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How to profit from LvL 4 missions?

Deadlyy Goliath
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2016-11-19 13:37:39 UTC
Hello everyone, I'm quite new to the game (1 month old character), so I've been looking to find how to make my isk. I'm already in a Navy Raven with mostly tech 2 modules, and yet I cannot make any money from LvL 4 missions, they simply take too long for me. Even after I turn the LP to isk I still find mining more profitable, yet everywhere I read people say missioning makes 40m/h, so I would expect for someone with low skills it would make at least 10m-15m, but I find that I hardly make 5 mil an hour running missions. How do I increase my income? Shall I salvage? Shall I blitz? I currently do them in 0.7 as I was told that 0.5 can be dangerous.

Any advice is welcome :)

Thanks in advance
Buoytender Bob
Ronin Exploration Mission and Mining
#2 - 2016-11-19 16:21:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Buoytender Bob
Well, always take the ISK per hour statements with a whole lot of salt. I would think that 15-30 m per hour is quite easy to do, although it does depend on your skills and style of playing. I run the level 4s in either a Golem (step up from your ship) or a Kronos. Depending on the mission, I may drop an MTU as I begin to help grab wrecks with loot. I may release a full set of salvage drones if I think my ship will take out the frigates fast. I usually run from 1m to up to 5+ million for the reward and bonus (always get the bonus of course). Add loot from the wrecks (can run 8-10m+ for large missions like Dread Pirate or Angel Extravaganza) and salvage ( again depends if worth it but can run 1-3m+) to your bounties from the ships (can have 20m+ for large missions like Dread Pirate) and you can see that you should see that your ISK per hour should be higher. Your LP gain adds even more to that; I have over 19 million in one Corp's LP because I just usually save it to make my own ammo.

Know the missions and their triggers. Design each ship's fittings to maximize its potential for each mission; although you can run a "one size fits all" build ( my Golem). I run in .5 to .7, but run where you feel comfortable. Get to know the locals well. Always scan local. Realize that your MTU will call the less desirable like a siren; never leave your MTU unattended or at a long distance. Learn what missions to just blitz and leave and what ones are worth to do full kill and clear.

Doing level 4's in HS should always generate income vastly higher than any mining operation. It also generates a steadier income in HS than exploration, although exploration can score an occasional 200m+ per hour in HS and is vastly more fun than mission running. But, that is the key: are you are having fun or not? Don't turn EVE into a grind/job, have fun! Switch from all occupations even if it is for a short time ( 30 minutes). If you are bored in EVE, you are doing it wrong. Having fun no matter your income is the goal. Good luck!

To buck the popular trend, I began to Rage Start instead of Rage Quit.

...and every time I get another piece of Carbon, I know exactly what CCP is getting this Christmas.

United Allegiance of Undesirables
#3 - 2016-11-19 16:33:52 UTC
First the caution note. I have not un-docked my level 4 mission character in a little over a month so some of this may have changed.

Post your fit if you don't mind, saying it is T2 does not mean that it is a good fit for level 4 missions.

Bounties alone from a complete clear of an average level 4 mission should be netting you around 8 to 10 mil per hour.

Ultimately blitzing is the most profitable way to run missions but that can require significant skills to be able to fly the ships and fits needed for blitzing to become really effective. If you have the tank and DPS to blitz you can and should try that to see if it makes you more ISK.

Leave it behind or loot / salvage is always a big question. For now it might be more profitable to drop MTU's in each pocket and book mark them. After mission turn in re-ship to something with salvage beams and do back for the MTU and what every they have collected. Personal preference is another aspect here some people including me simply prefer to full clear and loot / salvage because we like doing it. Others will tell you that loot salvage is worthless so leave it behind.

Safety wise there is very little difference between missions in a .7 and a .5 system. Flying for an agent in a .5 system does have some advantage though like slightly higher payouts and bonuses and some say that the bounties are higher as well but I cannot confirm that.

Finding another player to mission with is faster and will make you more ISK per hour as well even if one of you does nothing but loot / salvage the pockets.

If you do not have it this is an excellent site for mission runners/
EvE Survival
Yourmoney Mywallet
#4 - 2016-11-19 17:40:39 UTC
See, in the old days we could have just said:

"a) 1-month-old character
b) L4 missions
c) Profit

Take any two."

Nowadays - who knows, you could have 100 mill SPs and the problem could be anything.
Tam Arai
Mi Pen Rai
#5 - 2016-11-19 17:54:28 UTC
5m an hour? so youre only running 1 mission an hour? something is definitely wrong

check eve survival for correct damage and tank types first
RaVeN Alliance
#6 - 2016-11-19 21:44:22 UTC
I can only guess, your skills are not up to par for that ship, its fit, and its damage application.

Level 4 missions are sort of top tier for hi-sec missioning. The game was designed so that those missions require a fair bit of skilling.

