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The solution to out of control plex prices

Ded Akara
#1 - 2017-07-25 09:35:20 UTC
Time for CCP to step in with some changes to put a stop the crazy plex price inflation. It will seriously harm the player count as more players stop plexing their accounts if nothing is done.

Watch all the PLEX hoarders come here and cry and try to convince you not to change it.

The simple solution would be to make it so PLEX can only be contracted/sold on the market in game one time, by the original person who purchased it from CCP - after that it is bound to the player, though can still be used to pay for game time for other accounts using the current plex gift system.

This would mean that if you purchase a plex from another player for isk on the market, contracts, trades or whatever - you are accepting that you must use the plex, you cannot trade it. This allows players to continue using plex in the way it was meant to be used, whilst stopping players using it as a commodity to be hoarded to increase their wealth as its price goes up.

Do this, and we'd see plex prices correcting to a lower sustainable amount begin as soon as the announcement is made.

Any other solutions?
erg cz
Blood Blind
Short Bus Syndicate
#2 - 2017-07-25 10:48:58 UTC  |  Edited by: erg cz
Other solution would be to give PLEX expiration time. No need to follow who has whos PLEX etc.

BUT! From the top veterans uber pro elite PVP eve online players that would be dirty attempt to take ISK from honorable PLEX speculants and move them into your pocket. "What makes you so special? " will they ask... They absolutely ignore the fact, that you suggest to move ISK from the few "special" (hello, RMT) pockets into tens of thousands pockets, who really build this game up simply by playing and therefore creating content (unlike current PLEX holders). Yes, those, who PLEX their accounts, do not pay real money to CCP, but they make game interesting for those, who do.

Not gonna happen anyway - CCP does not want it. Last few years CCP give players many reasons why to want PLEX but few less reasons, why to want ISK. Actually only citadels made people want ISK. Ship skins, skill extractors, 1 to 500 PLEX change - those are good examples of the pressure on PLEX price.

If CCP realy want player to pay 60 euro (3 PLEXes) for one dreadnout again, they need to get rid of AFK money making mechanisms (station trade, skill farms, null carriers etc) and raise minerals price for ships / modules etc. Plus create new interesting content, both PvP and PvE, so players will be happy to exchange their ships for views (C7 wormholes, anyone?) or combat experiense (combat arenas with match maker and low waiting times)
Satchel Darkmatter
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#3 - 2017-07-25 11:07:51 UTC
I think a better solution would be to use the Diablo system, basically people only see a single plex on the market and they dont see whos selling it or how many there are, the market only lists the lowest priced plex, when its bought the next lowest item is the one listed, this is how Diablo III deals with some items , gems as I recall.

This would help the plex market a lot I think because it would be server wide, and people would fight to have theirs sell first undercutting the lowest price until it reaches a balanced and fair level.

bubba blitz
Church of DoG
#4 - 2017-07-25 11:08:31 UTC  |  Edited by: bubba blitz
The solution IMHO is quite simply. CCP only has to offer the ability to trade isk for plex directly from CCP. This way they have final say at what the going rate for a plex is.

I mean come on if I can buy a plex directly from CCP for 2.7 mil a piece am I gonna go to a hoarder and pay 3.2 mil?
Anna Maria Yolo
Neutron Blaster Solutions
#5 - 2017-07-25 11:31:20 UTC
Ded Akara wrote:
Time for CCP to step in with some changes to put a stop the crazy plex price inflation. It will seriously harm the player count as more players stop plexing their accounts if nothing is done.

Watch all the PLEX hoarders come here and cry and try to convince you not to change it.

The simple solution would be to make it so PLEX can only be contracted/sold on the market in game one time, by the original person who purchased it from CCP - after that it is bound to the player, though can still be used to pay for game time for other accounts using the current plex gift system.

This would mean that if you purchase a plex from another player for isk on the market, contracts, trades or whatever - you are accepting that you must use the plex, you cannot trade it. This allows players to continue using plex in the way it was meant to be used, whilst stopping players using it as a commodity to be hoarded to increase their wealth as its price goes up.

