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8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

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Inibri en Chalune
Triumvirate Corporation
#201 - 2017-01-26 23:07:50 UTC
sora kumori wrote:
I have huge issues with this pile of crap. point by point.
CCP Phantom wrote:

Be able to afford a loss
* Never fly something (or with something in the cargo) you can't afford to lose. Yes, not even in highsec. Meaning that you should not fly a ship you cannot afford to replace and refit.

Shocked Ship insurance doesn't actually cover the current market cost of ships. Ship insurance doesn't cover any modules. if it did, the loss would have less sting and the player would be able to recover more so rapidly. So, the victim is not only losing a ship, suffering mockery, and being logged for future harassment...
they end up forced into an inferior ship with inferior modules, further degrading their ability to protect themselves in the future.

Kill boards, and the killboard mechanic needs to go BYE BYE. this is nothing less than the celebration of assholery in its highest form. it encourages swarms of metagaming Jerks to buy elite characters from the character bazzar, use plex to buy the most powerful deadspace/officer modules they can...
All to "War dec" new player corporations and simply be abusive to a few hundred new players at a go. if five hundred players are trapped inside a station by a war decing killboard group, THEY CAN NOT PLAY. if new players can not play, dumbasses, they QUIT and tell everyone they know about how bad EVE Online SUCKS.

Such "UBER" ganking toons with more skills at 5 than a new player can hope to earn in a year, can roam freely and murder from one system to the next. All they have to do is pay for it. So, if you aren't dropping $500 on plex... you don't have a snowball's chance in HELL of even making a red bar appear on their shields gauge. I suppose CCP don't mind because - They like real money from assholes, far more than they care for players.

CCP Phantom wrote:

Consent to PvP
* You consent to PvP when you click "undock".
* You are not safe in 1.0 security space. CONCORD is there to punish, not to protect. Get used to the idea.
* In most cases, the only way to be 100% safe from aggression inside the game is to be docked in a station. Being cloaked in a secret safespot could work too.

In real life there are police who enforce laws. there is even a highway patroll. there is a border patrol. the idea that the four empires, concord, and other super-power npcs DO NOT POLICE their own space is wrong. players work for their npc leaders, (*whose loyalty stores have ******** absurd prices by the way), they pay sales taxes, the pay fines and fees...
And somehow it is okay to murder a player even at the door of an empire's homeworld station?

NO! it is not. not ever.
To be continued.

What's a killboard?
Tarjhana Skyweir
State War Academy
Caldari State
#202 - 2017-01-26 23:11:51 UTC
I've played off and on since 2003. This is one of my alts. I left each time because of the ganking. There were too many scummy jerks who blew up newbies just for the hell of it. One guy came on in a Tech III ship to blow up someone only 6 hrs. old. When you attract a bunch of people who take joy in stomping on ducklings and baby-chicks you chase off anyone who seeks to do more than wallow in the basest human emotions of violence and cruelty.

What is the harm of having a safe zone for people to practice and learn in peace? Or do you feel it should just be a free-for-all to let an ******* into the kindergarten? There is no reason to allow ganking in hisec space. If your day isn't complete unless you've trashed someone... then go into nul-sec. The fact that you haven't set up different standards for different areas isn't due to some noble freedom of the universe gig... it is because you are too lazy to program some controls so that the game appeals to a broader clientele.

You really don't have a ghost of a chance surviving until you are at least into a year on this game. Certainly not if you let scum gank people in highsec space.
Inibri en Chalune
Triumvirate Corporation
#203 - 2017-01-26 23:16:59 UTC
Tarjhana Skyweir wrote:
I've played off and on since 2003. This is one of my alts. I left each time because of the ganking. There were too many scummy jerks who blew up newbies just for the hell of it. One guy came on in a Tech III ship to blow up someone only 6 hrs. old. When you attract a bunch of people who take joy in stomping on ducklings and baby-chicks you chase off anyone who seeks to do more than wallow in the basest human emotions of violence and cruelty.

