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Star Citizen v EVE

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Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#881 - 2014-02-03 14:12:46 UTC
I think that in one of vids the man is explaining whole pvp aspect of game and if my memory serves me there will be space where not choosing pvp will not be an option.

So stop being bad.

There is slight possibility that sc become more then pathetic farming pve game that they actually make pve fun,and if god forbid they do that ppl will flock there and than you can rest assured that amount of ppl having their pvp slider set to max will be such that ganking a noob of a low sec gate with your pro 30man fleet will not be much of achievement.

There are many ways how one can get his daily dose of face smashing.

My only concern is that loss of a ship will be trivial from a get go and that will certainly downgrade experience .

For a space game enthusiasts there is certainly a lot of whine going in here.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Net 7
#882 - 2014-02-03 18:19:37 UTC
raven666wings wrote:
Trii Seo wrote:
Actually - less than a demo, given things that get mentioned (Exploration!) since it doesn't even demonstrate all features of the game. And, wow, are people really excited over Roberts giving them ability to create guilds for a game that doesn't exist?

One thing that makes me laugh about it is merging the "PvP slider" and introducing an ability to opt out of pvp and then encouraging people to form a "fearsome" pirate group. Now, I'm not sure if those guys are aware of the fact that pirates usually engage in non-consensual combat.

Unless we're talking some theme park version of pirates, where all you do is yell "arrr!" and shake your hook hand at the righteous citizens every now and then. If that's the case, I think I'll pick actual fearsome pirates of EVE.

Funds Raised - $37,899,385

Star Citizens - 380,917

This might come as a bit of a reality check for you, but the majority of space MMO enthusiasts are more thrilled about the PVE wonders in a gorgeous space sci-fi adventure with occasional skill-based and visceral PVP than the prospect of browsing spreadsheets and pressing F1 in a massive lagfest filled with 10.000 dots in their screens.

Sure, the "PvP slider" will allow those who want to enjoy the game in single player mode to do so without getting ganked by others, but considering the playerbase numbers (400.000), if a quarter of those are online simultaneously (100.000) and only half of those have the PVP slider off (50.000) you will still be able to fight or gank in the Star Citizen universe more players than the entire PCU of EVE Online (and I'm not even breaking the EVE PCU to the number of players that actually engage in PVP).

As a long time eve player, 10 years, i'll give you a small history lesson. When eve first came out, it had about 200k people on the forums, making groups and doing the alpha and beta test. Then when it was released, that numbers dropped, down to like 2k people on at all times. STO had I think about 300k people foaming at the mouth with interest for it. The beta test came out and they had alod of people on there servers, then when the game went live, that number dropped like a rock. Saying that there are currently 400k people registered to play... a game that has zero to actually play... and thinking that converts to real money, besides what possibly stupid people have given the money thus far to the game (I only say stupid because if this game is an absolute flop, they will indeed be stupid. They could also be brilliant) is insane. SWTOR had prolly a million people interested and looking to try it, and we saw what happened there. Hype is that, hype. So what if a lot of people with money to blow is feeding a beast because they think the beast will be cool. Untill launch, this means absolutely nothing. Not even if 2m people get on the alpha and beta test, it still means nothing until the game is launched. For comparison, Serenity, whn it launched both times in china (yes it was launched twice) had 100k for the first time, and like 300k the second time of people wanting to play... now it has less then that who actually play. So your numbers of 400k people signed up, if 1/4th are on at the same time... mean ziltch.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Cyber Chaos Crew
#883 - 2014-02-03 18:26:52 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
DaReaper wrote:
As a long time eve player, 10 years, i'll give you a small history lesson. When eve first came out, it had about 200k people on the forums, making groups and doing the alpha and beta test. Then when it was released, that numbers dropped, down to like 2k people on at all times. STO had I think about 300k people foaming at the mouth with interest for it. The beta test came out and they had alod of people on there servers, then when the game went live, that number dropped like a rock. Saying that there are currently 400k people registered to play... a game that has zero to actually play... and thinking that converts to real money, besides what possibly stupid people have given the money thus far to the game (I only say stupid because if this game is an absolute flop, they will indeed be stupid. They could also be brilliant) is insane. SWTOR had prolly a million people interested and looking to try it, and we saw what happened there. Hype is that, hype. So what if a lot of people with money to blow is feeding a beast because they think the beast will be cool. Untill launch, this means absolutely nothing. Not even if 2m people get on the alpha and beta test, it still means nothing until the game is launched. For comparison, Serenity, whn it launched both times in china (yes it was launched twice) had 100k for the first time, and like 300k the second time of people wanting to play... now it has less then that who actually play. So your numbers of 400k people signed up, if 1/4th are on at the same time... mean ziltch.

