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[Odyssey] Tech 1 Battleships - Caldari

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Lord Eremet
The Seatbelts
#521 - 2013-04-29 23:03:42 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Lord Eremet wrote:
I don't think I ever seen a rohk being used in pvp, except for that rare newbie who loses it 3 seconds later and have it lol-fitted. Now with Naga and other attack battlecruisers I doubt it have a use at all since its not cost-effective. If anyone have a fit that isn't lol and doesn't include hugging a station all the time or alts with logistics, please post it, I'm really curious.


Nagas and Rokhs are both fantastic for medium and large fleet PvP respectively.

I realized I was only looking at it from my empire perspective and small-gang pvp and therefor I had not a full picture. I have not concerned myself for 0.0 life and what fleet doctrines the alliances use for years, but why would you use Rohks over Nagas? Won't the cost of one Rohk cover the cost of 2 Nagas?

I hardly ever see Rokhs being used in empire, if I do they are usually flown by a newb. As for Nagas, I see them being used, even if people seem to have a preference for the Tornado.

That link Gypsio posted is helpful, I will take a look at individual Rohk killmails, I bet they all will be fleet-fitted. By the way Malcanis, with what numbers do you define Medium and large fleet pvp? 50-100, 200-500? Not slagging you for being a fleet-guy, I just wanna know.
Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#522 - 2013-04-29 23:35:50 UTC
Please CCP Rise, Take a look at this tread:

I'm just an engineer trying to improve eve : )
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#523 - 2013-04-30 00:24:42 UTC
Lord Eremet wrote:

That link Gypsio posted is helpful, I will take a look at individual Rohk killmails, I bet they all will be fleet-fitted.

Pretty much. Naga has a significant DPS advantage over the other ABCs around 80-120 km or so, depending on fits ofc, with the option of better tracking close up because of TCs. In exchange for this firepower, it's slower and fatter than the other ABCs, but in fleet its ability to project damage outweighs this. All of the ABCs are popular, they're actually quite well balanced among themselves, although I struggle to to see how attack BS will fit in with ABCs around.

Fleet Rokh is also rail fit (ofc). Its resist bonus meshes well with shield logis' instant shield rep and the optimal bonus and high base lock range lets it project damage out to the 150 km soft cap.

You might regard "fleet" as a bit niche and ask for greater utility in other environments, and it's not an argument without merit. But the general Caldari theme of trading mobility for force projection has always been one that's best suited to the fleet scale, so it should be expected that the Naga and Rokh see most use there.
Kenshi Hanshin
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#524 - 2013-04-30 01:50:53 UTC
Alx Warlord wrote:
Please CCP Rise, Take a look at this tread:

I'm just an engineer trying to improve eve : )

I like that idea!

Anyway, back to the problems of missiles:

CCP do something to make missiles better at applying damage. Otherwise it doesn't matter (even if hell freezes over) how much volley damage they do. Since Caldari ships lose absurd amounts of damage due to the present mechanics. If you change the mechanics to put missiles on better damage-application it could be reasonable to reduce base damage to equate.
Standard Corp 123
#525 - 2013-04-30 01:55:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Hagika
Kenshi Hanshin wrote:
Alx Warlord wrote:
Please CCP Rise, Take a look at this tread:

I'm just an engineer trying to improve eve : )

I like that idea!

Anyway, back to the problems of missiles:

CCP do something to make missiles better at applying damage. Otherwise it doesn't matter (even if hell freezes over) how much volley damage they do. Since Caldari ships lose absurd amounts of damage due to the present mechanics. If you change the mechanics to put missiles on better damage-application it could be reasonable to reduce base damage to equate.

Shhhhhh dont talk about reducing damage...CCP will make them hit a slight better, reduce base damage by like 50%.. call it fixed and then not look at the mistake for another 6 years.Shocked
Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#526 - 2013-04-30 08:09:47 UTC
Hagika wrote:

Shhhhhh dont talk about reducing damage...CCP will make them hit a slight better, reduce base damage by like 50%.. call it fixed and then not look at the mistake for another 6 years.Shocked

or they make the same threatment like hml-s got, low dmg , delayed dmg , ****** dmg applictiation , medicore range , overnerfed weapon
Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#527 - 2013-04-30 10:55:24 UTC
Raven needs that extra mid for flixibility but with the cruise damage buff. Raven will become omni damage dealing monster. Which raw dps can pierce any BS hull tank when the damage is aimed right. Raven can become such OP ***** as drake has been not through tank but DPS. Don't forget that launcher system DPS should be less than other weapon systems because they can precisely aim to weakest resistance. When lasers are forced to deal EM/thermal, hybrids Kinetic/thermal, projectiles any/kinetic/explosive. Launchers is the only weapon system that can deal all damage types cleanly without 2ndary or more damage types, even with T2 ammos. Making you able to pinpoint precisely the weakest resistance and poke your opponent to death from the backdoor.

You risk making Caldari even more popular with these changes as they already are. Please reconsider the cruise changes.
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#528 - 2013-04-30 11:08:51 UTC
Theia Matova wrote:
You risk making Caldari even more popular with these changes as they already are

I don't think making them more popular than a tramps shoelace is a bad thing.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#529 - 2013-04-30 12:02:06 UTC
Theia Matova wrote:
You risk making Caldari even more popular with these changes as they already are. Please reconsider the cruise changes.

