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Where did the fun go?

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Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#281 - 2017-02-15 10:03:29 UTC
ISD Fractal wrote:
I think Reddit is popular not because of the lack of moderation but because it satisfies people's craving for a quick fix of content without having to go searching. If you want to find the good posts on the forums you have to go digging, but I can open up /r/eve right now and find the big drama posts in one glance. But, on the other hand, the forums allow for a lot of back and forth discussion that you don't really see on Reddit because people are off fixating on the newest, shiniest thing.

I somewhat disagree. Notification system which is honestly long overdue here is a decent discussion enabler. The problem, of course, is that it often happens between two people and likely won't attract additional participants.

IMO a forum with a better notification system would be ideal for that sort of thing.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#282 - 2017-02-15 10:04:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
ISD Fractal wrote:
But, on the other hand, the forums allow for a lot of back and forth discussion that you don't really see on Reddit because people are off fixating on the newest, shiniest thing.

That is why I use Reddit only to skim thru memes and images, and few funny or interesting posts on top sometimes grab my attention. I spend there only a little fraction of my forums time because its build in such way that it is quick to see the most interesting bits, but I am quickly back here, sometimes posting Reddit stuff. Lol

Reddit is worse for continuous discussion, better for memes. Deduce from it what you want. Cool
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#283 - 2017-02-15 10:06:34 UTC
Circumstantial Evidence wrote:
They do not provide a link in the PDF to the now-decided future-forums software Discourse, but I believe this is it, if you want to get a general idea of its look and feel.

CCP Falcon already shared their plans for this back in this thread:

As you can see from the thread, the feedback was mostly very negative. Looks like they just ignored it and went on with it. Classic CCP
Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#284 - 2017-02-15 10:52:32 UTC
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
CCP Falcon already shared their plans for this back in this thread:

As you can see from the thread, the feedback was mostly very negative. Looks like they just ignored it and went on with it. Classic CCP

Horrible to read. On PC for sure. Reddit is so good to read on mobile too?

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#285 - 2017-02-15 11:46:23 UTC
Salvos Rhoska
#286 - 2017-02-15 12:40:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Kaleb Mynwarra wrote:
I'm new and even I know the capabilities of the ISD team is a bit more than that. You guys can lock and remove posts. Effectively shutting down a poster. .

Yes, you clearly are new and dont understand at all.
ISDs remove posts or lock threads when they BREAK RULES.
That is, fyi, what a moderation team does.

Kaleb Mynwarra wrote:
Let's forgo the Slavos tactic of splitting of hairs and the gas lighting and stay focused on the issues..

Here you are trying to influence an ISD to ignore the arguments of the opposing side, especially one poster whom has repeatedly received written support from several other posters.

The dishonesty and arrogance of that is astounding.

Kaleb Mynwarra wrote:
There's a consensus that the Eve forums aren't as enjoyable as before.

By your own admission, you are NEW. You have no idea what the forums might have been before.
Furthermore, there is no such consensus that you claim, expect amongst those that agree with it.
It is clear in this thread, that there is NOT consensus on this, despite your attempt to ignore opposition.

Even the anti-ISD camp, is divided, without consensus.
Some argue moderation has been too heavy handed.
Others argue moderation has been too lax.

Get your facts straight.

Kaleb Mynwarra wrote:
After reading the comments here , one of the reasons that cannot be brushed aside is the unhappiness contributors of the Eve forums have with the moderation team. Not all of you, and no one has been specifically identified. However enough posts have been made that one cannot deny that there's a real feeling that the performance of the ISD team has been tainted by behaviors of inconsistency, heavy handed application of the rules, and possible bias. Contributors have asked for objective and reasonable moderation. The key word being 'moderate'.

First you tried to influence an ISD to ignore the opposition, and now you blame ISDs for the situation.
Several posters in this thread have voiced support for the actions of ISD.
You, however, accuse ISD of heavy handedness, inconsistency and possible bias.
ISD action is overseen by CCP. They are handpicked after extensive vetting.
There are existing mechanisms to appeal ISD action and report ISDs.
Arguably no board, anywhere, has a moderation that has this extent of controls on them.
Certainly NOT Reddit.

Here, again, you assume consensus where there is none.
The anti-ISD camp is divided in two.
Those that say moderation has been to heavy, and those that say moderation has been too lax.
Those are contradictory positions, antagonistic to each other.

