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Thought's on general progression and weapons

#41 - 2012-02-17 05:10:52 UTC
Liam Mirren wrote:
J'Poll wrote:
Alright mister God who knows it all.

Go tell the thousands of mission runners they are flying the wrong ships.

I try to, but there's always these clueless idiots who keep spouting unfounded memes while being unable to rationalise it when they can't just talk their way out of it.

Last I checked the tengu had the concrete evidence of numerical superiority, which you downplayed with a strawman asserting the ignorance of pretty much everyone except yourself.

If you want to refute such a factual precedent, then perhaps you are the one who should supply the evidence? I'd love to see some videos of a CNR trying to out-blitz a tengu while traveling less than 1/3 the speed, aligning almost 10 seconds slower, relying on drones to handle anything frigate sized, and only gaining ground on large battleship targets.

Liam Mirren
#42 - 2012-02-17 11:24:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Liam Mirren
I give you numbers, I state that it can do any damage type without downsides as it doesn't get a specific damage type bonus, meaning it can perform ANYWHERE, not just in kinetic. I state it's cheaper, I state it has less chance of becoming a gank target and I've shown you it does more dps. All verifiable facts, numbers and logic.

All you've done is "ololol meme meme everyone uses one".

Listen, I don't care why you like it more, if you'd state "I like the fact that it's faster and it's just more fun" then I could agree with you, and if I didn't I would agree with the notion that everyone has his own opinion on things and leave it at that. Thing is that you bozos state it to be the BEST, and it just isn't.

This is the newbie forum, newbies read this crap thread and unless someone counters the stupid meme spouters with facts they're probably going to think that Tengu is indeed the best, they don't know WHY (because ppl never explained it, as... there is no real explanation, just meme spouting and opinions based on nothing) but it must be the best right? I mean, most ppl said so. THAT is how people get these silly ideas, I bet that's how you and most others got it into their heads as well: Following the herd without any fact checking or use of logic.

Believe what you want and use what you want, just don't give advice to others if you lack the knowledge and facts.

- edit -

GF07M8 wrote:
and only gaining ground on large battleship targets.

This bit tells me you're clueless

Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.

#43 - 2012-02-17 12:28:19 UTC
Liam Mirren wrote:

Yes, yes you are. I hope you haven't confused my posting with caring either, this is for the benefit of the newbs who read this forum.

Brush up on your missile damage formula because if you don't think the tengu has a time-to-kill advantage on frigates, cruisers, battlecruisers, and small sig battleships you clearly don't know how those beloved "numbers," of yours work.
Mr Chili Palmer
State War Academy
Caldari State
#44 - 2012-02-17 12:49:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Chili Palmer
[/quote]The OP was asking what a GOOD ship for PvE is, and that still is the Tengu.[/quote]

well actually i was not lol my original post was all about missiles and lasers, and it all seems to have got abit heated.

"If at first you don't succeed, remove all evidence you ever tried"

"If your boss is getting you down, look at him through the prongs of a fork and imagine him in jail"

Liam Mirren
#45 - 2012-02-17 12:50:40 UTC
GF07M8 wrote:
Brush up on your missile damage formula because if you don't think the tengu has a time-to-kill advantage on frigates, cruisers, battlecruisers, and small sig battleships you clearly don't know how those beloved "numbers," of yours work.

Ok, show us some numbers then. Factual, verifiable numbers. Go for it.

Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#46 - 2012-02-17 13:20:03 UTC
Liam Mirren wrote:
GF07M8 wrote:
Brush up on your missile damage formula because if you don't think the tengu has a time-to-kill advantage on frigates, cruisers, battlecruisers, and small sig battleships you clearly don't know how those beloved "numbers," of yours work.

Ok, show us some numbers then. Factual, verifiable numbers. Go for it.

All right, here are your numbers:

Guristas tank: 69.500 EHP with 1.066 DPS tank.
Cap: Stable at 44%
Damage: 670 DPS / 2.645 Volley (with Fury missiles)
Resists: 94 kin / 80 therm (yes it's guristas resist fitted, as 0.0 space only has guristas)
Locking range: 117km
Speed: 350 m/s on perma MWD running.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Liam Mirren
#47 - 2012-02-17 13:44:56 UTC
- Guristas tank: 69.500 EHP with 1.066 DPS tank.
Tank is not and has not been the issue in this conversation, both can tank 1k (ie, way too much)

- Cap: Stable at 44%
That's indeed nice, not important but nice

- Damage: 670 DPS / 2.645 Volley (with Fury missiles)
raw dps isn't that important, applied dps is (I guess this whole thread just went over your head). Thing is, the CNR does more of it

- Resists: 94 kin / 80 therm
that's tank related

yes it's guristas resist fitted, as 0.0 space only has guristas
Err what now? Do you even PLAY this game?