Well, it took 27 pages, but we finally found someone who thinks that cruise is fine as it is. P
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#530 - 2013-04-30 12:07:32 UTC
Gypsio III wrote:
Theia Matova wrote:
You risk making Caldari even more popular with these changes as they already are. Please reconsider the cruise changes.

Well, it took 27 pages, but we finally found someone who thinks that cruise is fine as it is. P

In fairness, I said early on in the cruise thread they might well be OTT..... Twisted
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#531 - 2013-04-30 18:00:19 UTC
LOL at the Changes!!!! Caldari is a joke in every aspect of PvP.
Jonas Sukarala
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#532 - 2013-04-30 18:07:28 UTC
Theia Matova wrote:
Raven needs that extra mid for flixibility but with the cruise damage buff. Raven will become omni damage dealing monster. Which raw dps can pierce any BS hull tank when the damage is aimed right. Raven can become such OP ***** as drake has been not through tank but DPS. Don't forget that launcher system DPS should be less than other weapon systems because they can precisely aim to weakest resistance. When lasers are forced to deal EM/thermal, hybrids Kinetic/thermal, projectiles any/kinetic/explosive. Launchers is the only weapon system that can deal all damage types cleanly without 2ndary or more damage types, even with T2 ammos. Making you able to pinpoint precisely the weakest resistance and poke your opponent to death from the backdoor.

You risk making Caldari even more popular with these changes as they already are. Please reconsider the cruise changes.

LOL poke your opponent to death from the backdoor... :)

Anyway Raven will have 7 mids thats plenty ... but i do think cruise raw damage will be excessive now.. which considering the range aswell is much better than most turrets are able to reach and you would be aiming it at battleships so the only issue at that point is the speed of the opponent and if they have a counter at all.

'Tech3 ships need to be put down, like a rabid dog drooling everywhere in the house, they are out of line' CCP Ytterbium Nerf missile range into place where is the TD missile change?  ..projectiles should use capacitor. ABC's should be T2 HABC and nerf web strength its still too high

Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#533 - 2013-04-30 18:24:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Gypsio III
Jonas Sukarala wrote:
LOL poke your opponent to death from the backdoor... :)

Anyway Raven will have 7 mids thats plenty ... but i do think cruise raw damage will be excessive now.. which considering the range as well is much better than most turrets are able to reach and you would be aiming it at battleships so the only issue at that point is the speed of the opponent and if they have a counter at all.

We can't look at raw damage in isolation, we have to consider its application, the qualities of the host platform and the likely combat environments. While comparisons between application of missile and turret damage are notoriously difficult, artillery, tachyons and rails can also deliver broadly similar raw DPS around the important 50-100 km window, with all forms needing tackle/ewar to reliably apply DPS to, and keep range on, a typical mixed gang of frigates, cruisers and BCs.

But it's the last point worries me the most, because as far as I can tell, the ABCs are still going to be better at being large-weapon-armed skirmish platforms than the attack BS, because of the magnitude of their mobility advantages. This could conceivably lead to the odd situation where cruise is simultaneously overpowered (relative to turrets on other attack BS) yet unused (if ABCs end up being better than attack BS at being attack BS). Lol
Alticus C Bear
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#534 - 2013-04-30 20:22:23 UTC
Attack battleships

I may post this in every thread.

Anybody feel these are a little lacking in their role.

The Mega may be an exception due to it’s opportunity for massive close range DPS but generally these feel like they should be on the move and yet seem to have cap problems doing so, this is not so much a problem for combat battleships that may end up in scram range or as fleet platforms where mobility is just one factor.

Attack frigates have a role bonus over combat frigates, this helps them maintain tackle and speed by reducing the cap draw of propulsion disruption modules. At battleship level such a bonus would make very little difference but at battleship level, no ship can run a Microwarpdrive for any significant period of time.

How would people feel about a cap reduction role bonus for propulsion modules for all Attack Battleships? Even something as strong as 50% or even 75% to enable these ships to stay on the move (as much as battleships can) without constant cap boosting.
Jonas Sukarala
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#535 - 2013-04-30 20:48:24 UTC
Alticus C Bear wrote:
Attack battleships

I may post this in every thread.

Anybody feel these are a little lacking in their role.

The Mega may be an exception due to it’s opportunity for massive close range DPS but generally these feel like they should be on the move and yet seem to have cap problems doing so, this is not so much a problem for combat battleships that may end up in scram range or as fleet platforms where mobility is just one factor.

Attack frigates have a role bonus over combat frigates, this helps them maintain tackle and speed by reducing the cap draw of propulsion disruption modules. At battleship level such a bonus would make very little difference but at battleship level, no ship can run a Microwarpdrive for any significant period of time.

