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Hans Jagerblitzen for CSM7

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#301 - 2012-02-13 12:50:27 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
To help clarify my vision for high sec I have begun work on my next blog post, which will focus specifically on providing a stand-alone summary of where I stand on the various high sec-specific issues that have been brought up so far. I want the voters to have a clear idea of the activities I believe should thrive in high sec, the nature of how safety should be provided, and the type of war that should and should not be encouraged by the mechanics. I appreciate your patience with this, look forward to its publish in the next few days.

Here is the link to my blog where you all can follow and keep in touch.

Yttrius Beryll
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#302 - 2012-02-13 14:23:10 UTC
Caldari State
#303 - 2012-02-13 14:24:25 UTC
Hey yo Hans, you're going about this all the wrong ways. The CSM needs a good faction warfare dude and you're probably the best candidate to handle this, but you've got to focus your campaign on that, inspire your base and start figuring out ways to work with the guys who are going to be on the council, like mittens and seleene instead of setting up this confrontational posturing bullshit because you want to be the anti-goon.

CSM 6 got **** done because the personalities behind it understood how to make friends and influence people. Worry about other CSMs motivations when you get on the council, see how they work and can call them out on it there. Don't waste your opportunities with tinfoil hattery before you land the spot.
Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#304 - 2012-02-13 14:39:50 UTC
CSM6 got stuff done because they just happened to be around when CCP not only dropped the ball but deflated it, sold it off, lost it and replaced it with a blunt spork.
Had the Incarna release (read: NeX) not been such a load of crap as to generate resentment across all player groupings, CSM6 would have gone down in history as the "Barbie Council" .. just sayin' Smile

PS: Does that mean the Mitten would have been SpaceKen? .. hahahahaha.
Caldari State
#305 - 2012-02-13 14:47:26 UTC
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
CSM6 got stuff done because they just happened to be around when CCP not only dropped the ball but deflated it, sold it off, lost it and replaced it with a blunt spork.
Had the Incarna release (read: NeX) not been such a load of crap as to generate resentment across all player groupings, CSM6 would have gone down in history as the "Barbie Council" .. just sayin' Smile

PS: Does that mean the Mitten would have been SpaceKen? .. hahahahaha.

Might want to watch the video from the emergency summit and read the devblogs again. CCP credited the current CSM, both participating members who went to Iceland for the summit and those who didn't go but contributed through their forums and the skype chat for their work in steering the wayward ship back on course.
Plus 10 NV
#306 - 2012-02-13 14:47:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Cearain
Courthouse wrote:
Hey yo Hans, you're going about this all the wrong ways. The CSM needs a good faction warfare dude and you're probably the best candidate to handle this, but you've got to focus your campaign on that, inspire your base and start figuring out ways to work with the guys who are going to be on the council, like mittens and seleene instead of setting up this confrontational posturing bullshit because you want to be the anti-goon.

CSM 6 got **** done because the personalities behind it understood how to make friends and influence people. Worry about other CSMs motivations when you get on the council, see how they work and can call them out on it there. Don't waste your opportunities with tinfoil hattery before you land the spot.

For myself I don't dislike goons or csm6. But they don't steer ccp correctly for the low sec or high sec crowd. Adding drama to faction war? Couldn't anyone from csm have spoken up and said "maybe the players in low sec don't really want the drama"? Making faction war a testbed for null sec? I haven't heard anyone from csm6 admit these are bad ideas and they should have advised ccp that but failed. In fact csm 6 seems to generally be sticking to these bad proposals.

Its nothing personal its just that what many on csm 6 thinks is good for empire isn't what those players want. And frankly since CSM6 never seems to take the time to engage the players to find out what they want, it shouldn't be that surprising.

Mittens and others on csm6 often admit they don't represent low/high sec and empire needs someone. Yet they refuse to clearly abandon their proposals that miss the mark for those sections of space.

Its nothing against goons its just that the proposals are bad.

