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[Mini-blog] The Next Steps in Structure Transition

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CCP Fozzie
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2017-04-11 14:36:59 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Fozzie
This information will be re-released in dev blog form with translation into multiple languages in the near future.

Hello prudent Capsuleers! Today we will be providing some more detail about the Starbase and outpost transition plans that we announced last week at Fanfest here in Reykjavik.
This blog will cover details of the next couple steps in the long-term plan of phasing out Starbases, as well as the big transition event for upgrading all of New Eden’s outposts and conquerable stations.

Starbase Industry and Resource Processing Structures
In Fanfest 2015, when CCP unveiled the high level plan for what would become Upwell structures, we described an early plan for how the transition process would work.
Structure Transition Image

After new Upwell structures were introduced that replicated and improved upon the functionality of older structures, we would begin a gradual transition process to phase out the older technology.

When the Engineering Complexes and industrial service modules were introduced in the Ascension expansion last year, Upwell structures reached feature parity with a large number of industrial Starbase modules. As we showed in the Fanfest keynote last week you have been taking full advantage of the new structures and have moved the majority of New Eden’s industry into Engineering Complexes:
Industry Breakdown Image

We now believe that we are approaching the right time to start phasing out the older Starbase industry structures and taking the next step towards eventually transitioning completely.

The phaseout process for any Starbase structures will be a multi-stage process. We won’t be rushing things, but today we can talk about the timelines and some details for the next two steps in this process.

In our May release we plan to end NPC BPO seeding and the building of new Starbase structures for the following Starbase structure groups:
  • Starbase Compression Arrays
  • Starbase Reprocessing Arrays
  • Starbase Assembly Arrays
  • Starbase Labs

Then in our August release we will remove the bonuses from Reprocessing Arrays, Assembly Arrays, and Starbase Labs.

This means that starting in August, Starbase Reprocessing Arrays will only provide a 50% refining yield, Starbase Assembly Arrays will not provide any material or time bonuses to manufacturing jobs, and Starbase Labs will not provide any time bonuses to research, copy, or invention jobs.

These structures will continue to operate for some time longer and any jobs started before the August patch will complete with the bonuses intact.

There are two faction Starbase industry structures that will be receiving special attention during this time: the Thukker Component Assembly Array and the Hyasyoda Research Laboratory. These structures will eventually be replaced by new Upwell items with a transition process beginning over the summer. More details about these replacement items will be announced as we get closer to their deployment date.

The future steps in the Starbase phaseout process will include disabling of Starbase Moon Mining Arrays and Starbase Reactors when Refineries are released, as well as eventually removing the types associated with obsolete Starbase functions completely and distributing appropriate compensation to their owners.

Game Designer | Team Five-0

Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

CCP Fozzie
C C P Alliance
#2 - 2017-04-11 14:37:09 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Fozzie
Developed Outposts Improvement and Transformation Program

As we announced last week in the Fanfest keynote, we are also approaching the right time for the great Outpost transition event to complete. Upwell will be engaging in a massive program upgrading all of nullsec’s Outposts and Conquerable Stations to state of the art Citadel technology that can benefit you and your alliance!

Outposts and Conquerable Stations are iconic structures that have been cornerstones of nullsec history and represented the pinnacle of achievement for Capsuleer alliances for many years. For structures this significant it wouldn’t be enough to simply replace them. We knew they deserved to go out with a bang in a celebration worthy of the EVE community.

The centerpieces of this celebration will be a new set of faction Citadels that will be exclusive to the Outpost replacement program. These special upgraded Citadels will enter the game through this Outpost replacement event and then no more copies of these types will ever be added.

There will be five faction Citadels available-- one to replace each of the Outpost types and one to replace the Conquerable Stations built long ago by the “Immensea” organization. The four Outpost replacement Citadels will use upgraded and rescaled versions of the Outpost visual models and will therefore look very familiar to current nullsec residents.
Faction Citadel Image
The one Conquerable Station replacement Citadel type will look like a Fortizar with a new unique color scheme.

Each of these new faction Citadels will have the stats of an improved Fortizar, and share the Fortizar’s docking restrictions. Each will gain a set of special bonuses connected to their former station identity: combining the defensive benefits of a Fortizar with extra bonuses usually reserved for more vulnerable structures.

  • The Minmatar Outpost replacement Citadels will gain a bonus to reprocessing (smaller than the bonus on Refineries)
  • The Amarr Outpost replacement Citadels will gain bonuses to manufacturing (smaller than the bonus on Engineering Complexes)
  • The Caldari Outpost replacement Citadels will gain bonuses to research (smaller than the bonus on Engineering Complexes)
  • The Gallente Outpost replacement Citadels will have an extra service module slot and gain a bonus to service module fuel use
  • The “Immensea” Conquerable Station replacement Citadels will gain extra defensive benefits, hitpoints and slots as well as milder versions of the bonuses from the other four faction Citadels.