What is the harm of having a safe zone for people to practice and learn in peace? Or do you feel it should just be a free-for-all to let an ******* into the kindergarten? There is no reason to allow ganking in hisec space. If your day isn't complete unless you've trashed someone... then go into nul-sec. The fact that you haven't set up different standards for different areas isn't due to some noble freedom of the universe gig... it is because you are too lazy to program some controls so that the game appeals to a broader clientele.

You really don't have a ghost of a chance surviving until you are at least into a year on this game. Certainly not if you let scum gank people in highsec space.

My last post was in jest of course.

I fully accept the PvP aspect of this game and in fact enjoy the thrill of constant vigilance. I'm personally not involved, I enjoy being an industrialist. However, it's simply New Eden reality, and I'd argue it's the charm of this game above other, controlled PvP environments like WoW.

There is nothing like mining Veldspar in 1.0 sec space yet still being afraid for you life. Truly. I post this not in jest or sarcasm.

Someday I may work up the courage to try my hand, but for now industrialization is my draw, and that's another aspect of this game I enjoy: one can do as one wishes, and there's no one to order you otherwise.

It's the perfect libertarian environment.
Tarjhana Skyweir
State War Academy
Caldari State
#204 - 2017-01-26 23:22:32 UTC
If you find fear an enjoyable part of your life... then lowsec or nulsec space should be your huckleberry. But why shouldn't there be an area where the jerk-parade isn't allowed?
Inibri en Chalune
Triumvirate Corporation
#205 - 2017-01-26 23:28:01 UTC
Tarjhana Skyweir wrote:
If you find fear an enjoyable part of your life... then lowsec or nulsec space should be your huckleberry. But why shouldn't there be an area where the jerk-parade isn't allowed?

You raise a good point here (about the thrill of low/nullsec). Indeed, such activity may soon be in my future.

I'm afraid however, that if the "jerk-parade" were limited in any way, then New Eden would become, as I've seen another post (not on this thread) just WoW in space.

There are jerks in real life too. Think of it as a good lesson for real life, and how to best deal with jerks anywhere.
Tarjhana Skyweir
State War Academy
Caldari State
#206 - 2017-01-27 00:56:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarjhana Skyweir
Inibri en Chalune wrote:
Tarjhana Skyweir wrote:
If you find fear an enjoyable part of your life... then lowsec or nulsec space should be your huckleberry. But why shouldn't there be an area where the jerk-parade isn't allowed?

You raise a good point here (about the thrill of low/nullsec). Indeed, such activity may soon be in my future.

I'm afraid however, that if the "jerk-parade" were limited in any way, then New Eden would become, as I've seen another post (not on this thread) just WoW in space.

There are jerks in real life too. Think of it as a good lesson for real life, and how to best deal with jerks anywhere.

In real life there are consequences to wanton slaughter of those less powerful. This game does not prepare you for life in society. It is basically where chaos reigns and promotes garbage people and behavior. Eliminating the low-lifes in highsec would not diminish the game in any way. There are multitudes of opportunities to bully to your heart's content in low/nul sec. No one has raised a single compelling reason why there can't be a safe zone. No one would be forced to stay there if they didn't want to. The reality is that anyone who gets pleasure out of ganking and bullying has emotional problems and needs help instead of encouragement. They never do it in real life because deep down they are cowards and can only achieve a release where there are no actual consequences.
Colloden Tgo
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#207 - 2017-01-27 04:29:02 UTC
There is no such thing as "a fair fight" or "an unfair fight". There's only a fight. Circumstances are irrelevant.

