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[Odyssey] Tech 1 Battleships - Caldari

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Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#501 - 2013-04-28 18:04:32 UTC
Hagika wrote:
This is why the raven needs another launcher slot.

As for the naga, it is a better sniper at 100km, though not much better. I still feel the talos is a better ship and would keep it as that roll too.

Caldari BS, well 2 of them have issues that need to be looked into. Raven is sub par in terms of combat. As you pointed out, its pretty sad when a Naga can do better dps at that range.
The new cruise buff is nice but not enough if the raven doesnt get another slot.

I don't think it's a problem that will be solved by simply throwing more DPS at the Raven. Attack BS need to be more different to ABCs, atm they're trying to do similar things, and yet mobility is so important in that role that the massive mobility advantage of the ABCs outweighs concerns of actual tank. And while more EHP for attack BS would be useful, they would then start to intrude on to combat BS and everything gets a bit messy.

The answer might lie more in cutting ABCs down more - less tracking, fatter sig, maybe less speed but certainly less agility. This will also help create gamespace in which HACs can live in.
Kenshi Hanshin
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#502 - 2013-04-28 20:47:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Kenshi Hanshin
Hagika wrote:
Josilin du Guesclin wrote:
Parcheesie Sauce wrote:
okay I kind of understand lowering the resists on the rokh since they are doing the same to the abbadon, but from prior experiences with the rokh it's cap was too pathetice to even use active shield hardeners while attempting to maintain any sort of active tank not to mention the rather weak dps it gets with rails....seems a little unfair not to give it something in exchange for the slightly lowered resists, and that raven; tiericide? whats going on with the overall ehp? and speed increase is definatly long due, but with only six launchers and a range bonus it's still fairly weak in dps with cruise missiles, especially compared to some of the other battleships. *xigh* "makin it real hard to wanna stay caldari"

I think balancing of shield battleships is being done with the assumption that we're fitting XLASBs to them all.

Which I really hope isnt the case, since I like to buffer fit mine. Even though the XLASB's are great, Missile bay loaded and then the charges on top of that, Either we sacrifice ammo for charges or vise versa..

Another trade off with caldari. It really gets old. The Rohk can manage it because hybrid ammo is small. Of course its getting a tank nerf now..

Winmatar are the ones better suited for active shield tanking. That is fairly clear if you look at the bonuses on some of their common shield-ships.

Caldari are best suited to be passive or buffer tanked. With some ability for active shield tanking. That would make sense given the lore of "Caldari are masters of shield and missile technology". A passive shield tank that is strong is in my opinion superior to an active one that requires a freaking indy ship full of cap charges to be feasible Blink. I am only partially kidding about that. As I said it is my opinion,

Regardless of how you look at it, this is but another nerf to caldari ships. No matter what they did to 'buff' cruise missiles. Missiles the way they work now isn't feasible to solo/gang or fleet doctrines. Missile mechanics need to be changed to make them so as to not be double penalized by a ROF and the flight time. Pick one and minimize the other.

As for ships, Caldari need the strongest shields, mediocre armor (at best) and good structure. That would make the tanking ability of the ship match the lore for Caldari. Then give the ships bonuses or role-bonuses that give greater ability to passive tank. If wanted have some bonused for easier active shield tanking. But the bonuses and traits of the ships need to fit the lore of the race.

In case you forgot CCP the story of the races of Eve is gripping. It is one of the most cited reasons why people got into the game. Now please don't abandon that what makes Eve different from crappy kid games like WOW or Warhammer Online etc.
Standard Corp 123
#503 - 2013-04-28 21:24:25 UTC
Kenshi Hanshin wrote:
Hagika wrote:
Josilin du Guesclin wrote:
Parcheesie Sauce wrote:
okay I kind of understand lowering the resists on the rokh since they are doing the same to the abbadon, but from prior experiences with the rokh it's cap was too pathetice to even use active shield hardeners while attempting to maintain any sort of active tank not to mention the rather weak dps it gets with rails....seems a little unfair not to give it something in exchange for the slightly lowered resists, and that raven; tiericide? whats going on with the overall ehp? and speed increase is definatly long due, but with only six launchers and a range bonus it's still fairly weak in dps with cruise missiles, especially compared to some of the other battleships. *xigh* "makin it real hard to wanna stay caldari"

I think balancing of shield battleships is being done with the assumption that we're fitting XLASBs to them all.

