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Advanced Audio Settings Changes

First post
Arline Kley
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#221 - 2017-05-14 15:58:28 UTC
CCP Antiquarian wrote:
"Use Combat music" applies only in non-site situations and triggers a music change when the active ship is targeted. Examples: at a regular asteroid belt, slowboating to a gate, getting jumped at your safe, etc..

As an advanced heads up, turning this option off still boots up the combat tunes for Faction Warfare sites. I've submitted a bug report about it, since it seems to ignore all other settings, but the only way to turn it off is to either mute the music or disable/enable the entire audio system.

"For it was said they had become like those peculiar demons, which dwell in matter but in whom no light may be found." - Father Grigori, Ravens 3:57

Dihi San
Lucky Few
#222 - 2017-05-14 16:29:30 UTC
Since in your infinite wisdom decided to dumb down sound options to be on par with farmville...please remove the d-scan ping sound and the ui mouseover clickety sounds ktnx. Some of the sounds are crucial to in-game survival, but since they come in the same package with other sounds that are annoying as hell....I'd rather not even play this game anymore.
Cyber Collapse.
Fanatic Legion.
#223 - 2017-05-14 16:34:51 UTC
CCP Antiquarian wrote:
HyperFlareX wrote:

Thank you so much!

Don't thank me. I am just the guy letting you all know what's happening and helping the Audio team sort through the feedback.

I've added the additional comments to the list for consideration.

Why not return all the sound options? I have six accounts and I can not play normally with this sound. What do I do with this?
CCP Antiquarian
C C P Alliance
#224 - 2017-05-14 18:07:18 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Antiquarian
Arline Kley wrote:
CCP Antiquarian wrote:
"Use Combat music" applies only in non-site situations and triggers a music change when the active ship is targeted. Examples: at a regular asteroid belt, slowboating to a gate, getting jumped at your safe, etc..

As an advanced heads up, turning this option off still boots up the combat tunes for Faction Warfare sites. I've submitted a bug report about it, since it seems to ignore all other settings, but the only way to turn it off is to either mute the music or disable/enable the entire audio system.

Thanks for the comment, Arline. You're describing the system working correctly, since sites (missions, anomalies, FW sites) have their own separate music system. |The Combat music option was introduced to bring that type of effect to "ordinary" encounters.

Everyone else, I continue to compile your feedback and deliver it to the audio team. I will keep you informed as CCP Baldur makes additional decisions and changes that affect the menu. Thanks again for coming here and letting us know about your experiences and opinions.

Changes already present on Singularity (like the click slider) should be deployed to TQ at the next update.

"Singularity pilots are helpful pilots."

@CCP_Antiquarian - for immediate fulfillment of your archaic social media needs.

Sergey Hawk
The Sith Syndicate
#225 - 2017-05-14 18:32:47 UTC
CCP Antiquarian wrote:

Changes already present on Singularity (like the click slider) should be deployed to TQ at the next update.

Why is CCP Baldur so stubborn?
Just revert changes and never do not touch advanced sound settings again!
It is better to completely remove the silly sounds such as Cricket, Scanner WOOOOOO, Scanner DONG.

Aura: "You need to be within range to execute this function."

Kimi Räikkönen: “Leave me alone, I know what I’m doing.”

Circumstantial Evidence
#226 - 2017-05-14 20:46:57 UTC
CCP explained why this change has to be made in the first post. Anyone continuing to protest that audio settings not change, is (metaphorically speaking) arguing with a brick wall: they do not usually move out of your way.
Zero Davahum
#227 - 2017-05-15 05:09:38 UTC
Circumstantial Evidence wrote:
CCP explained why this change has to be made in the first post. Anyone continuing to protest that audio settings not change, is (metaphorically speaking) arguing with a brick wall: they do not usually move out of your way.

I sure as hell am not going to sit by while CCP makes a pointless change that benefits nobody.

I now have to completely turn off my sound every time I join a fleet because I am no longer able to use the advanced options to equalise the volume of all sounds, leaving them on means I can't hear the fleet comms, its very inconsiderate of CCP to implement a change that kills immersion for people like me who have mild hearing loss.
Queloor Zefram
Goonswarm Federation
#228 - 2017-05-15 07:16:26 UTC
Circumstantial Evidence wrote:
CCP explained why this change has to be made in the first post. Anyone continuing to protest that audio settings not change, is (metaphorically speaking) arguing with a brick wall: they do not usually move out of your way.

BS, we are paying customers. Now we do have two choices, we can speak up, or resignate and quit the game.

The meme "Eve has sound?" stemmed from times when Eve's sound was buggy and not well customiseable. I don't think that anybody wants to get back to these archaic times.

Besides from a software development perspective the original reasons given total smell like technical debt in the source code of eve. Nowadays one tries to avoid doing quality assurance manually, one programs test cases for that. You write code and you write the test cases for them at the same time. Then, before any release or even when doing nightly builds, one runs these test cases. Automatic testing => problem detection solved once and for all, no manual labour.

Sky Marshal
State War Academy
Caldari State
#229 - 2017-05-15 11:00:03 UTC
If you absolutely NEED to retrieve some "valuable interface space", why not doing like the Brightness button in the Graphic Content Settings ?