Eve does not care.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#208 - 2017-01-27 07:07:37 UTC
CCP Phantom wrote:

Consent to PvP

* You consent to PvP when you click "undock".

c'mon CCP you know better than this. PvP can start way before you hit undock
Ahumada Co.
#209 - 2017-01-27 07:08:07 UTC
Tarjhana Skyweir wrote:
Inibri en Chalune wrote:
Tarjhana Skyweir wrote:
If you find fear an enjoyable part of your life... then lowsec or nulsec space should be your huckleberry. But why shouldn't there be an area where the jerk-parade isn't allowed?

You raise a good point here (about the thrill of low/nullsec). Indeed, such activity may soon be in my future.

I'm afraid however, that if the "jerk-parade" were limited in any way, then New Eden would become, as I've seen another post (not on this thread) just WoW in space.

There are jerks in real life too. Think of it as a good lesson for real life, and how to best deal with jerks anywhere.

In real life there are consequences to wanton slaughter of those less powerful. This game does not prepare you for life in society. It is basically where chaos reigns and promotes garbage people and behavior. Eliminating the low-lifes in highsec would not diminish the game in any way. There are multitudes of opportunities to bully to your heart's content in low/nul sec. No one has raised a single compelling reason why there can't be a safe zone. No one would be forced to stay there if they didn't want to. The reality is that anyone who gets pleasure out of ganking and bullying has emotional problems and needs help instead of encouragement. They never do it in real life because deep down they are cowards and can only achieve a release where there are no actual consequences.


What Tarjhana Skyweir said. Really, EVE has an underlying dark energy, it's all geared and game mechanics support, the abuse and degradation of human creations. This game could be so much more if the same level or loyalty (to garbabe people) was given to those who want to create something amazing that does not involve bullying.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#210 - 2017-01-27 10:02:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Lugh Crow-Slave
Cachapoal wrote:
Tarjhana Skyweir wrote:
Inibri en Chalune wrote:
Tarjhana Skyweir wrote:
If you find fear an enjoyable part of your life... then lowsec or nulsec space should be your huckleberry. But why shouldn't there be an area where the jerk-parade isn't allowed?

You raise a good point here (about the thrill of low/nullsec). Indeed, such activity may soon be in my future.

I'm afraid however, that if the "jerk-parad.e" were limited in any way, then New Eden would become, as I've seen another post (not on this thread) just WoW in space.

There are jerks in real life too. Think of it as a good lesson for real life, and how to best deal with jerks anywhere.

In real life there are consequences to wanton slaughter of those less powerful. This game does not prepare you for life in society. It is basically where chaos reigns and promotes garbage people and behavior. Eliminating the low-lifes in highsec would not diminish the game in any way. There are multitudes of opportunities to bully to your heart's content in low/nul sec. No one has raised a single compelling reason why there can't be a safe zone. No one would be forced to stay there if they didn't want to. The reality is that anyone who gets pleasure out of ganking and bullying has emotional problems and needs help instead of encouragement. They never do it in real life because deep down they are cowards and can only achieve a release where there are no actual consequences.


What Tarjhana Skyweir said. Really, EVE has an underlying dark energy, it's all geared and game mechanics support, the abuse and degradation of human creations. This game could be so much more if the same level or loyalty (to garbabe people) was given to those who want to create something amazing that does not involve bullying.

you want to know why there can't be a "safe zone"? it's because we have a fully player market if there was a safe zone you would see prices plummet as things like veld became all but worthless do to over farming.

not to mention what eve does is promote working together HS LS NS and WH can all be made 'safe' by working together with other players to make it that way.

another reason it is better overall is it adds 'worth' to things you accomplish because there is always a risk of 'failing' you are not guaranteed anything other than an ibis and 1trit this is what sets eve apart on the market
Black Pedro
#211 - 2017-01-27 10:28:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Tarjhana Skyweir wrote:
Inibri en Chalune wrote:
Tarjhana Skyweir wrote:
If you find fear an enjoyable part of your life... then lowsec or nulsec space should be your huckleberry. But why shouldn't there be an area where the jerk-parade isn't allowed?

You raise a good point here (about the thrill of low/nullsec). Indeed, such activity may soon be in my future.