These new faction Citadels will be able to be unanchored, scooped and redeployed just like any other Upwell structure. They will not be manufacturable by capsuleers.

The faction Citadels replacing upgraded Outposts will receive another exclusive benefit: new special edition faction structure rigs. Which of these powerful rigs you receive will depend on the upgrades installed on the Outpost being replaced. The combined Outpost upgrades installed on each Outpost will all be added to a single faction rig so that the other two rig slots will remain free for use with normal L-set rigs.

Like the faction Citadels themselves, these rigs will be exclusive to the Outpost upgrade event and no more will ever be added to New Eden. These rigs will begin installed and will be destroyed if removed or if their host Citadel is unanchored (just like a normal rig).

The corporations receiving these faction Citadels will have a decision to make: whether to defend their new faction Citadel in its current location and keep the benefits of the faction rig, or to unanchor their new structure for sale or redeployment elsewhere. This may be a tough decision for many corporations, but both options have very significant benefits.

New Eden’s 68 Conquerable Stations have an especially important place in EVE player history. For most of their existence they made ideal locations for alliance home systems spread across the entire cluster. Conquerable Station Systems like NOL-M9, H-W9TY, C-J6MT, 1V-LI2, VFK-IV, BKG-Q2, C9N-CC, JV1V-O and FAT-6P have all been host to amazing Capsuleer achievements and epic stories full of drama and suspense.

Many of these stories can be difficult for newer players to find, so we realized that the end of the Conquerable Stations would be the perfect opportunity to add special monuments to the adventures you EVE players have led around those stations over the years. Each Conquerable Station will be replaced both with a new faction Citadel and with a special landmark site that will contain the ruined remains of the old station as well as a monument describing some of the historical significance of that particular system and station. The monument will also list the last alliance to control that Conquerable Station before the transition event. These landmarks will be a permanent reminder of the great things players have done in these systems over more than a decade.

Game Designer | Team Five-0

Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

CCP Fozzie
C C P Alliance
#3 - 2017-04-11 14:37:18 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Fozzie
The Big Day

The Outpost replacement event is currently planned for this winter, in a patch some period of time after the expansion that contains the Refineries. As we get closer to release we will start getting more specific about the dates involved.

During the downtime on the event day, the new faction Citadels will be automatically anchored at a location near the Outpost or Conquerable Station they are replacing. Whenever possible items that were inside the old Outpost or Conquerable will be moved directly into the new Citadel, with some items moved into asset safety as needed. Any of the items placed in the new Citadels can be manually placed into asset safety by their owners whenever they wish, just like all items in other Upwell structures.

The new Citadels will come with a number of service modules for free, some of which will be automatically installed and online with a buffer of free fuel and some of which will be placed in the cargohold of the Citadel.

The new Citadels will be owned by the corporation that owned the Outpost or Conquerable station before downtime. Citadels replacing stations that are in freeport mode when downtime hits will be given to the last owning corporation before the freeport period began.

For the first week after the transition event these new faction Citadels will be invulnerable to allow their owners to set their preferred vulnerability schedule.

We hope that this Outpost transition event will be exciting and anticipated by the alliances of New Eden, as they will be eligible to receive extremely valuable special edition Citadels as a reward for their collective efforts in taking and holding these stations.
We will be listening closely to the EVE community’s feedback on all of these plans and we will keep you all up to date with more details as the big day approaches.

-Team Five O

Game Designer | Team Five-0

Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

CCP Fozzie
C C P Alliance
#4 - 2017-04-11 14:37:32 UTC

Game Designer | Team Five-0

Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#5 - 2017-04-11 15:07:28 UTC
Yey! More structures to fill our wormhole with!
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#6 - 2017-04-11 15:11:57 UTC
Interesting stuff for sure :) maybe we'll be able to get our hands on something beforehand, this could be really cool
Kenneth Feld
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#7 - 2017-04-11 15:13:40 UTC
What about all the Minnie stations upgraded for office slots, which was almost a required upgrade when you built supers in a pos with BPO's in station. Do you have an idea what rigs bonus that will translate into?

Secondly, now that outposts are almost completely gone: OUTPOST CONSTRUCTION SKILL rank 16 and it is useless....
GSF Logistics and Posting Reserves
Goonswarm Federation
#8 - 2017-04-11 15:19:25 UTC  |  Edited by: xttz
What is happening with the industry index bonuses provided by outposts?

edit: are jumpclones moved into the new structures too?
Kenneth Feld
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#9 - 2017-04-11 15:29:00 UTC
xttz wrote:
What is happening with the industry index bonuses provided by outposts?

There was talk of an iHUB upgrade to reduce by 30%, but was also sort of led to believe that would be an admin hub thing, not a current iHub think, so not sure what happens between outpost removal and admin hub release.
Kenneth Feld
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#10 - 2017-04-11 15:40:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Kenneth Feld
xttz wrote:
What is happening with the industry index bonuses provided by outposts?

edit: are jumpclones moved into the new structures too?


