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The solution to out of control plex prices

#41 - 2017-07-26 15:54:30 UTC
Spank mehard wrote:

I love eve, but if they haven't added any real content by now they probably wont.

Yea, try paying designers/devs to do the work of implementing new and interesting **** with the current system...and playerbase...

Difficult to say the least.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#42 - 2017-07-26 17:23:15 UTC
The simple solution is to remove NPC bounties and add tons of new shiny loot and drops. This will create an ISK sink as it would only add value into market without adding ISK. Module is destroyed = Isk loss. Harder null NPC and more spawns. It would create TONS of content. maybe intense nullsec drifter incursions. Tons of drops or necessary loot for a new module or asset.
Josef Djugashvilis
#43 - 2017-07-26 17:40:19 UTC
Memphis Baas wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Dear Memphis Bass, I run level 4 missions to pay for my hapless pvp as do many, many players.

Sarcasm doesn't show very well in forum posts, so even though I tried to hint that "simple" solutions like mine and others won't fix the problem as easily as the OP seems to think, I guess the point was lost in the translation.

My point in this thread is that it's the 572nd thread on the topic of the cost of PLEX, and the 224th thread that offers a "simple" solution that does NOTHING to actually solve the issue.

If I wanted to continue the troll, I guess I'd say that the BOUNTIES are a problem, the mission payouts, LP, loot, and salvage are not. That means they actually have to nerf null ratting and anoms, not high-sec PVE missions. But anyway, I don't know CCP's in-game economy better than THEY do (they have an Economics PhD on staff after all), so what I'm suggesting is stupid, and, I imagine, all the other suggestions in this thread are similar to mine, so I'm amused. Does that make sense?

I can only apologize for my crass stupidity; misunderstanding the intent of your post.

Sorry Shocked

This is not a signature.

Corporate Navy Police Force
Sleep Reapers
#44 - 2017-07-26 18:27:09 UTC
Dubstepcat wrote:
The simple solution is to remove NPC bounties and add tons of new shiny loot and drops. This will create an ISK sink as it would only add value into market without adding ISK. Module is destroyed = Isk loss. Harder null NPC and more spawns. It would create TONS of content. maybe intense nullsec drifter incursions. Tons of drops or necessary loot for a new module or asset.

A module destroyed doesn't cause isk loss. You transferred the actual isk for that module when you bought it to another player. Just like adding modules through drops instead of isk bounties is not an isk faucet.

Actual isk loss is paying for insurance (but the insurance payout is a faucet), paying fees/taxes to NPC's, buying NPC created items (like BPO's), etc. Those actually remove isk from the game.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#45 - 2017-07-26 21:47:59 UTC
Scialt wrote:
Dubstepcat wrote:
The simple solution is to remove NPC bounties and add tons of new shiny loot and drops. This will create an ISK sink as it would only add value into market without adding ISK. Module is destroyed = Isk loss. Harder null NPC and more spawns. It would create TONS of content. maybe intense nullsec drifter incursions. Tons of drops or necessary loot for a new module or asset.

A module destroyed doesn't cause isk loss. You transferred the actual isk for that module when you bought it to another player. Just like adding modules through drops instead of isk bounties is not an isk faucet.

Actual isk loss is paying for insurance (but the insurance payout is a faucet), paying fees/taxes to NPC's, buying NPC created items (like BPO's), etc. Those actually remove isk from the game.

I mean it more in a value way. value removed from market perse. instead of a 50m tick its a 50m drop The drops will allow for the economy to move without the influx that npc bounties causes.
Ded Akara
#46 - 2017-07-27 10:17:13 UTC
Small drop in plex prices over night. However,

Right now in Forge region there's a buy order up for almost 40,000 plex. That's enough game time for 80 accounts. Is that a player with 80 accounts to subscribe or it a plex hoarder? - which would give a perfect example of plex hoarders driving the price up. How can the price fall when any speculators artificially keep it high by buying up plex just to hold in their hangar?
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#47 - 2017-07-27 10:33:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Neuntausend
If the rising prices were just due to speculation and hoarding, then this would be a classic bubble, in which case you'd just have to wait for it to pop and then buy PLEX for a couple thousand ISK each. I do not believe that's the main reason, though. Certainly not the only one. Thing is: PLEX do have value. Unlike isk, they are a currency backed by goods and services you can buy with them for a fixed price. They can be used to pay for your account, they can be used to pay for additional training queues, for character transfers, for skill extractors, for SKINs and other garbage from the NEX store. And as long as people are willing to spend 4M ISK on PLEX to do these things the price is perfectly justified. Only once the price reaches a level where the only ones willing to buy them are "hoarders" will the bubble burst. But we are not at this point yet.