- Locking range: 117km
Yup, that's indeed very nice, more than a CNR and that can be useful in a limited number of missions.

- Speed: 350 m/s on perma MWD running

Conclusion: Stick to knitting

Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#48 - 2012-02-17 14:05:03 UTC
Liam Mirren wrote:
- Guristas tank: 69.500 EHP with 1.066 DPS tank.
Tank is not and has not been the issue in this conversation, both can tank 1k (ie, way too much)

- Cap: Stable at 44%
That's indeed nice, not important but nice

- Damage: 670 DPS / 2.645 Volley (with Fury missiles)
raw dps isn't that important, applied dps is (I guess this whole thread just went over your head). Thing is, the CNR does more of it

- Resists: 94 kin / 80 therm
that's tank related

yes it's guristas resist fitted, as 0.0 space only has guristas
Err what now? Do you even PLAY this game?

- Locking range: 117km
Yup, that's indeed very nice, more than a CNR and that can be useful in a limited number of missions.

- Speed: 350 m/s on perma MWD running

Conclusion: Stick to knitting

Yes I play and actually rat in null-sec with a tengu. Pays good money. And of course it's tank related, why would I tank EM when I"m only shooting Guristas.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Liam Mirren
#49 - 2012-02-17 14:29:26 UTC
Excuses, back pedalling and an alarming lack of EVE knowledge. As stated previously, don't give advice to new players.

Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.

Kraven Stark
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#50 - 2012-02-17 14:33:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Kraven Stark
Mr Chili Palmer wrote:
The OP was asking what a GOOD ship for PvE is, and that still is the Tengu.

well actually i was not lol my original post was all about missiles and lasers, and it all seems to have got abit heated.

Hopefully you have taken away that missiles tend to be better and that instant hits really don't matter in PvE. I have run hundreds of LVL 4's and not once have I ever though, "Man, that would have gone so much better if those shots were instant hits. Having all this range and not being hit by the rats really sucks."

The worst thing about missiles is they are pretty boring as you really do get to avoid a lot of incoming damage if you kite or are able to fire from such a distance the area is clear before the rats are within range.

The only play style that is more boring is Drone boating with drones as the primary source of damage.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#51 - 2012-02-17 14:35:17 UTC
Liam Mirren wrote:
Excuses, back pedalling and an alarming lack of EVE knowledge. As stated previously, don't give advice to new players.

Yeah again, like you are the all knowing EVE God.

Again it's personal preferances if you like the Tengu over CNR. I like tengu more, so do a lot of others, you on the other hand like the CNR more. Still make both good PvE missiles boats.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Liam Mirren
#52 - 2012-02-17 14:36:16 UTC
Kraven Stark wrote:
The worst thing about missiles is they are pretty boring as you really do get to avoid a lot of incoming damage if you kite or are able to fire from such a distance the area is clear before the rats are within range.

The only play style that is more boring is Drone boating with drones as the primary source of damage.

Have to fully agree there. Also, the more you focus on an AFK-style ship/fitting, the more boring and slow it becomes.

Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.

Liam Mirren
#53 - 2012-02-17 14:38:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Liam Mirren
J'Poll wrote:
Liam Mirren wrote:
Excuses, back pedalling and an alarming lack of EVE knowledge. As stated previously, don't give advice to new players.

Yeah again, like you are the all knowing EVE God.

Again it's personal preferances if you like the Tengu over CNR. I like tengu more, so do a lot of others, you on the other hand like the CNR more. Still make both good PvE missiles boats.

If you start stating stuff like "0.0 only has guristas rats" and things like "I do ratting in 0.0 Guristas space for which a Tengu is very good (and it is), that thus means it's good everywhere and for everything", then you lose any amount of credibility you might have had.

Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.

Cathy Drall
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#54 - 2012-02-17 14:49:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Cathy Drall
Mr Chili Palmer wrote:
The OP was asking what a GOOD ship for PvE is, and that still is the Tengu.

well actually i was not lol my original post was all about missiles and lasers, and it all seems to have got abit heated.

My favourite weapon systems are missiles and projectile weapons.

1) Because they don't use cap. Even if I have maxed cap skills, it's still very useful to have it available on the one hand and being as little dependent on it as possible on the other. You're less vulnerable to a neut or nos. You have much more cap left for active tanks. Or you can choose to fit a passive tank (shield regeneration at the expense of cap regeneration). And you need to use less/no slots for your cap regeneration or boosters so you can use those for other things instead.
2) Missile boats like Tengu and Drake and most Minmatar ships are very good. Missiles may have damage delay but they have great range, always hit, suffer no tracking or other issues that turrets have. Projectile turrets have the lowest fitting costs and the best range of all turret systems. It's not a surprise that a lot of non-bonussed turret ships are often fitted with projectile weapons. And yes, I don't like the whole drone micromanagement thing.

