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[June] Fighter Damage Reduction

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Troedoff Dude
Potato Security
#1021 - 2017-06-10 02:08:11 UTC
Dare I say a monocle style protest may be on the horizon? I sure hope so. We are aware that you are switching to a more micro transaction model CCP. Hence the hiring of the micro transaction guy, the free to play model, and the changing of aurum to plex.Even the way you advertise plex for sale on your site. The look you get this for free bs. Keep forcing your loyal player base into a corner, and watch it shrink.
Dengdeng Xiao
Mechanical Force of Vision
#1022 - 2017-06-10 02:08:19 UTC
stupid change, disapoint on you CCP, so you really like those multi box player because they give you money? but that will kill you .
Lamajagarn McMyra
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1023 - 2017-06-10 02:09:11 UTC
Kaze Mester wrote:
Lamajagarn McMyra wrote:
Don't like this change either, rather than just lowering the reward try increasing the risk. Lower the ehp to make them resonably killable by 10 battleships. Add a posibility to instantly counter a cyno, have been sugesting a targeted cynosural disruptor for a long time. With the current system you pretty much have to go afk in a ratting carrier to get caught.

Yeah...let 10 bs kill my 25b super. Great idea.

10 battleships properly fit, pirate or blops probly clocks in around 2 bil each, a total of 20 bil on field that is split up over 10 people. Compare to 10 cruisers vs a battleship, the battleship will most likely be dead in minutes. The built in stabs on the super makes it incredibly hard to catch anyways assuming the pilot ain't a complete herpaderp.

Risk free overpowered super ratting just brings us closer to suffering the fate of the chinese server.
The Lone Barfolo
Order of the Flaming Sun
#1024 - 2017-06-10 02:11:25 UTC
Lamajagarn McMyra wrote:
Kaze Mester wrote:
Lamajagarn McMyra wrote:
Don't like this change either, rather than just lowering the reward try increasing the risk. Lower the ehp to make them resonably killable by 10 battleships. Add a posibility to instantly counter a cyno, have been sugesting a targeted cynosural disruptor for a long time. With the current system you pretty much have to go afk in a ratting carrier to get caught.

Yeah...let 10 bs kill my 25b super. Great idea.

10 battleships properly fit, pirate or blops probly clocks in around 2 bil each, a total of 20 bil on field that is split up over 10 people. Compare to 10 cruisers vs a battleship, the battleship will most likely be dead in minutes. The built in stabs on the super makes it incredibly hard to catch anyways assuming the pilot ain't a complete herpaderp.

Risk free overpowered super ratting just brings us closer to suffering the fate of the chinese server.

So ... what happened on the Chinese server?
Ter Jern Wolf
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1025 - 2017-06-10 02:14:09 UTC
Troedoff Dude wrote:
Dare I say a monocle style protest may be on the horizon? I sure hope so. We are aware that you are switching to a more micro transaction model CCP. Hence the hiring of the micro transaction guy, the free to play model, and the changing of aurum to plex.Even the way you advertise plex for sale on your site. The look you get this for free bs. Keep forcing your loyal player base into a corner, and watch it shrink.

I am looking forward to the protests. This game only exists because the players and devs came together to make it great. Hubris has blinded them, and caused poorly thought out and planned changes with inappropriate lacking in transparency and working with the community to solve problems.

Bring us your problems, ask our input, debate openly with us - not just the handful of elites with the cares of empires. No more of this we see a problem, here is the WoW fix for it, deal and like it. That is not how this community works.
Alexksey Buldakov
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1026 - 2017-06-10 02:16:43 UTC
The Lone Barfolo wrote:
Lamajagarn McMyra wrote:
Kaze Mester wrote:
Lamajagarn McMyra wrote:
Don't like this change either, rather than just lowering the reward try increasing the risk. Lower the ehp to make them resonably killable by 10 battleships. Add a posibility to instantly counter a cyno, have been sugesting a targeted cynosural disruptor for a long time. With the current system you pretty much have to go afk in a ratting carrier to get caught.

Yeah...let 10 bs kill my 25b super. Great idea.

10 battleships properly fit, pirate or blops probly clocks in around 2 bil each, a total of 20 bil on field that is split up over 10 people. Compare to 10 cruisers vs a battleship, the battleship will most likely be dead in minutes. The built in stabs on the super makes it incredibly hard to catch anyways assuming the pilot ain't a complete herpaderp.

Risk free overpowered super ratting just brings us closer to suffering the fate of the chinese server.

So ... what happened on the Chinese server?

There is a complete swamp
ISD Max Trix
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#1027 - 2017-06-10 02:17:19 UTC
Removed a post discussing moderation.

ISD Max Trix


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE mails about forum moderation.

