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How to profit from LvL 4 missions?

Tam Arai
Mi Pen Rai
#21 - 2016-11-22 05:04:33 UTC
you are overtanked and over capacitored

you run missions for caldari navy so lets presume you fight gurista a lot

highs- arbalest cruise x 8 is the best you can get in terms of t1. make sure you use scourge missiles as guristas are weak to kinetic damage. t2 cruise gives you fury and precision cruise missiles which are fantastic. make sure that all missile support skills are to at least 4, they will help you apply more damage

mids- guristas deal kin/ therm damage so you want a t2 kin and therm shield hardener. you can add a shield extender or invuln field 2 dpending on your preference. a shield booster large or xl

with the 3 remaining mids i like to increase my damage application so a target painter, missile guidance computer with precision script and a sensor booster- no script, increased lock speed and range and sensor strength against pesky gurista jams

lows- damage control 2, 3 x ballistic control units and a power diagnostic. increases resists, damage, shield and cap regen

rigs- 2x rigor catalyst- helps apply damage and 1x kinetic screen enforcer for added resists

drones- hornets and vespas

with this and good skills, i can 1-shot frigs, destroyers, cruisers and battlecruisers over 100km away

when fighting other enemies, change your shield resists, missile and drone types

you will be blasting through missions soon enough
Deadlyy Goliath
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#22 - 2016-11-22 08:57:02 UTC
Tam Arai wrote:
you are overtanked and over capacitored

you run missions for caldari navy so lets presume you fight gurista a lot

highs- arbalest cruise x 8 is the best you can get in terms of t1. make sure you use scourge missiles as guristas are weak to kinetic damage. t2 cruise gives you fury and precision cruise missiles which are fantastic. make sure that all missile support skills are to at least 4, they will help you apply more damage

mids- guristas deal kin/ therm damage so you want a t2 kin and therm shield hardener. you can add a shield extender or invuln field 2 dpending on your preference. a shield booster large or xl

with the 3 remaining mids i like to increase my damage application so a target painter, missile guidance computer with precision script and a sensor booster- no script, increased lock speed and range and sensor strength against pesky gurista jams

lows- damage control 2, 3 x ballistic control units and a power diagnostic. increases resists, damage, shield and cap regen

rigs- 2x rigor catalyst- helps apply damage and 1x kinetic screen enforcer for added resists

drones- hornets and vespas

with this and good skills, i can 1-shot frigs, destroyers, cruisers and battlecruisers over 100km away

when fighting other enemies, change your shield resists, missile and drone types

you will be blasting through missions soon enough

Thank you for the advice, I'll replicate your fit as well as I can and see how it does for me
Yourmoney Mywallet
#23 - 2016-11-22 10:04:02 UTC
Deadlyy Goliath wrote:
I'm still at 1.9m skill points

You've received some very good advice so far in this thread which is all fine and dandy...

... once you're actually ready to fly L4s.

You can go for T2 lights asap, and fit TPs and MCs and so forth, it will still take you forever to kill just one BS because your missile support skills aren't there. You want to increase damage output, missile velocity and flight time, and decrease explosion radius. And so on.

Profit-wise (and that is what the OP is about, no?) you'll be much better off running L3s in a Drake or some such simply because you'll be able to run a lot more of them in the same time it takes you to run just one L4.
United Allegiance of Undesirables
#24 - 2016-11-22 14:44:50 UTC
An additional thought I did not see covered.

Cap stable is not a goal that you really need to be concerned about, well for most players anyway.
You need to be cap stable with everything but your booster running.
With everything including your booster running you will need to have 2 to 3 minutes cap as reported by fitting tools like PYFA, EvE HQ or EFT. Yes it will take longer to get through a mission than 2 to 3 minutes but since you will be turning your booster on to repair damage and then off again to allow cap to recharge this is all you need.

No one else has said this so here goes.
Running level 4's is not bad, if you want to go that way please enjoy. On the other hand blitzing level 3's, or simply running level 3's may net more ISK per hour simply because your character and current skills are better suited to that level of missions so you can run them more efficiently.
#25 - 2016-11-22 15:30:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Voxinian
Yourmoney Mywallet wrote:
Deadlyy Goliath wrote:
I'm still at 1.9m skill points

You've received some very good advice so far in this thread which is all fine and dandy...