Personally I'm in favour of fast shield ships so Caldari and projectile weapon ships (Minmatar) are my obvious choice if I have to pick one. You can also cross train pretty well as both Caldari as Minmatar have mostly shield tanks - and most Minmatar ships do have a few missile hardpoints next to their Projectile weapon slots for maxed firepower.

Lastly I have to admit that the Tengu is the most complete, best allround ship in the game.
I made a post about it in this thread in case you're interested.
Liam Mirren
#55 - 2012-02-17 15:31:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Liam Mirren
Yup, on average it's very good (I liked the short list you linked).

I don't agree to the "easy to train for", it takes longer to be competent at flying a Tengu than flying a Raven/CNR, you need more lvl 5s and missiles don't have the same "must train smaller ones to T2 first" as turrets do. I also disagree with the "kin is good everywhere but EM missions", Kinetic is a secondary damage type for many NPCs meaning that while it still works decently well you would have been better off using something else. The difference can be anything from 10-30% (rough guesstimate) and that's too much to simply ignore.

While I also agree to the fact that a Tengu can be fantastic for PVP it's not good advice to give to newbies (or the majority of players) as they lack the experience and organisation to make it worthwhile. In short: Best/good in some situations, decently ok in many situations, crap/overpriced in some others.

Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.

Cathy Drall
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#56 - 2012-02-17 16:27:22 UTC
Liam Mirren wrote:
Yup, on average it's very good (I liked the short list you linked).

I don't agree to the "easy to train for", it takes longer to be competent at flying a Tengu than flying a Raven/CNR ..

Thanks :) I'm not sure if it really takes less time to train for a well-fitted CNR than for a Tengu, I think it depends on how optimized you want to fly one. A Tengu doesn't need drones. And battleship V and large T2 missile launchers take longer to train compared to cruisers V and T2 medium launchers. But yes a Tengu needs subsystem skills.
In the end I agree it's easier to jump into a CNR but your DPS and tankability won't be that great.

I also disagree with the "kin is good everywhere but EM missions", Kinetic is a secondary damage type for many NPCs meaning that while it still works decently well you would have been better off using something else. The difference can be anything from 10-30% (rough guesstimate) and that's too much to simply ignore.

Well the Tengu gets a 25% bonus to Kin damage so it kind of evens out, for that reason I think it's actually still better to use kinetic instead of thermal or explosive. I don't have the link to the post where it's calculated though.
Kraven Stark
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#57 - 2012-02-17 16:44:54 UTC
Cathy Drall wrote:
Liam Mirren wrote:
Yup, on average it's very good (I liked the short list you linked).

I don't agree to the "easy to train for", it takes longer to be competent at flying a Tengu than flying a Raven/CNR ..

Thanks :) I'm not sure if it really takes less time to train for a well-fitted CNR than for a Tengu, I think it depends on how optimized you want to fly one. A Tengu doesn't need drones. And battleship V and large T2 missile launchers take longer to train compared to cruisers V and T2 medium launchers. But yes a Tengu needs subsystem skills.
In the end I agree it's easier to jump into a CNR but your DPS and tankability won't be that great.

This is what I noticed as well. Training to actually get into the CNR ship was significantly quicker, but training to get it to the point where it could tank incoming damage, as well as drones and as well as cruise missiles was significantly more than for the Tengu. After getting your V's for the Tengu, the ship is pretty capable without any further training, not so for the Raven/CNR.
Liam Mirren
#58 - 2012-02-17 16:57:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Liam Mirren
Cathy Drall wrote:
Liam Mirren wrote:
Yup, on average it's very good (I liked the short list you linked).

I don't agree to the "easy to train for", it takes longer to be competent at flying a Tengu than flying a Raven/CNR ..

Thanks :) I'm not sure if it really takes less time to train for a well-fitted CNR than for a Tengu, I think it depends on how optimized you want to fly one. A Tengu doesn't need drones. And battleship V and large T2 missile launchers take longer to train compared to cruisers V and T2 medium launchers. But yes a Tengu needs subsystem skills.
In the end I agree it's easier to jump into a CNR but your DPS and tankability won't be that great.

I also disagree with the "kin is good everywhere but EM missions", Kinetic is a secondary damage type for many NPCs meaning that while it still works decently well you would have been better off using something else. The difference can be anything from 10-30% (rough guesstimate) and that's too much to simply ignore.