An AAS button who give access to the list of sliders, like Brightness. Each slider with a tooltip to basically explain what it does. Problem solved.
Dzieci we mgle
#230 - 2017-05-15 13:07:20 UTC

WildStrawberry wrote:
...WORMHOLES...(possibly paraphrased)

Thanks for putting this up here. Please have a go at using the set up tomorrow and come back to see how the sliders worked out as far as minimizing the sounds you don't need, then add further comment. CCP Baldur will be monitoring the player response here.

After some testing i came up with results which do not satisfy me but are a compromise between insanity and temptation to throw speakers out the window.


Thanks to such low granularity my settings show my appreciation to the hard work of CCP's audio guys which effects i won't hear anymore. So yeah, nice little effects you made. Really good work. Too bad they play together with some awfull noice. MUUUUUUTED!!!! Bye, next please.

At least redo all that annoying noice if you want people to listen to it ;-).
Cyber Collapse.
Fanatic Legion.
#231 - 2017-05-15 13:47:22 UTC
CCP Antiquarian, CCP Baldur, how can I play with this sound?

I need Shield Warning, Hull Warning, Cap Warning, Armor Warning, and at the same time I get it BZZZZZZZ. How can I play now?
Liu Mayaki
Nomen Est Omen
#232 - 2017-05-15 14:00:18 UTC
Sky Marshal wrote:
If you absolutely NEED to retrieve some "valuable interface space", why not doing like the Brightness button in the Graphic Content Settings ?

An AAS button who give access to the list of sliders, like Brightness. Each slider with a tooltip to basically explain what it does. Problem solved.

This is total BS. Any number of tabs could be added to handle sound and other new options and it would't cost a billion.
If the CCP devs is stating that a problem I could propose give us text interface file with ALL sound settings. If file
exists - use it otherwise default.

Somebody deliberately started all this nightmare with adding D-scan, click, probes, station sounds which nobody ever asked. Players asked for D-scan sound disable from the time of 119.3 patch deployment. Insted of this simple action more sounds were added and AAS revomed. It's a way to drive player insane only by listening all that noise.

EvE main problem is content and now everybody are distracted with restoring sound options. It's also way of "devepolment" but poor one.
Flharfh Lhar
Sasquatch Control Bureau
#233 - 2017-05-15 15:15:50 UTC
CCP, please stop fixing things that aren't broken. Revert the audio changes.
Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#234 - 2017-05-15 23:03:46 UTC
After multiple hours of play this weekend I'm still stating the fact you need to seperate wormholes, star gates and stations to their own sliders.

I can't stand the stations/planet effects after multiple hours.


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

The Grumble
#235 - 2017-05-16 04:19:12 UTC
CCP Antiquarian wrote:
The first adjustments to this have been made and can be seen on Singularity.

1. Reintroduction of the UI Click slider.
2. Reassignment of the 3rd Party Warp sound to the Jump Activation category.

Giving some of the individual ones back is a good start; we can now properly control the UI click and 3rd party warp like before without having other options effected.

For this to be workable though, we still need to at least get a separated station interiors slider from the atmosphere slider, though. Otherwise we will have to continue to choose between ear cancer within 5 minutes of logging on, or having to manipulate the atmosphere slider constantly as we play.
Queloor Zefram
Goonswarm Federation
#236 - 2017-05-16 06:19:33 UTC

Any progress in getting the old advanced sound settings back ?

CCP Antiquarian
C C P Alliance
#237 - 2017-05-16 10:55:42 UTC
Audio has looked over the feedback and has decided to hold off on additional changes for the continuing rework of settings.

After today's (16/05/2017) patch, there will be no further alterations to the Advanced Audio Settings in the current release.

"Singularity pilots are helpful pilots."

@CCP_Antiquarian - for immediate fulfillment of your archaic social media needs.

Felyx Ravencroft
#238 - 2017-05-16 12:15:50 UTC
Sad So where't the thumbs-down 'Dislike' button on this forum...?

All this "hold off" and "in the current release" sounds to me like nothing but a smokescreen, a way to avoid admitting straight up that that's that, that this reduced, cut back, dumbed down, far less functional idiocy of a non-advanced interface is what we're stuck with for good (or rather, for ILL), an attempt to get the playerbase to get used to it and just accept this significant backward step...

Bad move.
Queloor Zefram
Goonswarm Federation
#239 - 2017-05-16 12:48:29 UTC
CCP Antiquarian wrote:
Audio has looked over the feedback and has decided to hold off on additional changes for the continuing rework of settings.

After today's (16/05/2017) patch, there will be no further alterations to the Advanced Audio Settings in the current release.

Utterly devastating comportment by CCP.
Very disappointed Cry

Sergey Hawk
The Sith Syndicate
#240 - 2017-05-16 12:59:30 UTC
CCP Antiquarian wrote:

After today's (16/05/2017) patch, there will be no further alterations to the Advanced Audio Settings in the current release.

My reaction
It seems very difficult to work in the company that is full of idiots. And even harder to support the company with money when the company absolutely does not hear their customers.

Aura: "You need to be within range to execute this function."

Kimi Räikkönen: “Leave me alone, I know what I’m doing.”