How would people feel about a cap reduction role bonus for propulsion modules for all Attack Battleships? Even something as strong as 50% or even 75% to enable these ships to stay on the move (as much as battleships can) without constant cap boosting.

a little lacking is an understatement .. 50% mwd cap reduction could work .. that and mwds need work too many penalties.
Armour attack battleships especially don't work.... the shield ones don't work so what chance do they have.
And ofc the ABC's kill any real chance these have with vastly superior mobility and still have similar dps... for half the price

'Tech3 ships need to be put down, like a rabid dog drooling everywhere in the house, they are out of line' CCP Ytterbium Nerf missile range into place where is the TD missile change?  ..projectiles should use capacitor. ABC's should be T2 HABC and nerf web strength its still too high

Standard Corp 123
#536 - 2013-05-01 01:59:41 UTC
Gypsio III wrote:
Theia Matova wrote:
You risk making Caldari even more popular with these changes as they already are. Please reconsider the cruise changes.

Well, it took 27 pages, but we finally found someone who thinks that cruise is fine as it is. P

Was bound to happen, they are either trolling or just plain stupid.
Kenshi Hanshin
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#537 - 2013-05-01 05:29:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Kenshi Hanshin
Hagika wrote:
Kenshi Hanshin wrote:
Alx Warlord wrote:
Please CCP Rise, Take a look at this tread:

I'm just an engineer trying to improve eve : )

I like that idea!

Anyway, back to the problems of missiles:

CCP do something to make missiles better at applying damage. Otherwise it doesn't matter (even if hell freezes over) how much volley damage they do. Since Caldari ships lose absurd amounts of damage due to the present mechanics. If you change the mechanics to put missiles on better damage-application it could be reasonable to reduce base damage to equate.

Shhhhhh dont talk about reducing damage...CCP will make them hit a slight better, reduce base damage by like 50%.. call it fixed and then not look at the mistake for another 6 years.Shocked

Oh right! Sorry my bad, engineering background showing... Blink

Yea! CCP thanks for screwing over Caldari pilots yet again! May I suggest that you send the Devs to Nepal. While in Nepal they need to learn proper meditation. Maybe if they learn to balance themselves, they might be better at balancing ships in Eve. Just a thought.

Anyway, I very strongly request that you reconsider the 'balancing' done to these BS. As so far communicated clearly in the threads. No, I am not going to summarize for you...We pay you to do your jobs properly which includes reading the feedback threads. Furthermore, it is about 1:30 in the morning for me so, not going to stay up for 30 min to write you (CCP) a summary.

Now it might be possible but you gonna have to pay me: $200 please! Blink

*Note: I am not responsible for any feelings from reading the remarks. As I am under sugar-influence at the present time and thus extremely hyperactive.*
Standard Corp 123
#538 - 2013-05-01 06:38:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Hagika
Kenshi Hanshin wrote:
Hagika wrote:
Kenshi Hanshin wrote:
Alx Warlord wrote:
Please CCP Rise, Take a look at this tread:

I'm just an engineer trying to improve eve : )

I like that idea!

Anyway, back to the problems of missiles:

CCP do something to make missiles better at applying damage. Otherwise it doesn't matter (even if hell freezes over) how much volley damage they do. Since Caldari ships lose absurd amounts of damage due to the present mechanics. If you change the mechanics to put missiles on better damage-application it could be reasonable to reduce base damage to equate.

Shhhhhh dont talk about reducing damage...CCP will make them hit a slight better, reduce base damage by like 50%.. call it fixed and then not look at the mistake for another 6 years.Shocked

Oh right! Sorry my bad, engineering background showing... Blink

Yea! CCP thanks for screwing over Caldari pilots yet again! May I suggest that you send the Devs to Nepal. While in Nepal they need to learn proper meditation. Maybe if they learn to balance themselves, they might be better at balancing ships in Eve. Just a thought.

Anyway, I very strongly request that you reconsider the 'balancing' done to these BS. As so far communicated clearly in the threads. No, I am not going to summarize for you...We pay you to do your jobs properly which includes reading the feedback threads. Furthermore, it is about 1:30 in the morning for me so, not going to stay up for 30 min to write you (CCP) a summary.

Now it might be possible but you gonna have to pay me: $200 please! Blink

*Note: I am not responsible for any feelings from reading the remarks. As I am under sugar-influence at the present time and thus extremely hyperactive.*

At this point, I really hope they give either a bonus to be able to hit for the raven or a damage bonus to put the raven on slightly ahead or noticeably ahead of the phoon on applied damage.

The phoon has too many advantages going for it, and with any missile buff, the phoon bonus will just allow it to be that much better.

As it sits, the phoon is going to make the raven look bad and it will still not see pvp like it should.
Steve Spooner
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#539 - 2013-05-01 06:45:48 UTC
The fact that a Naga can out damage a rokh is hilarious and the rokh is just sitting sadly in the deep dark corners of a station hangar.
Standard Corp 123
#540 - 2013-05-01 06:57:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Hagika
Steve Spooner wrote:
The fact that a Naga can out damage a rokh is hilarious and the rokh is just sitting sadly in the deep dark corners of a station hangar.

Yes it is pretty bad, but pointing it out will more than likely get the naga nerfed instead of the rokh buffed with the current treatment for caldari.

Even though the naga is on equal terms with the other Tier 3 BC..