Kaleb Mynwarra wrote:
Frankly I'm a bit disappointed in both you and ISD Fractal. You both had opportunities to work with the community on ways to improve these forums. Sadly you've gone the way of being defensive and excuse making. Some of the excuses aren't even good too. Honestly Fractal, calling Reddit shinny and new as the reason to why people are posting there and not here is as foolish as it is off putting. There's simply no sense in making that kind of remark when the Eve DEV team gravitates there to communicate with the players. Im new and I can see how much that screams that there's something wrong.

Where is your evidence that ISDs do not work with both the community and CCP to improve these forums?
Now you accuse them of being defensive, and making excuses?
You call ISD Fractals view that Reddit is "shiny and new", as "foolish and offputting"?
Where is your substantiation/explanation of that?
Yes, you ARE new, and have no idea of the context, history or mechanisms of moderation on this board.

Salvos Rhoska
#287 - 2017-02-15 12:47:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Kaleb Mynwarra wrote:
While we're aren't in agreement on specific ways to improve parts of these forums. We are generally interested in seeing these forums improve. I think it's safe to say we aren't against you. It's safe to say that most of us don't mind having the forums moderated.

Who the hell is "we"?
Are you referring to yourself in the royal plural?
Are you claiming to be a duly appointed spokesperson for this "we"?

You dont represent me, or anyone else, except yourself.

Kaleb Mynwarra wrote:
Flacon mentioned that new forums were in the works. I've doubts that those new forums would be any sort of improvement until the issues afflicting the current forums are addressed.

The issue afflicting this board, is largely posters like you, as demonstrated above and below.

Not only have you tried to influence moderation to ignore the opposition, you have falsely represented ISD actions and integrity, demonstrated lack of understanding of the moderation system, claiming consensus where there is none, but also claiming to represent a "we" that doesnt exist and for whom you are certainly not an appointed spokesperson.

The whole point of a new system, is to improve on the existing on. Your argument is irrational.
Furthermore you claim, without evidence, that ISDs are not involved in improving the format, both with community and CCP.
ISD Fractal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#288 - 2017-02-15 13:12:05 UTC
Barrogh Habalu wrote:
I somewhat disagree. Notification system which is honestly long overdue here is a decent discussion enabler. The problem, of course, is that it often happens between two people and likely won't attract additional participants.

IMO a forum with a better notification system would be ideal for that sort of thing.

I agree with you regarding a better notification system. The alternative (at least on these forums) is to hit the subscribe button for a thread that you're interested in and it'll send you notifications whenever anyone replies. Not exactly the same thing, but close if that's what you're looking for.

Nana Skalski wrote:
ISD Fractal wrote:
But, on the other hand, the forums allow for a lot of back and forth discussion that you don't really see on Reddit because people are off fixating on the newest, shiniest thing.

That is why I use Reddit only to skim thru memes and images, and few funny or interesting posts on top sometimes grab my attention. I spend there only a little fraction of my forums time because its build in such way that it is quick to see the most interesting bits, but I am quickly back here, sometimes posting Reddit stuff. Lol

Reddit is worse for continuous discussion, better for memes. Deduce from it what you want. Cool

I've seen some good posts on Reddit too. For example, there was a great post there that described what was going on during World War Bee. It was great for people to figure out what was going on and quickly get caught up on the action. I tend to use it to see what interesting things happened in the past couple of days that I might have missed.

ISD Fractal


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#289 - 2017-02-15 14:24:52 UTC
I think people are forgetting that they have always been 3rd party alternatives and in many cases those alternatives were more popular (at least to some segements of the community). Scrapheap Challenge comes to mind.

There is one aspect of why this happens that no one is going to be able to fix: these are the offical forums. Official forums ALWAYS suck because they always attract the 'grevience folks' who have some kind of bone to pick with the 'powers that be'. It's why these forums (and especially but not exclsively this section) are just one complaint after another.

I can go to reddit and not only find relevent info I'd have to 'dig' for here, but I can go there and actually see people talking about EVE Online without detecting too many chips on any shoulders (in other words, it's easier to find people who actually like what EVE is on reddit, haters get downvoted, here haters are the norm)..

I've seen maybe ONE "I quit, this game sucks" post on Reddit in all the time I've been lurking there, I've seen 2 today here. At reddit you don't get swammped by complaint threads about gate camps, ganking, awoxxing, scamming and ccp's lack of thinking about the children new players.

