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dev response needed: what is actually being done to lower plex price

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Black Pedro
#21 - 2017-07-30 17:20:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
ISD Stall wrote:
At the end of the day, if the players want the price of PLEX to go down, they need to stop paying high levels for the PLEX.

For example, if no-one is willing to pay more than one billion, the price will eventually drop. It's basic economics.

Sure, it will drop because those same people you are councilling to not play the game will have quit and left, probably forever. PLEX isn't a Battleship or something you can live without - it is requirement for many players who cannot afford a subscription to play the game. Less players equals less demand for in-game PLEX but that isn't good for anyone.

What would be healthy is for players that want the price of PLEX to go down to be buying more PLEX from CCP and selling it to their fellows. More PLEX sales equals more activity in game, and pays the bills for CCP and is thus better for everyone. The trick is for CCP to make a game where players both want and need to buy PLEX from them to sell on the in-game market. While you can blame the players for not buying enough PLEX from CCP, or paying too much for it in-game, it really falls to CCP for failing to deliver an economically balanced game that people want to both play and spend money for PLEX on.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#22 - 2017-07-30 18:00:44 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
ISD Stall wrote:

At the end of the day, if the players want the price of PLEX to go down, they need to stop paying high levels for the PLEX.

For example, if no-one is willing to pay more than one billion, the price will eventually drop. It's basic economics.

Sounds like you are advocating people quit the game. Because that's how it's going to go if CCP keeps a mechanic in place where inflation is so bad that PLEX is the only thing that holds its value.

Look at the buy/sell orders. No one needs to put up a buy for 40,000 PLEX unless it's for manipulation purposes. As long as ISK is so easy to obtain that it's pretty much valueless, the 1% will hoard PLEX and the price will only climb.

That means, of course, that people who can't sub (for many more reasons than they're poor losers) will be forced to find another game to play. In fact, it's already happening.

Mr Epeen Cool

True statement.
The fact that the null sec cartel members can leverage the massive ISK they get ratting into plex manipulation is a direct result of CCP intervention, specifically creating the ISK machines in null.

The fact that this particular ISD is saying "HTFU", speaks volumes of the direction of the game, which is a downward spiral.
Liberty Rogues
Aprilon Dynasty
#23 - 2017-07-30 21:10:08 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
ISD Stall wrote:
At the end of the day, if the players want the price of PLEX to go down, they need to stop paying high levels for the PLEX.

For example, if no-one is willing to pay more than one billion, the price will eventually drop. It's basic economics.

Sure, it will drop because those same people you are councilling to not play the game will have quit and left, probably forever. PLEX isn't a Battleship or something you can live without - it is requirement for many players who cannot afford a subscription to play the game. Less players equals less demand for in-game PLEX but that isn't good for anyone.

What would be healthy is for players that want the price of PLEX to go down to be buying more PLEX from CCP and selling it to their fellows. More PLEX sales equals more activity in game, and pays the bills for CCP and is thus better for everyone. The trick is for CCP to make a game where players both want and need to buy PLEX from them to sell on the in-game market. While you can blame the players for not buying enough PLEX from CCP, or paying too much for it in-game, it really falls to CCP for failing to deliver an economically balanced game that people want to both play and spend money for PLEX on.

Supply has to exceed demand, pretty simple really, but its not going to be something you easily achieve, hell, the cheaper it becomes the more i'll buy to stock up before the next price increase :P

Buying game time with ISK has always continued to get expensive, i remember buying GTC's from people for 80mil back in the day :P
3Ra Syndicate
#24 - 2017-07-30 21:53:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Kosoku
There is no way supply will exceed demand. Almost every newbie thread have plexing their account as one of their goals.

More and more people want to plex their account because it is considered to be free. So, it's only logical that plex price goes up.

Finally, people have always complained about plex price ever since its introduction. This thread feels no different than the ones in 2012 and before.
Goonswarm Federation
#25 - 2017-07-31 05:37:31 UTC
Matthias Ancaladron wrote:

looking at 3.5m thats a 700m increase in a few months.
in 2009 it cost 300m, i came back november it was only 900m.
how does plex go up 800m in a few months and to a larger degree that it did in nearly 10 years.

People buy skill injectors. And they are addicted to it. Not me, I can quit anytime I like. Just need a few more years of learning injected in. Then the prices will probably drop soon. Also, it's not me, it's the other skill-injecting junkies that drive the price up.

CCP has nothing to do with it. It's not that the prices rose from the moment the drake was nerfed.

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