so it isn't too shabby for something started a little over a year ago, and EVE will soon be 11 years old...

Except 380k 'members' =! 380k "subscribers" Nor can you say 'look the game has 300k backers!' backer are also not subscribers. When eve opened in china, both times, they had 500k-1m people interested, they had 200k or so sign up for beta. When the game was released that number was a lot lower. Its just like SW:TOR, STO: Connan, and a lot of other games that had buz and intrest and people ready to play, but were disappointed by the game and when the time came for it to make real money it didn't.

However, based on what I have seen, comparing SC to EvE is like comparing LOTR to Eragon. Both are set in fantasy world, both have magic, elves, dwarfs, and dragons. But they are two completely differernt stories, and really have no comparison.

The same with SC and EvE, both are set int he future, both are sci-fi and deal with space, but the game play of the two, thus far, sounds like eve really won't lose too many people. With that said, I do hope CCP is a little worried about it, and it lights a fire under there butts to make huge improvements and repairs to eve. But only time will tell. And no, this is not a 'well some people like spreadsheets others like real game play' its a "some people like live, dynamic game play, others like instance, chance based game play." Which is what it sounds like SC will be, I have a chance to attack someone who doenslt want to get ganked, I have a chance that I could steal good stuff if the dice roll is in my favor. I might be able to play with buds on server x, otherwise i'll jump to server y. But as I said, we will see when and if it comes out.

well, all i have to say here is that with the game already having collected upwards of 38 million so far, those 380 000 backers average 100$ each in contributions towards the making of the game, and how much is that in subscriptions in eve?....About 8 to 9 months worth give of take...It's not exactly chump change anymore...:P
DW inc
#952 - 2014-02-07 19:17:37 UTC
DaReaper wrote:

Except that video being released was marketing. That's kinda the point, you saw a video, you thought it looked cool, so you tossed your money at the project. That's marketing. Did some random joe user make the video? no, because there is no game play a random joe can use. The company making said game released said video.. that's is marketing.

Fair enough, but it blew eve out of the water visually, never mind that you ignored the other points i made.

Net 7
#953 - 2014-02-07 19:31:29 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
DaReaper wrote:

Except that video being released was marketing. That's kinda the point, you saw a video, you thought it looked cool, so you tossed your money at the project. That's marketing. Did some random joe user make the video? no, because there is no game play a random joe can use. The company making said game released said video.. that's is marketing.

Fair enough, but it blew eve out of the water visually, never mind that you ignored the other points i made.

No, I did not ignore, you just seem to not understand what you were looking at, but that's ok. You saw a video of a ship moving around... which ofc is going to look amazing, because a) that's all that little program does. And it will do it perfectly, and look good doing it, otherwise they would not of shown you. and b) once you add the other layers of the game, add more people to the mix, and really get it working, then you will see if this ambitious project 'blows eve out of the water' A game that is pretty, but is unplayable due to complexity, is not a good game. Its like a movie that looks amazing but the plot sucks, or a sexy woman (or man) who is dumb as a brick, (or has some flaw that would make the beauty be not so attractive) Its the same with Valkaryie, which I am foaming at the mouth over, it looks awesome, people have played it, but they only play a small section of the game. If its a mmo, and then you add more layers and more people, it may not play quite as well. Dust looked cool when it was demoing, but for a lot, the game play blows.

That's what happens. Something looks great on paper, in demo, then when you add 50 people to the mix you find out that it is not going to work at all the way you thought. And to your quote above me, backers are not subscribers, backers are investors, two different terms. Just because there is a lot of money going to it now, doesn't mean it will come close to sustaining the money it needs to survive. That's how it works. A movie gets million to be made, but could suck.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

DW inc
#954 - 2014-02-07 21:20:43 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
DaReaper wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
DaReaper wrote:

Except that video being released was marketing. That's kinda the point, you saw a video, you thought it looked cool, so you tossed your money at the project. That's marketing. Did some random joe user make the video? no, because there is no game play a random joe can use. The company making said game released said video.. that's is marketing.

Fair enough, but it blew eve out of the water visually, never mind that you ignored the other points i made.

No, I did not ignore, you just seem to not understand what you were looking at, but that's ok. You saw a video of a ship moving around... which ofc is going to look amazing, because a) that's all that little program does. And it will do it perfectly, and look good doing it, otherwise they would not of shown you. and b) once you add the other layers of the game, add more people to the mix, and really get it working, then you will see if this ambitious project 'blows eve out of the water' A game that is pretty, but is unplayable due to complexity, is not a good game. Its like a movie that looks amazing but the plot sucks, or a sexy woman (or man) who is dumb as a brick, (or has some flaw that would make the beauty be not so attractive) Its the same with Valkaryie, which I am foaming at the mouth over, it looks awesome, people have played it, but they only play a small section of the game. If its a mmo, and then you add more layers and more people, it may not play quite as well. Dust looked cool when it was demoing, but for a lot, the game play blows.