I'm afraid however, that if the "jerk-parade" were limited in any way, then New Eden would become, as I've seen another post (not on this thread) just WoW in space.

There are jerks in real life too. Think of it as a good lesson for real life, and how to best deal with jerks anywhere.

In real life there are consequences to wanton slaughter of those less powerful. This game does not prepare you for life in society. It is basically where chaos reigns and promotes garbage people and behavior. Eliminating the low-lifes in highsec would not diminish the game in any way. There are multitudes of opportunities to bully to your heart's content in low/nul sec. No one has raised a single compelling reason why there can't be a safe zone. No one would be forced to stay there if they didn't want to. The reality is that anyone who gets pleasure out of ganking and bullying has emotional problems and needs help instead of encouragement. They never do it in real life because deep down they are cowards and can only achieve a release where there are no actual consequences.
Really, not a single compelling reason? People have written reams and reams on how a safe zone is not compatible with a single-universe/single-economy full-time PvP sandbox game like Eve Online. Over the long history of these forums, it is one of, if not the most discussed topics and there are pages and pages of people providing reasons why the game is designed and implemented the way it is. I won't repeat the well-reasoned case for why highsec cannot be safe here since it is clear you want to complain rather than really try to understand the basic game design CCP used for Eve Online, but instead will make the alternative point:

Eve Online is the way most of us want it to be, including most importantly, the developers.

To paraphrase you, no one is forced to stay here if they don't want to. Eve Online is a cut-throat, single universe Battle Royale where we are all competing against each other for resources and power, and if you don't want to play that game, you should just go away. It is incredibly self-centered of you to tell the rest of us the game we love should be changed or even watered-down to suit your personal tastes or to be more like whatever it is you think you are looking for in a game. You don't walk into a casino and sit down at a poker table and announce to everyone that you don't like losing money or having another person's hand beat yours so instead of poker everyone should be playing Go Fish with you.

If you don't want to play Eve then don't. If you don't want to play by the rules CCP has created for the game, or don't like the Golden Rules in the OP of this thread, then just uninstall and go find something you do like. Players like you have been moaning for more safety, or even a complete safe space, since the servers went online and CCP has not decided to make a safe space for the whiners and to stay true to their original vision of the game. New Eden was always a 'nowhere is safe' dystopia where you are always in competition and at risk to the other players, and it always will be. CCP isn't going to change that now, so far into the life cycle of the game. Your choice is simple: HTFU or GTFO. Eve isn't going to change for you, she is who she is and the majority of us like her that way.
Roy Tannhauser
State War Academy
Caldari State
#212 - 2017-02-12 04:46:17 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
Roy Tannhauser wrote:
Very insightful. Seeing as to how CCP loves to entertain the thought of EVE as a sandbox environment to the real world, I would love to see a psychology study to determine the level of psychopathic behavior EVE player actually harbors, and if playing EVE as an in game criminal actually encourages and cultivates such tendencies in the real world.
Me too. They can put them on the shelf beside those unfortunate Master's theses such as 'Meglomania and attempts at world domination induced by the board game Risk: a collection of case studies" or "Mario Kart players and dangerous driving: the hidden menace on our roads".

In all seriousness, a bunch of studies that came out of the anti-Dungeons and Dragons hysteria of the eighties on this very issue found no adverse psychological effects on those that play role-playing game. I am sure any equivalent study of Eve players would find the same: how one behaves in an imaginary and consequence-free setting like a competitive video game has no bearing on real-world behaviour.

But these games simply do not compare to EVE.
Black Pedro
#213 - 2017-02-12 06:44:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Roy Tannhauser wrote:
Black Pedro wrote:
Roy Tannhauser wrote:
Very insightful. Seeing as to how CCP loves to entertain the thought of EVE as a sandbox environment to the real world, I would love to see a psychology study to determine the level of psychopathic behavior EVE player actually harbors, and if playing EVE as an in game criminal actually encourages and cultivates such tendencies in the real world.
Me too. They can put them on the shelf beside those unfortunate Master's theses such as 'Meglomania and attempts at world domination induced by the board game Risk: a collection of case studies" or "Mario Kart players and dangerous driving: the hidden menace on our roads".