I wouldnt call this a history lesson, it looks more like a rotten alphabet soup.
Net 7
#884 - 2014-02-03 18:27:14 UTC
After scanning the thread, here are a few things I think will happen:

1) If the game is not a single shard world, which I somehow highly doubt it will be, then I won't play. That's one of the appeals to me about eve. I don't have to ask my friends what server they are on? and if I want to shoot Russians, germans, americans, etc I can find them to shoot, or work with.

2) Someone mentioned the game won't do subscriptions, which is a fine business model, but that this means is it will not hurt eve all the much. As you can easily play both simutamiously. Just like Guild Wars never really hurt eve or WoW's numbers, as you can play both.

3) If the skill system is not like eve's, or even like Earth And Beyond's used to be (you would get skill points when you leve up and then you plug them into skills you liked based on the sp's your received) I and a lot of people may not play. I hate run around skill crap with sticks level up games. or in this case, fly around and shoot crap with pee shooters level up games.

Honestly SC has potential, I don't think it will be an "eve killer" but I do think it might give ccp a nice swift kick in the ass to fix stuff. Which it seems they are already doing. But only time will tell. I will prolly check it out, like I did STO. Never checked out SWTOR because a friend of mine who was a huge star wars fan and was foaming at the mouth for TOR said it sucked. lol.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Net 7
#885 - 2014-02-03 18:29:22 UTC
raven666wings wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
As a long time eve player, 10 years, i'll give you a small history lesson. When eve first came out, it had about 200k people on the forums, making groups and doing the alpha and beta test. Then when it was released, that numbers dropped, down to like 2k people on at all times. STO had I think about 300k people foaming at the mouth with interest for it. The beta test came out and they had alod of people on there servers, then when the game went live, that number dropped like a rock. Saying that there are currently 400k people registered to play... a game that has zero to actually play... and thinking that converts to real money, besides what possibly stupid people have given the money thus far to the game (I only say stupid because if this game is an absolute flop, they will indeed be stupid. They could also be brilliant) is insane. SWTOR had prolly a million people interested and looking to try it, and we saw what happened there. Hype is that, hype. So what if a lot of people with money to blow is feeding a beast because they think the beast will be cool. Untill launch, this means absolutely nothing. Not even if 2m people get on the alpha and beta test, it still means nothing until the game is launched. For comparison, Serenity, whn it launched both times in china (yes it was launched twice) had 100k for the first time, and like 300k the second time of people wanting to play... now it has less then that who actually play. So your numbers of 400k people signed up, if 1/4th are on at the same time... mean ziltch.

I wouldnt call this an history lesson, it looks like more like a rotten alphabet soup.

naw just trends. 400k 'star citizens' before a game is playable is merely paper. Nothing to hedge your bets on, just a lot of people hyped up about what might or could be. Until something is finally and out, that's when you will see what is what.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Cyber Chaos Crew
#886 - 2014-02-03 18:39:04 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
DaReaper wrote:
1) If the game is not a single shard world, which I somehow highly doubt it will be, then I won't play. That's one of the appeals to me about eve. I don't have to ask my friends what server they are on? and if I want to shoot Russians, germans, americans, etc I can find them to shoot, or work with.

The Star Citizen developers have stated before that the game won't run on a single server. The persistant universe will have its own infrastructure and create instances in certain locations according to the players "PvP slider", connection latency, number of people flying together, etc. Paralel player ran and modded universes will also be a feature.

DaReaper wrote:
2) Someone mentioned the game won't do subscriptions, which is a fine business model, but that this means is it will not hurt eve all the much. As you can easily play both simutamiously. Just like Guild Wars never really hurt eve or WoW's numbers, as you can play both.

I think the question here is more like "Will you want to play and spend your time with both games?" instead of "Can you play them simultaneously?".

DaReaper wrote:
3) If the skill system is not like eve's, or even like Earth And Beyond's used to be (you would get skill points when you leve up and then you plug them into skills you liked based on the sp's your received) I and a lot of people may not play. I hate run around skill crap with sticks level up games. or in this case, fly around and shoot crap with pee shooters level up games.

The only skill system you'll have in Star Citizen is the "hands-on kit" baby.
Net 7
#887 - 2014-02-03 19:01:48 UTC
raven666wings wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
1) If the game is not a single shard world, which I somehow highly doubt it will be, then I won't play. That's one of the appeals to me about eve. I don't have to ask my friends what server they are on? and if I want to shoot Russians, germans, americans, etc I can find them to shoot, or work with.