Look at:
Your missiles SUPPORT skills
Drone skills
Level of ship skill (Caldari BS IV, or better)

You should be running T2 Cruise, with minimum 3 Ballistic Controls, and a flight of light drones (Hobs are my favorite)
#7 - 2016-11-19 21:56:45 UTC

It would probably help to know what your fit is. You should have a full rack to T2 cruise and be using fury and 3 ballistic controls. An all T2 fit Typhoon with Garde II and fury and max skills is just over 1000 dps, about 950 or so with Wardens, so if you can't get that out of CNR maybe look at a Typhoon or get some advice on your fitting.
Alasdan Helminthauge
Hogs Collective
#8 - 2016-11-21 01:11:02 UTC
Tam Arai wrote:
5m an hour? so youre only running 1 mission an hour? something is definitely wrong

check eve survival for correct damage and tank types first

I think 1 mission an hour is still more than 5 mil an hour. A single lv4 blockade can give you like 25 mil bounty, 4 mil isk reward, 9k LP (whichi can be exchanged for like 11 mil isk) and 10 mil loot/salvage, so it's like 50 mil an hour.
Alasdan Helminthauge
Hogs Collective
#9 - 2016-11-21 01:17:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Alasdan Helminthauge
I'm doubting whether a 1-month old character can really fly a T2-fitted CNR. The training for T2 cruise missiles takes at least 20 days, while the training for T2 light drones takes about another 8 days.
So it's either OP's Raven not being full-T2-fitted, either his support skills being very low.
erg cz
Blood Blind
Short Bus Syndicate
#10 - 2016-11-21 09:01:48 UTC
Alasdan Helminthauge wrote:
I'm doubting whether a 1-month old character can really fly a T2-fitted CNR. The training for T2 cruise missiles takes at least 20 days, while the training for T2 light drones takes about another 8 days.
So it's either OP's Raven not being full-T2-fitted, either his support skills being very low.

With skill injectors one can fly marauder in their first week...

1. Check eve-survival site to learn about your particular mission. You can spend lot of time firing wrong ammo ...
2. Get security connection skill at least to 4
3. With better standings your LP rewards will go up, have patience.
4. You will be lucky to get 1000 ISK for 1 LP with Caldari navy but it is very much possible to get up to 2000 ISK for 1 LP if you do missions for other corporations. It depends on the market. Once upon a time I ran missions for Freedom extension and gather my own tags from factional warfare. Combined I was getting over 2000 ISK for 1 LP if I sell republic fleet warp scramblers. Now market is somewhere else, so you have to use fuzzwork lp convertor to see what to turn your LP into.
Whitestar Holdings
#11 - 2016-11-21 10:34:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Exiea
I run L4s in a Tengu and there's no issue, IDK isk per hour but there shouldn't be a massive difference with you running a raven, I gather with rapid heavies?

A few questions:
1) What fitting are you running on the raven. My guess is this may be the issue, raven should be able to handle it fine.
2) What would you say is the slow part of missions? For example - Getting to them? Killing frigates? Or just all round slowness?
3) Who are you running missions for? It's ok to ditch long missions once in a while, I skip a lot of the large missions just cuz I'm lazy.
4) Are you salvaging? A lot of people don't salvage or loot but I like it, I generally drop a tractor unit at the beginning of each mission, run a few and then come back with a salvage ship and tractor in anything missed, loot and salvage.

Alasdan Helminthauge wrote:

I think 1 mission an hour is still more than 5 mil an hour. A single lv4 blockade can give you like 25 mil bounty, 4 mil isk reward, 9k LP (whichi can be exchanged for like 11 mil isk) and 10 mil loot/salvage, so it's like 50 mil an hour.

Exactly what I was thinking, maybe he hasn't taken into account all of the rewards :)
#12 - 2016-11-21 13:55:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Voxinian
You are basically flying a BS while not even having decent skills to fly a cruiser. You want to have T2 drones, MJD, T2 pointer, MWD/AB, T2/faction ammo, and good missle/launcher skills.

Forget about salvaging, unless the mission contains a lot of BS wrecks and you have a Noctis or a Golem.

I don't fly Ravens, but this is 'a ' fit I use for L4s in a SNI:

[Scorpion Navy Issue, SNI-L4]
Co-Processor II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Damage Control II

Heavy F-RX Prototype Capacitor Boost
X-Large Shield Booster II
Pithum C-Type Thermal Dissipation Amplifier
Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Shield Boost Amplifier II
Large Micro Jump Drive
Target Painter II
100MN Afterburner II

Cruise Missile Launcher II
Cruise Missile Launcher II
Cruise Missile Launcher II
Cruise Missile Launcher II
Cruise Missile Launcher II
Cruise Missile Launcher II
Improved Cloaking Device II

Large Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
Large Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer II
Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II

Hammerhead II x1
Hobgoblin II x3
Gecko x1

Inferno Fury Cruise Missile x718
Inferno Precision Cruise Missile x1510
Cap Booster 800 x14
Nanite Repair Paste x100

This fit is overkill, cap boost is not needed (except mayby for missions like 'Worlds Collide').
#13 - 2016-11-21 14:02:28 UTC
Exiea wrote:

4) Are you salvaging? A lot of people don't salvage or loot but I like it, I generally drop a tractor unit at the beginning of each mission, run a few and then come back with a salvage ship and tractor in anything missed, loot and salvage.