Corp ****?

What about deliveries?
What about stuff in corp umm, what is the place where corp assets go when you unrent a corp office? Lockdown?

Locked BPO's in outpost?
Locked BPO's in lockdown?
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#11 - 2017-04-11 15:45:13 UTC
I'm really hoping there is a burst of activity to secure these assets prior to the patch. I just wish it was coming sooner and more suddenly. With such a long lead time, alliances will be able to plan properly and dig in. With a shorter lead time, the land grab would be more frantic. I want something more like the California Gold Rush of 1849 and less like the Google IPO.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#12 - 2017-04-11 15:47:06 UTC
What about jump clones? What will happen to them?

Will stuff that is currently locked in an inaccessible station going to become accessible? I think there are still a few stations that were "deadzoned" over the years. That's potentially a huge amount of stuff for a group to recover via asset safety.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Anthar Thebess
#13 - 2017-04-11 15:59:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Anthar Thebess
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Developed Outposts Improvement and Transformation Program

The centerpieces of this celebration will be a new set of faction Citadels that will be exclusive to the Outpost replacement program. These special upgraded Citadels will enter the game through this Outpost replacement event and then no more copies of these types will ever be added.

Please don't make them so unique, seed single run BPC for them into the "Navy" LP stores.
Just make them extremely expensive - make a single run cost 30-50bilion not including the construction cost.

There always be people willing to buy them - they don't destroy balance in any way but make game much more interesting and shiny.

new special edition faction structure rigs

This things can be unique and provide good enough reason to not remove the current installations after the change.

What about expensive clones and assets of people who left them on the stations or outposts ?

Will assets be moved to asset safety (for free) as there will be no way to reconquer some station any more.
What about clones?
No more ability to access them ( and they will be flushed when someone uninstall cloning station).

Active people will have a chance to do something ... but what about those who unsubscribed.
Nasar Vyron
S0utherN Comfort
#14 - 2017-04-11 16:03:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Nasar Vyron
I may have read past this, but what about clones (and implants) in those stations?
I assume they'll just be moved to the new structure? So I'd assume they will also have an active clone bay module.
Very expensive clones that were locked down in a station, safe until we could safely retrieve them, now would have the chance to be destroyed if the owning corp decides to convert and unanchor.

Lastly, I'm really curious what will come of the system wide effects. Such as the Amarr outpost and it's bonus of reducing the effects of production on the index. Or is that part of what will be tied to these faction rigs?
Jaden Noah
Trust Doesn't Rust
Goonswarm Federation
#15 - 2017-04-11 16:52:39 UTC
Please give us the ability to reprocess the old station eggs.

And do something with the old outpost BPOs like convert them into something different (like with the SBU BPOs)

It kills me to have all this old, unusable stuff in game (like the Dust items.)

Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#16 - 2017-04-11 17:18:50 UTC
It's going to be really neat seeing nullsec outpost models in empire space
#17 - 2017-04-11 17:23:24 UTC
Thanks for letting us know you will be giving special attention to the Faction labs. May I respectfully point out that the Hyasyoda lab is an Epic Arc reward and therefore something notable and it would be a shame if the Caldari Epic Arc reward didn't get parity with the other lines and that previous Epic rewards weren't upgraded at this time.

The Epic Arcs I know don't mean a lot to most but to some of us they do and it's good to get some positive ISK reward from them along with the faction standing. I am not asking for anything special here just parity with the Amarr implant etc.
Ripard Teg
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#18 - 2017-04-11 17:31:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Ripard Teg
Good changes! It looks like you guys have put a lot of thought into this, and it shows. Two questions:

You mention that during the transition, some assets will be automatically to asset safety "as needed". Can you elaborate?

And it's implied in your posts, but not explicitly stated: will the faction Fortizars be destroyable as current Fortizars are? If so, does this mean that over time and eventually, there will be zero faction Fortizars with no replacements possible?

aka Jester, who apparently was once Deemed Worthy To Wield The Banhammer to good effect.

Fish Hunter
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2017-04-11 17:41:49 UTC
If the current outpost bonusses remain the same some outposts will be worthwhile, some never got upgraded and suck already for industry. If you decrease them anymore relative to the ECs the structures will be ok sometimes for industry.
Sullen Decimus
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#20 - 2017-04-11 17:51:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Sullen Decimus
Nasar Vyron wrote:
I may have read past this, but what about clones (and implants) in those stations?
I assume they'll just be moved to the new structure? So I'd assume they will also have an active clone bay module.
Very expensive clones that were locked down in a station, safe until we could safely retrieve them, now would have the chance to be destroyed if the owning corp decides to convert and unanchor.

RIP your old clones lol. Better get those little bastards out while ya still can. You have 8 months to think about it.

CSM XI Member

Twitter: Sullen_Decimus

Tweetfleet: @sullen_decimus

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