Do this, and we'd see plex prices correcting to a lower sustainable amount begin as soon as the announcement is made.

Any other solutions?

Two things - we dont see the PLEX inflation, but opposite - PLEX deflation. It is caused by speculation on microplexes. There is ISK inflation.

Your proposal will change nothing. Everyone will be able for example buy plexes and convert them to injectors or do anything else. The problem is that plexes became too similar to ISK. CCP just proved that Gresham's law works :)
Ded Akara
#6 - 2017-07-25 12:12:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Ded Akara
erg cz wrote:
Other solution would be to give PLEX expiration time. No need to follow who has whos PLEX etc.

BUT! From the top veterans uber pro elite PVP eve online players that would be dirty attempt to take ISK from honorable PLEX speculants and move them into your pocket. "What makes you so special? " will they ask... They absolutely ignore the fact, that you suggest to move ISK from the few "special" (hello, RMT) pockets into tens of thousands pockets, who really build this game up simply by playing and therefore creating content (unlike current PLEX holders). Yes, those, who PLEX their accounts, do not pay real money to CCP, but they make game interesting for those, who do.

Not gonna happen anyway - CCP does not want it. Last few years CCP give players many reasons why to want PLEX but few less reasons, why to want ISK. Actually only citadels made people want ISK. Ship skins, skill extractors, 1 to 500 PLEX change - those are good examples of the pressure on PLEX price.

If CCP realy want player to pay 60 euro (3 PLEXes) for one dreadnout again, they need to get rid of AFK money making mechanisms (station trade, skill farms, null carriers etc) and raise minerals price for ships / modules etc. Plus create new interesting content, both PvP and PvE, so players will be happy to exchange their ships for views (C7 wormholes, anyone?) or combat experiense (combat arenas with match maker and low waiting times)

An expiration timer could work too although I'm not sure how they would go around the issue of people selling a plex on the market that has 5 minutes expiration time left in order to troll people.

I suppose they could make it work by allowing plex an expiration timer of 3 days for example. After 3 days, the plex is no longer tradable and you can either use it or see it go to waste by keeping it in your hangar forever. (pointlessly)
Ded Akara
#7 - 2017-07-25 12:22:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Ded Akara
Anna Maria Yolo wrote:
Ded Akara wrote:
Time for CCP to step in with some changes to put a stop the crazy plex price inflation. It will seriously harm the player count as more players stop plexing their accounts if nothing is done.

Watch all the PLEX hoarders come here and cry and try to convince you not to change it.

The simple solution would be to make it so PLEX can only be contracted/sold on the market in game one time, by the original person who purchased it from CCP - after that it is bound to the player, though can still be used to pay for game time for other accounts using the current plex gift system.

This would mean that if you purchase a plex from another player for isk on the market, contracts, trades or whatever - you are accepting that you must use the plex, you cannot trade it. This allows players to continue using plex in the way it was meant to be used, whilst stopping players using it as a commodity to be hoarded to increase their wealth as its price goes up.

Do this, and we'd see plex prices correcting to a lower sustainable amount begin as soon as the announcement is made.

Any other solutions?

Two things - we dont see the PLEX inflation, but opposite - PLEX deflation. It is caused by speculation on microplexes. There is ISK inflation.

Your proposal will change nothing. Everyone will be able for example buy plexes and convert them to injectors or do anything else. The problem is that plexes became too similar to ISK. CCP just proved that Gresham's law works :)

Yes I have considered that people may move them into injectors as a way to keep their cash cow going. I am sure a method could be implented as well to deal with this if it were to be a problem.

One way would be to change it so that skill extractors bought using plex in the in game store are not tradable, they are bound to you. This doesn't cause any problems because if a person wants skill extractors all they have to do is buy some plex and then convert the plex to extractors. It would only become tradable once turned into a skill injector by extracting skills.

