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EVE General Discussion

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Before you complain about other players in the game.

Tenchi Sal
White Knights of Equestria
#21 - 2012-06-08 11:45:15 UTC
op sounds like hes whining about other players in a sandbox
I Love Boobies
All Hail Boobies
#22 - 2012-06-08 11:46:00 UTC
Eve is a Sandbox, meaning people can do what the hell they want. That's why I laugh when people say someone is playing the game wrong. Or it's even funnier when people want to change the way how others play the game, especially when they themselves are saying Eve is a sandbox. Blink
Easthir Ravin
Easy Co.
#23 - 2012-06-08 11:46:40 UTC
Xhaiden Ora wrote:
Oh good, more alpha male posturing on The Real EVE(tm). Just what we needed!

No one has a problem with the sandbox itself. It's more when other people **** in the sandbox that there's a problem.


You are correct, no one likes a floater in the sandbox. Unfortunately there will always be people who poop in the sand, but the great thing about it is you can find that person and throw his/her poop right back at them. It seems to me that people forget this about EVE. If someone poops on you, you are not forbidden by any rule or game mechanic to hunt that rat bastard down and make his corner of the sand stink for awhile.



Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#24 - 2012-06-08 11:53:29 UTC
Eve is not a sandbox.

It's a Universe.

Kiteo Hatto
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2012-06-08 11:58:51 UTC
Over the course of EVE's life, the players have adopted a number of mottos embodying what they think is the true spirit of the game.

Here, fixed it.
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2012-06-08 17:24:17 UTC
Kiteo Hatto wrote:
Over the course of EVE's life, the players have adopted a number of mottos embodying what they think is the true spirit of the game.

Here, fixed it.

Including the Devs:
Permaband - HTFU

Also watch any of the fanfest videos. The devs get hard-ons when talking about PVP. It was even rumored that some of the original devs were griefers in Ultima Online. It's not what we think is the true spirit. It has been stated by the devs themselves. People used to whine about gate camping as much as suicide ganking and how unfair it feels. People were complaining about how it compares to spawn killing in other games. ****, I used to be one of them. But that was when I was more of a n00b than I am now. Most gate camps ain't **** these days. Did they nerf gate camping? A little. Did they add interdiction nullifiers? Yep. Balance. Now, that some of the lesser adaptable people won't use one of the many tools already in place to protect themselves during forevergeddon, or just traveling through the heaviest trafficked pipelines in the most crowded areas of the coldest harshest universe with the most valuable items, and have the audacity to call the rest of the EVE playerbase mean names*, and attempt to change our game is appalling.

It is the people of this unadaptable, unintelligent breed that are the sh*t in the sandbox. Not us players.

*The bad man touched me in my no-no spot.

If someone craps in your sandbox: 1. Light it on fire 2. Grab your shovel 3. Throw it back at them.

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2012-06-08 17:41:10 UTC
TigerXtrm wrote:
Syndrea Caedrion wrote:
That goes both ways.

PVP'ers apparently don't grasp this notion.

Miners are free to mine. PVP'ers are free to blow them up. Where lies the problem here?

I just think it's a sad waste to see people being afraid to even attempt to leave the newbie area. Mining is a necessary part of the game. I have mined quite a bit, but have hauled more for mining ops. Ain't nothing wrong with it. What's wrong, is expecting to not get blown up every once in a while. In highsec, you have a reasonable expectation to not get blown up so often, but enough of the playerbase has decided not so with T2 mining barges anymore. Mining in null used to be the shiznit, til people started afking their hulks in hisec so much. I guess people are shaping that sand how they want. Now, if you want to afk mine in Hisec, you have to use covetors or battleships. P If you want to use your hulks, you have to go to WH or 0.0.

If someone craps in your sandbox: 1. Light it on fire 2. Grab your shovel 3. Throw it back at them.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#28 - 2012-06-08 17:46:43 UTC
Qolde wrote:
Welcome to Eve.

You have never sold a mod to an NPC.

I have sold freighters full of commodities to NPCs...

Qolde wrote:

EVE is hard

Lol no. EvE is hard-core, which does not mean necessarily it's hard.
Hard core imposes restrictions and generally obstacles on the player progress, which is something EvE abounds with.

Hard = you can win if you are really really good else you'll lose.
Chokichi Ozuwara
Caldari State
#29 - 2012-06-08 17:46:53 UTC
What an idiotic OP.

There is no sandbox. There is a single shard game with persistence, but this myth that there is a sandbox is totally nonsense.

What is the sandbox?

Can anyone define what the sandbox is?

Sandbox has become the catchall phrase for explaining why X's playstyle is superior to Y's. Or why Y should go back to WoW or some other game.

It's just more drivel and nonsense.

Eve is not a sandbox any more than any other MMO is a sandbox.


Tears will be shed and pants will need to be changed all round.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#30 - 2012-06-08 17:47:55 UTC
Qolde wrote:
Welcome to Eve.