There should be a pop up when you come to these forums that says "Warning, if you have Xanax, you might want to take it before entering. You've beeen warned". No matter what CCP does, people will always seek out a freer and more light hearted place to hang out and talk about EVE than the offical forum.
Salvos Rhoska
#290 - 2017-02-15 14:42:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
ISD Fractal wrote:

1) Yes, the subscribe option fulfills this. Having said that, i didnt discover it till much later on.
Now, I rely on it to keep me updated on multiple threads of interest to me across the spectrum of boards on this forum.
Subscription works, but is perhaps poorly communicated to the community as to how it works (which is infact very simple, just click subscribe)

2) Which leads to my second point.
Content on Reddit, is not categorized, whereas here they are issued on specific relevant boards.

Reddit provides a quick cross-section of "whats currently hip", but if you want content specific to your own interest, you can only hope google will provide you with a search result on a long buried topic.

Also if you want to post something to a specific group of the community involved with a particular aspect of EVE, on Reddit, your post will quickly sink under the volume of other topics, and is addressed to the entire population, not that specific portion concerned with you. (which also leads to a lot of crap posting, trolling and bad uninformed advice from people who have no idea on that specific issue, which feeds into why up/down vote is necessary on Reddit)

Here, all the boards stand alone as an encyclopedic database of specific content, and are populated/visited by people specifically interested in them. There are experts beyond par contributing daily on specific issues, on specific boards. On some boards here, Ive gone 10-20 pages deep, opening and reading what is of interest to me in a specific activity Im interested in.

This is a huge strength of this forum format, over Reddit.

Its far easier to dig for specific interest content here due to specific boards, and far easier to address your specific posts to likewise interested/informed posters on specific boards here, whereas on Reddit they are buried under the flow of general nonesense, and the threads themselves spammed by irrelevant/uninformed content.
Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#291 - 2017-02-15 15:15:35 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
There is one aspect of why this happens that no one is going to be able to fix: these are the offical forums. Official forums ALWAYS suck because they always attract the 'grevience folks' who have some kind of bone to pick with the 'powers that be'. It's why these forums (and especially but not exclsively this section) are just one complaint after another.

Complaints are present on reddit too, they just flow with rest of threads while here they are being refreshed by new posters. "Grievance folks"? If you want to complaint about something you wrote on producer forum or random forum site? If I want to be hear I won't choose reddit over o-forum, but devs tends to lean into other sites than their own IMO.

Jenn aSide wrote:
No matter what CCP does, people will always seek out a freer and more light hearted place to hang out and talk about EVE than the offical forum.

Problem is devs do it too. So if devs posts more on unmoderated forums why moderate o-forum at all?

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Salvos Rhoska
#292 - 2017-02-15 15:25:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Jenn aSide wrote:
I think people are forgetting that they have always been 3rd party alternatives

Nobody has forgotten that, or disputes that.
Players can make whatever community sites they want.
Players can spend their time wherever they want.

Jenn aSide wrote:
There is one aspect of why this happens that no one is going to be able to fix: these are the offical forums. Official forums ALWAYS suck because they always attract the 'grevience folks' who have some kind of bone to pick with the 'powers that be'. It's why these forums (and especially but not exclsively this section) are just one complaint after another.

This is false.
Posters whine on Reddit just as much as here, possibly more because they dont face repercussions for going too far.
GD is different than other boards here, and allowed more levity as a result of history/culture.
This board has the greatest cross-section of EVE players, and thus the widest panel and surface area for interaction on "grievances".

Sure, there are multiple nonsense grievances, which are commensurately ridiculed into the ground.
But there also also relevant grievances which affect a wide player base, and spawn threadnaughts of important discussion, sometimes hundreds of pages long. That is impossible on Reddit.

Jenn aSide wrote:
I can go to reddit and not only find relevent info I'd have to 'dig' for here, but I can go there and actually see people talking about EVE Online without detecting too many chips on any shoulders (in other words, it's easier to find people who actually like what EVE is on reddit, haters get downvoted, here haters are the norm)..

This is a subjective opinion and perspective.
As I posted to ISD Fractal, the board spectrum here allows for specific relevancy, from relevant posters.
It is an incontrovertible fact, that Reddit is flooded with far more crap, chips on shoulders etc, to the extent that iti is necessary to shift moderation from a vetted team operating purely on rules, to a player vote system based on subjective interests (whatever they may be).

The very fact Reddit requires downvoting, indicates that haters are an epidemic problem on Reddit.
That raises the question: whom is the hater? The content poster, or the downvoter?
Surely if you down vote something you are expressing and enacting hate against it?