This should stop the PLEX hoarding madness. If it turns out there's a new item people move to and the same problem starts again, though I doubt it will do, because extractors and plex are the two big ones - then just move that item also to be unsellable once it has been purchased with PLEX.

To really remove any possibility of people finding a way around this you could make it so that any item purchased in the EVE store for PLEX cannot be traded/sold in game. If a player wants an item from the EVE store they simply buy plex from the market or CCP and then purchase the item.

To make sure skill injectors remain tradable, a skill extractor would only become a tradable item after it has been converted into a skill injector by extracting skills.
Josef Djugashvilis
#8 - 2017-07-25 12:30:56 UTC
The price of PLEX is a self correcting issue.

If, as some claim, the ever increasing cost of PLEX reduces player numbers to any great extent, CCP will step in with whatever measures they need to to protect their bottom line.

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Memphis Baas
#9 - 2017-07-25 13:22:52 UTC
This thread is awesome: simplistic simple solutions to a complex issue!!!

Here's mine:

- Kill off the ISK faucet that is NPC bounties.

This will put a stop to the ISK entering the economy, making the exchange rate / conversion between ISK and PLEX go the other way (lower ISK prices for PLEX).

Here's a second simplistic solution:

- remove skill injectors from the game.

This will completely kill the demand for PLEX -> ISK -> Injectors, leaving the huge stock of PLEX with no buyers, and thus much lower prices.
Corporate Navy Police Force
Sleep Reapers
#10 - 2017-07-25 13:37:29 UTC
Think of this as a basic economics problem.

Price is set by supply and demand. Supply comes mainly from people buying plex with real money in order to get in-game currency (or selling stockpiles accumulated over time). The demand comes from players looking to use plex for game time, skill farming or purchasing of stuff.

There are multiple ways to influence this balance if you want to bring plex prices down. The easiest one though is just to inject plex into the game without them being purchased.

Imagine if the rewards from the current event were 100 and 500 plex instead of 1 and 5. Supply would go up. Prices would go down. People hording plex who hear about the upcoming event dropping plex would liquidate some of their stockpile to try to take advantage of current high prices before they drop.

It's not complicated. If CCP gives away more plex... prices will drop due to higher supply.
Inactive Seller
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2017-07-25 13:55:41 UTC
Satchel Darkmatter wrote:
I think a better solution would be to use the Diablo system, basically people only see a single plex on the market and they dont see whos selling it or how many there are, the market only lists the lowest priced plex, when its bought the next lowest item is the one listed, this is how Diablo III deals with some items , gems as I recall.

This would help the plex market a lot I think because it would be server wide, and people would fight to have theirs sell first undercutting the lowest price until it reaches a balanced and fair level.

d3 markets were shut down if i recall correctly, both gold and real money

All character bazaar done. Finally 39 pilot and 3 can be killed later. This account will be used only for forum interaction, fly safe.

Ebony Texas
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2017-07-25 14:07:19 UTC
the best solution to all this drama is simply

BAN PLEX from the fawking game.. seriously ccp this has been your #1 carrot and mistake..

screw free to play

make eve online subscription based again..

you cant afford $15/mo

then simple.. don't play and go play your stinkin free games elsewhere cheap , broke as bastards!..

get a fawking job and pay your membership like every normal gamer does.. simple as that..

sick of these crabs in the barrel always whinning and bitching, moaning and growning over some stupid game time they want for free instead of just out right earning it..

get rid of the PLEX system ccp... its the only solution.

OId SouI
#13 - 2017-07-25 14:10:31 UTC  |  Edited by: OId SouI
From a purely business side I would think higher plex prices = more incentive to spend cash on plex = CCP won't do anything.

Correct me if I'm wrong I am not a deep thinker.
Ebony Texas
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2017-07-25 14:16:57 UTC
OId SouI wrote:
From a purely business side I would think higher plex prices = more incentive to spend cash on plex = CCP won't do anything.