... once you're actually ready to fly L4s.

You can go for T2 lights asap, and fit TPs and MCs and so forth, it will still take you forever to kill just one BS because your missile support skills aren't there. You want to increase damage output, missile velocity and flight time, and decrease explosion radius. And so on.

Profit-wise (and that is what the OP is about, no?) you'll be much better off running L3s in a Drake or some such simply because you'll be able to run a lot more of them in the same time it takes you to run just one L4.

For L3's I would go for the Orthrus with rapid lights, it's much faster to clear a pocket than in a BC. OP should sell that CNR and get an Orthrus instead :)
Alasdan Helminthauge
Hogs Collective
#26 - 2016-11-22 15:55:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Alasdan Helminthauge
Raven shouldn't have much issue for tank, since its missiles can easily hit something about 200 km away with all skills only at lv4.
fit an MWD and an MJD on your ship, MJD 100 km away when enter a pocket and use the MWD for a few cycle to adjust the range if necessary, then nothing can reach youBig smile
edit: you'll probably also need about 2 mid to increase your target range, but the rest mid slots should still be enough for tank. (My sniping dominix only have 3 tank module: a dcu II, a energized explosive armor membrance II and a large armor repairer II, it rarely take any hull damage, and if I'm willing to spend a few more minutes to jump away and retarget, the "rarely" can be changed to “never”.
Owen Levanth
Sagittarius Unlimited Exploration
#27 - 2016-11-22 18:23:43 UTC
Alasdan Helminthauge wrote:
I'm doubting whether a 1-month old character can really fly a T2-fitted CNR. The training for T2 cruise missiles takes at least 20 days, while the training for T2 light drones takes about another 8 days.
So it's either OP's Raven not being full-T2-fitted, either his support skills being very low.

He probably has something like a single T2-Damage Control and in his mind this makes it "mostly T2-fit". P
Player Vs Ore
Miners Of Independence
#28 - 2016-11-23 02:22:47 UTC
Deadlyy Goliath wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Deadlyy Goliath wrote:
Sorry guys, I understand I didn't provide enough information, here is my fit:

Raven Navy Issue

'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I X8

Pith X - Type X - Large Shield Booster
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II X2
EM Ward Field II
Thermal Dissipation Field II
Cap Recharger II
Large Cap Battery II

Ballistic Control System II X2
Capacitor Flux Coil II X3

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I X3

While writing this I realized the shield booster is kind of overkill and I need too many modules too keep it stable.

The slowest parts of the missions is killing smaller ships such as frigates, I know there is a lot of modules which improve this but I am not sure which ones I should use. Also I run missions for the Caldari Navy.

You are in a classic situation of trying to fly something you largely are not ready for. And then you went the extra mile buying the Navy version of the ship in the hopes of offsetting your lack of skills.

That being said there are several things to keep in mind, which hold true even after you have mastered the skills.

1. Your mission ship does not need to be cap stable. You shouldn't be running your shield booster full time, and if you need to you REALLY aren't ready to fly the ship. You should only need to pulse the booster, a bit more in the beginning until you thin the mission pocket.
2. with fewer cap mods you can fit more DPS mods, and especially target painters. Which you desperately need in a missile boat to hit the smaller stuff for anything useful.

If you aren't comfortable trying to change your fit, you should consider going back to a regular Raven so you don't risk such an expensive ship.

You are absolutely right I rushed to the BS, I'm still at 1.9m skill points but I really don't want to come out of it, so shall I start training to get target painter T2? And I normally pulse the booster anyways so I might take off some cap mods.

Thanks for the advice :)

I did this myself, on the receipt of bad advice and not knowing any better.

Being able to Fly a ship or able to fit a ship correctly is two very different things in EVE.

while you level up, consider steping down to level 3 missions as this will take the stress of you while you level up some much needed skills for your Raven.

For me, and i'm not saying this is good or bad advice, I decided i didn't like BS Class much too big...

I decided to go the T3 Cruiser route, and my Tengu is great for level 4's. I'm considering jumping into a Proteous once i get the skills up since i'm really a drone/missle pilot.

Take your time don't rush, get the skills before you get into a boat.

Fly safe and see you around ... maybe.