In my book, this is all fair game. The prices can only be this high *because* people are still willing to pay them. Once they aren't anymore, the system will start regulating itself.
Corporate Navy Police Force
Sleep Reapers
#48 - 2017-07-27 14:48:04 UTC
Dubstepcat wrote:
Scialt wrote:
Dubstepcat wrote:
The simple solution is to remove NPC bounties and add tons of new shiny loot and drops. This will create an ISK sink as it would only add value into market without adding ISK. Module is destroyed = Isk loss. Harder null NPC and more spawns. It would create TONS of content. maybe intense nullsec drifter incursions. Tons of drops or necessary loot for a new module or asset.

A module destroyed doesn't cause isk loss. You transferred the actual isk for that module when you bought it to another player. Just like adding modules through drops instead of isk bounties is not an isk faucet.

Actual isk loss is paying for insurance (but the insurance payout is a faucet), paying fees/taxes to NPC's, buying NPC created items (like BPO's), etc. Those actually remove isk from the game.

I mean it more in a value way. value removed from market perse. instead of a 50m tick its a 50m drop The drops will allow for the economy to move without the influx that npc bounties causes.

I'm not dogging the idea, just the concept that destroyed items actually remove isk from the game. Similarly mining ore doesn't add isk to the game... it just adds an item that can be exchanged with another player for isk.

Removing bounties would remove the primary isk faucet. But that's a big change.
Algarion Getz
Aideron Corp
#49 - 2017-07-27 16:09:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Algarion Getz
Ded Akara wrote:
Small drop in plex prices over night. However,

Right now in Forge region there's a buy order up for almost 40,000 plex. That's enough game time for 80 accounts. Is that a player with 80 accounts to subscribe or it a plex hoarder? - which would give a perfect example of plex hoarders driving the price up. How can the price fall when any speculators artificially keep it high by buying up plex just to hold in their hangar?

Pff. 40,000 PLEX are pocket change for the rich players.

There are players who have millions of PLEX.

Not only the rich are investing in PLEX. Everyone is. Even a new player can afford to buy 10 PLEX (~35 mill at the moment) once in a while as investment.

Its not a problem when 1 or 100 players do this. Its a problem when 10,000+ players are doing this and they will keep doing this until PLEX becomes too expensive for the average player. But when will that be? At 10 mill? 20 mill?

Paying your sub with PLEX will soon be a thing of the past under these circumstances.
Worgen Fratmon
Netflix and Kill
Digital Vendetta
#50 - 2017-07-28 05:58:05 UTC
Ded Akara wrote:
Time for CCP to step in with some changes to put a stop the crazy plex price inflation. It will seriously harm the player count as more players stop plexing their accounts if nothing is done.

Watch all the PLEX hoarders come here and cry and try to convince you not to change it.

The simple solution would be to make it so PLEX can only be contracted/sold on the market in game one time, by the original person who purchased it from CCP - after that it is bound to the player, though can still be used to pay for game time for other accounts using the current plex gift system.

This would mean that if you purchase a plex from another player for isk on the market, contracts, trades or whatever - you are accepting that you must use the plex, you cannot trade it. This allows players to continue using plex in the way it was meant to be used, whilst stopping players using it as a commodity to be hoarded to increase their wealth as its price goes up.

Do this, and we'd see plex prices correcting to a lower sustainable amount begin as soon as the announcement is made.

Any other solutions?

Remove the ability to buy skill extractors with PLEX. Either real money or on the market. SP farms is the real driving factor behind the rising PLEX prices. But don't do any of this til after I sell all the PLEX I have stashed.
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