Correct me if I'm wrong I am not a deep thinker.

higher plex prices forces someone to simply pay for the game like they should have, its just impulsive players that cant seem to turn away from buying the stuff all the time..

perhaps they want to mine into free game time, which I completely understand, however the market is very manipulated right now and those cartels have added so much poison to the market that its time to allow them to get punched in the face abit..

stop buying the plex..

break the market.

Ded Akara
#15 - 2017-07-25 15:08:13 UTC
OId SouI wrote:
From a purely business side I would think higher plex prices = more incentive to spend cash on plex = CCP won't do anything.

Correct me if I'm wrong I am not a deep thinker.

Or another way of looking at it. Higher plex prices = people easily able to buy everything they need for not much real cash, they soon get bored and quit the game.
Josef Djugashvilis
#16 - 2017-07-25 16:00:02 UTC
Dear Memphis Bass, I run level 4 missions to pay for my hapless pvp as do many, many players.

I am not sure how your solution would help me and the many players who use level 4 missions, to, you know, play the game.

PS I have never bought a PLEX to use or to sell on, I have always paid by annual sub.

Thank you.

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Corporate Navy Police Force
Sleep Reapers
#17 - 2017-07-25 16:08:31 UTC
OId SouI wrote:
From a purely business side I would think higher plex prices = more incentive to spend cash on plex = CCP won't do anything.

Correct me if I'm wrong I am not a deep thinker.

The issue is when that plex price drives down the number of players.

Think of it this way. Let's say that there are 20,000 players who grind in game to earn isk to plex their accounts. Let's say the price of a month goes up to 3 billion isk and that causes half of those 20,000 players to quit grinding isk and they leave EVE entirely.

That will drive down demand and eventually plex prices will decrease and the market will balance... the problem is those 10,000 who left likely won't come back anytime soon. And as the playerbase who are omega drops... so do CCP profits.

The question is an what price point does it become a problem. More than likely we'll be able to tell after it happens... but how does CCP head it off before that point?
Corporate Navy Police Force
Sleep Reapers
#18 - 2017-07-25 16:14:43 UTC
As I said earlier... if CCP really believes plex prices should drop, they can easily simply inject plexes into the game as rewards (like the current Agency event only 100 times the plex reward).

But to be honest... they can probably achieve the same impact without actually injecting plex. A simple release from the devs stating that they believe plex prices are approaching a point where they might damage the game and are preparing a system for injecting plex into the game to be used whenever plex rices are too high.

But they probably will never need to implement it.


Well because there are a lot of people hoarding plexes. When an announcement comes out that suggests the plex price might be forced down... many will liquidate some portion of their stash to take advantage of the high prices now due to the threat of lower prices later. This should be enough to drive plex prices down without CCP doing anything. The simple knowledge that CCP has the intention of injecting plex into the market to devalue plex if it gets too high creates a market force that will spur speculators to get out when prices on plex are high to drop the plex value. This will also spur those who are considering using real money to buy plex to do so quicker when plex prices get high so they can beat CCP's intervention action that would make their purchase have less isk value down the road.

All just because people THINK CCP would inject large amounts of plex into the market.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#19 - 2017-07-25 17:30:17 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
The price of PLEX is a self correcting issue.

If, as some claim, the ever increasing cost of PLEX reduces player numbers to any great extent, CCP will step in with whatever measures they need to to protect their bottom line.
It's either self correcting or it's not.

If it's self correcting then CPP won't need to step in. If CCP has to step in, then it's not self correcting.

Get off the fence and pick a side, Josef. You can't have it both ways.

Mr Epeen Cool
TransMine Group
Gluten Free Cartel
#20 - 2017-07-25 17:45:18 UTC
Excuse me but what is the actual problem you are trying to solve?

No, really. Ability to Plex an account was a privilege right from the start. Or put another way, a bonus for being good at the game. If you find it increasingly harder and harder to achieve it, it simply means that many other folks got as good at you, or better.

And from economic perspective, soaring prices mean people are buying. So maybe instead of whining start selling?
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