Which I really hope isnt the case, since I like to buffer fit mine. Even though the XLASB's are great, Missile bay loaded and then the charges on top of that, Either we sacrifice ammo for charges or vise versa..

Another trade off with caldari. It really gets old. The Rohk can manage it because hybrid ammo is small. Of course its getting a tank nerf now..

Winmatar are the ones better suited for active shield tanking. That is fairly clear if you look at the bonuses on some of their common shield-ships.

Caldari are best suited to be passive or buffer tanked. With some ability for active shield tanking. That would make sense given the lore of "Caldari are masters of shield and missile technology". A passive shield tank that is strong is in my opinion superior to an active one that requires a freaking indy ship full of cap charges to be feasible Blink. I am only partially kidding about that. As I said it is my opinion,

Regardless of how you look at it, this is but another nerf to caldari ships. No matter what they did to 'buff' cruise missiles. Missiles the way they work now isn't feasible to solo/gang or fleet doctrines. Missile mechanics need to be changed to make them so as to not be double penalized by a ROF and the flight time. Pick one and minimize the other.

As for ships, Caldari need the strongest shields, mediocre armor (at best) and good structure. That would make the tanking ability of the ship match the lore for Caldari. Then give the ships bonuses or role-bonuses that give greater ability to passive tank. If wanted have some bonused for easier active shield tanking. But the bonuses and traits of the ships need to fit the lore of the race.

In case you forgot CCP the story of the races of Eve is gripping. It is one of the most cited reasons why people got into the game. Now please don't abandon that what makes Eve different from crappy kid games like WOW or Everquest etc.

I found Everquest 1 to be a decent game. WoW on the other hand made me want to /wrist.
Kenshi Hanshin
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#504 - 2013-04-28 21:32:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Kenshi Hanshin
Hagika wrote:
I found Everquest 1 to be a decent game. WoW on the other hand made me want to /wrist.

I thought Everquest 1 was a good game as well. Please don't take offense, the point was the more important thing I wanted to communicate. Smile

I picked a better substitute if that helps you feel any better.
Standard Corp 123
#505 - 2013-04-28 21:53:56 UTC
Kenshi Hanshin wrote:
Hagika wrote:
I found Everquest 1 to be a decent game. WoW on the other hand made me want to /wrist.

I thought Everquest 1 was a good game as well. Please don't take offense, the point was the more important thing I wanted to communicate. Smile

I picked a better substitute if that helps you feel any better.

OMG, I am just totally and utterly offended and destroyed P

I completely agree with you. I started this game years ago seeing caldari lore and with shield and missiles systems. It tickled my military and nerdy trekkie side and I was hooked.

Though over the years, it has become a little depressing for caldari, and some good things have come along too.

I eventually sold of my Caldari pilot and fly Gallente and Amarr with a little bit of caldari in the mix on this pilot.

Though I still remain a fan and supporter of Caldari.
Lord Eremet
The Seatbelts
#506 - 2013-04-28 22:01:28 UTC
I don't think I ever seen a rohk being used in pvp, except for that rare newbie who loses it 3 seconds later and have it lol-fitted. Now with Naga and other attack battlecruisers I doubt it have a use at all since its not cost-effective. If anyone have a fit that isn't lol and doesn't include hugging a station all the time or alts with logistics, please post it, I'm really curious.
Josilin du Guesclin
Gallente Federation
#507 - 2013-04-28 23:31:39 UTC
I think the real problem the Rokh has at this time is that the niche it filled (150km+ sniper) is dead because of in-combat scanning and warp-ins. It's not agile enough to attempt this anyway as a skirmisher (unlike the ABCs), and in the 60-100km range there are many other ships that are as good or better. In large fleets being a shield ship has issue too, the "OMG armour sucks!" crew notwithstanding, if only because the shield carriers simply don't compete with Archons.
Calathorn Virpio
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#508 - 2013-04-29 00:03:10 UTC
so the rokh, which is a sniper boat (if you want blaster, get a mega) will be losing some of it's resistance, which it heavily relies on as the mid slots are usually reserved for tracking and targetting gear....yay! not