In all seriousness, a bunch of studies that came out of the anti-Dungeons and Dragons hysteria of the eighties on this very issue found no adverse psychological effects on those that play role-playing game. I am sure any equivalent study of Eve players would find the same: how one behaves in an imaginary and consequence-free setting like a competitive video game has no bearing on real-world behaviour.

But these games simply do not compare to EVE.
Don't they? If I am at a party and some dude I just met has his race car-driving gorilla ram me off the road, or some girl decides to break our alliance and invade Kamchatka after leading me to believe she was my ally, I don't call them psychopaths or mentally ill (or assume this is how they act in their real life). They are both playing the game as it was designed to be played.

Yes, Eve is more of a sandbox game with less defined goals, and also probably considered by some as a role-playing game given the intricate backstory and way your customize and control your character (although in my experience, most players play Eve as a strategic or tactical ship combat simulator or economic simulator, rather than an RPG, especially given the prevalence of alts) but like those other games, it is a virtual, imaginary universe where no consequences spill over into the real world. It is a game. If you cannot separate your reality from the wonderful, but fictitious, virtual reality that CCP has created, then you probably need to step back from Eve for a bit.

Many studies have been done on people who play pen-and-paper RPGs in the last decades (and people who play video games) and never consistently found any correlation with mental illness or negative anti-social behaviours. Humans are more than capable of assuming a dark role in a game, or as an actor or story teller, and not become evil in real life. It is my experience that most ruthless space pirates and space thieves are perfectly well-adjusted and pleasant people in real life.

Eve is about conflict and competition in a dystopian future universe. While some of the characters in New Eden are monsters, you shouldn't think the person behind that character is one for defeating you in a pretend game or for just playing in that competitive universe by the agreed rules.
Roy Tannhauser
State War Academy
Caldari State
#214 - 2017-02-13 01:28:51 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
Roy Tannhauser wrote:
Black Pedro wrote:
Roy Tannhauser wrote:
Very insightful. Seeing as to how CCP loves to entertain the thought of EVE as a sandbox environment to the real world, I would love to see a psychology study to determine the level of psychopathic behavior EVE player actually harbors, and if playing EVE as an in game criminal actually encourages and cultivates such tendencies in the real world.
Me too. They can put them on the shelf beside those unfortunate Master's theses such as 'Meglomania and attempts at world domination induced by the board game Risk: a collection of case studies" or "Mario Kart players and dangerous driving: the hidden menace on our roads".

In all seriousness, a bunch of studies that came out of the anti-Dungeons and Dragons hysteria of the eighties on this very issue found no adverse psychological effects on those that play role-playing game. I am sure any equivalent study of Eve players would find the same: how one behaves in an imaginary and consequence-free setting like a competitive video game has no bearing on real-world behaviour.

But these games simply do not compare to EVE.
Don't they? If I am at a party and some dude I just met has his race car-driving gorilla ram me off the road, or some girl decides to break our alliance and invade Kamchatka after leading me to believe she was my ally, I don't call them psychopaths or mentally ill (or assume this is how they act in their real life). They are both playing the game as it was designed to be played.

Yes, Eve is more of a sandbox game with less defined goals, and also probably considered by some as a role-playing game given the intricate backstory and way your customize and control your character (although in my experience, most players play Eve as a strategic or tactical ship combat simulator or economic simulator, rather than an RPG, especially given the prevalence of alts) but like those other games, it is a virtual, imaginary universe where no consequences spill over into the real world. It is a game. If you cannot separate your reality from the wonderful, but fictitious, virtual reality that CCP has created, then you probably need to step back from Eve for a bit.