The Star Citizen developers have stated before that the game won't run on a single server. The persistant universe will have its own infrastructure and create instances in certain locations according to the players "PvP slider", connection latency, number of people flying together, etc. Paralel player ran and modded universes will also be a feature.

DaReaper wrote:
2) Someone mentioned the game won't do subscriptions, which is a fine business model, but that this means is it will not hurt eve all the much. As you can easily play both simutamiously. Just like Guild Wars never really hurt eve or WoW's numbers, as you can play both.

I think the question here is more like "Will you want to play and spend your time with both games?" instead of "Can you play them simultaneously?".

DaReaper wrote:
3) If the skill system is not like eve's, or even like Earth And Beyond's used to be (you would get skill points when you leve up and then you plug them into skills you liked based on the sp's your received) I and a lot of people may not play. I hate run around skill crap with sticks level up games. or in this case, fly around and shoot crap with pee shooters level up games.

The only skill system you'll have in Star Citizen is the "hands-on kit" baby.

ah so more then one server... yea then i'm prolly not gonna go beyond trying it. but that's just me

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Exitosus Tentationem
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#888 - 2014-02-03 19:06:13 UTC
DaReaper wrote:

ah so more then one server... yea then i'm prolly not gonna go beyond trying it. but that's just me
After having been in 250+ per-side brawls (this is obviously an alt; get over it), I can't see that Star Citizen has much to offer me.
I'll probably stick my... nose in, to see if I'm wrong, but I'd be quite surprised if I found it very interesting.

I'm sure those to whom it speaks will find it very entertaining, but I don't expect to be part of that number.
Cyber Chaos Crew
#889 - 2014-02-03 19:08:33 UTC
DaReaper wrote:

ah so more then one server... yea then i'm prolly not gonna go beyond trying it. but that's just me

Some people just wanna watch spreasheets with small dots and press F1, nothing wrong with that...
Exitosus Tentationem
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#890 - 2014-02-03 19:26:44 UTC
raven666wings wrote:
DaReaper wrote:

ah so more then one server... yea then i'm prolly not gonna go beyond trying it. but that's just me

Some people just wanna watch spreasheets with small dots and press F1, nothing wrong with that...

It's not about pulling the trigger. It's about setting up the situation such that when someone else pulls the trigger, the right guys go 'boom.' Chess, as opposed to rugby.
But, as you note, something for everyone. *shrug*
Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#891 - 2014-02-03 20:01:35 UTC
More like "Scammed so far: 37,8m and ticking"

Threat of loss makes survival all the more entertaining. Also, while I'm not too fond of big fleets - standing in a fleet with your alliance/coalition ready to fight other people to defend your homeworld has a distinct "Efff yeah!" moment to it.

I doubt SC will be able to top the idea that you are, essentially, fighting for things you've built in the universe. If you fail, they will be destroyed - no matter how much heart you've poured into them. At this point SC doesn't even have a functional spaceflight demo, they couldn't even hold up to that deadline - that does not bode well.

It may just wind up like another STO, big promise and bigger flop. Only with people having sank millions into it and not receiving what they were promised. The tears shall turn sahara into a lush jungle...

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Cyber Chaos Crew
#892 - 2014-02-03 20:27:35 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Exitosus Tentationem wrote:

It's not about pulling the trigger. It's about setting up the situation such that when someone else pulls the trigger, the right guys go 'boom.' Chess, as opposed to rugby.
But, as you note, something for everyone. *shrug*

Yes, but why use the wrong promotional videos? Something like this would get the message out better, entice the right kind of players from the get go... oh yes, and at a much cheaper rate.
Cyber Chaos Crew
#893 - 2014-02-03 20:40:21 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Trii Seo wrote:

Threat of loss makes survival all the more entertaining..

I agree. Star Citizen's citizenship (or lack of thereof) and death mechanics will ceretainly make players think twice about their actions in the universe. It's not like you will be able to wash off your security status by rattting some tags and turning them in. Engaging the wrong people at the wrong place or trying to jack their ships off their hands will possibly come with a bounty that will actually motivate bounty hunters to hunt you down. And if them or anybody else accomplishes the feat of killing you, your character doesn't just lose some skill points or gets it's mind transferred to a new clone. It's dead. Forever.
Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#894 - 2014-02-03 20:51:13 UTC
raven666wings wrote:
Trii Seo wrote:

Threat of loss makes survival all the more entertaining..

