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Where did the fun go?

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Guardians of the Gate
RAZOR Alliance
#21 - 2017-02-06 03:44:25 UTC
A lot of the better posters have left too its seemed. Im still here but Im a ship toaster so I cant say anything.Lol

+1d a few posts.

Have you heard anything I've said?

You said it's all circling the drain, the whole universe. Right?

That's right.

Had to end sometime.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2017-02-06 05:30:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Neuntausend
Kaleb Mynwarra wrote:
I'm just asking for additional sources. Nothing was implied.
I'm considering putting up money for an Omega account. However, if I have legitimate issues, post my concerns on the forums, and be punished for it, what incentive is there handing CCP my money?

You won't get punished. Just ignored and silenced, read: Your thread will get locked or even deleted. If the ISDs can't find a reason to do so in your OP, they will certainly find one in the responses. Case in point:

Vimsy Vortis wrote:
gas ISDs

Scipio Artelius wrote:
Forums are not where issues get sorted out.

Any concern should be raised through a support ticket.

That is true. However, a support ticket is not suited for an open discussion between players and developers. CCP has become really careful in regards to openly discussing things here on the forums, probably to avoid quotable statements that they might regret later. But for some reason, that doesn't keep them from having these discussions elsewhere (read: on reddit). Probably because they still want to stay close to their player base, and they can always claim that reddit is not "official".

And if somebody gets offended by someone on reddit, it's not CCPs problem to deal with. How very convenient.

It just sucks for me, because I don't like or understand reddit with its funky up- and downvotes. Why can they not just put posts in order like a sane person would?

I understand its 2017 and they want to make use of the wonders of modern social media and s\\t. But I kind of do not want to register and get used to a 3rd party service to get involved with the community of that game I'm playing, especially if there is a perfectly fine platform right here.
#23 - 2017-02-06 06:22:21 UTC
Because ISD's. CCP screwed up when they made ISD's the forum police, because believe it or not, they too play the game and have some skin in what's said here, and police it accordingly.

These forums are a relative ghost town to what they were, because they got moderated into nothingness, and now reddit and others have taken over.
Kaleb Mynwarra
Hogs Collective
#24 - 2017-02-06 11:40:17 UTC
Neuntausend wrote:
Kaleb Mynwarra wrote:
I'm just asking for additional sources. Nothing was implied.
I'm considering putting up money for an Omega account. However, if I have legitimate issues, post my concerns on the forums, and be punished for it, what incentive is there handing CCP my money?

You won't get punished. Just ignored and silenced, read: Your thread will get locked or even deleted. If the ISDs can't find a reason to do so in your OP, they will certainly find one in the responses. Case in point:

Vimsy Vortis wrote:
gas ISDs

Scipio Artelius wrote:
Forums are not where issues get sorted out.

Any concern should be raised through a support ticket.

That is true. However, a support ticket is not suited for an open discussion between players and developers. CCP has become really careful in regards to openly discussing things here on the forums, probably to avoid quotable statements that they might regret later. But for some reason, that doesn't keep them from having these discussions elsewhere (read: on reddit). Probably because they still want to stay close to their player base, and they can always claim that reddit is not "official".

And if somebody gets offended by someone on reddit, it's not CCPs problem to deal with. How very convenient.

It just sucks for me, because I don't like or understand reddit with its funky up- and downvotes. Why can they not just put posts in order like a sane person would?

I understand its 2017 and they want to make use of the wonders of modern social media and s\\t. But I kind of do not want to register and get used to a 3rd party service to get involved with the community of that game I'm playing, especially if there is a perfectly fine platform right here.

I've the same problem wi Reddit as well. There's just no order to it at all.

"All right, everybody, just calm down" - Space Ghost

"For 800 years ...." - some little green man

Wolfgang Jannesen
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2017-02-06 13:39:01 UTC
Refreshing to see somebody not bitching about the game
Arthur Aihaken
#26 - 2017-02-06 14:01:40 UTC
Wolfgang Jannesen wrote:
Refreshing to see somebody not bitching about the game

Mondays suck enough already.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Kaleb Mynwarra
Hogs Collective
#27 - 2017-02-06 14:07:48 UTC
Wolfgang Jannesen wrote:
Refreshing to see somebody not bitching about the game

I'm enjoying the game just fine.
I do think some of the fun found in the forums is sadly missing though

"All right, everybody, just calm down" - Space Ghost

"For 800 years ...." - some little green man

Arthur Aihaken
#28 - 2017-02-06 14:17:55 UTC
Kaleb Mynwarra wrote:
I'm enjoying the game just fine.
I do think some of the fun found in the forums is sadly missing though

We used to have a lot more fun. Especially when there were more players participating.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#29 - 2017-02-06 14:37:58 UTC
Kaleb Mynwarra wrote:
Until now I've never put time into playing Eve. Sure back in the day I dipped my toe into the water with the old trial account but other commitments kept me from playing it for more than a short while. The one thing I did do ' back then' was read up on the forums. That was a bit of entertainment all on its own. Epic multi page threads on a myriad of subjects. Corporate intrigue, alliance warfare, double crosses, pirate action, gank fests, and scams all could be found. Most if not all were colorfully written posts with witty responses and many had counter posts also.