Many studies have been done on people who play pen-and-paper RPGs in the last decades (and people who play video games) and never consistently found any correlation with mental illness or negative anti-social behaviours. Humans are more than capable of assuming a dark role in a game, or as an actor or story teller, and not become evil in real life. It is my experience that most ruthless space pirates and space thieves are perfectly well-adjusted and pleasant people in real life.

Eve is about conflict and competition in a dystopian future universe. While some of the characters in New Eden are monsters, you shouldn't think the person behind that character is one for defeating you in a pretend game or for just playing in that competitive universe by the agreed rules.

Dude, I tend to believe people who act like jerks in a game also act like jerks in real life. It's pretty plausible if you ask me.
Black Pedro
#215 - 2017-02-13 07:03:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Roy Tannhauser wrote:
Dude, I tend to believe people who act like jerks in a game also act like jerks in real life. It's pretty plausible if you ask me.
I agree. Players who call another human being names or hurl vile insults at them after they lose an imaginary spaceship in a video game about building and losing spaceships are probably not very nice people in real life as well.

However, I think you need to re-read the Golden Rules in the OP again. Having someone attack your industrial/exploration/ratting ship or your space station is being "a jerk" as much as when another player takes your pawn, or bankrupts you when you land on Boardwalk is being "a jerk". Competing with other players for power and resources in a dangerous universe is the core idea of this PvP sandbox game.
Jax Bederen
Dark Horse RM
#216 - 2017-02-14 00:42:20 UTC
Tarjhana Skyweir wrote:
Inibri en Chalune wrote:
Tarjhana Skyweir wrote:
If you find fear an enjoyable part of your life... then lowsec or nulsec space should be your huckleberry. But why shouldn't there be an area where the jerk-parade isn't allowed?

You raise a good point here (about the thrill of low/nullsec). Indeed, such activity may soon be in my future.

I'm afraid however, that if the "jerk-parade" were limited in any way, then New Eden would become, as I've seen another post (not on this thread) just WoW in space.

There are jerks in real life too. Think of it as a good lesson for real life, and how to best deal with jerks anywhere.

In real life there are consequences to wanton slaughter of those less powerful. This game does not prepare you for life in society. It is basically where chaos reigns and promotes garbage people and behavior. Eliminating the low-lifes in highsec would not diminish the game in any way. There are multitudes of opportunities to bully to your heart's content in low/nul sec. No one has raised a single compelling reason why there can't be a safe zone. No one would be forced to stay there if they didn't want to. The reality is that anyone who gets pleasure out of ganking and bullying has emotional problems and needs help instead of encouragement. They never do it in real life because deep down they are cowards and can only achieve a release where there are no actual consequences.

Good summary there. And the ccp guy who started this thread should definitely be kept away from any marketing duties, unless you want that niche game for poorly socialed types appeal.
Jax Bederen
Dark Horse RM
#217 - 2017-02-14 00:45:06 UTC
Roy Tannhauser wrote:
Black Pedro wrote:
Roy Tannhauser wrote:
Black Pedro wrote:
Roy Tannhauser wrote:
Very insightful. Seeing as to how CCP loves to entertain the thought of EVE as a sandbox environment to the real world, I would love to see a psychology study to determine the level of psychopathic behavior EVE player actually harbors, and if playing EVE as an in game criminal actually encourages and cultivates such tendencies in the real world.
Me too. They can put them on the shelf beside those unfortunate Master's theses such as 'Meglomania and attempts at world domination induced by the board game Risk: a collection of case studies" or "Mario Kart players and dangerous driving: the hidden menace on our roads".

In all seriousness, a bunch of studies that came out of the anti-Dungeons and Dragons hysteria of the eighties on this very issue found no adverse psychological effects on those that play role-playing game. I am sure any equivalent study of Eve players would find the same: how one behaves in an imaginary and consequence-free setting like a competitive video game has no bearing on real-world behaviour.