Alexksey Buldakov
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1028 - 2017-06-10 02:19:36 UTC
Ter Jern Wolf wrote:
Troedoff Dude wrote:
Dare I say a monocle style protest may be on the horizon? I sure hope so. We are aware that you are switching to a more micro transaction model CCP. Hence the hiring of the micro transaction guy, the free to play model, and the changing of aurum to plex.Even the way you advertise plex for sale on your site. The look you get this for free bs. Keep forcing your loyal player base into a corner, and watch it shrink.

I am looking forward to the protests. This game only exists because the players and devs came together to make it great. Hubris has blinded them, and caused poorly thought out and planned changes with inappropriate lacking in transparency and working with the community to solve problems.

Bring us your problems, ask our input, debate openly with us - not just the handful of elites with the cares of empires. No more of this we see a problem, here is the WoW fix for it, deal and like it. That is not how this community works.

I'm afraid we will never see protests as a "Day of wrath"...the Gaming community is not the same,and the developers absolutely exactly the opinion of the players.
ISD Max Trix
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#1029 - 2017-06-10 02:25:25 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Max Trix
12. Discussion of forum moderation is prohibited.

The discussion of EVE Online forum moderation actions generally leads to flaming, trolling and baiting of our ISD CCL moderators. As such, this type of discussion is strictly prohibited under the forum rules. If you have questions regarding the actions of a moderator, please file a support ticket under the Community & Forums Category.

Still removing post for the above reason.

Support tickets can be filed here :

ISD Max Trix


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE mails about forum moderation.

Blood Tide
#1030 - 2017-06-10 02:27:11 UTC
inb4 Archon/Aeon are 100% worthless after changes. A Vagabond will do more DPS.
Nortal Aldent
Hate By Design Inc.
#1031 - 2017-06-10 02:27:13 UTC
So, I just got into a carrier a wee while back and have only used it PVE...and so I see how it will impact "my" game in that regards, but a 20% dmg will that impact PVP use?

Dengdeng Xiao
Mechanical Force of Vision
#1032 - 2017-06-10 02:27:26 UTC
Lamajagarn McMyra wrote:
Kaze Mester wrote:
Lamajagarn McMyra wrote:
Don't like this change either, rather than just lowering the reward try increasing the risk. Lower the ehp to make them resonably killable by 10 battleships. Add a posibility to instantly counter a cyno, have been sugesting a targeted cynosural disruptor for a long time. With the current system you pretty much have to go afk in a ratting carrier to get caught.

Yeah...let 10 bs kill my 25b super. Great idea.

10 battleships properly fit, pirate or blops probly clocks in around 2 bil each, a total of 20 bil on field that is split up over 10 people. Compare to 10 cruisers vs a battleship, the battleship will most likely be dead in minutes. The built in stabs on the super makes it incredibly hard to catch anyways assuming the pilot ain't a complete herpaderp.

Risk free overpowered super ratting just brings us closer to suffering the fate of the chinese server.

then don't nerf the carrier, nerf the multi box players , nerf the smartbomb, nerf the 24hours ratting, they ruined the Chinese server. And they are ruining tranquility. hummmmmmm, However, CCP like em, may be they give CCP more money, yes, i'm happy to see CCP ruin itself, lets see the economic breakdown in the future.
Ter Jern Wolf
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1033 - 2017-06-10 02:28:18 UTC
Alexksey Buldakov wrote:
Ter Jern Wolf wrote:
Troedoff Dude wrote:
Dare I say a monocle style protest may be on the horizon? I sure hope so. We are aware that you are switching to a more micro transaction model CCP. Hence the hiring of the micro transaction guy, the free to play model, and the changing of aurum to plex.Even the way you advertise plex for sale on your site. The look you get this for free bs. Keep forcing your loyal player base into a corner, and watch it shrink.

I am looking forward to the protests. This game only exists because the players and devs came together to make it great. Hubris has blinded them, and caused poorly thought out and planned changes with inappropriate lacking in transparency and working with the community to solve problems.

Bring us your problems, ask our input, debate openly with us - not just the handful of elites with the cares of empires. No more of this we see a problem, here is the WoW fix for it, deal and like it. That is not how this community works.

I'm afraid we will never see protests as a "Day of wrath"...the Gaming community is not the same,and the developers absolutely exactly the opinion of the players.

Got a fair few already in jita, I'm hopeful more will show up. Watching damage control from what they had to know was going to be horribly received changes makes me feel terribly sad for the state and mentality they have fallen into. They had better options, they had better ways of doing it, they even had better ways of gaining community support. Instead they treat us like dogs and kick us. It is very telling.
Aries Stark
The Organization of Fire and Steel
Elementium Alliance
#1034 - 2017-06-10 02:30:16 UTC
So what's the point of having a 30b Super with heavy fighters that cost me more than a t1 battleship per flight?

get rid of afk ishtars and kill off invulnerable rorquals if you wanna hurt the nullsec isk fountain.

they cost nothing, require no effort, and put mountains of isk into the game.

and Titans may get amazing ticks, but they lose a good amount of it to fuel production.
(while risking almost 100b mind you)

You guys made WH space with the theme of Risk VS Reward
but you keep nerfing the big ticket risks by taking away their reward for risking that much.
i mean you guys just gave goonswarm a personalized isk faucet they cleared with punishers.
Might as well be fox news with how fair and balanced this is.