Things arent so busy for me now. With that I've got time to play this game. Remembering how much fun I had reading the forums I'd search em out while at lunch or on break. There's just no describing how disappointed I'm am . These days the forums seem so.....well to put it mildly ...bland. There's no flavor anymore. There's no real drama. Everyone is so ...civil. Seriously it makes no sense considering the idea of 'civility' ,particularly in this game , goes out the window as soon as you undock. I'm not talking RL racists, social or sexists comments. Just the good old fashion flames or posts sticking it to this weeks number one bad guy.

Now let me makes this abundantly clear I am in NO way questioning the rules on what can and can't be posted here on the Eve forums. It's thier space and their rules. Same for the moderators. You guys either get paid or volunteer to enforce the rules. That's all good by me.

That said , I can't believe that the complete win that was once in the forums just died. I thinks it's moved on to another place that wasn't so 'structured'. My question is ..where?

Respond here but if it's rule breaking then send me some info via email.


We're getting older. We've learned that spending our precious time on this Earth arguing with some dude who doesn't like how a video game is made/ran/developed is one of the stupidest things you can do. And frankly, some of the most hard headed and 'triggering' people have finally left the game or got permabanned.

The game is as interesting and fun to talk about as ever, many of us have just taken to talking about it on Reddit, a place that is just less...strict... about how you say things about EVE. And more relevant too as you have a higher chance of encountering a DEV there than here Twisted
Lulu Lunette
Savage Moon Society
#30 - 2017-02-06 14:47:52 UTC


Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#31 - 2017-02-06 14:55:52 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
These forums have sucked for the last few years. Nowadays it's not surprising to find numerous threads that have been edited, moved, locked or outright deleted. The devs have basically abandoned any active participation in discussion here other than the occasional token comment or update - the irony of course being that these are the official EVE forums...

No one is really allowed to offer a strong, dissenting opinion anymore. Perish the thought of even offering constructive criticism, because it only takes one adverse misinterpreted comment to have it labelled as a rant and locked. Heck, you can't even post public service announcements without having them moved to a 'more appropriate forum' (read: burried).

So yeah, understandably players have flocked to Reddit which, while containing some gems - is filled with endless memes, killmails and general bullsh*t. That and Twitter, although now God forbid CCP seems to be embracing Facebook.


Here you get locked/deleted if you have a dissenting opinion. On Reddit, you get downvoted into oblivion. The real result is the same at the end of the day. The only real difference is what is "dissenting" in each forum.
Salvos Rhoska
#32 - 2017-02-06 14:59:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Shiptoasting has always been shiptoasting.

The internet is already filled with so much useless content that to find a single useful and relevant post you must wade through pages of trash.

Over the years it has reduced my trust and faith in the sophistication and intelligence of humanity to almost nill.

Every idiot seems to think they are funny, informed or otherwise privileged to post their crap on any topic.

Its like swimming in a sea of sewage these days.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#33 - 2017-02-06 15:01:33 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
These forums have sucked for the last few years. Nowadays it's not surprising to find numerous threads that have been edited, moved, locked or outright deleted. The devs have basically abandoned any active participation in discussion here other than the occasional token comment or update - the irony of course being that these are the official EVE forums...

No one is really allowed to offer a strong, dissenting opinion anymore. Perish the thought of even offering constructive criticism, because it only takes one adverse misinterpreted comment to have it labelled as a rant and locked. Heck, you can't even post public service announcements without having them moved to a 'more appropriate forum' (read: burried).

So yeah, understandably players have flocked to Reddit which, while containing some gems - is filled with endless memes, killmails and general bullsh*t. That and Twitter, although now God forbid CCP seems to be embracing Facebook.


Here you get locked/deleted if you have a dissenting opinion. On Reddit, you get downvoted into oblivion. The real result is the same at the end of the day. The only real difference is what is "dissenting" in each forum.

That has not been my personal experience, I 'dissent' all the time there like I did here, generally you don't get downvoted unless your an a-hole about it.

Reddit offers way more freedom than this place does, so in an odd way, r/EVE is closer to the game than this place is, because EVE is ultimately a game about Freedom of action and choice and yet it's forum rules are very strict and unforgiving.

At Reddit we can be ourselves (warts and all), in a way we haven't been able to here for a long time.
Salvos Rhoska
#34 - 2017-02-06 15:04:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Reddit is the worst cesspool of cancer and useless comments.

Thats not even considering the partisan up/down voting, as well as willful moderation bias.

Maybe its because Im a Finn from a different cultural background renowned for speaking only when you actually have something meaningful to say, with an abject contempt for bullcrap and empty nothings.

The forum rules here largely only require being ontopic, relevant, not to insult/disrespect others offhandedly for no purpose, and not to waste everyones time with crap. Not only are those not much to ask, they keep the board clear of trash and cancer, and is conducive to civil discourse as it is supposed to be.

