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CSM 8 - Vote for yourself, choose direct democracy and Night Beagle

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Night Beagle
Beagle Inc
#121 - 2013-02-21 13:41:48 UTC
@Nathan Jameson I took that possibility into account before announcing my platform.
People that will not want to use the system are the same that will not vote for me. In reverse logic, if I get enough votes to be in the CSM, then there will be enough people willing to use the system.

However now with the new voting system some changes must be done. I will consider how this affects my platform and what campaign changes are necessary.

The world needs you to stop being boring!

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#122 - 2013-02-21 15:26:38 UTC
I can tell you know liquid democracy won't work. People won't care, there is a huge portion of wormholers who don't have public channels let alone read the fourms or even vote for CSM it simply wont work. You need to fully expect you will be all alone behind closed doors and you will have to represent both wspace, high sec, low sec and null sec and make decisions based on YOUR knowledge and what YOU think people will want not what everyone voted for before. There are simply to many variables for this to work properly.

Democracy is a great thing, but the CSM does not operate on it in anyway.

Have you written a blog yet about your concrete ideas of things YOU want to present to CCP or the things YOU want to change about the game? How would YOU communicate with CCP if there was a gameplay crippling glitch for wormholers? The problem I have as with many others have against you is your lack of creditability when you are compared to Chitsa Jason, Jameson, and Cip. who have lead multiple notable wormhole space alliances and have changed or created wormhole space culture in one way or another.

Just my thoughts.
Armed N Hammered
#123 - 2013-02-21 15:59:35 UTC  |  Edited by: J3rz11
Night Beagle, you continue to fail to answer the same question over and over again:

What you'll do behind closed doors, if something is covered by NDA and you cant crowdsource. Since thats all you seem to know how to do.

AND you seem to be oblivious to how bad your ideas are regardless. Lets try an approach that might better get this through your head....lets crowd source! You should setup a vote for peoples opinions on you and/or your ideas, then let see the results. Write this off as a troll if you want, but i'm dead serious.

To matter to the community, you have to be in the community. Which you dont seem to be, since you seem to have no clue whats going on and what people want.

Beside responding to the question you keep avoiding name one thing that you have accomplished, sine your corp history is full of nothing and your alt corp.

Ayeson for CSM Big smile
Night Beagle
Beagle Inc
#124 - 2013-02-21 17:11:44 UTC
@Tecear Again the two main points: won't work and you are not famous.
Again, like I told Arox Dax, there is a possibility that you are right in some points. Please read my reply to him in page 6 and be sure that I am starting to like the people replying here.
Therefore as I told above, due to that and the recent dev announcement about the elections I am in the process of rethinking the campaign.

However I would like to point all the readers to the pdf accompanying the announcement. Please read the social analysis done by CCP and the tell me democracy will not work :)

@J3rz11 I would have appreciate your reply if you would have not used some statements as the absolute truths you are basing you arguments on.

I do not come with any new I idea, and I do not claim there are my ideas. They are supported and applied outside of this game by many people as an alternative to the current political system.

You claim I have no clue and attack my corp history. Dear sir, we seem to have joined the game in the same year, and I tell you that I am satisfied by each day I spent in the company of the good people I was or I am involved with. To discuss with you which has the bigger/better/shinier things would be out of the scope of a campaign. Do you choose people you like based on the persons they hang with? Do not bother to answer, I need not to know your personality but I tell you this: in this context there is no sure method to determine if a candidate will keep his word after elections, nor a method to determine its true ability to perform. All the comparisons you and others are trying to make are illusory, and do not serve the real purpose.

You speak of the community. I tell you that this forum is not the community. I tell you that you can add the content providers around this game and still be far from reaching the true number of the community.
I tell you that I value your opinion as one of the community but I reject your standards and claims of authority based on a single fact: a community is bigger than your immediate surroundings. I do not claim to know all its needs, nor that I represent it. I only offer a mechanism for the community to use.