You must get a lot of visitors in your missions.
Deadlyy Goliath
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#14 - 2016-11-21 22:22:48 UTC
Sorry guys, I understand I didn't provide enough information, here is my fit:

Raven Navy Issue

'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I X8

Pith X - Type X - Large Shield Booster
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II X2
EM Ward Field II
Thermal Dissipation Field II
Cap Recharger II
Large Cap Battery II

Ballistic Control System II X2
Capacitor Flux Coil II X3

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I X3

While writing this I realized the shield booster is kind of overkill and I need too many modules too keep it stable.

The slowest parts of the missions is killing smaller ships such as frigates, I know there is a lot of modules which improve this but I am not sure which ones I should use. Also I run missions for the Caldari Navy.
Derath Ellecon
Shadow Cartel
#15 - 2016-11-21 22:45:29 UTC
Deadlyy Goliath wrote:
Sorry guys, I understand I didn't provide enough information, here is my fit:

Raven Navy Issue

'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I X8

Pith X - Type X - Large Shield Booster
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II X2
EM Ward Field II
Thermal Dissipation Field II
Cap Recharger II
Large Cap Battery II

Ballistic Control System II X2
Capacitor Flux Coil II X3

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I X3

While writing this I realized the shield booster is kind of overkill and I need too many modules too keep it stable.

The slowest parts of the missions is killing smaller ships such as frigates, I know there is a lot of modules which improve this but I am not sure which ones I should use. Also I run missions for the Caldari Navy.

You are in a classic situation of trying to fly something you largely are not ready for. And then you went the extra mile buying the Navy version of the ship in the hopes of offsetting your lack of skills.

That being said there are several things to keep in mind, which hold true even after you have mastered the skills.

1. Your mission ship does not need to be cap stable. You shouldn't be running your shield booster full time, and if you need to you REALLY aren't ready to fly the ship. You should only need to pulse the booster, a bit more in the beginning until you thin the mission pocket.
2. with fewer cap mods you can fit more DPS mods, and especially target painters. Which you desperately need in a missile boat to hit the smaller stuff for anything useful.

If you aren't comfortable trying to change your fit, you should consider going back to a regular Raven so you don't risk such an expensive ship.
Deadlyy Goliath
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#16 - 2016-11-21 22:54:00 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Deadlyy Goliath wrote:
Sorry guys, I understand I didn't provide enough information, here is my fit:

Raven Navy Issue

'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I X8

Pith X - Type X - Large Shield Booster
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II X2
EM Ward Field II
Thermal Dissipation Field II
Cap Recharger II
Large Cap Battery II

Ballistic Control System II X2
Capacitor Flux Coil II X3

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I X3

While writing this I realized the shield booster is kind of overkill and I need too many modules too keep it stable.

The slowest parts of the missions is killing smaller ships such as frigates, I know there is a lot of modules which improve this but I am not sure which ones I should use. Also I run missions for the Caldari Navy.

You are in a classic situation of trying to fly something you largely are not ready for. And then you went the extra mile buying the Navy version of the ship in the hopes of offsetting your lack of skills.

That being said there are several things to keep in mind, which hold true even after you have mastered the skills.

1. Your mission ship does not need to be cap stable. You shouldn't be running your shield booster full time, and if you need to you REALLY aren't ready to fly the ship. You should only need to pulse the booster, a bit more in the beginning until you thin the mission pocket.
2. with fewer cap mods you can fit more DPS mods, and especially target painters. Which you desperately need in a missile boat to hit the smaller stuff for anything useful.

If you aren't comfortable trying to change your fit, you should consider going back to a regular Raven so you don't risk such an expensive ship.

You are absolutely right I rushed to the BS, I'm still at 1.9m skill points but I really don't want to come out of it, so shall I start training to get target painter T2? And I normally pulse the booster anyways so I might take off some cap mods.

Thanks for the advice :)
Anize Oramara
#17 - 2016-11-21 23:12:11 UTC
T2 light drones. Ignore anything and everything else and get to T2 light drones asap.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Deadlyy Goliath
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#18 - 2016-11-21 23:20:38 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
T2 light drones. Ignore anything and everything else and get to T2 light drones asap.

Understood. Thanks :)
Gergosh Chent-Shi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2016-11-22 01:58:21 UTC
Deadlyy Goliath wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
T2 light drones. Ignore anything and everything else and get to T2 light drones asap.

Understood. Thanks :)

When I was new I did the same thing you did except I ran all passive tanked BS. They do a little less damage but are one of the safest fits for super low sp pilot.
Andrew Indy
Cleaning Crew
#20 - 2016-11-22 05:00:04 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
T2 light drones. Ignore anything and everything else and get to T2 light drones asap.


Good drone skills go a long way to speeding up missions, Its not as bad as it used to be but T2 are still a lot better than T1 especially with low skills.

Also OP, are you using Precision missiles to shoot the frigs?

Precision for frigs (or drones)
Faction for Most things
Fury for BS.
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