Crap-posters spreading their sewage across the internet cos they think they are funny, witty, or have an opinion on everything, making pointless noise can all burn for all I care. Good riddance
Kaleb Mynwarra
Hogs Collective
#35 - 2017-02-06 16:15:44 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Reddit is the worst cesspool of cancer and useless comments.

Thats not even considering the partisan up/down voting, as well as willful moderation bias.

Maybe its because Im a Finn from a different cultural background renowned for speaking only when you actually have something meaningful to say, with an abject contempt for bullcrap and empty nothings.

The forum rules here largely only require being ontopic, relevant, not to insult/disrespect others offhandedly for no purpose, and not to waste everyones time with crap. Not only are those not much to ask, they keep the board clear of trash and cancer, and is conducive to civil discourse as it is supposed to be.

Crap-posters spreading their sewage across the internet cos they think they are funny, witty, or have an opinion on everything, making pointless noise can all burn for all I care. Good riddance

I could agree with some of what you're saying but only some. True there's no place for vitriolic comments drenched in real world sexism, racism, and religious intolerance. That said I don't think you or I have power to proclaim what is and isn't funny or what is and isn't trivial or what is and isn't relevant. There's a myriad of subjects people find humorous, interesting, and compelling that I personally don't have any affinity towards. That said I don't think I've a place demanding that those topics be barred simply because I don't like them. As much as I liked what the forums were back in the day I passed by tons of posts that didn't interest me. Same can be said about many of the post today. As the old saying goes "youre either a Beatles fan or an Elvis fan but you can't be both" .

Btw my better half is Finnish American and I'm Swedish American .

"All right, everybody, just calm down" - Space Ghost

"For 800 years ...." - some little green man

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#36 - 2017-02-06 16:22:37 UTC
We aren't really talking about why anyone personally likes or dislikes something. We're talking about why one (which is external) seems to be the more alive, vibrant and popular option (not just for the players but many times for the DEVs themselves) compared to the other (this place, owned by the game company itself).

Reddit has a EVE fitting section that has no drama at all, I've gotten better fitting ideas there than I have in the Ships and Modules section of these forums. News about changes/devblogs etc forEVE pops up in ONE PLACE on Reddit, on these forums I have to hunt for them. And so on.

We can react in partisan "but Im a EVE Forum poster!" fashion or we can understand why their seems to have been a shift in preference. But we can't do both lol.
Kaleb Mynwarra
Hogs Collective
#37 - 2017-02-06 16:30:35 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
We aren't really talking about why anyone personally likes or dislikes something. We're talking about why one (which is external) seems to be the more alive, vibrant and popular option (not just for the players but many times for the DEVs themselves) compared to the other (this place, owned by the game company itself).

Reddit has a EVE fitting section that has no drama at all, I've gotten better fitting ideas there than I have in the Ships and Modules section of these forums. News about changes/devblogs etc forEVE pops up in ONE PLACE on Reddit, on these forums I have to hunt for them. And so on.

We can react in partisan "but Im a EVE Forum poster!" fashion or we can understand why their seems to have been a shift in preference. But we can't do both lol.

Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems to me that you're suggesting that the lack of 'vibrancy' here is in some part due to players preferring Reddit over Eve forums ?

As I've stated, I'm new to playing, but aren't there specific threads on the Eve forums for topics like ship fitting?

"All right, everybody, just calm down" - Space Ghost

"For 800 years ...." - some little green man

Salvos Rhoska
#38 - 2017-02-06 16:36:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
The difference is between useful content, and useless content.

Rules are there to encourage the former, and remove the latter.

Reddit boards are partisan, systemically, by Up/down voting and attacking content with crap.
Unrepresentative/noncommitted moderators exhibit bias frequently.

Here, on this board, moderators are required to remain non-partisan.
Rules here enforce constructive discussion.

The Reddit group of posters are thus trying to find a place to post useless crap in an environment that supports partisanship, as enforced by unregulated moderators with bias.

Ergo: Reddit is for shiptoasting that doesnt work here.
Any and all of the useful content there, could just as well be posted here.
But the useless content, cant.

See what I mean?
Arthur Aihaken
#39 - 2017-02-06 16:58:05 UTC
If the devs made a concerted effort to get involved with these forums it would really change things. Honestly, it wouldn't take more than 10-15 minutes every few days...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Kaleb Mynwarra
Hogs Collective
#40 - 2017-02-06 16:59:43 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
The difference is between useful content, and useless content.

Rules are there to encourage the former, and remove the latter.

Reddit boards are partisan, systemically, by Up/down voting and attacking content with crap.
Unrepresentative/noncommitted moderators exhibit bias frequently.

Here, on this board, moderators are required to remain non-partisan.
Rules here enforce constructive discussion.

I believe someone said that many of the moderators are also players. If true there's legitimacy in the claim that moderator bias could influence what's deemed acceptable and what's not. Of course I've no real proof that has happened just pointing that it could be possible. Given the fact that Eve has officially responded to posts made on other forums suggests that they've some issues communicating with their player base on their own moderated boards.

I appreciate your input though

"All right, everybody, just calm down" - Space Ghost

"For 800 years ...." - some little green man