As far as getting "**** done" I don't know what you think they did.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Plus 10 NV
#307 - 2012-02-13 14:54:47 UTC
Courthouse wrote:
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
CSM6 got stuff done because they just happened to be around when CCP not only dropped the ball but deflated it, sold it off, lost it and replaced it with a blunt spork.
Had the Incarna release (read: NeX) not been such a load of crap as to generate resentment across all player groupings, CSM6 would have gone down in history as the "Barbie Council" .. just sayin' Smile

PS: Does that mean the Mitten would have been SpaceKen? .. hahahahaha.

Might want to watch the video from the emergency summit and read the devblogs again. CCP credited the current CSM, both participating members who went to Iceland for the summit and those who didn't go but contributed through their forums and the skype chat for their work in steering the wayward ship back on course.

You might want to read "in defense of incarna" where mittens defends what is likely the worst expansion in eve history.

And of course ccp is going to credit csm left and right. Do you expect ccp to say that csm is a waste and they don't bother to listen to the player elected csm?

The last csm basically told ccp they were going down the wrong path and many ended up leaving. The fact is it was the last csm that was more in touch with the players than csm6. CCP and CSM finally recognized this very late in the game. Not listening to csm5 sooner cost CCP about 20% of its workforce.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#308 - 2012-02-13 14:56:24 UTC
Iam Widdershins wrote:
Surprise! I haven't forgotten. Time for some answers man, if they're ever coming. You had all weekend. Otherwise, I've just gotta assume.

I'm sorry, I thought I had answered your questions. You weren't happy with them, which is fine, the voters deserve to know the difference between your views and my own. I did notice you arguing with others in the thread as well, but I didn't see any new questions, just statements about how you think I'm wrong.

I'll be happy to clarify everything for the voters over the next couple of days with regards to high sec issues, I appreciate your patience in the time being.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Caldari State
#309 - 2012-02-13 14:56:41 UTC
Cearain wrote:
For myself I don't dislike goons or csm6. But they don't steer ccp correctly for the low sec or high sec crowd. Adding drama to faction war? Couldn't anyone form csm have spoken up and said "maybe the players in low sec don't really want the drama"? Making faction war a testbed for null sec? I haven't heard anyone from csm6 admit these are bad ideas and they should have advised ccp that but failed. In fact csm 6 seems to generally be sticking to these bad proposals.

Faction Warfare and nullsec both have necessary capture mechanics for their control-based objective systems. There's one school of thought that would think that developing one good system and sharing it is better than having two very bad systems. Another may consider two very different, good systems, but at the increased need for creative solutions and time to develop and implement it.

Personal opinions being what they are, the most efficient and practical answer is to develop one good system and see if you can't make it work for both. ymmv.

Its nothing personal its just that what many on csm 6 thinks is good for empire isn't what those players want. And frankly since CSM6 never seems to take the time to engage the players to find out what they want, it shouldn't be that surprising.

CSM 6 had two fireside chats where they engaged the players directly on our mumble server. Mittens makes regular appearances on eve radio shows and does interviews for bloggers and other media types.

Mittens and others on csm6 often admit they don't represent low/high sec and empire needs someone. Yet they refuse to clearly abandon their proposals that miss the mark for those sections of space.

Its nothing against goons its just that the proposals are bad.

As far as getting "**** done" I don't know what you think they did.

**** you just trollin' son. This last CSM was the most successful in turning pressing issues into results. CCP has credited Crucible in large part to the CSM. Now, because lowsec and FW wasn't touched I can see where you may not be as pleased with the results as others, but Seleene did mention in this very thread that there just wasn't the time or ability to do a sweeping series of changes to those areas in the time they had available for Crucible.

The point here is that CSM6 lacked a solid Lowsec piracy/faction warfare expert and while that likely wouldn't have made a huge difference had there been one for the last session, there's some serious opportunity for the upcoming session. This won't happen if Hans doesn't capitalize on the opportunity and foster a strong base to get himself over the 2000+ votes necessary to secure a top 7 finish.