I am a miner, mission runner, and explorer...

or as EVE Online would have it...

A Carebear!!

Eli Apol
Definitely a nullsec alt
#29 - 2016-11-23 04:04:08 UTC
8 cap mods/rigs...

No, bad kitty!

but what would I know, I'm just a salvager

Deadlyy Goliath
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#30 - 2016-11-23 19:22:45 UTC
Owen Levanth wrote:
Alasdan Helminthauge wrote:
I'm doubting whether a 1-month old character can really fly a T2-fitted CNR. The training for T2 cruise missiles takes at least 20 days, while the training for T2 light drones takes about another 8 days.
So it's either OP's Raven not being full-T2-fitted, either his support skills being very low.

He probably has something like a single T2-Damage Control and in his mind this makes it "mostly T2-fit". P

Most mods were T2 except from launchers and rigs, I see your point tho.
Nicky's Tomb
#31 - 2016-11-23 19:32:32 UTC
There are many tactics in missions. Though a raven is limited with little to no drones.

I used to put most of my mods and rigs into tanking so I could sit with the whole heat of the room on me and be cap and amour/shield stable. I figured I'd be safe, I could take my time.

What I didn't realise is, if you put all your mods, rips and skills into weapons the enemy typically don't live long enough to really challenge you. When they do start to make you hurt, just plan well and fly your ship instead of sitting like a well armed turtle soaking it up.

My favourite fit for L4s is the Domi-Sentry-MJD-Snipe approach. Warp in, drop an MTU, such out the heat, if it's heavy MJD 100km off. Pop 5 specific damage T2 sentries. Try and target the NPCs as fast as the drones pop them. Scope the drones MJD to the MTU, pop 5 salvage drones, go have a ****. Ship it fully drone upgrades, long range targetting and one or two hardeners. Drone range of 150km. Move to next room, repeat. I do this with 2 Domi's, same fit, 2 accounts and can clear the combat rooms in a few minutes each, the whole mission in 15 minutes, but I usually take my time to snort up all the loot and salvage for the fun. I even return to some and mine them out with two hulks, followed by two Iteron 5s.


Check EVE Survival and note the damage dealt and damage dealing. Swap your tank, missiles, drones, ammo and hardeners to suit.... no every mission. Good damage type to bad damage type can double of tripple the number of shots needed.
Tank is not the only way to avoid taking damage. Speed and distance work just as well.
Getting involved in NPC corp mission running fleets which pop up from time to time in NPC Chat can be a lot of fun.

Just because it's more profitable to do something in Eve does not mean it's more fun.
Altair Taurus
#32 - 2016-11-24 16:05:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Altair Taurus
I also want to bring up a topic of ISK/LP exchange rates. I checked data and they look really strange. Aside of null-sec pirate and faction warfare LP stores entire high-sec LP store market is dominated by SoE and a few racial mining corporations. Remaining LP stores in high-sec basically offer items at below 1000 ISK/LP exchange rates. Well, some of them offer utter trash at 400 ISK/LP level.

Frankly speaking I do not understand this! Does all that mean everything EVE players need now is: Sisters probes and mining implants??? Mining and ninja salvaging are now a premiere players' goals???
Salvos Rhoska
#33 - 2016-11-24 17:27:20 UTC
You are correct.

There are other niches, but demand of SoE probing related goods and ships (do to the massive proliferation of explorers//probers) is nigh inexhaustible. Mining implants likewise, cos miners are fanatic about even a small boost.

I personally have been selling HS DED deadspace modules for quite sometime, and am still utterly perplexed why the market has remained so strong considering the relatively easy aquisition of these items. Im even more perplexed that people actually pay out this much to buy them when it turns their ship into a bling isk pinata. I can only assume they are selling to players constitently with more isk than sense, and that they are infact losing them.
Altair Taurus
#34 - 2016-11-24 17:54:10 UTC
I see! I asked about this issue because now I have to change my level 4 mission agents/corporations to earn more from LP/ISK conversion. It's time to grind SoE & some miner co. standings, ****...
Bagatur I
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#35 - 2016-11-25 15:12:20 UTC
Deadlyy Goliath wrote:
Sorry guys, I understand I didn't provide enough information, here is my fit:

Raven Navy Issue

'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I X8

Pith X - Type X - Large Shield Booster
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II X2
EM Ward Field II
Thermal Dissipation Field II
Cap Recharger II
Large Cap Battery II

Ballistic Control System II X2
Capacitor Flux Coil II X3

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I X3

While writing this I realized the shield booster is kind of overkill and I need too many modules too keep it stable.