Why it is bothering you so much that some guy from the crowd comes and proposes something that might or might not work?
Why this effort to stop him from running?
Is this an effect of something deeper? Of the fear that the other 84% of the players that did not previously voted might find the idea appealing? Fear that all the big alliances put together are in fact a minority of players in the WH and other space?

One should have no fear: I am here to offer my help. Refuse it if you wish, but I will not go away. I want to bring something to the community and will keep doing it.

Might be better to spend your energy thinking how can you include this help in your agenda instead. I am open to suggestions.

The world needs you to stop being boring!

Armed N Hammered
#125 - 2013-02-21 17:25:55 UTC  |  Edited by: J3rz11
Night Beagle wrote:

Why it is bothering you so much that some guy from the crowd comes and proposes something that might or might not work?
Why this effort to stop him from running?
Is this an effect of something deeper? Of the fear that the other 84% of the players that did not previously voted might find the idea appealing? Fear that all the big alliances put together are in fact a minority of players in the WH and other space?

I do not fear you one bit, my point is. Mr nobody from the crowd, your asking us to vote for you to represent us, but you've provided NOTHING but a system that the community via forums posts has rejected the notion of. Which by the way, when i say ciommunity, that is not limited to the forums as it seem you think I'm referring to. The community is the people out there creating content, fighting, interacting, making WH space the exciting place it is. Hell using Hard knocks as an example: we've pissed off so many ppl in our time, but we fight, we stand out ground, and as much as soem people hate us and our gamestyle, people respect us cause we dont just hide in our towers and SDing and thinking we've won cause we denied assets. You have to earn respect, once you have that - then we'll listen to you.

You still hold to the idea that there is anyone out there that thinks this will work, even the current CSM rep of WH space told you it wont - i think he's got a better idea of how this work then you, since well, he was elected and has been doing this already.

As for your game-play style. who cares if you just hang out with a small group of people. That's great, you found your niche. But then i go back to your knowledge and experience with your small circle, what has that brought to the table as far as understanding what all WH corps/alliance want and would like to happen. Instead you insist on defending the idea of crowdsourcing and general ideas, without selling us on the important part. Our trust in you. The fact that have 7 pages of post, you still miss the point.

But a point you did make in this thread, yes we know your name now. No, i wouldnt consider it a good thing in this case.
chris elliot
#126 - 2013-02-21 18:59:21 UTC
Dude, don't worry about it. We have primaries now. He won't make it to the final ballot anyway.
#127 - 2013-02-21 22:01:55 UTC
chris elliot wrote:
Dude, don't worry about it. We have primaries now. He won't make it to the final ballot anyway.

Pretty much this, i will be surprised if he can get the 200 votes TBH.

If he happens to garner 200 votes i will eat my sunglasses and invest in a monocle.
Night Beagle
Beagle Inc
#128 - 2013-02-22 08:49:00 UTC
Welcome back Chris Elliot and Winthorp :)

@J3rz11 I am going to quote a paper on persuasion that explains why did you and some others keep insisting on the credibility and my persona instead of ideas. That is, if you want to know.
If not, just read this: EVE is famous for the scams. I would personally trust no none I "know" only form EVE, no matter how "credible" it looks. As I previously stated, I am willing to prove I deserve credit even if this will take longer than just this campaign. However I cannot turn back the time and make it already happen.

"The logic of persuasion is always credibility-driven. Most people cannot separate the substance of the message from its author. This is particularly true for spoken persuasion in which the speaker’s attitude, voice, and personal appearance interact constantly with what the speaker says. It is easy to be swayed by a presence. For example, small children may still accept rides from strangers despite being told repeatedly not to. Why? Adults represent authority and we are told most are well-intentioned. So speakers with high-credibility have more influence over and audience. They can ramble and be less organized yet still maintain their appeal. The audience may “fill in the gaps” for them."

I am not implying you are not an adult, as this passage applies to adults and figures of authority also. It kind of saddens me to see that some cannot look beyond basic prejudice, but what can I do :) ... maybe keep trying to explain and build a virtual figure one will like?

The world needs you to stop being boring!

Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#129 - 2013-02-22 10:49:24 UTC
Yup, basically that. Politics is just as much about public image as anything else.

Carla Messer
Amarr Empire
#130 - 2013-02-22 11:47:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Carla Messer
I'm sold. Let's all vote for Night Beagle. All the consummate politicians dodge all the important questions, believe in nothing, and have their heads lodged firmly up their asses. Reality not working out with your view of how things should be? IGNORE IT! This guy is a pro.

Amarr Empire
#131 - 2013-02-26 21:48:37 UTC
such an entertaining post. OK a simple question beagle. I am in no way a WH dweller. Aside from that,

How will you inform the players about the vote if its covered by NDA? Direct answer if you can.
Omen Nihilo
Omen Holdings
#132 - 2013-02-27 03:26:15 UTC
Bro, learn2forum.

Hint: check the other thread by beagle.

Also, requesting that this thread get locked. Will also submit positive customer review if beagle is banned from forums.
Amarr Empire
#133 - 2013-02-27 03:27:50 UTC
yeah my bad. i thought this was amusing. the other thread is even better.
#134 - 2013-02-27 03:29:16 UTC
Raavanan wrote:
yeah my bad. i thought this was amusing. the other thread is even better.

The other thread is better, his troll corp loosing all their ****. PRICELESS.
Stellar Forge Industries
#135 - 2013-02-27 03:36:59 UTC
You are all haters, you're just trolling because you yourself couldn't come up with anything better. To my alliance mates: I'm ashamed of you all. None of you fools could come up with that, so now you're sitting and smacking a man who truely understands EVE, one who tries to help us, help you.

If I was him, I'd quit the CSM race too, I wouldn't want to help people who shittalk me. How about you all grow some balls, and do some real PVP? Huh? It's cool to sit behind a forum toon and post hate, bring your smack to Beagle's C2, and then we'll see who's the troll.

Night Beagle for CSM 8!!!
#136 - 2013-02-27 03:39:00 UTC
Styledatol wrote:
You are all haters, you're just trolling because you yourself couldn't come up with anything better. To my alliance mates: I'm ashamed of you all. None of you fools could come up with that, so now you're sitting and smacking a man who truely understands EVE, one who tries to help us, help you.

If I was him, I'd quit the CSM race too, I wouldn't want to help people who shittalk me. How about you all grow some balls, and do some real PVP? Huh? It's cool to sit behind a forum toon and post hate, bring your smack to Beagle's C2, and then we'll see who's the troll.

Night Beagle for CSM 8!!!

But Dad my keyboard skills is leet.


Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#137 - 2013-02-27 04:33:45 UTC
Styledatol wrote:
You are all haters, you're just trolling because you yourself couldn't come up with anything better. To my alliance mates: I'm ashamed of you all. None of you fools could come up with that, so now you're sitting and smacking a man who truely understands EVE, one who tries to help us, help you.

If I was him, I'd quit the CSM race too, I wouldn't want to help people who shittalk me. How about you all grow some balls, and do some real PVP? Huh? It's cool to sit behind a forum toon and post hate, bring your smack to Beagle's C2, and then we'll see who's the troll.

Night Beagle for CSM 8!!!

You, sir, get the troll medal for the week.

Carla Messer
Amarr Empire
#138 - 2013-02-27 11:13:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Carla Messer
What C2?

Oooooh I get it
Night Beagle
Beagle Inc
#139 - 2013-02-27 18:41:34 UTC
@Omen Nihilo And what else would you like? My head on plate maybe ? :)

Ban people because you are not happy? Fortunately, unlike our troll friends I never broken the rules, talked polite, and responded on the topic. Moreover I brought to the attention issues that affect us all. So, I did a public service :)

PS Do not forget to increase the bounty on the char :)

The world needs you to stop being boring!

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#140 - 2013-02-27 18:59:54 UTC
As the thread has devolved into trolling and off topic commentary, as well as the fact that the candidate in question has renounced his candidacy, I will be closing this thread. Thank you to those who participated.

Thread closed.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department