my point is that as a rokh is a sniper, that reisitance bonus is extremly important as it gives it a greater chance to get away from whatever managed to shoot it in the first place.

the rokh is not the braler that the raven is, not the ECM that the scorp is.

instead of reducing it's tank, why not switch that bonus with the Naga's damage increase?

(i leave it to the rest of you to poke holes in my suggestions)Big smile


I attended the School of Hard Nocks, the only place you will ever learn anything of value, sadly most Americans never meet the requirments to attend

Josilin du Guesclin
Gallente Federation
#509 - 2013-04-29 01:40:25 UTC
If they did that the Rokh would 1) have an awful tank and/or no utility at all, and 2) would do way too much DPS. Unless you meant swapping the range bonus for a DPS raw bonus. This would probably cause the Rokh to completely eclipse the Apoc.
Rachel Starchaser
Caldari State
#510 - 2013-04-29 03:16:36 UTC
Warde Guildencrantz
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#511 - 2013-04-29 06:23:45 UTC
why does it say the scorpion's scan resolution is 110, in game (and on duality where you've updated it), its 75.

Can you please change it to 110 if you are going to say 110 on this topic? The scorp has the stupidest scan res. 75 is way too low for a battleship.

TunDraGon ~ Low sec piracy since 2003 ~ Youtube ~ Join Us

Josilin du Guesclin
Gallente Federation
#512 - 2013-04-29 09:45:02 UTC
It's hopelessly low for an ECM ship of any size. If you can't lock fast, you'll be the one jammed out.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#513 - 2013-04-29 09:53:16 UTC
Lord Eremet wrote:
I don't think I ever seen a rohk being used in pvp, except for that rare newbie who loses it 3 seconds later and have it lol-fitted. Now with Naga and other attack battlecruisers I doubt it have a use at all since its not cost-effective. If anyone have a fit that isn't lol and doesn't include hugging a station all the time or alts with logistics, please post it, I'm really curious.

This again. Those newbies aren't so rare, it seems.Straight
Stetson Eagle
Paird Technology
#514 - 2013-04-29 10:15:41 UTC
The viability of missiles in fleet combat should IMHO be looked at by defining a role for them and sticking to it. Example follows:

CRUISE MISSILES AND HEAVY MISSILES: Absolute highest DPS at the ranges they are capable at (150-250km raven), with the drawback of flight time. I'd look at making standard Raven fleet fit in at 900dps+, with t1 cruise missiles at 150-250km and otherwise current mechanics.

TORPEDOES AND HAMS: Absolute highest DPS in game, but only functions against highly target painted and webbed victims. Base DPS at around 2000 for a gank fit torp raven using standard torps only, but requires 2-3 target painters to apply fully on a battleship. Without painters, 500-1000dps depending on target speed.

This would put the cruise missiles into an anti-capital fleet role, as smaller ships could often warp out when redboxed by the raven fleet. The minmatar typhoon could turn into a good old cruise cavarly setup, speeding above normal fleet fit BS'es to keep at 150-200km range where they deal the most damage.
Karig'Ano Keikira
Tax Cheaters
#515 - 2013-04-29 11:55:59 UTC
while I can understand changes such as -resistance to Rokh, I still don't get entire idea of attack battleships - we already have enough ships that fill 'attack' role and forcing battleships into it seems... wrong - does anyone really need or want attack battlecruiser with lower dps, much worse mobility and (somewhat) better tank? Not sure about it

and personally, I think that raven's role still needs rethinking - what is it supposed to be? med range torpedo boat? Unless torps are looked into, it still won't have enough range or damage application to be of much use and tornado will outperform it as torp boat due to better damage application. Cruise missile sniper? Contradicts idea of attack battleship and rokh will likely outlast, outgun and outperform it in long range combat role. Cannot really find third use of it