Caldari State
#310 - 2012-02-13 15:02:59 UTC
Cearain wrote:
The last csm basically told ccp they were going down the wrong path and many ended up leaving. The fact is it was the last csm that was more in touch with the players than csm6. CCP and CSM finally recognized this very late in the game. Not listening to csm5 sooner cost CCP about 20% of its workforce.

I wouldn't qualify any of that as 'the fact is'. Your particular opinion based on the limited facts that came out after several of the CSM from 5th session expressed frustration and doubt can support that conclusion for yourself, but you're ignoring a few well-established points.

CCP gave the 18 month manifesto and pretty well held to it throughout CSM 5 and the first part of CSM6. CSM 5 had very little opportunity to engage CCP because of two main issues: 1) Hilmar thought he was invincible. 2) Mynxee is not a politician.

You can try to claim that CSM5 was more in touch with the players than 6, but that would be a stretch. More people from the lowsec camp were represented in CSM5, sure, but the viewpoints were largely myopic and infeasable.

CSM6 delivered more wide-reaching changes than all other CSM sessions combined.
Caldari State
#311 - 2012-02-13 15:07:40 UTC
Also, while people are pointing out Mittani's hatred for lowsec because he defended incarna in his blog, he also pitched a revamp for lowsec years ago that on paper sounded fantastic. Here's a free link, the lowsec part starts about halfway down and continues on page 3:
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#312 - 2012-02-13 15:30:31 UTC
Hans has my vote.

**Space wizards are real, they can make 10058 votes vanish. "and for a moment i hurd 10k goons cry out, then silence" **

Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#313 - 2012-02-13 15:32:48 UTC
Courthouse wrote:
Might want to watch the video from the emergency summit and read the devblogs again. CCP credited the current CSM, both participating members who went to Iceland for the summit and those who didn't go but contributed through their forums and the skype chat for their work in steering the wayward ship back on course.

As I said, their "achievement" is due to CCP failure and not so much their ability/brilliance .. think about what they would/could have done if Incarna had gone down as smoothly as Hilmar thought it would .. you'd be lucky to have a sov revamp on the backlog at that point .. no course-correction, WiS > FiS, same low-hanging fruit crap they have been feeding us for 2+ years.
But you are probably right, every little thing is solely due the valiant efforts of the hard working current CSM .. and when the sun comes up tomorrow we can probably praise them for that one as well! Smile

That link to Mittens FW copy lowsec solution? Much better ones have been floated since then, especially after Incursions gave us an idea of what is possible and what is not. Sincerely hope that LS gets some sort of 'theme' as the random violence got stale after a week .. carrots to aim for and sticks to poke each other with.
Question is if CCP can/will do it in a way that doesn't rely on the fail of the EHP grind.
Caldari State
#314 - 2012-02-13 15:39:13 UTC
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
As I said, their "achievement" is due to CCP failure and not so much their ability/brilliance .. think about what they would/could have done if Incarna had gone down as smoothly as Hilmar thought it would .. you'd be lucky to have a sov revamp on the backlog at that point .. no course-correction, WiS > FiS, same low-hanging fruit crap they have been feeding us for 2+ years.
But you are probably right, every little thing is solely due the valiant efforts of the hard working current CSM .. and when the sun comes up tomorrow we can probably praise them for that one as well! Smile

Yeah, that's not what I said at all, but you can spin it all the same if it makes you feel better.

That link to Mittens FW copy lowsec solution? Much better ones have been floated since then, especially after Incursions gave us an idea of what is possible and what is not. Sincerely hope that LS gets some sort of 'theme' as the random violence got stale after a week .. carrots to aim for and sticks to poke each other with.
Question is if CCP can/will do it in a way that doesn't rely on the fail of the EHP grind.

The link was provided to illustrate that while Mittani is not a lowsec candidate and has stated that he's not a lowsec candidate, the CSM could use a good lowsec/FW advocate and choosing to take an insurgent posture against a guy who will be chairman again this year isn't winning him any favors, so here's a link to where Mittani attempted to offer an idea for a lowsec revamp a year before Tyrannis came out, maybe there's some common ground and Hans can worry less about being the anti-goon and more about being the right guy for the lowsec/FW constituency so he can secure a top 7 finish.
Caldari State
#315 - 2012-02-13 15:41:11 UTC
Oh, in case you didn't notice, I'm trying to help Hans, not tank him. Seriously, there's a vested interest in making lowsec not suck too.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#316 - 2012-02-13 15:46:50 UTC
I don't really see much point in belaboring the "Was the CSM6 effective?" question, because I've already stated that I believe it has.