But these games simply do not compare to EVE.
Don't they? If I am at a party and some dude I just met has his race car-driving gorilla ram me off the road, or some girl decides to break our alliance and invade Kamchatka after leading me to believe she was my ally, I don't call them psychopaths or mentally ill (or assume this is how they act in their real life). They are both playing the game as it was designed to be played.

Yes, Eve is more of a sandbox game with less defined goals, and also probably considered by some as a role-playing game given the intricate backstory and way your customize and control your character (although in my experience, most players play Eve as a strategic or tactical ship combat simulator or economic simulator, rather than an RPG, especially given the prevalence of alts) but like those other games, it is a virtual, imaginary universe where no consequences spill over into the real world. It is a game. If you cannot separate your reality from the wonderful, but fictitious, virtual reality that CCP has created, then you probably need to step back from Eve for a bit.

Many studies have been done on people who play pen-and-paper RPGs in the last decades (and people who play video games) and never consistently found any correlation with mental illness or negative anti-social behaviours. Humans are more than capable of assuming a dark role in a game, or as an actor or story teller, and not become evil in real life. It is my experience that most ruthless space pirates and space thieves are perfectly well-adjusted and pleasant people in real life.

Eve is about conflict and competition in a dystopian future universe. While some of the characters in New Eden are monsters, you shouldn't think the person behind that character is one for defeating you in a pretend game or for just playing in that competitive universe by the agreed rules.

Dude, I tend to believe people who act like jerks in a game also act like jerks in real life. It's pretty plausible if you ask me.

For some yea, but also many are meek in life and act out when they are anonymous.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#218 - 2017-02-14 01:04:02 UTC
Jax Bederen wrote:
For some yea, but also many are meek in life and act out when they are anonymous.

[typical impotent carebare rage] Hur dur something something sociopath something something kid something something basement something something jollys something something [/typical impotent carebare rage]
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#219 - 2017-02-14 01:44:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Jax Bederen wrote:
Good summary there. And the ccp guy who started this thread should definitely be kept away from any marketing duties,
On the contrary, the CCP dev who started this thread is telling you how it is, and how it has always been.

unless you want that niche game
Eve is a niche game, it was purposefully designed not to be WoW in space

for poorly socialed types appeal.
The poorly socialised types tend to be the people who wish real life misfortune on those that explode their imaginary spaceships; conversely most of the people I've met that happily explode other people's internet spaceships seem to be well adjusted social animals that can tell where Eve stops and the real world begins.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Roy Tannhauser
State War Academy
Caldari State
#220 - 2017-02-14 05:08:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Roy Tannhauser
Black Pedro wrote:
Roy Tannhauser wrote:
Dude, I tend to believe people who act like jerks in a game also act like jerks in real life. It's pretty plausible if you ask me.
I agree. Players who call another human being names or hurl vile insults at them after they lose an imaginary spaceship in a video game about building and losing spaceships are probably not very nice people in real life as well.

However, I think you need to re-read the Golden Rules in the OP again. Having someone attack your industrial/exploration/ratting ship or your space station is being "a jerk" as much as when another player takes your pawn, or bankrupts you when you land on Boardwalk is being "a jerk". Competing with other players for power and resources in a dangerous universe is the core idea of this PvP sandbox game.

Well, I wrote nothing about the behavior you mentioned above. That's just part of the game. But it you're looking for examples I think actions like bumping miners in an ice field just because you can do it, placing repeated bounties on someone's head just because you can do it, using AOE smartbomb at a gate camp in hi sec just because you can do it, even OSS blowing up an Upwell construction site just because you can do it, is not constructive to the game. Its generally the "just be because I can do it'" attitude, while negatively affecting someone, only pisses people off. The old goon swarm attitude, for example, "Not here to ruin the game, just here to ruin your game" is really obnoxious, and is probably indicative of some inferiority complex that has led to EVE as being some kind of sociopathic outlet for people with that attitude.