Imo, either given raven double range bonuses so it can reach decent range with torps - it would make it fairly unique ship due to ability to hit 50k+ with torps or just give it double damage or double damage application bonuses and make it proper 'attack battleship' due to (excellent) damage application with missiles, hybrid of these two just doesn't work; in any case, extra launcher or -1 launcher and 10% / lvl damage bonus would go long way in giving it bit more bang for its buck

As for rest of them, Rokh is rokh, I doubt that few % of resistances will make it or break it and scorpion, hm... it really should have higher ECM strength then ECM cruisers or significantly stronger tank (personally would favor higher ECM bonuses)
Bucca Zerodyme
Good For Nothing Corporation
#516 - 2013-04-29 14:28:31 UTC
Karig'Ano Keikira wrote:

and personally, I think that raven's role still needs rethinking - what is it supposed to be? med range torpedo boat? Unless torps are looked into, it still won't have enough range or damage application to be of much use and tornado will outperform it as torp boat due to better damage application. Cruise missile sniper? Contradicts idea of attack battleship and rokh will likely outlast, outgun and outperform it in long range combat role. Cannot really find third use of it

Imo, either given raven double range bonuses so it can reach decent range with torps - it would make it fairly unique ship due to ability to hit 50k+ with torps or just give it double damage or double damage application bonuses and make it proper 'attack battleship' due to (excellent) damage application with missiles, hybrid of these two just doesn't work; in any case, extra launcher or -1 launcher and 10% / lvl damage bonus would go long way in giving it bit more bang for its buck

If you are looking for a better dmg application of missiles see my post in the cruise missiles thread.

Would be nice to get some feedback.

I better hope CCP wont **** up on the Torpedo changes. Would be really sad if they stay as they are.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#517 - 2013-04-29 17:53:52 UTC
Lord Eremet wrote:
I don't think I ever seen a rohk being used in pvp, except for that rare newbie who loses it 3 seconds later and have it lol-fitted. Now with Naga and other attack battlecruisers I doubt it have a use at all since its not cost-effective. If anyone have a fit that isn't lol and doesn't include hugging a station all the time or alts with logistics, please post it, I'm really curious.


Nagas and Rokhs are both fantastic for medium and large fleet PvP respectively.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

#518 - 2013-04-29 19:51:04 UTC
Stetson Eagle wrote:
The viability of missiles in fleet combat should IMHO be looked at by defining a role for them and sticking to it. Example follows:

CRUISE MISSILES AND HEAVY MISSILES: Absolute highest DPS at the ranges they are capable at (150-250km raven), with the drawback of flight time. I'd look at making standard Raven fleet fit in at 900dps+, with t1 cruise missiles at 150-250km and otherwise current mechanics.

TORPEDOES AND HAMS: Absolute highest DPS in game, but only functions against highly target painted and webbed victims. Base DPS at around 2000 for a gank fit torp raven using standard torps only, but requires 2-3 target painters to apply fully on a battleship. Without painters, 500-1000dps depending on target speed.

This would put the cruise missiles into an anti-capital fleet role, as smaller ships could often warp out when redboxed by the raven fleet. The minmatar typhoon could turn into a good old cruise cavarly setup, speeding above normal fleet fit BS'es to keep at 150-200km range where they deal the most damage.