If I want relevant info here, I can go to the specific board and dig through it. If I want specific input, I can address the specific population of that board.

Jenn aSide wrote:
I've seen maybe ONE "I quit, this game sucks" post on Reddit in all the time I've been lurking there, I've seen 2 today here. At reddit you don't get swammped by complaint threads about gate camps, ganking, awoxxing, scamming and ccp's lack of thinking about the children new players.

So what? Nobody forces you to open those threads, much less participate in them, especially here on GD.
In a practical sense, those threads here provide the means for the EVE community to ridicule those attitudes, so as to re-affirm the ethos of EVE, collectively.

Yes, those threads occur here, because its the official board, as you pointed out earlier.
But this is in paradox to the claim that Devs actually prefer Reddit.
Thus a sensible angry leaver or poster of the type you describe, should infact post their crap on Reddit instead.
The Devs are apparently on Reddit. So whine there, instead.

Jenn aSide wrote:
There should be a pop up when you come to these forums that says "Warning, if you have Xanax, you might want to take it before entering. You've beeen warned". No matter what CCP does, people will always seek out a freer and more light hearted place to hang out and talk about EVE than the offical forum.

Is there such a pop-up on Reddit? No? Then why should there be one here?
As to light-hearted, are you seriously trying to claim your posting here on this forum, has been "light-hearted"?
As to "freer", the only difference between here and Reddit on that, is that here there are rules, on Reddit, there is mob opinion.

Here you are free, as long as you dont break the rules.
On Reddit, you are only as free as the extent that the mob agrees with you.

Furthermore, you are conflating GD to be representative of the dozen+ other boards here.
It isnt. Its a unique board with a specific leeway.

You are comparing apples to oranges, in all the wrong ways.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#293 - 2017-02-15 15:41:09 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

Here you are free, as long as you dont break the rules.
On Reddit, you are only as free as the extent that others agree with you.

You get hung up on this, but it's measureably true, I disagree with people on reddit all the time (and about WAY more stuff, there we can talk politics) and I manage just fine.

Here I litterally can't use certain words (hell certain words are auto censored, like ****, which I just typed but which you wioll only see as a seies of stars), I can't talk about what I want to where I want to (becuase it will get moved), and I sure as hell can't tell people (like you) what I really think about them.

Saying this place is free (either as free as or freer than reddit) is no different than saying That high sec is safer than null lol.

In fact I think that is a good comparison. These forums (with all it's rules, all it's complaining about ganking and an actual CONCORD analog (ISD) that seems to fall out of the sky if anyone starts to have any fun) is High Sec. Reddit (with fewer rules, more player control and more freedom) is Null.
Salvos Rhoska
#294 - 2017-02-15 16:27:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Jenn aSide wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

Here you are free, as long as you dont break the rules.
On Reddit, you are only as free as the extent that others agree with you.

Jenn aSide wrote:
[You get hung up on this, but it's measureably true, I disagree with people on reddit all the time (and about WAY more stuff, there we can talk politics) and I manage just fine.

Wat? You are the one that got hung up on it.
You chose two sentences out of my extensive rebuttal.

TWO sentences, out of my rebuttal to get hung on. GJ.

Do you also down vote what you disagree with on Reddit?
That constitutes an easy, unjustified, unexplained, systemic means of subduing something you disagree with, rather than arguing against it. You "manage" opposition, by suppressing it with the simple click of a vote.

Jenn aSide wrote:
[Here I litterally can't use certain words (hell certain words are auto censored, like ****, which I just typed but which you wioll only see as a seies of stars), I can't talk about what I want to where I want to (becuase it will get moved), and I sure as hell can't tell people (like you) what I really think about them.

Seriously? The profanity filter "offends" you?
Seriously? Getting your thread moved to its appropriate board "offends" you?
Seriously? That you cant attack me personally on a public forum "offends" you?

You seriously consider those to be restrictions on your freedom?

Those are really weak and pathetic arguments.
I recommend CCP allows a player option profanity filter, just so I can see your loving insults. Which btw, are against board rules.
If you post content to the wrong board, that is your own fault. When CCP moves it, its for your own benefit, so it gets the community attention on the relevant board it deserves.
Go ahead and PM me with what you personally think of me. See if I give a rats anus what some nobody on the internet that means absolutely nothing to me, thinks of me.

