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Thought's on general progression and weapons

Kata Amentis
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#61 - 2012-02-18 02:43:05 UTC

Curiosity killed the Kata... ... but being immortal he wasn't too worried about keeping a count.

Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#62 - 2012-02-19 23:14:22 UTC
Good choice on lasers. Dont start a new account. Makes no sense. Train for a nightmare.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

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Alaric Faelen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#63 - 2012-02-22 23:15:59 UTC
some good replies, some not so much. My 2 isk worth.....

The trend has been long range, high alpha strike combat. Thus the gap between missiles and guns for PvP is widened even further. I'm primarily a missile user myself and find that the more serious I get into PvP, the more I rely on guns.

I also like lasers for no greater reason than they make pretty light shows (it's just more stereotypically sci-fi for me) although again, I would actually lean toward projectile guns because they seem to be more versatile. By that I mean for example that people often fit projectile guns to non-bonused ships while rarely are lasers used on anything but Amarr laser boats. The Punisher for example is often autocannon fit, but you'll be hard pressed to find a laser fit Rifter (for instance)

IMO, projectile guns may not always have the sheer stats on their side, but are a 'go to' weapon system. Other types tend to be restricted to bonused ships.
Vladimir Smugdog
#64 - 2012-02-23 03:36:30 UTC
Alaric Faelen wrote:
some good replies, some not so much. My 2 isk worth.....

The trend has been long range, high alpha strike combat. Thus the gap between missiles and guns for PvP is widened even further. I'm primarily a missile user myself and find that the more serious I get into PvP, the more I rely on guns.

I also like lasers for no greater reason than they make pretty light shows (it's just more stereotypically sci-fi for me) although again, I would actually lean toward projectile guns because they seem to be more versatile. By that I mean for example that people often fit projectile guns to non-bonused ships while rarely are lasers used on anything but Amarr laser boats. The Punisher for example is often autocannon fit, but you'll be hard pressed to find a laser fit Rifter (for instance)

IMO, projectile guns may not always have the sheer stats on their side, but are a 'go to' weapon system. Other types tend to be restricted to bonused ships.


Niko Lorenzio wrote:
Good choice on lasers. Dont start a new account. Makes no sense. Train for a nightmare.

Probably the most asinine thing I have read suggested to a newbie in ages. Making a beeline for a faction bs is a fool's errand.