Well the Tengu gets a 25% bonus to Kin damage so it kind of evens out, for that reason I think it's actually still better to use kinetic instead of thermal or explosive. I don't have the link to the post where it's calculated though.

That's the point, being "competent" doesn't require BS lvl 5, lvl 4 is already fine whereas the Tengu requires a bunch of lvl 5s. One being gunnery which doesn't make "sense" for missile users, shield OP 5 which is not needed for either the drake (severely over tanked) or the Tengu (active tanked) and Nav 5. Mind you, those can be useful skills but to have to train them as a newer player just to get into a ship doesn't necessarily make sense. Not saying you can hop into a CNR without support skills, you can't (neither for the Tengu) but it doesn't require any lvl 5s as such. And while caldari cruiser 5 can be VERY useful it's not logical to simply forget about it when talking about required training time.

You get a 25% kinetic bonus but the CNR gets a ROF bonus meaning it can do any type of damage without downsides (not counting its drones). Whichever way you look at it, unless you do Guristas 100% of the time, that's just is the better option as it allows for more tailored damage types.

- edit -

The majority of new players start out with perma tank fits for their Raven/CNR and some even stick to it. Fits like that will ofcourse do much less dps and compared to an easy to use Tengu the Tengu will ofcourse win. Thing is that sticking to perma tanking in lvl 4 missions is a choice, it's not needed, not even for newbies. Once you start using "proper" fits (which don't actually take that much more effort) then things starts to look different.

Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#59 - 2012-02-17 17:16:39 UTC
Liam Mirren wrote:
Cathy Drall wrote:
Liam Mirren wrote:
Yup, on average it's very good (I liked the short list you linked).

I don't agree to the "easy to train for", it takes longer to be competent at flying a Tengu than flying a Raven/CNR ..

Thanks :) I'm not sure if it really takes less time to train for a well-fitted CNR than for a Tengu, I think it depends on how optimized you want to fly one. A Tengu doesn't need drones. And battleship V and large T2 missile launchers take longer to train compared to cruisers V and T2 medium launchers. But yes a Tengu needs subsystem skills.
In the end I agree it's easier to jump into a CNR but your DPS and tankability won't be that great.

I also disagree with the "kin is good everywhere but EM missions", Kinetic is a secondary damage type for many NPCs meaning that while it still works decently well you would have been better off using something else. The difference can be anything from 10-30% (rough guesstimate) and that's too much to simply ignore.

Well the Tengu gets a 25% bonus to Kin damage so it kind of evens out, for that reason I think it's actually still better to use kinetic instead of thermal or explosive. I don't have the link to the post where it's calculated though.

That's the point, being "competent" doesn't require BS lvl 5, lvl 4 is already fine whereas the Tengu requires a bunch of lvl 5s. One being gunnery which doesn't make "sense" for missile users, shield OP 5 which is not needed for either the drake (severely over tanked) or the Tengu (active tanked) and Nav 5. Mind you, those can be useful skills but to have to train them as a newer player just to get into a ship doesn't necessarily make sense. Not saying you can hop into a CNR without support skills, you can't (neither for the Tengu) but it doesn't require any lvl 5s as such. And while caldari cruiser 5 can be VERY useful it's not logical to simply forget about it when talking about required training time.

You get a 25% kinetic bonus but the CNR gets a ROF bonus meaning it can do any type of damage without downsides (not counting its drones). Whichever way you look at it, unless you do Guristas 100% of the time, that's just is the better option as it allows for more tailored damage types.

- edit -

The majority of new players start out with perma tank fits for their Raven/CNR and some even stick to it. Fits like that will ofcourse do much less dps and compared to an easy to use Tengu the Tengu will ofcourse win. Thing is that sticking to perma tanking in lvl 4 missions is a choice, it's not needed, not even for newbies. Once you start using "proper" fits (which don't actually take that much more effort) then things starts to look different.

Totally agree here, but keep in mind Cal Cruiser V isn't just for the Tengu, if you train it to 5 it also opens up a lot of other nice T2 cruisers like the Basilisk. Unless your a dedicated high-sec mission runner, yes Cal Cruiser V is a long train for just 1 ship. But if you're also going to do PvP etc. that 1 level 5 skill will pay off as you can then start the training into HAC, HIC, Logi, Recons. And on Navigation 5 and Shield Ops 5, those are 2 skills that will not only benefit again only the tengu but every single ship you board in EVE. The only thing that is of little to no use to any other ship in EVE are the subsystem skills, they on the other hand are just plain 1x skills so won't take more then a week each to train to lvl 5.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Have Naught Subsidiaries
#60 - 2012-02-17 21:32:49 UTC
Look what you did Chili.... just look at it.