Jenn aSide wrote:
[Saying this place is free (either as free as or freer than reddit) is no different than saying That high sec is safer than null lol.

As you yourself said, Reddit is a 3rd party platform.
Do whatever you want there, but dont expect it to apply to the game and this board.

All you have to do here, and ingame, to be free, is follow the rules.
On Reddit, all you have to do to be free, is say popular things.

Be very carefuĺ now, how you respond to tnis, because it will reveal you.

Arthur Aihaken
#295 - 2017-02-15 16:28:17 UTC
I am perfectly fine with the restriction on no religion or politics in the EVE Forums. This is one of the few guidelines I agree with. It's bad enough that every single other forum (including Reddit/EVE) I frequent is plastered with political and religious references.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Salvos Rhoska
#296 - 2017-02-15 16:28:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Jenn aSide wrote:
[ In fact I think that is a good comparison. These forums (with all it's rules, all it's complaining about ganking and an actual CONCORD analog (ISD) that seems to fall out of the sky if anyone starts to have any fun) is High Sec. Reddit (with fewer rules, more player control and more freedom) is Null.

Again, you are conflating GD with the dozen+ other boards on this forum that are specific, and work just fine.
You further conflate a 3rd party platform, as being EVE. Your random 3rd party platform, is random.
You conflate following a few simple CCP rules, as enacted by vetted/handpicked/culpable/supervised ISDs, with unrestricted mob rule.

On this forum, as in this game, all you need to do , is follow a few simple rules that apply equally to us all.

You talk about freedom, yet Reddit, which you advocate, has a systemic means to suppress someone, anyone, elses freedom by just clicking a downvote.

The reason you prefer Reddit, is so you can avoid those rules for your own benefit and suppress the content of others with a simple downvote click.

Reddit is just another player based format, no different than a blog, or a corp forum, or a Minmatar sock knitting twitter

On Reddit you can suppress anyone you want with a simple downvote, but that doesnt work here,
Here, you are going to have to argue with people like me, on equal terms, on the validity of our arguments.
If you cant handle that, by all means, **** off to Reddit.
#297 - 2017-02-15 17:30:44 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

*2 pages of nonsense*

*addressing some of that nonsense*

*pissed off that there wasn't a 12 page document validating his small minded, out of context rantings*

So... there's a reason why players want the power to suppress horrible droning noises. I'd like for this thread to die now please. Everything that needs to be said has been said. Everything that's been said since is just sex with a corpse.

Ok, that's not entirely true, what we *do* have available to discuss is what's in the CSM notes about the new upcoming forums. Anyone know anything about the out-of-the-packaging features of the new forums software CCP is planning on using?

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Salvos Rhoska
#298 - 2017-02-15 17:37:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
mkint wrote:
I'd like for this thread to die now please. Everything that needs to be said has been said.

You could have just asked " Anyone know anything about the out-of-the-packaging features of the new forums software CCP is planning on using?"

Instead you stated you want the threat to die. That everything has been said.
Yet, suddenly, now, you instead want it to continue, and to have your questions answered (so not everything has been said).

What a hypocrisy. Are you even aware of that, yourself?
#299 - 2017-02-15 17:50:11 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
mkint wrote:
I'd like for this thread to die now please. Everything that needs to be said has been said.

*no content*

Yeah... you really don't do yourself any favors. You ARE the argument in favor of needing new forums. Like criminals ARE the argument in favor of prisons, and the mentally ill ARE the argument in favor of psychiatry. So little self awareness.

Probably still too soon since my last post to this thread, but because there is technically a topic to this thread I'll repeat myself... anybody know anything about the upcoming forums software CCP's going to be licensing? CCP says it's supposed to be all amazing and everything, except there was nothing in the CSM minutes that suggests it'll be anything good about it. Does it have enough good features to make it worth all the garbage they told us about in the CSM minutes?

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

ISD Max Trix
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#300 - 2017-02-15 18:00:38 UTC
mkint wrote:

So... there's a reason why players want the power to suppress horrible droning noises. I'd like for this thread to die now please. Everything that needs to be said has been said. Everything that's been said since is just sex with a corpse.


mkint wrote:
Ok, that's not entirely true, what we *do* have available to discuss is what's in the CSM notes about the new upcoming forums. Anyone know anything about the out-of-the-packaging features of the new forums software CCP is planning on using?

To give you a general idea the software the new forums will be using is

ISD Max Trix


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE mails about forum moderation.