I think most readers following the election so far already know that I have demonstrated a willingness to cooperate on the council with their objectives. That has been a consistent message throughout my campaign material. For those that may have missed some important indicators, I’ve clipped them here for you.

Verbatim from my platform document:

Lastly, to the current council members. You have transformed the CSM into an entity with power and influence, and for that should be commended . . . . But the reality is that you and I both know that we can do better this coming year.

Verbatim from this thread:

The Mittani wrote:
I sort of assumed that Hans would be a FW candidate this year and I support him, no need to get all ~rah rah mittens~ about it.

During CSM6 Hans reached out to us and gave us a whole list of FW fixes, which we promptly dumped in CCP's lap, and they're now cognizant of them - pretty much entirely due to Hans taking the initiative.

FW dudes should have a rep, just like Wormhole dudes. If I was a FW player, I'd rally behind Hans. Good luck!

Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Good luck in the elections, Hans. You've demonstrated that you have the primary characteristic of a good CSM; the willingness to work hard, without letting emo or ego get in the way.

Seleene wrote:
Based on everything I've read in your platform, I think we'd agree on much more than we disagree on. At the least, I'm sure bridges could be built

Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
In supporting the 0.0 representatives in their encouragement of more sov warfare iterations, I would also be working to protect the interests of empire citizens who want to enjoy EvE their own way

Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
I think debate should certainly occur among council members, but when it comes to proposing an idea to CCP, the more unanimous the support of the council the more effective the proposal will be at convincing the developers it is for the good of the entire game.

I think you’ll find that cooperation with the re-elected council members is very much something I am capable of, though I believe voters also deserve to know what I bring to the table that is different from the status quo. I welcome any of the sitting council members stopping by to have a conversation about the issues, (as Seleene has), will continue to share the various ways I differ from them where appropriate.

Thank you Courthouse for taking the time to share the good advice.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Caldari State
#317 - 2012-02-13 16:02:21 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:

I think you’ll find that cooperation with the re-elected council members is very much something I am capable of, though I believe voters also deserve to know what I bring to the table that is different from the status quo. I welcome any of the sitting council members stopping by to have a conversation about the issues, (as Seleene has), will continue to share the various ways I differ from them where appropriate.

Showing how you differ is well and good, but don't tack too far off of your center. People have reached out to you in this thread only to be rebuffed in a puff of ego because you don't want to be 'status-quo'. Just by being Lowsec/FW guy you'll define yourself clearly as anything but status quo and you don't open yourself up to criticism because your grasp of mechanics in areas outside of Lowsec/FW aren't as well developed.

This doesn't make you a bad candidate, because you'd have the opportunity to discuss these things, but presenting yourself as a representative of highsec, favoring the risk-adverse while advocating for changes that one of the premiere griefers is repeatedly telling you is a bad idea because it gives him more tools to grief with will cost you support, not get you more of it.

Stick with what you know, foster your base and excite them so they'll help your campaign grow organically. Then after you're elected you can get your two cents in on the issues that matter to you, and be corrected on the issues that you're less of an expert on in a private, NDA protected channel.

Thank you Courthouse for taking the time to share the good advice.

Best of luck to you.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#318 - 2012-02-13 19:18:48 UTC
Everyone following along here will be happy to know all my paperwork cleared, I'm officially on the CSM7 ballot !!

No more worries about paperwork snafus. I'm fully vetted now, and looking forward to your votes!

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Indius Lux
Hoplite Brigade
#319 - 2012-02-13 20:32:48 UTC
Glad to hear it Hans!
namron 7
#320 - 2012-02-13 20:51:15 UTC
Hans you need to be in the CSM and you have my vote.

Thanks for the help