"EVE isn't designed to just look like a cold, dark and harsh world, it's designed to be a cold, dark and harsh world." --CCP Wrangler

Nonconsensual Ship combat will not go away. Eve didn't even have sentry guns or CONCORD at the beginning. It is part of the core philosophy of the game.

"All of it occured in the same framework of unrestricted player movement and limitless player choice in a single, shared game universe. As our senior producer put it 'f*cking brilliant'." --CCP Explorer in reference to Burn Jita

You are never really soloing, and you are really always PVPing. Whether you acknowledge this, and how well you do this is your only choice while playing eve. You have never sold a mod to an NPC. Every mineral you mine lowers the value of EVERY other player's minerals. Every rat you pop lowers the isk value of every other players isk. Every sale you make is a sale the other guy didn't make. This is PVP. Player versus Player. This is EVE. Everybody Versus Everybody. They have the right to stop you. If your ship so happens to be in space it is a valid target, no matter what type of ship it is, what part of the cluster it resides, what mods it has fitted, no matter what you think.

Over the course of EVE's life, the players have adopted a number of mottos embodying the true spirit of the game. Some of which include:

Don't fly what you can't afford to lose.

Adapt or Die.

Harden the **** up. (HTFU)

Go back to world of warcraft (GB2WoW)

If you are having problems with the playstyle of others, it must be suggested that you refer to the above in order. After exhausting the first three, you may feel like this:

EVE is hard.

At this point of desperation, you may still be tempted to post on the forums about why you're leaving, at which point you will be showered with this well known question:

Can I have your stuff?

Nobody cares that you're leaving because you can't fend for yourself. Sure the Devs may attempt balance things here and there, such as making certain things even harder, but your hand will not be held. They are not being paid to babysit. They are being paid to share their dream with us. That dream includes the pain of significant loss. Many players have had a problem with other players. You are not the first, and you won't be the last. The difference between the wheat and the chaff is: they do something about it. They don't whine.

When Band of Brothers believed that G Alliance had a mothership on the build, they didn't whine for them to be nerfed, they round up others who would fight with them, and sieged EC-P8R 23/7 for a week.

When Goonswarm first started. They weren't the most experienced players, but they had the drive. They took out veteran alliances battleship fleets with rifters. RIFTERS. Look at them today.

So before you post, think about what you're going to say, and if it will even be worth your typing. Please.

Where is the "add a bazzilion likes" button. This post would get my vote :) .

"Everyone Vs Everyone", perfect, eve is an acronym.

I don't hate the high sec people, the carebears, the people who don't like to shoot people. Just like the EVE economy needs people like me who like to blow up other people, we need miners, builders, traders, ect ect.

I do dislike the people who (just like in real life) come in to a perfectly functional (if not perfect) environment and would rather bend that environment to their warped and unrealistic wants/needs without a moment of thought about how badly that would suck for other people or the environment itself.

I'm talking about the people complaining about suicide ganking (which is a why for people producing things in the game to experiance some risk and loss and is thus good for the game) or any kind of pvp in high sec (yep., their are people who want violence free zones in eve. I'm all for it, as long as you couldn't kake isk, mine, mission or anything else but sight see in those zones : ) .

The EVE community is a microcosm of real life of course. Even eve, a harsh cold pvp game is infested with people who just downright dislike the ideas of the game but who refuse to move out/on to someplace else that does cater to what they like (cough Star Trek Online cough).

I know I'm ranting, but honestly, These high sec/risk averse/"change the game to suit me because it's the games fault, it can't be that I suck" types so much remind me of the "Newtonian physics NOW" people I used to play with in X-wing. Good God, if you want newtonian physics, go outside and jump off a cliff and leave thestar wars game to star wars fans. (Even thinking of those days makes me want to shoot something lol : ) ).

Ok, rant over, good post OP.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#31 - 2012-06-08 17:50:02 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
TigerXtrm wrote:
Syndrea Caedrion wrote:
That goes both ways.

PVP'ers apparently don't grasp this notion.

Miners are free to mine. PVP'ers are free to blow them up. Where lies the problem here?

Mostly in the fact that a good portion (not all) of the miners are trying very hard to convince CCP to make game changes that would prevent the pvpers from doing so.

Balls. There are thousands of miners and maybe 20 posted about changing the game.
If you call this a good portion...
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#32 - 2012-06-08 17:50:45 UTC
Chokichi Ozuwara wrote:
What an idiotic OP.

There is no sandbox. There is a single shard game with persistence, but this myth that there is a sandbox is totally nonsense.

What is the sandbox?

Can anyone define what the sandbox is?

Sandbox has become the catchall phrase for explaining why X's playstyle is superior to Y's. Or why Y should go back to WoW or some other game.

It's just more drivel and nonsense.

Eve is not a sandbox any more than any other MMO is a sandbox.