I agree. Star Citizen's citizenship (or lack of thereof) and death mechanics will ceretainly make players think twice about their actions in the universe. It's not like you will be able to wash off your security status by rattting some tags and turning them in. Engaging the wrong people at the wrong place or trying to jack their ships off their hands will possibly come with a bounty that will actually motivate bounty hunters to hunt you down. And if them or anybody else accomplishes the feat of killing you, your character doesn't just lose some skill points or gets it's mind transferred to a new clone. It's dead. Forever.

Uh-huh, I smell people creating alts and passing on their wealth ad infinitum - since there's no skillpoints to lose, death will be meaningless. You will just lose a pretty face, but hey you can just probably recreate yourself v10.0 and go about your business.

And we've seen how bounties work, haven't we. Back in the day of old bounty system in EVE, you'd get the whole thing for podding someone, and despite quite a few individuals roaming about with good ISK on their heads nobody ventured out to dangerous space to hunt them.

There won't be consequences either, because even if you made another player angry you can just retreat to safe space and pop your slider back to "no pvp" and wait them out. They can't even suicide gank to retaliate.

(That's all assuming it ever comes out, of course)

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Cyber Chaos Crew
#895 - 2014-02-03 21:03:12 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Trii Seo wrote:

Uh-huh, I smell people creating alts and passing on their wealth ad infinitum - since there's no skillpoints to lose, death will be meaningless. You will just lose a pretty face, but hey you can just probably recreate yourself v10.0 and go about your business.
So first you say the threat of loss will entertain you, but now you're saying you don't care about your character? I'm confused.

Trii Seo wrote:
And we've seen how bounties work, haven't we. Back in the day of old bounty system in EVE, you'd get the whole thing for podding someone, and despite quite a few individuals roaming about with good ISK on their heads nobody ventured out to dangerous space to hunt them.
Yes, we've seen how they work, in EVE Online.

Trii Seo wrote:
There won't be consequences either, because even if you made another player angry you can just retreat to safe space and pop your slider back to "no pvp" and wait them out. They can't even suicide gank to retaliate.
I don't think that after you've killed or jacked someone's assets you'll be able to evade pvp as easy as someone with a clean record. We'll have to wait to play it to see how it works.
Cyber Chaos Crew
#896 - 2014-02-03 22:36:47 UTC
This is a bit off topic but I particularly liked that chess game video website. Their Dust 514 review was very accurate.
Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#897 - 2014-02-04 13:07:44 UTC
One thing is the threat of loss, the other is mitigation. Facing a threat of a meaningful, hurting loss you are likely to mitigate it - in EVE, for instance, engaging only when your victory is certain or not engaging at all. When you want to engage in combat with the possibility of permanent loss, you will likely make assets that can be lost disposable.

I doubt SC would be able to do much to change it - being risk averse is not a game mechanic - it's a way of thinking (and by the looks of it, SC crowd is even more risk averse than EVE people. We're talking more risk averse than people that coined the "Don't fly it if you can't afford to lose it").

And yes, I think if you've killed and jacked someone's assets you will be able to evade PvP easily. It will simply be done by gambling the system responsible for flagging someone as a valid target to others. I doubt they will leave declaring someone an outlaw to players - it would be abused as hell. I think they'll go the other way and just prevent theft/murder altogether, either from launch or further down the line after months of whining from the playerbase after they had a bad run-in with the local equivalent of Goons.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Snagletooth Johnson
Snagle Material Services
#898 - 2014-02-04 14:03:28 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:
At this point SC doesn't even have a functional spaceflight demo, they couldn't even hold up to that deadline - that does not bode well.

Yes and no. It seems it's delayed because they got ahead of themselves. The DFG was slated to be released in December, but without some back-end multi-player stuff. They were going to add that in later when it got done. That back-end work got done earlier then expected, so they decided to hold off for a couple months while they just go ahead and add that in now.
A strange thing of being behind schedule, because they're ahead of schedule.
Cyber Chaos Crew
#899 - 2014-02-04 14:34:52 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Trii Seo wrote:
One thing is the threat of loss, the other is mitigation. Facing a threat of a meaningful, hurting loss you are likely to mitigate it - in EVE, for instance, engaging only when your victory is certain or not engaging at all. When you want to engage in combat with the possibility of permanent loss, you will likely make assets that can be lost disposable.
So you're saying that people in EVE also avoid conflict if they want to, even though they don't have a PVP slider? Well yes, they do.

Trii Seo wrote:
I doubt SC would be able to do much to change it - being risk averse is not a game mechanic - it's a way of thinking (and by the looks of it, SC crowd is even more risk averse than EVE people. We're talking more risk averse than people that coined the "Don't fly it if you can't afford to lose it").
I don't see why risk adverse, suicide bomber or other styles of play should be the object of judgement. Theres room in the universe for everybody. Unlike EVE, if you chose to play the game without consensual PVP you can still log on to the game and fly in areas other than "high-sec".