The slowest parts of the missions is killing smaller ships such as frigates, I know there is a lot of modules which improve this but I am not sure which ones I should use. Also I run missions for the Caldari Navy.

OK, where to begin...
you dont have any damage application mods or rigs, which means it takes you way longer than necessary to kill anything smaller than a BS. especially since your missile support skills are lacking, which I am pretty sure of. fir rigor rigs to reduce missile explosion radius.
some might disagree, but trying to make large shield booster cap stable is a waste. you spend to many valuable slots on it.
you dont have any propulsion mods, so you probably spend too much time slow-boating around.
definitely ditch cap flux coils and put 2 more BCU.
Chainsaw Plankton
#36 - 2016-11-26 03:35:54 UTC
This is my CNR template fit that is relatively unchanged for most of the last 10 years.

lets start with the low slots, 4 bcus is the norm, probably worth buying 2 or 3 faction bcus. I like the signal amp for the extra scan res, lock range, locked targets, and now it even increases sensor strength. Other uses of this slot would be damage control, drone damage amp, missile guidance enhancer, or some agility/warp speed mod.

mids: xl booster, 3 hardeners, and a cap injector make for a very strong tank. many missions you shouldn't need the cap injector but it is there along with ~15 charges in cargo to give you a ton of burst tank should you need it. A target painter to help with application, and a prop mod to get you to where you need to be.

highs: pretty simple 8x launchers. eventually you can upgrade to t2, but due to the extra cpu cost you will have to make some changes elsewhere.

rigs: rigor rigs for application. These increase CPU use so you might need to drop one or two, and/or train the rigging skill higher. with t1 missiles you don't absolutely need these although there may be cases where they help. when/if you upgrade to t2 launchers and use fury ammo you will for sure want 2x t2 rigor 1x t2 flare.

drones: I like to carry 3 sentry drones appropriate for the rat I'm fighting, useful to plink off low hp npcs, or add dps to a structure bash. And a flight of light drones to help get any frigs. This fit just has 4x flights of lights as I assume people using it are prioritizing things other than sentry drone skills. also nice to have some backup drones.

[Raven Navy Issue, CNR m4 cruise]
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Signal Amplifier II

Pith C-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Heavy Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 800
Kinetic Deflection Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Republic Fleet Target Painter
Gist X-Type 100MN Afterburner

'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Caldari Navy Mjolnir Cruise Missile
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Caldari Navy Mjolnir Cruise Missile
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Caldari Navy Mjolnir Cruise Missile
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Caldari Navy Mjolnir Cruise Missile
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Caldari Navy Mjolnir Cruise Missile
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Caldari Navy Mjolnir Cruise Missile
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Caldari Navy Mjolnir Cruise Missile
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Caldari Navy Mjolnir Cruise Missile

Large Warhead Rigor Catalyst I
Large Warhead Rigor Catalyst I
Large Warhead Rigor Catalyst I

Hornet II x5
Hobgoblin II x5
Acolyte II x5
Warrior II x5

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

#37 - 2016-11-26 12:44:12 UTC
The 4th Ballistic Control seems like a waste of space to me, to much penalty to be useful. Same for using 3x the same rig which adds penalty on top of each other.
Chainsaw Plankton
#38 - 2016-11-27 01:38:06 UTC
Voxinian wrote:
The 4th Ballistic Control seems like a waste of space to me, to much penalty to be useful. Same for using 3x the same rig which adds penalty on top of each other.

in 10 years no one has posted any sort of convincing argument to use something other than a 4th bcu. People constantly post that it is too stacking penalized to use, but never offer a good alternative.

as for the rigs, they used to not be stacking penalized and I never cared enough to update them. Also I never bothered with any sort of missile spreadsheet to actually know what the optimized load out looks like. and Like I said if you upgrade to t2 rigs go with 2 rigor and 1 flare. With t1 rigs and t1/faction ammo I'm guessing it doesn't really make a difference.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

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