What an idiotic rant.

I do so hate the Arghhh Playstyle BS.. It's just a dodge, from people who can't accept that other people's "playstyle" invovles them dying.

I hear that panty-waist miiners saying, "oh, mining in a hulk in high sec is my play style" Well, suicide ganking miners is Goon's play style. Both allowed by the game = both equally valid game play. Get over it.
Makkal Hanaya
Revenent Defence Corperation
#33 - 2012-06-08 17:54:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Makkal Hanaya
Easthir Ravin wrote:


You are correct, no one likes a floater in the sandbox. Unfortunately there will always be people who poop in the sand, but the great thing about it is you can find that person and throw his/her poop right back at them.

I wouldn't refer to picking up another person's feces and tossing at them as 'great.'

Edit: That word is censored? How strange.

Render unto Khanid the things which are Khanid's; and unto God the things that are God's.

Betrinna Cantis
#34 - 2012-06-08 18:15:53 UTC
There are "safe zones" in EVE... They are called Stations P

Alts have been changed to protect the Innocent. You may have mistaken me for someone who cares.....

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2012-06-08 22:07:53 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Qolde wrote:
Welcome to Eve.

You have never sold a mod to an NPC.

I have sold freighters full of commodities to NPCs...

Qolde wrote:

EVE is hard

Lol no. EvE is hard-core, which does not mean necessarily it's hard.
Hard core imposes restrictions and generally obstacles on the player progress, which is something EvE abounds with.

Hard = you can win if you are really really good else you'll lose.

It's both hard and hardcore. I have many friends in other games who quit because Eve is hard. Some quit because they hate waiting for skills to train, but lol **** those microwave kids.

Commodites =/= mods. Hence why I said mod, instead of item. There was once a day when you could sell mins to NPC's as well. Also, if someone wanted to be a ****, they could suicide your freighter. Even though you're using NPC's, other people are playing the commodities game as well, and what you do affects them, and vice versa.

If someone craps in your sandbox: 1. Light it on fire 2. Grab your shovel 3. Throw it back at them.

Johnson Johnson
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#36 - 2012-06-08 22:25:10 UTC
Qolde wrote:

but if nobody posted their opinions, when would you get an opportunity to wave your little maggot around on the forums?
Yannick Avada
#37 - 2012-06-08 22:50:46 UTC
Easthir Ravin wrote:

OOOOoommmmm... OOOOoooommmm.... I am PVP'ing you with my brain!


So tinfoil hats would count as hardening then?
Syndrea Caedrion
#38 - 2012-06-08 23:19:59 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
TigerXtrm wrote:
Syndrea Caedrion wrote:
That goes both ways.

PVP'ers apparently don't grasp this notion.

Miners are free to mine. PVP'ers are free to blow them up. Where lies the problem here?

Mostly in the fact that a good portion (not all) of the miners are trying very hard to convince CCP to make game changes that would prevent the pvpers from doing so.

And getting absolutely nowhere for all their efforts. After all, emoraging on the forums can hardly constitute convincing CCP to make mining safer. I haven't heard of any trips to Iceland being made by miners in order to plead their case before some Dev council either. It's a chicken little fallacy really, just on the opposite end of the spectrum from "PvPers are ruining Eve".

Don't get me wrong, I support the ability to gank people in hisec. I like that I don't feel all that safe when I am there, and that's a good thing. But the Permageddon is just another step in the addiction process, and does nothing for the game in the long run. It certainly doesn't convince miners why they need random ganks to occur now and then and why it's good for the game. It convinces them that those who are using the mechanics are nothing short of internet bullies. But like it or not, each side needs the other for the game to be truly healthy. The only ones who do not recognize that fact are the ones who are more concerned with their own needs or wants over the needs of the game as a whole.

They somehow managed to get every freak and creep in the universe in this one game, and then somehow managed to let them take it over, and then they somehow managed to stick us right smack in the middle.

Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#39 - 2012-06-08 23:41:17 UTC
Qolde wrote:
I just think it's a sad waste to see people being afraid to even attempt to leave the newbie area. Mining is a necessary part of the game. I have mined quite a bit, but have hauled more for mining ops. Ain't nothing wrong with it. What's wrong, is expecting to not get blown up every once in a while. In highsec, you have a reasonable expectation to not get blown up so often, but enough of the playerbase has decided not so with T2 mining barges anymore. Mining in null used to be the shiznit, til people started afking their hulks in hisec so much. I guess people are shaping that sand how they want. Now, if you want to afk mine in Hisec, you have to use covetors or battleships. P

So, why you try to change the way ultimate carebear like me plays EVE?
Chokichi Ozuwara
Caldari State
#40 - 2012-06-09 00:02:30 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
What an idiotic rant.

Why was it idiotic?

Can you tell me what the sandbox is?

Tears will be shed and pants will need to be changed all round.