To refer to the bolded point: You mean like right now, in terms of torps? But you also want to break HAMs again too? No. Needing three painters to be able to hurt people is dumb. Keep (or even slightly lower) torp DPS as it is, and raise their ability to apply damage to battleships and most battlecruisers (though it's reasonable to still need webs/painters for fighthing cruisers, and allowing friends in other frigates to kill enemy frigates for you.)
Standard Corp 123
#519 - 2013-04-29 20:31:18 UTC
Stetson Eagle wrote:
The viability of missiles in fleet combat should IMHO be looked at by defining a role for them and sticking to it. Example follows:

CRUISE MISSILES AND HEAVY MISSILES: Absolute highest DPS at the ranges they are capable at (150-250km raven), with the drawback of flight time. I'd look at making standard Raven fleet fit in at 900dps+, with t1 cruise missiles at 150-250km and otherwise current mechanics.

TORPEDOES AND HAMS: Absolute highest DPS in game, but only functions against highly target painted and webbed victims. Base DPS at around 2000 for a gank fit torp raven using standard torps only, but requires 2-3 target painters to apply fully on a battleship. Without painters, 500-1000dps depending on target speed.

This would put the cruise missiles into an anti-capital fleet role, as smaller ships could often warp out when redboxed by the raven fleet. The minmatar typhoon could turn into a good old cruise cavarly setup, speeding above normal fleet fit BS'es to keep at 150-200km range where they deal the most damage.

Thats an issue we have now with cruise and torps, which is why they arent used for pvp. Every other BS weapon does not need painters,webs to apply full damage.

While at the same time, they hit instantly and missiles have a delay. Once a sig radius gets to a certain point, the damage is reduced on missiles even if the ship stands still.

Then missile ships are forced to throw rigs to make them viable as well. God forbid if we ask to be able to use T2 ammo.

Rage and Fury cant hit the broad side of a moon without painters. If the starts to move, the damage is reduced.

So factor in sig radius,movement which reduces the damage of them by a huge margin and now you know why you dont see them in pvp.
They are garbage. Paper dps and actual applied dps for missiles is a huge difference. Torps look great on paper and will give you an epeen inflation all up to the point you actually try to use them. Then your damage is so ridiculously reduced that battle cruisers will out damage you.

So rage has no use for anything but pos or cap ships that are standing still, while every other race's Battleships can use T2 ammo on battleships.
Fury can be used if you have painters and webs.

One heck of a trade off isnt it? Multiple painters and webs along with rigs to use your weapons while others do not.

Which drastically removes from the tank, hence why the raven is not used. Lets not get started on the scorp either.
Thats a mess as well, though atleast it can bring ECM to the fight

Standard Corp 123
#520 - 2013-04-29 20:37:11 UTC
Aglais wrote:
Stetson Eagle wrote:
The viability of missiles in fleet combat should IMHO be looked at by defining a role for them and sticking to it. Example follows:

CRUISE MISSILES AND HEAVY MISSILES: Absolute highest DPS at the ranges they are capable at (150-250km raven), with the drawback of flight time. I'd look at making standard Raven fleet fit in at 900dps+, with t1 cruise missiles at 150-250km and otherwise current mechanics.

TORPEDOES AND HAMS: Absolute highest DPS in game, but only functions against highly target painted and webbed victims. Base DPS at around 2000 for a gank fit torp raven using standard torps only, but requires 2-3 target painters to apply fully on a battleship. Without painters, 500-1000dps depending on target speed.

This would put the cruise missiles into an anti-capital fleet role, as smaller ships could often warp out when redboxed by the raven fleet. The minmatar typhoon could turn into a good old cruise cavarly setup, speeding above normal fleet fit BS'es to keep at 150-200km range where they deal the most damage.

To refer to the bolded point: You mean like right now, in terms of torps? But you also want to break HAMs again too? No. Needing three painters to be able to hurt people is dumb. Keep (or even slightly lower) torp DPS as it is, and raise their ability to apply damage to battleships and most battlecruisers (though it's reasonable to still need webs/painters for fighthing cruisers, and allowing friends in other frigates to kill enemy frigates for you.)

I would say atleast keep, given how much sig and speed affect torp damage, its not likely CCP will go far enough in terms of making them apply damage better.

The coming cruise buff is nice, but even it is still lacking in some respects.