Trii Seo wrote:
And yes, I think if you've killed and jacked someone's assets you will be able to evade PvP easily. It will simply be done by gambling the system responsible for flagging someone as a valid target to others. I doubt they will leave declaring someone an outlaw to players - it would be abused as hell. I think they'll go the other way and just prevent theft/murder altogether, either from launch or further down the line after months of whining from the playerbase after they had a bad run-in with the local equivalent of Goons.
You should watch Wingman's Hangar weekly videos more often, maybe pose these questions to the lead game designer Rob Irving, he's there answering these and other questions every week and I'm sure it's been covered before. I'm almost 100% sure they said before that citizens with criminal record wont be able to turn the PvP slider back up, but I'll look this out for you. I recall them talking something about this, like when citizens commit crimes in space where there is law enforcement they will be hunted by npc security forces and if the victim is a player he/she will also be able to hunt the agressor and/or place a bounty on him/her without lowering the security status.
RAIN Arthie
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#900 - 2014-02-04 14:41:17 UTC
Cypherdog wrote:
I wonder how is EVE preparing to face the might of Chris Roberts' new MMO. I am a devoted "casual" EVE player and so far I managed to convince 1 player -my cousin- to join me in EVE, but lately we are having conversations about Star Citizen, and I am afraid I am going to loose my only wingman in space.
EVE has a decade of Lore and stories that players have written. EVE can hold massive battles in one single server. EVE is brutal, unforgiving. EVE is EVE.
But because most of us are familiar with Robert's Space Industries and games (freelancer, Wing Commander) , I wonder what is CCP's plan to counteract the loss of subscriptions to an MMO that promises (and surely deliver) a more personal and immersive space flying experience? The universe size will not be as big at launch, but in time, just like CCP did when player's are handed the tools to shape the universe, it will expand massively, and probably match most of he expectations of many scy-fi players.
I thought Incarna was a cool step to attract skeptical players and make the experience more personal. Why didn't The Mittani and henchmen expressed their negative opinions at the previous fanfest , when the Incarna facts were unveiled, instead of burning Jita and leave a fair chuck of designers and Devs unemployed. I could not wait for Incarna to be online. Alas, tradition proved more resilient than change. And Incarna will never come back....unless.... Star Citizen proves that it can be done.
Now I understand the prejudice against "spacebarbie" gameplay. But just like with everything in EVE, if you don't like it, you don't have to do it. (I am against the gtfo stance of most)
I still think that Dust 514is destined to fail. It won't do any favours to EVE. There's a game called Titan Fall, that is so reminiscent of Dust. And better imo.
I am a casual player, I see EVE from outside the box. My opinions are just the way I feel at the moment, and at the moment I see EVE going for another decade but significantly less strong after SC is launched.
Care to share your thoughts?

I agree with this post. There are a lot of games that are about to possibly over take eve. For those of you who love minecraft, there is a game out there called "Star Made". Star made is another sandbox similar to eve however it almost trumps eve. You can do all of the alliance fighting and wars over space like eve, but you can go down to every planet and mine it. Is it a "industrialists only" game? NO it's not. There is PVP however I find that the PVP is more intiment (for a lack of a better word). You build every inch of your ship and when your fighting it breaks apart. So if anything the intensity is more real, however in contrast to eve there are not that many beautiful graphics. I watched a youtube video of a guy who built this magnificent looking ship and was in warp when he went afk to utilize the bathroom. While away he slammed a station, destroyed a part of his ship and broke the station in half, causing the lower half to crash into a planet. I found it to be fantastic! Measuring up against EVE, I find that the game is right up there with it, and is always bettering itself.
Now when it comes to Star citizen and EVE i find that EVE better hold on to it's seats. Star sitizen looks fantastic! A lot more options, to include WIS!!! I find the fact that Star Citizen is being built by donations fantastic. Finally some developers that know what the people want. None of that "company knows best mentality" while ignoring their players needs and wants. I intend to purchase Star Citizen and Star Made.
Putting moduals on an eve ship is at the very least difficult. Power grid problems followed by CPU and skill problems makes for the game to become extrodinarily frustrating. I would rather see the item I am putting on, be bolted or attached to the ship, not just click drag drop. Those details make my brains want more and more of the game because once I attach my "physical labor" to something then in my mind, I am involved. I find that dedication to detail both rewarding for us the players, and the developers. I hate to say this as an eve player and also because a lot of you are trolls, but I think eve will go under when the game releases.