There's almost no reason to have a super these days.

it's so hard to not be angry about this.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#1035 - 2017-06-10 02:30:17 UTC
Alexksey Buldakov wrote:

I'm afraid we will never see protests as a "Day of wrath"...the Gaming community is not the same,and the developers absolutely exactly the opinion of the players.

That & that a sizeable portion of the normal people on the forums actually know the nerf is needed because we understand the EVE economy and have followed the economic reports which clearly show the problem.
Khara Hirl
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1036 - 2017-06-10 02:38:55 UTC
Aries Stark wrote:
So what's the point of having a 30b Super with heavy fighters that cost me more than a t1 battleship per flight?

get rid of afk ishtars and kill off invulnerable rorquals if you wanna hurt the nullsec isk fountain.

they cost nothing, require no effort, and put mountains of isk into the game.

and Titans may get amazing ticks, but they lose a good amount of it to fuel production.
(while risking almost 100b mind you)

You guys made WH space with the theme of Risk VS Reward
but you keep nerfing the big ticket risks by taking away their reward for risking that much.
i mean you guys just gave goonswarm a personalized isk faucet they cleared with punishers.
Might as well be fox news with how fair and balanced this is.

There's almost no reason to have a super these days.

it's so hard to not be angry about this.

Ishtars also hit 1/3rd of what a carrier can hit per tick, don't really want to hear that crap. Also the reason they work is because they are fast and the drones are good. That' what gallente focuses on for their Hacs.
DarkYakuza Talie-Kuo
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1037 - 2017-06-10 02:39:54 UTC
Well... 20% decrease damage to my nid... guess that's it then.

We had a good run
Alexksey Buldakov
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1038 - 2017-06-10 02:40:13 UTC
Ter Jern Wolf wrote:
Alexksey Buldakov wrote:
Ter Jern Wolf wrote:
Troedoff Dude wrote:
Dare I say a monocle style protest may be on the horizon? I sure hope so. We are aware that you are switching to a more micro transaction model CCP. Hence the hiring of the micro transaction guy, the free to play model, and the changing of aurum to plex.Even the way you advertise plex for sale on your site. The look you get this for free bs. Keep forcing your loyal player base into a corner, and watch it shrink.

I am looking forward to the protests. This game only exists because the players and devs came together to make it great. Hubris has blinded them, and caused poorly thought out and planned changes with inappropriate lacking in transparency and working with the community to solve problems.

Bring us your problems, ask our input, debate openly with us - not just the handful of elites with the cares of empires. No more of this we see a problem, here is the WoW fix for it, deal and like it. That is not how this community works.

I'm afraid we will never see protests as a "Day of wrath"...the Gaming community is not the same,and the developers absolutely exactly the opinion of the players.

Got a fair few already in jita, I'm hopeful more will show up. Watching damage control from what they had to know was going to be horribly received changes makes me feel terribly sad for the state and mentality they have fallen into. They had better options, they had better ways of doing it, they even had better ways of gaining community support. Instead they treat us like dogs and kick us. It is very telling.

We can hear only one way
If you disagree at least for one month will not extend your subscription. This hole will be immediately evident in reports to investors
#1039 - 2017-06-10 02:41:17 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Alexksey Buldakov wrote:

I'm afraid we will never see protests as a "Day of wrath"...the Gaming community is not the same,and the developers absolutely exactly the opinion of the players.

That & that a sizeable portion of the normal people on the forums actually know the nerf is needed because we understand the EVE economy and have followed the economic reports which clearly show the problem.

to be fair nevyn the issue lies with the fact of the lack of content to deplete the current stockpiles of isk...even with the said nerfs coming it would take years to even alleviate the proposed issue being brought forward right now.

the only people being affected are the players without assets and further stunts growth while the rich continue to get richer despite the nerfs due to the assets at their disposal. whats to stop them from creating more pilots to offset the nerfs.

just even more nerfs
Alexksey Buldakov
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1040 - 2017-06-10 02:43:01 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Alexksey Buldakov wrote:

I'm afraid we will never see protests as a "Day of wrath"...the Gaming community is not the same,and the developers absolutely exactly the opinion of the players.

That & that a sizeable portion of the normal people on the forums actually know the nerf is needed because we understand the EVE economy and have followed the economic reports which clearly show the problem.

and maybe we should raise the archive, say for the last 5 years?and lo and behold,every year the same.