That's what happens. Something looks great on paper, in demo, then when you add 50 people to the mix you find out that it is not going to work at all the way you thought. And to your quote above me, backers are not subscribers, backers are investors, two different terms. Just because there is a lot of money going to it now, doesn't mean it will come close to sustaining the money it needs to survive. That's how it works. A movie gets million to be made, but could suck.

it's using the crysis 3 engine in real time, wich is probably the best looking game on the market with all graphics options cranked up, but need a really solid machine and the game won't feature hundreds of players fighting eachother since you computer wold have a heart attack rendering all that with all options cranked up there....
Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#955 - 2014-02-07 21:36:55 UTC
Thing with PLEXing your ship is that you still need to invest skills to fly it well, support skills to have modules perform well. Then of course remains the issue of actual skill to fly one.

As I said, we're yet to see how viable doing the equivalent of killing a battleship with a Rifter is in SC.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

DW inc
#956 - 2014-02-07 22:02:39 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Trii Seo wrote:
Thing with PLEXing your ship is that you still need to invest skills to fly it well, support skills to have modules perform well. Then of course remains the issue of actual skill to fly one.

As I said, we're yet to see how viable doing the equivalent of killing a battleship with a Rifter is in SC.

I'm losing replies for some reason, but EVE has pay to win and i mentioned this earlier...Just ask all those running mutliple accounts or buying chars to fly those ships from other players that have been in the game longer, and they don't care ho long it took since it wasn't their char to begin with.

As for frigates versus battleships, it's unlikely to favor the frigate since the battlship is armed to the teeth.....The carrier shown in the video has 128 guns of various sizes and calibers, wich also include AA guns for small and fast moving ship kills.....This isn't an EVE battleship with just 8 guns or missile launchers and drones, wich even an idris corvette in star citizen out guns it easily.
Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#957 - 2014-02-07 23:36:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Trii Seo
Actually, most people that spend vast sums of money do it the other way - there are ways to get a lot of cash without going the PLEX way. In reality, it's not uncommon to see someone earn more than it would be viable to PLEX by, for instance, trade.

I did say "equivalent" meaning the toughest player-controlled boat taken down by the flimsy small underdog though. Actual ship classes will, of course, differ.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

DW inc
#958 - 2014-02-08 00:38:40 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Trii Seo wrote:
Actually, most people that spend vast sums of money do it the other way - there are ways to get a lot of cash without going the PLEX way. In reality, it's not uncommon to see someone earn more than it would be viable to PLEX by, for instance, trade.

I did say "equivalent" meaning the toughest player-controlled boat taken down by the flimsy small underdog though. Actual ship classes will, of course, differ.

There will only be a few ships of the same class and even then i'm talking about the smaller fighter ships like a hornet versus a origin 300 series or an aurora.....

Once you move to bigger classes like corvettes or frigates or destroyers and cruisers, well as battlecruisers and escort carriers, wich can all be aquired in game, the operating costs increase considerably as the pilot either needs to hire an NPC crew, or have quite a lot of friends to man all the stations aboard the bigger ships, be it navigation, sensors, weapons, enginnering, propulsion, power core, shields...some of the these ships might require up to 30 people.

Add the fittings variable to all those classes, and that some can land on the surface of a planet like corvettes can( needs a crew of 10 for this one), and that said crew is also needed to defend the ship should it be boarded, as it's a possibility once the major systems have been diasabled( no ships don't blow up like in eve unless you want them to), it opens up gamplay that simply doesn't exist in eve and those ships can be repaired and put to use again after they've been captured, wich is handy for the larger ships....
Arron S
Soviet Directorate of Eve
#959 - 2014-02-08 01:58:17 UTC
My take on the two games is, in eve you command a ship, in Star Citizen you fly a ship, two very different kinds of game play.

I don't think Star Citizen will really compete with eve on a big scale, Will I play the game yes... will I stop playing eve, no.
DW inc
#960 - 2014-02-08 04:46:25 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Arron S wrote:
My take on the two games is, in eve you command a ship, in Star Citizen you fly a ship, two very different kinds of game play.

I don't think Star Citizen will really compete with eve on a big scale, Will I play the game yes... will I stop playing eve, no.

That's probably the other way around since it is possible to have a real crew made up of friends in real life, or corporation mates or alliance mates occupying important positions in larger star citizen ships....My biggest ship is a retaliator bomber that can carry a crew of 6 people and it's the 29th century version of the WW2 B29 bomber, where you have gunner positions at the top, bottom, rear and in front of the ship, not to mention on the sides of the fuselage so plenty of firepower to greet fighter planes....Twisted

I'll be flying the ship and the release of torpedos towards larger ships, but you can imagine the effect of 15~ 20 of these ships, watching over each other with 12 AA turrets in each ship and manned by real people, while torpedos from each plane get released towards a large target...Big smile